• Published 15th Nov 2022
  • 815 Views, 31 Comments

Being A True Dragon And Friend - Starlight Fan

A Starlight Edition Of Father Knows Beast: A version of the episode where Starlight plays a more active role in Spike’s situation with Sludge. How will things turn out? You’ll see right here.

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Starlight had noticed how Sludge and Spike had been spending more time together lately, and despite the fact she should be happy for her friend, she couldn’t get over the holes in Sludge’s story. She wanted to trust Spike’s judgment but Spike was clearly going through an identity crisis and he probably wasn’t in the right state of mind so it was probably best to talk to Twilight about this before doing anything else.

She then opened the door to the map table and saw Twilight was indulging herself in books.

“Reading about dragon culture?” Starlight asked curiously.

“How did you know?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Twilight, I’ve spent so much time around you that I know you like the back of my hoof.” Starlight smirked playfully, “And I know you care too much about Spike to let this go.”

“Hehe, I guess that’s fair.” Twilight gave Starlight a playful noogie.

“I care too much about Spike too actually.” Starlight said with a nervous frown, “Which is why I feel I should tell you… I don’t think Sludge is Spike’s father.”

“What? Why?” Twilight asked in shock, no anger was in her voice, just confusion.

“Well to be honest Twilight. Sludge’s story has some holes in it. Why would these alleged Scale Collectors show mercy and let Spike’s egg go instead of taking him and Sludge and surely it’s a coincidence that we’ve never heard of this prison world.” Starlight said in annoyance, “Spike is probably being manipulated by him as we speak.”

“Are you sure you’re not being paranoid Starlight?” Twilight asked nervously, “We both know how you can get.”

“I’m just concerned. This whole situation just feels a little too convenient for me.” Starlight sighed.

“Maybe you have a bit of a point, but maybe Sludge’s story is just a bit outlandish, it doesn’t make it any less likely he’s Spike’s father.” Twilight put a hoof around Starlight.

“We’ll see about that.” Starlight raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

Suddenly Spike walked in the room and Twilight smiled at him, “Hey, Spike! How are things going with Sludge?”

“Honestly, I thought having him around would make me feel more dragonish. But I kind of feel less.” Spike sighed sadly.

“What happened anyway?” Starlight asked curiously.

“He told me that since I was raised by Twilight that I was basically raised as a pony my whole life.” Spike explained.

Starlight gave a side-eyed glance in the distance, Sludge clearly didn’t seem like the caring type if he said that.

“Oh I’m sorry. I wish I could help.” Twilight said comfortingly to her friend before Sludge showed up with a plate of cupcakes, “Aw shucks.”

He then ate the last two cupcakes and threw the tray to the side, “I didn’t mean to be condescending, I just wish we had more in common.”

“Maybe you two can come up with ways to turn up Spike's, uh, dragonishness.” Twilight suggested which made Starlight’s concerned look grow even more.

“Could that work?” Spike asked hopefully to Sludge.

“You know what son. That sounds just great.” Sludge said happily as he led Spike outside which had Twilight smile while Starlight just gulped, “Are you sure we should be doing this?”

“I have faith in Sludge, he might seem odd but he seems harmless.” Twilight reassured her friend, though it did little to help.

“I’m taking a bath.” Starlight sighed, she needed to clear her head.

Starlight had never been more traumatized in her life!

Okay that was a lie, the wasteland future traumatized her much more, she was so glad it never came to pass but it still haunted her at times.

But either way, she got out of the bathroom and immediately dried herself off with a towel and used her magic to dry her hair, it pays to have magic for your mane.

To elaborate, Sludge had gone into the bathroom and grabbed the bathtub, and threw it out of the window while she was in it.

There was no words for how enraged she was, her suspicions about Sludge were becoming more and more justified as the day went on. He was clearly a bad influence on Spike and with the tale he weaved, she was sure this was a set-up now.

Starlight soon bumped into Twilight who looked on in concern, “Starlight? Are you okay? I’ve never seen you this mad since… ever.”

“Well Twilight, while I was taking a bath, Sludge thought it would be a good idea to THROW THE TUB OUT THE WINDOW WHILE I WAS IN IT!” Starlight shouted furiously.

“Wait what?!” Twilight asked in shock.

“Yep. I assume it was some attempt to teach Spike how to be a dragon.” Starlight said with a deep breath, “Twilight, please listen to me. I know Sludge is a bad influence on Spike, even if he truly is his father, which I doubt, he’s clearly careless and doesn’t care about what he’s doing. I wouldn’t be saying this unless it was for the sake of my friend’s health.”

“I understand. I will talk to Spike and Sludge about this.” Twilight said as she calmly rubbed Starlight’s back to soothe her, “You just calm yourself down.”

Starlight took a deep breath and gave a calm smile, “Okay. I trust you Twilight. I just hope Spike isn’t making a big mistake.”

“Don’t worry. I understand. You just really care about Spike. That’s why your such a good friend.” Twilight softly embraced the unicorn who hugged her back.

Starlight was still unsure about Sludge being Spike’s father but for now, she was just happy to be sharing this moment with Twilight. That’s all she needed for now.