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Avery Day

Hundreds of masks, not one disguise.


Life's been hard for Sunset ever since the Fall Formal. She's chronically lonely, much of her free time is dedicated to work and studying, and her classmates still don't trust her. Regardless, she's committed to making things right and improving herself one day at a time.

Most of her new friends are trying to make her feel welcome, but everything feels so forced and awkward at first. This is made worse by Rainbow Dash who seems intent on making things difficult for Sunset. Are they just incompatible? Or is there a deeper reason they can't seem to get along?

Shoutouts to EileenSaysHi, NudistSquid, X_c4nd13d_p3pp3r_cut13_X, Gusto Starstorm and another one of my friends for a combination of workshopping, pre-reading, editing, and proofreading :heart:

Featured 10/13/22! Thank you!

This story begins a couple months after the events of the first Equestria Girls movie.

This also takes place before the events of "Can You See What I See?", but you don't have to read that to understand this or vice versa.

  • Sunset vector used sourced from here. Unable to find the original source link. If you happen to know the source, please drop me a link!
  • Rainbow Dash vector used can be found here.
  • Rest of cover created/edited by me.
Chapters (12)
Comments ( 141 )

Aww. Sunset and Fluttershy is such a good friendship dynamic that's never exploited enough on this site. Good start!

It's extremely rare to see stories set between EG1 and EG2, which is a shame because there's some incredible story potential there.

Oh this is very, very good stuff. This adds a lot more depth than what you usually see in fanfic regarding Flash and Sunset's pre-EqG relationship and, even knowing that this is a prequel to CYSWIS, almost makes you want to see SunFlash get back together.

We are starting with Emotions™ right out the gate!

No kidding.

(EDIT: Oops, fixed a dumb mistype that changed the meaning of the sentence)

Loving how connected you've already got with the characterisation of Sunset. You see stronger elements of her self doubt and self hatred from Can You See, whilst showcasing how lost she feelds without anyone to guide/be there for her. Bravo!

I think it's because the stories are potentially strong but simultaneously limited. We know Sunset hasn't ponied up, neither has Princess Twi returned, so magic shenanigans are limited to the girls transformations ie: relatively low stakes when it comes to the Urban Fantasy elements. That leaves various forms of Drama and the inevitable character building of Sunset connecting with the girls. Cool, but it only has so many directions.

I guess you can involve Human Sunset at this stage feasibly, or bring in questions of Sunsets living conditions/staying at the school after turning into a demon.

Comment posted by Moproblems Moharmoney deleted Oct 13th, 2022

I was not expecting the sequel to be a prequel. Interesting. This should be good.

Let me guess, Rainbow Dash is just being super tsundere

Good guess, but not quite! You'll see :ajsmug:

Great fic so far! Looking forward to more.

I loove fluttershy shes such a sweetheart. When sunset smiled after she delivered her rejection i kinda read it as "please dont worry yourself over me" n then i read fluttershys returning smile as her bein like "please dont forget that i care about you" its such a sweet lil interaction from one adorable and wonderful gal to another (who def doesnt feel like one yet but is one nonetheless!):yay::yay:

Wait what the romance part for?

Is it shipping flutter dash or rainbow and sunset shimmer?

When I first started talking about this project, I said it was going to be a sequel to my first story. Not long after that, I scrapped what I had and decided to make this a prequel instead. So they might have been under the impression this was meant to take place after my last story until they saw it go up.

You'll see soon! Patience :ajsmug:


More or less, yeah. (And for safety's sake, the other story in question is here.)

Didnt know we'd get some stuff w sunset n flash, but i suppose i shoulda seen it coming. It was very touching too, and it gave great closure to their relationship. Also flash sentry is a rlly nice dude, he seems like hed be a damn good friend and deserves a good ol high five r smthn, espec for bein a great person to sunset. Id be like bam🙏

Is the refference something to do with the White Van? It's highlighted but never brought up again.

