• Published 14th Jan 2024
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Detective Streak - Void Streak

Void Streak is a detective with the MHPD. He has solved hundreds of cases. This is how he solved some of them.

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Case 1 Robbery gone wrong

*** Void Streak's apartment. ***

Void Streak was sitting on the edge of his bed looking down at a silver badge, the words police emblazoned at the top with the word detective written underneath. The Equestrian coat of arms is positioned in the centre of the shield.

He had a huge grin on his face, he had wanted to become a detective ever since he joined the force. Today was going to be his first day. Jumping up he went over to a safe set within the wall. He punched in the code which was his badge number 2619, and the safe opened to reveal his service weapon which was a Glock 19. Grabbing the firearm he, hung his badge, which was on a silver chain, around his neck, he then put on a worn leather jack, a pair of wrap-a-round shades and a dark grey fedora. He then left the apartment with a spring in his step.

Void Streak was a dark blue pegasus with a blue and white mane and tail. After leaving his apartment he flew to the 99th precinct where he trotted to the front desk.

*** 99th Precinct ***

"Hi, my name is Detective Void Streak I was transferred here from the 48th precinct." Void told the desk sergeant whose name tag said 'link'.

"Yes, head up the stairs and report to Captain Shield in his office" Link replied gesturing with her head to the stairs which was to the right of him.

*** 99th precinct: bullpen ***

Thanking her he flew up to the second floor where he found a large room with desks that had computer monitors positioned on top. He could see the captain's office across the floor however before he could cross the floor, a white earth pony with what was possibly, the world's most largest and most tangled pink mane he had ever seen, literally jumped out of nowhere and started to shake his hoof so much that it was still shaking after she had let go.

"Hi, you must be the new Detective! My name is Cotton Candy I'm the technical analyst but every pony refers to me as the IT mare". Cotton exclaimed with an ear-splitting grin. He was amazed that she could speak so fast.

"Hi, I'm Void Streak. I'm just on my way to report to the captain" Void replied.

"OK, don't let me stop you I know he can be a bit of a grump, so watch out" she said before bouncing off again.

Rolling his eyes Void thought you already did stop me. Shaking his head he finally made it to the Captain's office when he knocked, he heard a gruff voice say "Enter".

*** 99th precinct: Captain's office ***

When he entered, he saw a light blue unicorn stallion with a black mane and beard. He was wearing a white shirt that had a golden badge on it.

"Hi -" Void Started but was cut off by Captain Shield.

"You are late, I expect all of my detectives to have punctuality and before you try and make up an excuse. Just let me give you a fact about myself and that fact is, I don't believe in excuses" He growled.

Void gulped "Ok"

"Now tell me why did you want to be a detective and don't give me that 'I want to help ponies, nonsense".

"To tell you the truth I actually wanted to catch proper criminals, I just couldn't do that while I was working the beat".

Captain Shield nodded "I appreciate your honesty. Now let's head to briefing.

*** 99th precinct - Briefing room ***
The briefing room was also used as a press room. It had rows of desks and chairs and a large podium with the City of Manehatten Police Department logo. Void Streak sat in the first row. Looking around he saw several other cops he also noticed Cotton Candy in the back row who waved gleefully.

Captain Shield walked up to the podium. Good noticed that the whole room went quiet when the captain was present in the room, it reminded him of an old teacher who could also make a room go silent.

Clearing his throat he announced "Right the first thing on the agenda is Detective Void Streak, he was just promoted and was transferred from the 48th Precinct. I hope you will show him how detectives act. Detective Void Streak you shall be partnered with Detective Cuffs".

A dark yellow pegasus with a dark brown mane nodded and waved in acknowledgement.

Captain Shield was about to speak again but then Sergeant Links rushed in and whispered something into the Captain's ears. Keeping a neutral expression he stated "It looks like you have your first case Detective Streak. A fellow officer has just been shot, he's dead"

*** Crime Scene - veggies groceries

The red and blue lights bounced off the detective's faces. The blue police tape fluttering in the wind and the sombre tone in the air told everypony this was bad. As soon as the detectives heard the news everypony rushed to the crime scene which was crawling with uniformed officers.

