• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 21: The Generations Saga (Part 1): Birthday Bashed

Episode 21: The Generations Saga (Part 1):

Birthday Bashed

Somewhere in Green Hills, Montana, years before Equestria showed up, a blue blur sped by the viewers. The blur sped through the forest and headed for town. At a cliff side, the blur stopped, revealing a younger Sonic. It was Classic Sonic.

"Sonic!" came another voice. Classic Sonic looked towards the sky, seeing a friendly face flying towards him.

"What a nice day, don't you agree?" Classic Tails asked. Classic Sonic responded with a nod. "C'mon. Let's go mess with Crazy Carl again." Classic Sonic gave Classic Tails a thumbs up. Then they started heading off towards town. Classic Sonic was getting farther away from Classic Tails. Then there was a roaring sound. Classic Sonic stopped and turned around. He looked around for where that roar came from. Then the sky started to get dark. Classic Sonic then looked up to see something he did not expect.

In the present time of Green Hills, Sonic was rushing past the speed trap, where a Green Hills Police Car was parked, with a cop in the car, checking out the radar gun.

"Mornin' Wade!" Sonic's voice called out.

"Morning, Sonic!" the police officer, known as Wade Whipple, responded.

As Sonic was running, two figures were coming up next to him. It was his two triplet siblings, Sonia and Manic. Sonia was on her motorcycle and Manic was on his hoverboard.

"'Sup, bro?" Sonia and Manic asked in unison.

"Sonia? Manic?" Sonic asked, a little surprised. "You two got the distress call, too?"

"Apparently," Sonia said. "How bad could it be if it involves all three of us?" They continued speeding through town.

Meanwhile, at Knothole, the Mane 6, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Young 6, the Freedom Fighters, Spike, Sunny and her friends, Truemen, Blaze, Marine, Rouge, Olive, Knuckles, the Chaotix, Midpoint and Cozy Glow were all setting up a party there. Tails was running up towards them.

"They'll be here any second!" Tails said. Just then, the sound of a motorcycle came in. Then they all got into position.

"What's going on?!" Sonia asked.

"Yeah, what's the distress call about?" Manic asked.

Sonic then noticed the group and asked, "You having a party or something?"

Then they all faced the three hedgehogs and called out, "Surprise!!!!" Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Cozy Glow, Knuckles, Blaze, Rouge and Espio fire off party poppers.

"Awwww, you guys," Sonic said as he, Sonia and Manic were surprised. "Guess we've been doing stuff so quickly, we didn't slow down enough to notice it was our birthday."

"It was very difficult to keep you from finding out," Sally said.

"Well, thanks, guys," Sonic said.

"Of course we had to set up your birthday party here," Twilight said. "It was where we all became friends and made this world a better place."

"So, this is where you lived before Equestria came back?" Sunny asked, looking at MC. The two were sitting at a table.

"Yes," MC said. "In fact..." He then pointed at a bungalow. "That there bungalow was mine. Of course now, this place has been refurbished as a summer camp. And my old bungalow is now the cabin for the head camp counselor.

"Hey, guys!" Midpoint said. "How about we keep up this party at the baseball field?!"

"Yeah!" everyone said.

At the Green Hills Baseball field, half of the entire group were playing baseball. Tails was on the mount as Knuckles was at homeplate.

"Be ready for my fastball," Tails said.

"Your fastball will be dishonored, and so will you, Tails," Knuckles said, preparing to swing.

At the fence, Tom and Maddie arrived in their truck. They got out to watch the game.

"Looks like we've made it just in time," Tom said.

"I can't wait for this," Maddie said.

MC was being the catcher. Gallus, Sandbar and Midpoint were on Knuckles's team. Manic, Espio and Charmy were on Tails and MC's team. Gallus was on first base, being guarded by Manic. Sandbar was on second, guarded by Espio. And Midpoint was on third, being guarded by Charmy.

Tails then pitched the ball, using both his tails to throw. Knuckles was prepared for it. He then pulled the bat away, and then he said, "Power Bump!" He then punched the ball, red energy coming from his right fist. The ball was heading for Tails's head, making him scream. He then ducked. Along with Sandbar and Espio. The ball then went through the scoreboard, where Marine and Joshua were keeping score. "Haha! Victory is mine!"

