• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 19 minutes ago

Unwhole Hole

Digging it deeper. Always deeper.


Since the dawn of Equestria, the Agency has protected the realm from every manner of hideous magical creature. Largely by putting them various places where ponies probably won't go.

Forcibly recruited via a burlap sack, Fluttershy is assigned to inventory a site that has become a center of magical gastropod evolution--only to have her plane shot down by a mysterious unicorn.

Injured and trapped in the Forest of Snails, she finds that there was far more in those swampy, moist lands than she was led to believe.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 59 )

Yo, new Unwhole Hole story? *Instantly slams Tracking button*

Both Eternity and Cretin? This is gonna be a good one.

Really great to have you back! This is already shaping up to be interesting.

Favorite line: Fluttershy disliked crowbars, as they had very little to do with actual crows.

Chaos could not be controlled, but it could be directed. This was something that Fluttershy had unfortunately come to know all-too intimately.

This does raise the question of how Discord will react should he learn about this abduction. I imagine Eternity accounted for that, but I can’t be entirely sure.

She could not allow herself to disappoint the scorpions, not in front of their hundreds and hundreds of adorable, venomous children. What kind of example would she be setting?

This is one of the most Fluttershy thoughts I’ve ever seen.

“But I assure you, we still offer safety comparable with some published reports of mechanical failures and accident rates!”

Comparable to which ones? :duck:

“How odd that you have facial hair,” he said at last. “Why would ponies grow facial hair? And how?”

Fun fact: Actual horses can do this!

This should be quite the adventure indeed. Looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Fluttershy wanting to go back into the comfort of the sack is a mood and a half LMAO. And of course you're drip feeding us intriguing details about the setting even as the plot is just starting.

Oooh, can't wait to read this one, thanks for another story!!

That went over my head until I remembered that amazing love princess story.

“Fly? What do I look like to you, and entomologist? Like I go around studying ents? How should I know?” He pointed at the plane. “That’s basically half a biplane. I have half a mind to figure it out. Where am I going? Do you have a map?”

For some reason, I was expecting a futuristic stealth aircraft.

She had always imagined that, like several species of the most noble of spiders, she would be eaten by swarms of her young. Unfortunately, due to her physiology, she was not capable of giving birth—or probably being properly eaten.

I have several questions there.

In any case, "drop site" usually isn't meant to be that literal, but it's too late to do anything about that. At least Fluttershy's found a friendly face. Now to see what he can tell her about the situation.

We’ll backtrack it’s course, but it’s nothing but mountain-swamps and the bog back there.

A respectable black-red mana base.

Becoming an actual veterinarian was out of the question; even the thought of the sight of blood would lead her to faint.

Reminder that Fluttershy has canonically set bones. To say nothing of her work in keeping the food chain connected.

Perhaps she would have attended technical school, like her father. Or resorted to wizardry, as her biological father had.

I have several questions.

Ooh, the plot thickens. Fascinating hints of a number of potential hazards, and a nice G5 tie-in to boot. Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.

Remember, my friend, this is an AU. Namely, it's part of the gigantic interconnected web of fics throughout the author's whole portfolio. I can only remember a scant few details, having binged most of their work, but many of Hole's novels are in the same AU. IDK if there's a name for it, but given Fluttershy's nature here, this one is certainly included.

I remember he is one of my favorite authors here. And Fluttershy is the daughter of the devil. Satin Veil.

“It tastes like Celestia.”


Did she assimilated with her?

Oo, getting interesting now.

Ah, of course a Perr-Synt is involved. They just love poking their uncanny, greedy noses into everything.

Which fic was that again?

“I don’t know.” Which was of course a lie. Fluttershy was many things, and one of those was a politician. Which meant she often had to deal with the increasingly fragile relationship between Equestria and the Crystal Empire—and she knew more than most. About the madness slowly consuming Cadence, her ever-darkening personality. And the war ships she thought she could hide from Twilight.

All hail our god empress queen of love. She could probably defeat everyone just by making them all hate each other while she waits it out though.

Concerning on multiple levels, short-term and long-. We'll see just how bad it gets.

This was spanned over his series of stories. Satin Veil has always been one of my favorite characters. She looks a lot like an older earth pony Fluttershy but with a red mane and tail.

Is this a squeal or are you just reusing your OCs?

Head injuries took longer to regenerate from. Rebuilding brains was hard. When Lady Fear woke, Tuo was standing beside her. She looked to her left, finding a narrow hole vaporized through the cliff. She the beam had come from the far side of a mountain and still managed to penetrate both her helmet and skull.

Still amazing how technology has come so far that decapitations are minor injuries just part of the job. :pinkiecrazy:

“No idea. I never really figured it out, but I didn’t know there were more than one. Whatever they are, they bleed black. And they heal. Real fast.” He sighed. “Nothing stops them for long. If they get hurt, they just get up. Smooshed, squozen, knocked down a hill, buried, drowned, frozen, pickled, burned, not even magic can do anything permanent. At least with Tuo.”