Great chapter though!

Okay SOMEONE give Dash a wakeup call and VERY soon or else I'm about to actually have to run her fade myself. Girl this is NOT okay!

Nope! The van is referenced later on as Dash's van. It's never explicitly stated by anyone that it's hers; Sunset just figures that out on her own. The reference is quite a bit later than that :ajsmug:

Poor sunset she hates what jerk she was and rainbow sending her the message she isn't wanted and the other girls except for fluttershy aren't really trying to befriend her.

But that’s just what happens sometimes, right? When you have a conversation among six different people, you get overlapped. People make mistakes. Everyone’s guilty of it now and then.

You mean 5? Sunsets the sixth person. :unsuresweetie:

“I understand if you don’t want to since you’re tired but–” as much as she tried to maintain eye contact, her eyes began to wander again as she paused momentarily, “–we’re having band practice at AJ’s tonight, and I wanted to invite you to come hang out with us.”

Does this takes place during or before Rainbow Rocks? :applejackconfused:

As I made my way through the halls, I felt a mix of emotions. I was happy. Not only had someone shown genuine concern for me, but it was the last person I expected to. Even more surprising was that she explicitly invited me to do something because she didn't want me feel left out. Fluttershy, the girl who I bullied on a daily basis just a few short months ago, wanted me to feel included. How wild.

Add 'to' after 'want me.'

It’s not like I could blame him for not wanting to see me. If I were him, I wouldn't want to see me either. Maybe I should have waited for a response before I came out here. But here I am, sitting on a hill in a big empty field next to a highway, watching the cars fly by in the freezing cold. Alone. Like usual.

Or he might've blocked your number Sunset. :fluttershysad:

Flash's face twisted from a smile to confusion. "I thought I did?" Then he looked down, fishing his phone out of his pocket. After a few thumb presses on the screen, his eyes went wide. He grimaced as he slapped his forehead and ran his fingers through his blue hair. "I did! I just... never hit send." He looked at me awkwardly. I couldn't help but start laughing. He started laughing as well.

Good going doofus. :ajbemused:

"Well, I forgive you." An inexplicable warmth spread through me as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Would have been nice to hear it a little sooner, but I'll take it." He let out an awkward laugh. I gave an empty chuckle in response, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes. The warmth I felt from his touch slowly gave way to frigid emptiness. I knew he probably said his last sentence in jest, but that didn't take away from how shitty it made me feel. I wasn't in any position to complain, though.

:pinkiegasp: Damn, and here I thought he'd not forgive her!
But still..


“I take it things are still a little awkward with them?” he inquired.

Mhm :applejackunsure:

Despite my explanation, Flash remained unconvinced. “I haven’t been around you all, so I guess I don’t really know. But I’ve known Rainbow Dash a long time, and that just sounds like she’s being Rainbow Dash.”

Ya think!? :pinkiecrazy:

"That's good at least. I will say, though: you'd be smart to befriend Fluttershy. Her and Rainbow Dash have always been tight, so if you get close to her, that might help with your Dash problem."

Yep. :pinkiesmile:

But he didn’t do that. He just put his hand on my shoulder again. When I felt that familiar warmth wash over me, I turned to face him. He was smiling. “That’s alright. I just didn’t want to walk away without trying again. But I’m fine with being friends. Regardless of what we are, I’d like to get to know the real Sunset Shimmer.”

I'll take it. :yay:

Not only that, but the experience of riding in the winter is excruciating. It doesn’t matter if I wear three jackets, two shirts, pants, socks, gloves, etc.; I will still be freezing in no time. It takes only a few minutes of riding for the frigid air to penetrate every layer of protective clothing. Even the brief ride from my apartment to school is enough to chill me to the bone.

Remove the period before ;

The tinge of embarrassment I felt after sending a message with a typo made me wince. I exhaled another deep breath as I waited. Less than a minute later, the music stopped. After that, I heard some noises from the other side of the door. The door slowly creaked open.