"Hey, no fair!" Tails said. "That shouldn't count!" Knuckles was already heading towards first base as Midpoint was running towards home.

"Don't worry, Tails," MC said. "Baseball rules said that it's legal to hit the ball. It didn't say anything about using your fist to hit the ball."

"Kinda like Donkey Kong in that old Mario Baseball Game," Joshua said.

MC then used his power to forge another baseball. He then tossed the ball towards Tails, who caught it. On the scoreboard, there were two teams. One being Sonic's Team, and the other being Tails's Team.

Tom and Maddie walked up to Sonic. Sonic noticed them coming and said, "Hey, Doughnut Lord and Pretzel Lady. How's it going?"

"No way we would miss your birthday, Sonic," Tom said. "As soon as Wade saw you, he informed me and we prepared your favorite food. Hope you like it." Maddie then handed a foot long chili dog. Sonic grabbed it and took a bite out of it.

"Like it? I love it!" Sonic said.

"Okay," Twilight said. "Next up to bat is... Spike!"

Spike then stepped up to base with a baseball bat. Tails then prepared another fastball. He then launched it. Spike then swung and he hit the ball. Spike then started running.

"It's going!" Twilight said. "Going!" Just then, the ball hit something metal. That made everyone, including Spike, stop. And he barely made it to first base. They all looked up to see a dark creature hovering over the baseball field.

"What the... heck is that?!" MC asked. The creature roared, sending everyone towards the home plate side of the field.

"Let's see what we're dealing with," Midpoint said, taking off his rings. He then got confused. "I... I can't see into the future. This thing's messing with my precognition!"

The creature roared again, making rifts open up, leading to different locations. Twilight then shot a blast towards the creature, but then the blast went backwards sending it back towards Twilight, sending her back towards Sonic, Sonia and Manic, knocking them out.

"Sparkles!" MC yelled.

"Twilight!" Nyx said. MC then growled and charged at the creature. Then the rifts started sucking them in. MC noticed it and buried his claws into the ground. He then tried mimicking the dirt, but it instantly undid the mimicry. He then got sucked into one rift, him shouting out. Then the others started getting sucked in.

"Help us!" Tails called out, him being the last to be pulled into one rift. "SONIC!!" Then a white void spread out from the creature, leaving Twilight, Sonic, Sonia and Manic knocked out.

Twilight, Sonic, Sonia and Manic were waking up. They looked around and saw that they were in some white space.

"Where are we?" Twilight asked.

"What is this place?" Sonia asked.

"Craziest birthday ever, dudes and dudettes," Manic said.

"We should look around for our friends," Sonic said. "They could be anywhere."

"Look!" Twilight said. "There's something over there! Maybe there's someone there who can help!"

"It's worth a try," Sonic said. Then the four of them headed for the area.

Somewhere else, Tails was waking up somewhere. He then sat up and looked around. Luckily, he wasn't alone. He was with Ocellus, Nyx, Sunny, and Midpoint.

"What's going on?" Tails asked. He then looked at Midpoint. He then shook up the unconscious otter. "Wake up, Alex." Alex then woke up and did a spin kick, sweeping Tails off his feet. "Whoa! Oof!"

"Whoa," Midpoint said. "Sorry, Tails."

"Do you know what's happening?" Tails asked. Sunny, Nyx, and Ocellus were waking up.

"What happened?" Ocellus asked.

"Where are we?" Sunny asked.

"Where's everybody else?" Nyx asked. Midpoint took his rings off again. He then sighed.

"This place is also messing with my precognition," Midpoint said. "I'm blinded from the truth." Just then, they all heard something. "What was that?" Midpoint then prepared his bow and a trick arrow. He then aimed it somewhere. Tails, Nyx, Ocellus and Sunny got behind Midpoint. Just then, a bunch of robots came into sight.

"What are those things?!" Ocellus asked.

"Moto Bugs?!" Tails asked. "Those are old Eggman Robot designs!"

"Alright," Midpoint said. He then released his arrow and it collided with the Moto Bug in the lead, and the arrow exploded. But the explosion did nothing. "What the heck?!"

"Run!" Ocellus shouted. Then the five of them started running away from the Moto Bug swarm. They were running from the Moto Bugs through a forest. Sunny looked back at the swarm and thought of something.