It had appeared that the fallen officer had stumbled into an armed robbery. The assailant had immediately shot the store clerk in the head before turning the gun onto Officer Stiles, shooting him twice in the stomach before leaving him for dead. The worst thing was this wasn't the first robbery that had occurred l, there were several with matching m.os which was the cash register being emptied then the shopkeeper was given a bullet to the head. However, this was the first time a cop had been killed.

Detective Cuffs said "This appears to be the work of the red bandit"

"Who?" Streak asked with a confused expression.

Cuffs sighed before responding "Ever since hearths warming, last year there have been a string of robbery homicides. An earth pony stallion wearing a red suit, shades and a white fedora was seen committing these robberies, the media dubbed him the red bandit. Every time he struck, he would always shoot the store clerk in the head, execution style. However because they were all considered robberies gone wrong, they were never treated as a top priority, now however the brass and every other cop in this city is going to be out for blood. "

The bodies had already been moved by the time we arrived but we asked one of the CSIs if the officer's body cam and service weapon had been recovered." We found the body cam with its footage intact still on the officer; it's on the way to the crime lab where it'll be examined. It also appears his other possessions including his firearm hadn't been touched however his hat seems to be missing"

"Do we know what type of firearm the perp used?" Streak asked.

The CSI merely shook his head "We'll only know for definite when the slugs are recovered from the body, if it's like all the other robberies then it'll most likely be a .44 calibre bulldog revolver"

Detective Cuffs walked over to one of the uniformed officers and asked "Are you the first responding officer?"

Nodding the officer answered "At around 9:30, we received a 900 call about a shooting we weren't far from the crime scene so we got here fairly quickly. When we arrived there was a crowd gathered around the entrance to the store, and that's when we saw Officer Stiles, I knew him he was only a rookie. When I find this bastard I'm gonna make him regret he was ever born. After seeing Stiles I immediately called for backup and informed dispatch we had an officer down I then took out my gun and entered the store with my weapon raised. When I entered the store I noticed a blood splatter on the wall behind the counter and when I saw past the counter I first noticed the open cash register then I saw the store clerk lying dead in a pool of blood with a bullet hole in his forehead. After that, I followed protocol and called in a crime lab and coroner"

Nodding their thanks Detective Streak and Cuffs both went to speak to witnesses however, nopony had saw anything useful. After this, we decided to head back to the precinct.

*** 99th precinct - bullpen ***

"So what do we have?" Captain Shield asked everypony.

"A whole lotta nada" Cuffs replied with a disappointed look.

A yellow unicorn mare with a blue and green mane who was called Honey Duster said "The ME says that the Store Clerk: Mintleaf was killed instantly from the GSW to the head and that officer Stiles had died of blood loss after being shot twice in the stomach. He also said that the bandit had used the same murder as the previous robberies; a .44 Calliber bulldog revolver. "

"Because his robberies are all over the city and the fact that he usually manages to get away from the crime scene before police can arrive, could mean he has an accomplice who is using a carriage" Void exclaimed.

"We checked that, there were no carriages seen in the area"

"How do we know that he's not a unicorn and that he keeps his horn hidden by his hat? If he was a unicorn he could just teleport out of there"

"There was no sign of magical residue"

After pondering Captain Shield finally said "Enough of this standing around. We need to do actual police work instead of speculation"

After looking at the crime board I went to my desk and logged onto the computer. I went onto the Nation Crime and Criminal Database or N.C.C.D. The N.C.C.D was a database that recorded all cases along with any information on anypony with a criminal record. Void Streak had decided to check if there were any other shootings that involved the same type of firearm that was used in the robberies. At first glance there were hundreds however he had managed to narrow it down to a hoofall of cases by checking to see if any had happened in the area of the robbed stores. And some did there had been shootings prior to all the robberies in the area of all the robbed stores. It appears that all the shootings are being investigated by a Detective Magnifyer from the 68th Precinct.

Picking up the phone I dialled for Detective Magnifyer. When he heard the phone pick up on the other end, he heard a stallion with a Southern drawl "Howdy this is Detective Magnifyer speaking"

"Hiya this is Detective Void Streak from the 99th Precinct."