Huh, for a second there I thought it was there by accident, but it was really part of the scene. :facehoof:

Being interrupted was annoying enough to make my brow furrow, but I was more perplexed as to why she seemed to press me on this than I was irritated by her manners.

You get used to it with time. :applejackunsure:

I silently grit my teeth as she walked off. It took everything in me not to grab her by the shoulders and shout ‘ what’s your problem, why are you acting like this, ’ before she could escape, but I knew it wasn’t worth it. In time, she would come around. If Fluttershy was willing to take a chance on me, she would eventually too. That’s what I had to keep telling myself.

She's right, these things take time and patience Sunset. :fluttershysad:

Okay damn, its rlly startin to settle in that dash is very much not a friend rn for certain, but i believe in sunny, she can turn her around!! On a separate note, though, i think it felt weirdly like, comforting to think abt the shed they were practicing in, like idk why but it feels like it woulda been a cool place to be in, not just cuz a buncha cool gals were there but just like, how it woulda looked or something idk lol.

And as for the reference, I can only guess it was that duo of musicians w clown masks on whose genre was hard for sunny to pinpoint. As for *what* that is a reference to, i really can't think of anything outside of like, the insane clown posse, but maybe its something else idk lol

You're getting credit for pinning where the reference is! But it's a different act featuring two guys that look like clowns.

Love it.

Another great chapter working on Sunset becoming a better person

Sunset post-Fall Formal - "What in the hay am I supposed to be doing?! Where's the instruction manual for Friendship at?! Is it morally unsound to punch Rainbow Dash in the face?"

Excellent chapter. Sunset's punishment is kinda messed up, but then again even her canon punishment was kinda messed up, so there's not much you can do about that. Literally demanding financial restitution for her involuntary transformation into a demon seems especially ghoulish though.

More hours meant the financial burden wasn’t as hefty, but it did nothing to lighten my load. It just meant the weight I carried was redistributed. Sure, I could once again afford proper sustenance, but what little free time I had left evaporated. If I wasn’t at school, I was at work. If I wasn’t at work, I was at home studying. If I wasn’t studying, I was asleep. Weekends had become a foreign concept to me. Since I could only work half shifts during the weekdays, my longest shifts were always on Saturday and Sunday. For a good while, life was a seemingly endless and arduous grind.

I can speak from experience of working on weekends. Ever since this past January not long after my 20th birthday I started working at my local movie theater and out of all the shifts I've had so far weekends are the time I'm always working as I got college to deal with when I'm not at work. :applejackunsure:

Usually, on Wednesdays, I felt overcome with dread when school ended. While most of the hours I worked each day varied from week to week, Wednesdays were the only consistent fixture on my schedule. School releasing for the day meant there were only two hours between me and my least favorite kind of shift: closing. And there were few things about my job I detested more than closing.

Same, I'm not a fan of closing ships, hell my shift I had yesterday was a closing shift. And sadly ended on a bad note. :ajsleepy:

Dash not being at school was enough to help me avoid dwelling on that. The fact that someone’s absence – someone who was supposed to be my friend – brought me so much relief felt very wrong. Perhaps I should have felt worse, but just a week ago she’d confirmed we weren’t really friends. So while I may have felt guilty, it wasn't enough for me to care.

Not surprised Dash would say that to her. :ajbemused:

“Sunset!" a familiar voice cried out. "W-Wait up!”


“Is everything okay? I questioned. If I had to guess, she probably panicked when she realized I had grabbed her. While I use to bully her, I never did anything to her physically. Even with that considered, I couldn’t imagine she was anything but terrified when she realized the position she was in.


“Uhm…” she quavered. “Wh-where's the seatbelt?”


As I watched Fluttershy’s eyes shift back and forth, I began screaming at myself internally. She said no, so why did I say that? She was going to say no again, too. Why didn’t I think before I said that? How did that just slip past my lips without any consideration? What was my plan? What was wrong with me?