"Get to higher ground!" Sunny said. She then unleashed her alicorn wings and horn and started flying up. Tails, Ocellus and Nyx nodded and started flying. Midpoint then prepared another trick arrow, connected a grappling line from his belt, and fired it at the cliff above him. He then pushed a button on his belt and the line started bringing him up. The Moto Bugs continued down the path they were on.

The group looked around to see where they were. Tails then said, "This almost looks like Green Hills."

"Wait a minute," Midpoint said. "What is that?" He then pulled out a telescope. He then saw something through it. "Is that a rift?"

"A rift?" Tails asked. He then took the telescope and looked through it. "You think that's our way out?"

"Well, we won't know until we get there," Nyx said. Then they started flying towards the rift. Tails was holding Lynol by his right arm.

"Ugh... You're really... heavy," Tails said.

"It must be my quiver," Midpoint said. "The heavy weight helps increase my upper body strength."

On the other side of the rift, Twilight, Sonic, Sonia and Manic arrived there and saw the rift. They looked into it and saw Nyx, Ocellus, Tails, Midpoint and Sunny running towards the rift, which was slowly closing.

"The rift is closing!" Sonic said. Twilight then used her magic to keep the rift from closing. Midpoint and Sunny ran through the rift and used their strength to keep it open. Then Tails, Ocellus and Nyx ran through the rift. Sunny and Midpoint let go as Twilight released her magic. Then the rift closed.

"That was close," Tails said.

"You okay, buddy?" Sonic asked, putting his hand on Tails's left shoulder.

"I'm fine," Tails said. "We're all fine."

"Where were you in there?" Twilight asked.

"Green Hills... before Knothole was made," Midpoint said.

"Twilight!" Nyx said, jumping into Twilight's chest. Twilight fell to the ground from the sudden shift. She then hugged Nyx back.

"Nyx, are you alright?" Twilight asked.

"I'm fine," Nyx said. She then looked around. "Where are Joshua, Spike and the other Crusaders?"

"We don't know," Manic said. "Everyone else got sucked into different rifts. Yo, Lynol, any idea what's happening?"

"No," Midpoint said. "Something here is interfering with my powers. I have no idea what's gonna happen, or who's behind this or..." He then noticed something. On a top a hillside, there was a figure in a trench coat, a blue wig and an iron mask. Midpoint then rubbed his closed eyes with his wrist and opened them up. When he looked back, the figure was gone.

"What is it, Alex?" Ocellus asked.

"I thought I saw someone," Midpoint said.

"We should continue finding our friends," Sunny said.

"Alright, everyone," Twilight said. "Let's keep going." Then they continued on their way to another part of where they were."

In Joshua's point of view, he was passed out. He then felt someone shaking him.

"Joshua!" MC's voice faintly came in. Joshua started waking up to see MC above him. "Joshua! Wake up!" Joshua then woke up.

"MC?" Joshua asked. "Where are we?"

"I think we're back in Equestria," MC said. "In the Everfree Forest."

"What?!" Joshua asked, getting up. "We shouldn't be here! Let's get out of here!"

"Hey guys!" came Gallus's voice. The two looked and saw him flying towards the two. "Something's going on at a nearby clearing. C'mon!" Gallus then picked Joshua up and flew off somewhere. MC followed.

They all went up to the top of a tree, where Rarity, Pipp and Mutt were. MC, Gallus and Joshua went up to them and looked down towards a clearing full of ponies, who were quadruped.

"What is this?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know," Rarity said. "But there's something very wrong here."

MC's eyes went into its golden aura glow, and he checked what was going on. He was inspecting the ponies and he saw somepony tied up by her legs, and there was a sack on her head. MC's eyes went back to normal, and were widened.

"Sparkles?!" MC asked, making Rarity, Pipp and Gallus cover his mouth.

"You saw Twilight?" Rarity asked, quietly, removing hers, Pipp's and Gallus's hands.

"Yeah, I did," MC quietly responded. "She's a quadruped unicorn down there." He then noticed the ponies. "Wait a minute. I know this event. This was when... the Children of Nightmare were trying to recreate Nightmare Moon."

"This is how Nyx was born?" Joshua asked.