"Howdy there Detective, what can ah do fer you, Detective? "

"I've noticed you've been investing a string of shootings, I think they may be related to a series of robbery homicides I've been investigating"

"Yeah I've heard about those, ah also heard the sucker had killed a cop. Now I'd like tah help but I don't see how our two cases are related."

"Well all of the shootings happened in the same area as the different robberies"

"hmm OK, if yer free we could swap case notes"

"Well I'm free right now if you have time"

"Ah have time, let's meet at Joe's Donuts"

"Thanks, I'll meet you there. I've been craving donuts anyway"

After telling the Captain that I was chasing a lead I started to head towards Joe's Donuts or what most ponies call cop Central.

*** Joe's Donuts ***

After ordering a plate of sugary chocolate donuts with sprinkles, don't tell my dentist, Void saw a large orange earth pony stallion with a brown mane, he was wearing a police badge on his belt. Looking around, he noticed Streak and started to head towards me.

"You must be Detective Void Streak"

"Sure am" he replied while shaking the other's hoofs.

"So yer interested in the Son Of Discord"

"The son of what"

"Discord, that's what he calls himself"

"Huh he named himself, I'm surprised the vultures aren't all over this. They like it when criminals give themselves weird names"

"Yeah, the brass want as little media coverage as possible. They don't like the idea of telling everypony that there's a crazed serial killer on the loose"

"So how did he contact you"

"He delivered a package to our precinct that had a bloody bullet and a note.

The note said "Hello officers, soon this pitiful city won't exist, chaos will rain down upon Equestria and Tartarus will erupt and the corrupted must be punished. This is my mission for I am the son of Discord."

"We checked for prints but there were none and the homeless mare who delivered it told us that a 10-year-old colt told her to deliver. Now ah don't know about you but ah highly doubt a kid is our psychopath"

"Have the Roys gotten involved yet"

"Not yet but knowing them a lot it won't be a matter of time"

Royal agents are hated by most cops as they had a tendency to nick cases and leave the police departments in the dark. The Royal Investigation Service was basically a glorified police department however that didn't mean they weren't good at their jobs.

"So far all the victims have been random and the weapon that was used was a .44 caliber bulldog revolver. The victims were all shot in the stomach at point-blank range. Witnesses describe an earth pony in a black hoody running up to the victim and shooting them before running off again"

"That's the same type of gun used in the robberies however our perp is an earth pony with a red suit."

"If the cases are connected then he could be testing the police response time"

"If that's the case then why shoot innocent ponies? Why not just call 900"

"Won't have the same response time, they usually respond heavy-handed when it's an actual alarm or if there have been reports of shots fired however if it's a phone call then there won't be as many cops responding"

"Theory doesn't fit anyway if he doesn't do it at an actual store"

"He could just be a loony no why don't you tell me more about these robberies"

After Void told him about the robberies they parted ways. While he was flying back to the Precinct he got a phone call.

"Detective Void Streak"

"It's me Cuffs, another cops been murdered. It was a detective"

"Another robbery?"

"Negative it looks like he was ambushed. The killer nicked his badge"

"That's not good"

"No shit Sherlock"

"Ha Ha. But how do we know it's the red bandit?"

"Witnesses saw a pony in red running from the area"

"where was his body found?"

"About five blocks down from Cop Central"

Suddenly Void Streak felt like a pit had formed in his stomach "What was the Detective's name?"


*** Crime Scene - alleyway ***

Void Streak landed at the crime scene where beckoned over from Captain Shield
"Your phone number was the last number she called, care to explain?"

"I thought our cases were connected so we met up and talked"

"Did he sound worried?"

"He sounded normal and he didn't look nervous. Now that I think about it though, he looked cocky and smug. I didn't think about it at the time."

Nodding Captain Shield walked off. Streak then wandered into the alleyway where he saw the body. As soon as he saw it he stopped.

"What's up, never seen a body before?" Cuffs asked with a concerned look.

"yeah but that's not magnifyer"

"No, it is I've met him before and his ID was on him."

"That's not who I talked to. The stallion I talked to was the size of Mount Equiss. This pony is a shrimp compared to him"

The real Detective Magnifyer was yellow with a light brown mane.