Their bedroom activities must get pretty wild fast then. :rainbowwild:

No idea, but I just assumed it's like Final Fantasy where each story may reuse characters.

I love the snells, haha. Those things give Rocket-Powered Turbo Slugs a run for their money.

Fear had parked her self in the most ostentatious looking of chairs, one carved with crystal pony skulls for the arm-rests, and was sitting back, sipping a colorful drink with a tiny umbrella stuck in it.

This is a deeply amusing mental image.

I admit, I’m missing a fair amount here, but I can follow enough to understand the story and the rest has me intrigued. Looking forward to more.

I am curious as to who this Lady fear is since it is mentioned she knows Flutterbuttershy.

His horn clicked, and she screamed as her body was utterly immolated in necrophire. As he phased through the wall and as she boiled in her armor, she continued to scream—until the screaming was replaced with manic, joyous laughter.

I expected it as much. :pinkiecrazy:

How does it get smaller when it gets bigger? Time, I mean.

Because it keeps coming at the same rate, but you always have more of it behind you, making the input seem that much smaller.

Fascinating glimpses of where various players are between acts. Especially the Flimflams and whatever's watching them. Looking forward to more.

I would like to know what Discord did.

Ok, the bit with the traps was pretty funny.

The title of the AU was being referred to as Seventh World (because of the first fic within it, "To Devour the Seventh World") as far as I know. But that may have changed. There are also some elements of To Devour the Seventh World that aren't used in later fics (spoilers) such as unicorns having normal lifespans no different from other ponies, Shining going full-necromancer (among other things), and Dash being flung a few centuries to the future

“They’re the face of pure evil…”
“Well that’s just mean. And also untrue. I’ve seen pure evil’s face, and she’s not a slug. Usually.”

I have several questions.

She smiled. “Nature is so fascinating!”

Now that's the Fluttershy I know.

Her bones, if they could be called that, would make a poor home for any living creature.

Riding a slug was far more difficult than riding a drop-bear, but not harder than riding a snell and certainly not harder than riding a draconequus. Especially a greased one.

My questions only grow in number...

In any case, glad I'm caught up. This is getting deeply compelling, it's just that I've had other things to worry about with the holidays and all. Looking forward to more.

The Random tag would be of some use here.

Wait, Fluttershy is being a bit suspicious. Strangely unaging, has hidden fangs, the Stare.

What... is she?

Fluttershy's Stare takes on new depth in this AU. She's like a fluffy, adorable Ghost Rider.

Shotgun Slug is an A++ bit of wordplay.

Also, the twist doesn't really work given that Flurry Heart's magic is yellow, but still, cool.

I had to remove a comment by "Conces" because it was one of those bot advertisements that keep showing up places. Although I appreciate both bot and human readership, I'm pretty sure the links in those adds are a sure path toward viral infection.

With every chapter, I am impressed anew by your creativity and talent.

Flurry laughed. “Do you think Mom even cares? She spends all her time in the lab with the crow-wizard and that freaky white cyborg. And Emmett. Friggin Emmett.”


batpony stallion named Anhelios

Ahh, a lot of your older characters being brought back for this one! First Proctor, now Anhelios. I'm guessing you decided to rework them some since their first appearance in Child of Order.

Also, unless I'm reading wrong (which I admit is highly likely), it seems the "lone white unicorn" that is mentioned throughout some of your stories is the harbinger of death? Makes a lot of sense, once thinking about it!

Caught up... with this story, at least. Working with incomplete information, but I'm still greatly enjoying this.

Ok, I knew he was basically unkillable, but damn.

:twilightoops: I'm not sure what I expected, but that wasn't it. Hexproof and indestructible are a lot more disturbing to see in practice, especially when coupled with changeling-cuddle insanity.

These techniques were not new, but ancient, having been forgotten long ago. A process that would invariably continue. Within one thousand years, ponies would no doubt be living in caves and eating grass.

Never a fan of this concept, but the plane that got Fluttershy here does demonstrate the point for this Equestria.

In any case, as Caballeron has noted, we're nearing the climax. Looking forward to seeing what comes of it, and what else the Temple might have to throw at these ponies.


Junji Ito my beloved <3

And it explained why she had the same powers that Seht had, all those years ago.

Good ol' Seht. When do we get the grumpy Seht-Xyuka crossover adventure we need but do not deserve?

“The Temple Guardian requires a sacrafice to allow us to pass.”

...these two just can't take a hint not to mess with ol' Buttersqueak, can they? :fluttershbad:

This time, he would win.

That's right Pontracio, you keep on dreamin' that dream! :twilightsmile: What could possibly go wrong?
[hideous eldritch light glows from later pages in the story]
Eheh...it'll be fine. Shirley. :twilightsheepish:

That may be, but why did you respond to me and not the actual author?

Truly fascinating stuff. Great work in establishing the atmosphere of the machine-temple. Looking forward to seeing what lies at the core.

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