Your so gonna regret this later Sunset. :facehoof:

“Uhm…” she began, “I-I guess I’d appreciate that. As long as it’s not an inconvenience, that is.” I couldn't help but feel like she was trying not to smile. It was hard to tell since she kept avoiding looking in my direction.

Capitalize 'she' after 'Uhm...'

All of my opportunities to come clean had been squandered. How could I say no? For a second time, Fluttershy had given me generous offer to spend time with her. This time I was cornered. This wasn’t like band practice where I could conceal why I didn’t want to go with a decent reason. I had just told her my night was free when it wasn’t, and now she was asking me to do something with her because of that. This might have been the kind of opportunity I’d been waiting for, but it wasn’t how I wanted it.

Add 'a' after 'given me.'

Maybe I should have given it up right then. Just tell her the whole truth. At first, she might have been upset, but she would have eventually understood, right? Her whole thing was kindness, and being kind meant being forgiving, right? She’d forgive me if I admitted I had just lied to her face multiple times in the span of a few minutes for no apparent reason, right?

Nope. :fluttershysad:

Fluttershy smiled the widest I’d seen yet. “Yay!” she exclaimed, “Just follow me. I’ll show you around, and we’ll be done in no time.”


“Hey, Shimmy! How’s it hanging?” he asked enthusiastically. Before I could answer, he spoke again. “Oh no, wait a second. You’re not about to tell me I'm on my own tonight, are you?”

Yep she is. :duck:

"You're killing me, Shimmy! You're supposed to be the only one in this shitheap I can rely on!" he complained.


Chriiiist that interaction with sunset n fluttershy, just with the fuckin...the way sunset offers to give her a ride home without even fuckin thinking about it and keeps making it worse for herself for whatever reason because her brain is shitting itself...feel like that kinda exact thing i think has happened to me multiple times holy shit, weird and cool to see that kinda thing being played out in front of me lol. dont worry sunset i know just how u feel girl.
Also rlly found tht april bit hilarious, fantastic setup n payoff lol

Aand it is on hiatus ._.

Even knowing just Sunset's side of things what Rainbow Dash did was exceedingly unfair, uncalled for, and quite frankly not awesome and petty. She has no real excuse to act that way and should be better.

Welcome back! This is a very good chapter that does a great job with the character work. The scene with Luna is really well done and showcases a different side of her from the disciplinarian who almost wrongly disciplined Princess Twilight when last we saw her (at this point in canon). And it fits very well with her being Princess Luna's counterpart that she would be the more hesitant of the sisters to dole out burdensome punishments with repercussions outside the school grounds.

As for Rainbow Dash, I love the way you're handling her. It makes perfect sense with her personality that she'd be the one least willing to turn the other cheek toward Sunset. Keep in mind that not only was she personally experiencing Sunset's torment for months if not years, but she was also having to see the impact Sunset's bullying left on her friends, particularly Fluttershy, who's strongly implied both here and canon to be Rainbow's best friend of the bunch. In Equestria Girls, we literally meet Sunset in the human world as she's harassing Fluttershy, after having broken up their friendships and isolated her. And then, of course, at the Fall Formal, Sunset's monstrous form literally throws a fireball that could very well have killed them -- to say that qualifies as being "physical" with her bullying is an understatement.

Rainbow Dash is the element of loyalty. And she's incredibly loyal -- to her friends. Sunset is not only not her friend, but someone who repeatedly and severely hurt her friends. And those friends might be willing to give Sunset a chance at Twilight's behest, but Rainbow doesn't see someone sincerely attempting to change. Rainbow is steadfast, she's determined, and she's defensive. (We all saw how her pony counterpart took it when she realized Gilda was being cruel to Pinkie Pie.) In her eyes, with Sunset, it's far better to be safe than sorry, especially when Fluttershy, in particular, is repeatedly putting herself in alarming proximity to her former tormentor. So she makes a point to keep Sunset firmly in her place and, if at all possible, push her away (literally if needed) where she can't become a danger to her friends once again.