"Void you must have talked to the red bandit"

Closing his eyes and looking he sighed "For Celestia's sake, he was right in front of me and I just let him get away I even told him things about the case. I am so STUPID!" Void shouted while kicking the bins making several ponies look up.

"Wait, the bastard left a message" Cuffs gestured to a voice recorder which was hidden behind the bins.

The message said "Howdy Detective, Howdy Void Streak. Now I know you may be feeling cheated but I am merely saving the world chaos is the order of things are too perfect then the balance of the world is swayed. Now I do feel sorry for the shopkeepers but they are merely casualties. Innocents die in every war. Take heed to this warning, if you want me to stop then you will have to kill me. Goooodbyee. Son of Discord out hahahahha."

" Excuse me, are you Detective Void Streak?" asked a grey stallion in a charcoal black suit.

" Yes. whose asking?" Streak replied looking at the suit in suspicion.

His suspicions were confirmed when he introduced himself "My name is Senior Special Agent Steel Chains. I am the unit chief of the serial crimes unit with the RIS. Can I ask you some questions? "

Void Streak nodded while thinking he should put his union representative and his lawyer on speed dial. He hated the Roy's ever since they told his family that his foal sister was presumed dead.

When they were alone special agent Steel Chains spoke "Mr Void Streak, I understand that you may have spoken directly to the unsub himself"

"It's Detective and what's an unsub?"

"Well detective unsub is short for unknown subject, you could say its fancy saying for suspect"

"Yes, I unknowingly communicated with him"

"OK, so what was he like?"

Void gave the RIS agent a confused look "Erm excuse me? What do you mean by 'what was he like'?"

"It's a simple question. What is his demeanour? Was he nervous or calm, did he look like he knew what he was doing?"

"Well I don't know what his demeanour was because he was a pathological liar who clearly doesn't know how to tell the truth," he answered angrily.

"You blame yourself," he said flatly.

"What sort of question is that?"

"It wasn't a question, it was a statement. You see I'm not just an investigator, I am also a profiler I can read emotions."

"Well of course I blame myself, I had a full-blown conversation with a psychopathic serial killer and then let him get away."

"Well that wasn't your fault as you said he was a pathological liar with a badge, he could've fooled anypony. But that's not the only thing you are guilty about"

"What are you talking about?"

"Before speaking to you, I read your file. Yo-"

"WHAT! How dare you. That was private information!" Void Streak Shouted furiously his face had turned from blue to red within a matter of ten seconds flat as one of his old flight school friends used to like to say. "This conversation is over. You need to speak to me again then you can go through my union rep" he added before storming off.

*** 99th precinct - bullpen ***

They were all gathered around a large TV screen in the middle of the bullpen. "Go ahead" Captain Shield told Cotton Candy, she then clicked a button and the body footage of the fallen officer Stiles started playing.

It showed Officer Stiles walking down the street that the store was on. All of a sudden we could hear the unmistakable sound of gunshots, he ran to the shop where we could see the red bandit shouting at the store clerk. "STOP, MHPD!" Stiles shouted. We could hear the store clerk mutter something that sounded like 'Thank Celestia, the police are here' right before he received a bullet to the head. The red bandit, which Void Streak recognised as the police impersonator he spoke to earlier, then whipped around and shot the officer twice through a store window. The young officer didn't even have a chance to pull out his weapon.

After they had watched the body cam footage Void Streak went to his desk where Cuffs asked "What did the Roys want?"

"They just wanted to know what me and Mr killer talked about"

"Was that all because it seemed they got you pretty riled up"

"It's personal"

"Ok" Then all of a sudden Captain Shield burst into the room.

"Streak, Cuffs come with me we're needed at the Manehatten Times" Both Cuffs and Void exchanged confused looks before heading out with the captain.

*** Manehatten Times - head editors office ***

"I can't believe this. The entire city is being held hostage" Captain Shield shouted.

A couple of minutes ago the red bandit had sent a letter to the Manehatten Times demanding ten million bits in unmarked bills. If he didn't receive the bits by the end of the next day then he would change his mo from shooting ponies to blowing ponies up. He had also demanded that Detective Streak was to deliver the money.