"Oh, yes, now I remember," Rarity said. "This was the day that Twilight was ponynapped by a bunch of ponies who were trying to recreate Nightmare Moon, but Princess Celestia came in and interrupted the spell, and almost half of the cult ponies were arrested... tonight."

"Wait a minute," Joshua said. "When Nyx was telling me the story, Princess Celestia was in the room. She said that she didn't interrupt the spell by firing a blast. She came because somepony launched a beacon up into the sky above the clouds."

"Why would...?" Pipp asked. She then thought of something. She then flew up to the clouds, careful not to be seen by the ponies on the ground. Gallus followed. They looked above the clouds, seeing a bunch of Canterlot Royal Guards searching somewhere, all lead by Princess Celestia, who weren't even close to where the young griffon or the futuristic pegasus were. They went back down to the tree top.

"They're not even close to where we are," Gallus said quietly.

"Then they're not gonna find this place in time," Mutt said. "Look." Mutt pointed towards the ritual. At the ritual, the burning shreds of Nightmare Moon, and Twilight's blood, were all forming together into a black sphere.

"Not today," MC said. He then charged up his hands and he created a golden ball of energy and threw it straight up into the sky, going through the clouds.

"Yes... it is working my brothers and sisters!" came Spell Nexus's voice. "She is beginning to take shape!" The group listened while looking up at MC's beacon glowing, the glow coming through the clouds. But then it started coming down.

"No way..." Rarity said.

Pipp was recording the beacon launch on her cell phone, saying, "This is going to be... so... interesting."

"Our queen shall soon be..." Nexus said before MC's beacon collided with the black sphere, causing an explosion, sending a shockwave throughout the clearing, the ritual catching fire.

"Did I do that?" MC asked, using the voice of a young Jaleel White. Just then, they looked up, seeing the clouds being separated from above the clearing. Then a bunch of Royal Pegasus Guards came flying down.

"Freeze! You are all under arrest!" said one of the pegasus guards.

"We should get out of here before someone sees us," Gallus said, the others nodding in agreement. Then they all headed off towards the exit of the Everfree Forest. As they were running, they saw a rift in front of the exit.

"That must be the way out of this time!" Rarity said. They saw it closing. "It's closing!"

"Chaos... Circle!" MC said, spinning his hands around, creating a golden aura circle. He then threw it, keeping the rift from closing. "Dive through!" Mutt sped up and jumped through the rift, taking Joshua with him. Then Rarity jumped through. Then Pipp. Then Gallus. And finally MC jumped through the rift. MC then grabbed the Chaos Circle and absorbed it right as the rift closed. MC then looked over and saw Twilight, Sonic, Sonia, Manic, Nyx, Sunny, Ocellus, Tails and Midpoint right outside the rift.

"Are you guys okay?" Twilight asked.

"We just came from the ritual that led to Nyx being born," Joshua said.

"What?!" Twilight and Nyx asked in unison.

"The royal guards weren't near the clearing until MC launched a beacon into the sky," Gallus said.

"Which came down and landed on the black sphere in the middle of the ritual," Pipp said, pulling out her cell phone. "Here, take a look." Twilight took Pipp's phone and looked at the video. In the video, Pipp's phone followed MC's beacon, which went through the clouds, came down through the clouds, and landed on the black sphere.

"So Princess Celestia really didn't fire upon the ritual," Twilight said.

"Then... that means..." Sunny said.

"Wait a minute," Pipp said. "Alex, didn't you take a DNA test from Nyx's blood as well?"

"I did," Midpoint said, realizing what Pipp was getting at. He then pulled out his tablet, and checked out Nyx's DNA test. "Of course! Now that makes sense! When I checked Nyx's DNA test, there were traces of Twilight and Luna's DNA within her. And there was another trace of someone else's DNA within her. That must be MC's energy signature within Nyx. Making Nyx..."

"MC's daughter?!" the others, except MC and Nyx, asked in unison.

"Oh, god," MC said, fainting to the ground. Nyx stood there in shock.

Twilight leaned towards Sonic and asked, "Has MC ever...?"

"Nope," Sonic said. "This was the first time I've seen him faint."

Twilight then waved her hand in front of Nyx's face, trying to get Nyx's attention.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Generations Saga (Part 2):
A Tale of Two Sonics

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