Fluttershy, of course, does see sincerity in Sunset, even where Sunset herself questions her own motives. Her embrace of Sunset is likely what's holding Rainbow back from completely lashing out at her, even if it's also part of what's driving her aggression. We'll have to see going forward if she can be what defuses some of the tension between Rainbow and Sunset, even if we know from Rainbow Rocks that there'll still be doubt and mistrust by the time the Sirens arrive on the scene.

I'm so glad this is back!! :raritystarry:

Rainbow isn't being done dirty here, with her brash personality this kind of confrontation would be inevitable. The physicality of it is inevitable at this age as well.

I don't really give my 2 cents on stories but I genuinely love this story so far, I really liked the entire "fight scene" especially since both sunset and rainbow are so well written in this. I prefer books that portray sunset as snarky and mean and provocative at times instead of the rainbow blast completely stripping her of her worse qualities. :twilightsmile:

I'm happy you mentioned that! Stripping Sunset of the worst aspects of her personality was something I wanted to avoid from the outset. I've seen fics do that, and while I don't consider it an issue and understand why others write it that way (canonically speaking, that is just sorta how it happens), I feel like it robs her character of a really interesting introspective journey.

Perhaps the most personal quote in this chapter (and the story thus far) is right here:

To me, getting under people’s skin was like riding a bike. Unfortunately for both of us, I’d never forget how.

From experience, I know being a jerk can be an intrinsic part of someone's personality, but it can also just as easily be a learned behavior. In both cases, it can be next to impossible to truly unlearn those behaviors. When unlearning isn't an option, learning to control those impulses is the next best thing. Unfortunately, control is almost just as challenging to learn, and it's a very slow and arduous path. Progress is seldom linear as well.

Thank you for your comments, and I'm very glad you're enjoying the story. :twilightsmile::heart:

As I felt my equilibrium shift, I tried to reach out my hands to stop myself before making an impact, but the force at which I was sent careening into the locker was greater than I anticipated. I managed to turn my head just in time so I wouldn’t break my nose, but I couldn’t help but let out a noise as my cheek met with the unforgiving steel. Thankfully, the pained grunt was obscured by the loud slam on impact.

Oof. :fluttershyouch:

Heat spread through me as every muscle in my body tensed up at once. Did she have to bring it up like that? Did I need to be reminded? Yes, that event was physical. It was magical, mental, and psychological – every dimension of perception was covered during that event. And I was there. I didn’t need to be reminded. What purpose did it serve to remind me other than to piss me off?

Violence ain't gonna fix it Sunset, it'll just make things worse! :fluttershysad:

Our eyes met as she saw my displeased expression. “Aw, come on! Can’t you take a joke? I’m just messing with you!” she nudged my arm with her elbow.

Didn't sound like one to me. :duck:

“Everyone’s a critic,” I rolled my eyes. “So why is it okay for you to laugh at me almost breaking my nose, but I can’t joke about something you did to yourself?”

She's got a point Dash. :applejackunsure:

She bumped her chest into me, pushing me back a step. “What a comeback.” She chuckled triumphantly. “I don’t feel bad for you because you’re getting shoved around. I’m not going to feel bad for you just because Twilight told us to take care of you. Sure, you haven’t done anything to anyone in a while, but it’s just a matter of time. People like you don’t change.”

Ok, now she's going a bit too far. :unsuresweetie:

As I processed everything that just happened, my stomach churned. All the progress I thought I’d made toward being a better person unraveled before me. I began to wish I didn’t exist. Rainbow Dash was needlessly combative, but there was no reason for me to act the way I did. There was no reason to try to provoke her into hitting me, especially considering what happened the last time I tried to make her fight me. It was no wonder she thought I was incapable of changing. Standing there, guilt flowing through me, I wondered if she was right to think so.