They were all now in the head editor's office at the Manehatten Times.

Mayor Pudding Ham along with the police commissioner and Senior Special Agent Steel chains were all arguing wherever to pay the ransom.

Steel chains suddenly shouted "The Equestrian Government does not negotiate with terrorists, we have to do a sting"

"Do a sting, there's too much risk to the public" announced Commissioner Clink.

"I am not giving no criminal scum any of my hard-earned cash" Pudding Ham scoffed.

Void Streak couldn't help but roll his eyes and then muttered "Last time I checked, sitting behind a desk isn't hard work. " This drew everypony's eyes.

"you say something, colt"

"Yeah actually, I think we should do the sting. Old stallion" Streak added which made Cuff chuckle.

The mayor who was slowly turning into a tomato "How about you quiet down and let the grown-ups talk"

Standing up, Void Streak said "Why don't you say that to my face punk"

Ignoring him he turned to Shield "Captain get your detective under control"

"Detective Void Streak, go wait outside. NOW!" Shield scolded Streak like he was an insubordinate foal being sent to time out.

Void Streak stormed out of the room, slamming the door while on the way out.
He headed towards the bathroom where he cleaned his face. He never realised how stressful it would be to be a detective. All of a sudden he heard a phone ringing from the middle toilet cubicle. Then he noticed something taped to the underside of the toilet. Pulling it he realised it was a burner phone. The phone caller ID said unknown.

He decided to answer "Hello"

"Howdy Detective Streak"

"Magnifyer, or is it red bandit? Who exactly are you and what is your obsession with me" Void asked angrily.

"You're the only pony to come close to catching me. Oh and you can call me Sonny"

"OK Sonny, what do you want?"

"My cash but for now I'm just giving you this phone so we can contact each other for tomorrow's adventure. Now I must get going, I have some killing to get to, bug bye" With that he hung up.

They had checked the CCTV which revealed a pony hidden within the confines of a black, cloak entering the toilets. He was in the toilets for around five minutes, the perfect amount of time to hide a phone. When he exited, the cocky prick had the balls to wave to the camera before walking off.

*** 99th Precinct ***

They were all in the briefing room where both Captain Shield and SSA Steel Chains were stood at a podium, Captain Shield cleared his throat before announcing "As I am sure you are all aware that the serial killer, known as the Red Bandit or more recently the Son of Discord, is holding our great city ransom. Now the MHPD and the RIS have agreed that the best course of action is to launch a sting and catch this son of a bitch in the act. Detective Streak has agreed to be the bait, our job is to protect him and to bring this crazed lunatic in."

Suddenly the room went silent as the burner phone started ringing, Detective Cotton Candy, an RIS agent by the name of Agent Techno, along with Captain Shield and SSA Chains placed headphones over their heads as they listened to the conversation through a wiretap.

Void Streak reluctantly answered "Detective Streak"

The sound of the killer's crazed voice came through the other end "Howdy Detective, you ready to play our little game?"

"Just tell me where to take the cash"

"Straight to the point, I likey, Ok, first thing is exit the police station, I want to get a good look at my prey"

Void slowly left the precinct as he watched several SWAT members, holding sniper rifles rush to the roof. "I am a private stallion so I don't fancy anypony listening in our conversation, so take that swanky leather jacket as well as that fedora of"

Void told the psychotic killer "I also fancy my privacy." not wanting to take the clothing off as it would reveal the wire that he was wearing.

"And I ain't stupid, everypony is literally naked, take it off," he commanded.

Gritting his teeth, begrudgingly began to undress revealing the wire "Oh naughty naughty, I guess you don't like your privacy that much then, my trigger hoof is getting happy, now take the wire off, don't worry I'll let you off this time but don't be mistaken this is your last strike."

After taking the wire off, the lunatic then said "Now I speak to you, Captain and special agent, remove the wiretap or you can kiss city hall goodbye" Void mentally groaned, the killer had thought of everything, however he was thankful that he hadn't noticed the tracker hidden inside of his wings. "Now walk to Central Park"

Void complied but asked, "Where are you?"

"Somewhere I can see you and you can't see me. Now enough about me, tell me stuff about yourself"

"No chance."

"Doesn't matter anyway, I already know a lot about you. Hey, your sister looks pretty doesn't she?"

This made Void stop in his tracks "You asshole if you've hurt her"

"HA, you think I took her, unfortunately, I can't take credit for that but I do have an idea where she is"

"And I should trust you because?" Void sneered.

"Because I'm the only pony who is keeping you company"

This just made Void confused however before he could elaborate he arrived at the gates of Central Park. "You got there quick, now in the centre of the park is a climbing structure, the structure was closed down after a nasty little incident, a couple of months ago. Use your pretty little wings and fly to the top and hang the duffle bag on the metal part that holds the climbing ropes."

Void flew up to the support beam, in the process he looked around and saw a very suspicious-looking Ice Cream wagon, looking around he then seen an earth pony stallion sitting at a bench, reading a newspaper.

"Enjoying the view?"

"Oh yeah, having a grand old time"

"There's no need for sarcasm, your part is done, head to the lake and throw the phone in there"

Void happily walked over to the lake and threw the phone, glad to be out of earshot of Mr Loony, he then walked over to the Ice Cream wagon, where he knocked on the door and was pulled inside.

“Funny seeing you here,” Void said. He was surrounded by an RIS tactical team, Detective Cuffs was also there. We both watched the hanging duffle bag, the tactical team ready to pounce, then just as it seemed like nopony was going to show up, an earth pony dressed in black showed up and started to climb, "He's brave," Void said noting the lack of safety equipment.

Cuffs exclaimed "Wait for him to get to the top of the structure then we pounce." the team nodded ready to go and kick some flanks.

As he reached the top we all jumped out and ran to the structure with our weapons pointed to the mysterious climber as red and blue lights filled the park "STOP RIS" the roys shouted.


The killer complied throwing his revolver to the ground along with the bag, he slowly descended, where he lowered to his knees, and our flashlights revealed him in all his glory. Ripping the clothing off him, Void was shocked to see a colt version of Sonny staring right back at him. It appeared that he was using stilts to make him appear taller. "Hey Detective, surprised to see me."

Captain Shield ran over to us and looked at the colt with incredulous "Is he..."

"Yes, I recognise his voice," Void said with disbelief that both the RIS and MHPD had been fooled by a ten-year-old.

Cuff suddenly spoke up "Void, you should do the honours." everypony nodded in agreeance, even the RIS agents nodded in approval.

Void nodded himself before grasping the Juvenile hoofcuffs and placing them around the colt's hooves, "You are under arrest under suspicion of Murder, Armed Robbery, possession of a firearm without a licence and while underage, you do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so, but anything you do say will be taken down and may be given in evidence, do you understand?"

The colt ignored him, Void then took him to a paddy wagon and placed him inside.

***99th Precinct***

Back at the precinct, Void read over Sonny's N.C.C.D file. His real name was Fire Blaze, everything that the colt had told Void was a lie even his body was a lie, it had appeared that he was disguising himself using dye. He was a red pegasus with an orange mane, it explained his bravery when he climbed up the structure. He had been reported missing by his parents several years ago, around the same time as his own sister, in fact.

Captain walked in, looking furious "How did we miss this?"

"It would appear, despite his young age that he is very smart. Murder wasn't his first crime. He had a thing for setting pony's houses on fire, cos he was only a minor, he pretty much got a slap on the hoof" Cuffs explained.

"Well let's just say that he takes the right to remain silent very seriously, He told me that he only wants to speak to Detective Void Streak" SSA Steel Chains exclaimed.

"Fine, he may open up to you but we will be watching," Shield told him.

***99th Precinct - Interview room 1***

Void entered the interview room to find Fire fiddling with his chained hooves. Void sat down, waiting for a reaction, but the killer colt made one. Void finally asked, "Why did you want to speak to me?"

"Your sister," he said simply, not looking up at the detective.

Void didn't know how to respond to that, he asked "What about my sister, how do you know her? You mentioned her over the phone too"

"I've seen her, she told me to tell you that she is doing fine and that she doesn't blame you. She also said that she has managed to find some friends and that she is still trying to figure out how to get back to you." He told him.