I mean, you are half responsible for what just happened. :ajbemused:

I stood up out of my seat, beginning to angrily pace back and forth. “If that wasn’t bad enough, I’m having to work day in and day out at a shitty job that I hate! I barely even have time to think most days! If I’m not here, I’m working, and if I’m not working, I’m struggling to sleep because I keep having nightmares! Then, after three hours of restless sleep, I wake up and start it all over again!

Your missing a " at the end of the paragraph.

“Right, sorry about that,” I apologized, flashing a sheepish smile. “Thanks, Principal Luna.” Raising my arm, I brought my hand up to scratch the back of my head. My smile faded the moment my hand touched the back of my head as I felt something very out of place. A small part of my hair felt caked in something. As I brought my hand up to my face, I grimaced as I realized what it was. Even under the dim lighting in Luna’s office, I could tell there was dried blood on my fingers.

Vice Principal*

A pit of anxiety formed in my stomach as I could see Fluttershy’s expression intensify toward the end. Maybe she was finally realizing I wasn’t to be trusted. If she was, I couldn’t blame her, but the sinking feeling it gave me reminded me of the nausea I felt when I and Dash were face to face.

Dash and I*

Even after trying to placate her, Fluttershy wrapped me in a tight hug. “Goodness, I’m so sorry Sunset.” She squeezed a little tighter. “I’m really glad to hear you’re okay, though.” Her sudden affection caused me to shift around in her arms for a few moments. How was someone who looked like her capable of a bear hug like that?

Some things are best left unanswered. :ajsmug:

Before I could say anything else, the class bell rang. Moments later, students began flooding the hallway.

Of course it had to happen. :facehoof:

Seems someone came back with a bang, and I didn't even realize it.

I'll admit, this general setup for Rainbow Dash, I've seen rather often, with only a few exceptions (and I'm one of them, so I don't count). But at the same time, it's one I never get tired of, seeing the double-edged nature of Loyalty; she's not going to be wishy-washy on an issue that involves someone who hurt her friends. Either she's the first one on board the 'friendship with Sunset' train or she's the last holdout, and there is NO gray area. At least, that's how I feel, and so seeing these kinds of conflicts are always fun for me when done right (which I think you have thus far, so good on you).

And of course, despite her failings, I appreciate that Sunset's not done a complete one-eighty. Some writers I felt went TOO deeply in on making her really sad or apologetic (which I get), but I feel like part of the fun of a character like this is wanting to be better despite some deeply ingrained stuff (ego, temper, manipulative nature, etc). Yes, the nature of her redemption is supernatural, but all the more reason why it's good for her progression to feel natural.

Thus far, I've been loving it, and I eagerly await the next chapter.

Standing behind me, I could feel her hands push my hair out of the way, her fingers brushing up and down the back of my head in search of the wound. Tingles shot down my spine as I felt her fingers touch the site of impact.

Wonder if she felt tingling cuz of the sting of something making contact on the wound, or cuz she wasn't quite expecting her to get so close and examine it like that with her hands, or both! Either way its a very sweet gesture and it goes to reenforce that shes a thoughtful lady n i rlly liked that.:heart:

................................. I..................... I don't like this Rainbow Dash.... no GENUINELY I do not like her and I find her just as bad as Early Sunset. She's not even trying to make an effort. She's basically given up already which is pathetic for someone that's 'loyal'. And omitting details to your friend IS STILL LYING Dash. You........ this story's gonna be fucking HARD to read. I'll keep going but...... mmm. I don't know how much I can stomach RD behaving this way. The fact this is a prequel to another story makes me nervous about how long this'll last.

This is certainly understandable, and I appreciate that you're willing to push through in spite of this. Without spoiling anything, I'll tell you that the next chapter should illuminate a lot of the reasons as to why she's acting like this. There's a lot about my interpretation of Early Sunset that differs from canon, and I've kept those details vague thus far with good reason. :ajsmug:

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