"How do you know her?"

"We were both foalnapped by the same ponies, they took us across the country, I managed to escape but she wasn't so lucky. When I was in hiding she managed to get a letter across to me, telling me to find you. When I came to Manehatten, I knew that I couldn't stroll into the precinct, they always watch the precincts. So I had to come across another way of contacting you and suddenly I got the perfect idea." he explained.

"So you decided to kill ponies, to get my attention," Void said coldly.

"Those ponies that I killed, knew all about the pony trafficking ring that kidnapped us"

"Even the two cops that you killed?"

The colt scrunched his eyes up as tears began to leak from them "No they were an accident, the cop that I killed at the store startled me and the detective was in on the entire operation."

"Why didn't you tell me this at the donut shop?"

"They were watching"


Fire didn't respond straight away "The ponies that foalnapped us" Void was about to leave the room when he blurted out "They'll kill me. They know I'm here, you have to protect me."

"Protect you from who?"


After the questioning, Void left the room and walked into the separate room that lay behind the one-way mirror. "What do you make of this?"

SSA Chains exclaimed "It's a bunch of bullshit" he then left the room.

***99th precinct - Jail Cell***
Later that night

Fire Blaze was sleeping on his bunk when he heard the Jail cell opening. He opened his eyes to see SSA Steel Chains standing over him holding a noose. His breath quickened as the RIS agent loomed closer. The colt started to shake his head, his orange eyes wide with fear "Please no, please don't kill me, I'll scream" However the RIS agent placed his hoof over his mouth stifling his cries for help.

He then forced the colt's head through the loop tightening it, he then grabbed the other end of the rope and threw it over the pipe that ran across the ceiling, before whispering "Now you can die quick and painlessly or die slow and painfully, your choice, tell me where she is?"

The terrified colt shook his head, the agent then pulled on the rope causing the colt to be raised in the air by his neck. The agent watched sadistically as the colt's wings struggled against the wing cuffs, his hooves grasping at the rope around his neck, his red face turning purple. Suddenly Steel Chains went cold as he felt the barrel of a pistol be placed against his head "Let go of the rope now."

Steel complied letting the colt fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes knowing full well that the rope was still too tight for the colt to breathe, he turned around to see Detective Void Streak aiming a Glock at his face. He sighed knowing that this was the end for him as he went to pull his own pistol out of the inside of his suit, only to receive a bullet to the face.

Void watched in shock as the corrupt agent fell to the ground, he rushed to the colt and cut the noose from his neck, where he suddenly released a gasp of fresh air. Wheezing he asked, "Is he dead?"

"Yeah" he replied, remembering the conversation where Fire told him that Ghost was a criminal organisation that ruled over the criminal underworld, it was filled with mob bosses as well as corrupt ponies. If this were to get out then it would be the largest scandal that Equestria had ever seen.

When Captain Shield arrived, Void quickly explained the situation to him. He looked shocked and he quickly left saying "I need a brandy"

***Void Streak's Apartment***

Several weeks had passed since Fire's arrest, Void Streak had been investigated by the Police Shooting Review Board or P.S.R.B, which was standard procedure. He was reading the letter they had sent him, telling him that it was considered a legal shot and that he was able to return to work. He was also watching the news on the TV where ENN was discussing the sentencing, Void had been to every court hearing that the colt had to attend so he already knew what the sentencing was.

Fire Blaze had pleaded guilty to multiple counts of murder and had been sentenced to twenty years in Foalsome Juvenile Detention Centre and would be viable for parole after five years, which meant that he would be fifteen at least before he had his freedom, thirty at most. He was Equestria's youngest serial killer.

***Location Unknown***

A small orange filly watched the TV with sadness as she heard her friend's sister comment "What is this world coming to, I would kill myself than watch you be sent to prison, Sweetie." pulling her friend in for a hug, this caused her to remember her own brother.

She whispered "I miss you Void and I'm so sorry, Fire..."

Author's Note:

This was set a year before season 1

Roy is the equivalent of fed
Royal Investigation Service (RIS) equivalent of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

900 equestrian equivalent to 911/999

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