• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Saturday

Incredible Blunderbolt

A post-active FIMFiction veteran who's been there, done that, and got the tee-shirt, kid.


The griffons have launched an unprovoked attack against Equestria, but Twilight doesn't care about that. All she cares about is Rainbow Dash going to war.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 71 )

oh my god....:(
that was sad....in the good way i mean
:D great story

*Sniff* :fluttercry: G... Great story... Five stars..!

Wow.. Great work, I look forward to seeing what else you might have in store for us. Keep up the wonderful work.

This hit close to home for me. My old man went over 6 times. Left for his 7th and never came back.

and that one day after christmas -.- :raritycry::raritydespair:

War,war never changes.... the worst thing about it is that the soldiers and normal people are fighting and dying,when leaders have clean hands...it's just fucking unfair...:applecry:

My mind has been twisted to a point of insanity, delving in to the bowels of the internet and finding the most cruel of things in the world. Writing and reading horrid fics that destroy the kind brain cells in your brain.

But this made me cry. :fluttercry:


I was like hmm need to read something new story :yay: then i read it then i was like :fluttercry::raritycry: very good story though

Very nice, I felt a tiny tug at my eyes, but of course, like usual, I didn't cry. I've only cried once this whole year and that was when I read My Little Dashie.

87749 I know exactly what you mean; That one put me in a funk for a week!

TOOOO SAAAAADDDD!!!!:fluttercry::applecry::raritycry::raritydespair:
I truly cried. After seeing my bestfriend die while in Afghanistan and having to tell his wife, I know the the pains and losses of war. This was a great story my friend. If I could give more than 5 stars I would but I simply cannot.

Wow I can't believe this got to the most read story right now and I read this like right when it was made.

just Really sad.....:fluttercry::applecry: but i didnt cry, i hav'nt cried in over 5 years, My Litle Dashie didnt even make me cry :|

all i can say? thats not been said on the other comments...

Good story! I'm rather kind of flattered even, as I myself am a soldier.

Anyway, I could not help but notice one significant error here, right at the beginning. You say the Wonderbolts are part of the reserve air force, which is well and good, but then again it kind of doesn't make sense to the context of the story. They are the reserve force, but yet they are sent to fight in the first wave? In a military force that makes almost no sense at all. Why are they pulling up reserve units to fight in the first attack? Where are the active air force units? Calling in reserve forces is something done when losses in active units need to be quickly and efficiently replaced, or as it's more commonly understood, when the shit hits the fan.

Now if this was a full scale invasion, I could kind of understand the need for reserve units to be readied. And depending on the size of the enemy army, it might be essential to have all military units period be used to counter the enemy. But the way you write it it makes it seem like this is nothing but a border skirmish, so there shouldn't even be reserve soldiers there anyway since they would have yet to mobilize. A reactionary attack on a countries sovereign land would most certainly be done by an entirely active military force, while the reserves would be given word to be prepare to bolster the military in the future.

Of course its an easy enough fix, one simply needs to make the Wonderbolts an military unit. I would not be surprised if they were and just do airshows to put them to constructive use during peace time, since Equestria doesn't strike me as a country that has a busy military agenda. It would be great way to rake in bits for the Crown to fund civilian projects after all!

Five Stars! Though I wonder how will Twi react to Rainbow's death. Will she waste away pining for Rainbow? Or will she blame Celestia/the Griffins and go out for blood?

I think a part of me just died :fluttercry:

Good story though...

88048 You are absolutely correct! Funnily enough, I even knew about this error when I wrote it. I guess it just didn't click. I appreciate your input and corrective actions will be taken immediately.
As a side note, thank you for your service! I truly cannot put into words the respect and reverence I feel for the armed forces. Personally, I plan to enlist into the United States Marine Corps as soon as I graduate High School.

You my friend are a great writer... Been reading romance five for a while... But now I think I'm going back to sad and dark fics...

That was beautiful and tragic, you made me cry. I like writers that can make me cry :3

You wanna know what Sun Tzu said? "War, isn't fair."
And do you know what Einstein said? "As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, War is inevitable."

87330 god fucking damnit SPOILERS

88558 I know them, but what I wanted to say is that it should be like in the ancient times, when true leader was fighting side by side with his soldiers or at least was somewhere on the hill, not thousands miles away,in a fucking bunker or warm mansion....nowadays,leaders don't know how it feels....

Im crying.seriously.Its 26th december,one day after chiristmas,and im reading this.:raritycry:
Great story though....the ending was really good and unexpected.
great work.1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/5

How could you trust was good but this.... this is terrible. :applecry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch::fluttershysad::raritycry::raritydespair::facehoof:

I thought this would be a war story. Dammit.
Good anyway.:applecry:

I put 5 stars and it went from 4.7 to 4.6 I'm so evil:fluttershysad::fluttercry: and sad

89041 oh and you deserve 5 stars and a slap In the face

:pinkiegasp::fluttercry::flutterrage::raritycry::raritydespair::fluttershbad: w-w-whyyyyyy..........

This Fic is dedicated to all soldiers, of all countries, past and present, who are unable to return home and be with their families for the holidays. Come home safe :fluttercry: The_Incredible_Blunderbolt you touched my heart and made me cry I think it's nice the you want to be in Marine Corps. I want to be a Medic in the Army. 5/5 stars.

general sheperd would have fought with his troops but luckily theres a knife in his eye

I had chills all the way through. I loved it :heart:

Read this hours ago, forgot to comment. That was really, really sad. First time I've shed a tear in quite a long time...Bravo! Although thinking of that ending succeeds in making me feel sad, this was a great story.

This was great. Didn't make me cry though. Nothing makes me cry.

This was really sad. It was a good read though.:applecry:

I don't normally cry at stories but I'm not ashamed to admit I cried at this one. Masterfully done, though I would love to see more of what happens to Twilight after the fact, or Rainbow leading up to what happened.:applecry:


Oh... I'm sorry... :fluttercry:

I have a question (BTW like and follow), where did you get the back love story for Twilight and Rainbow Dash. I'm new to the website, so if it was a reference to another story, I would like to know, or if you just made it up.

That was incredible sad, and sweet. it was the last line that got me. “I told you it was yours.” I was soo hoping dash would at least come home one last time.

:fluttercry::raritycry: i'm putting this story up there with my little dashie, because its well written and so sad:applecry::raritydespair:

i was listening The Fray - How To Save A Life when i ready this not a good thing to do. my heart rate was over 9000 (not so good at heart rates) when i readed this. good story but....wel i love twidash shiping nd you sir jsut killed dash for this i must hate you. no words can describe what you ahve done. althou youre sory was good it doesn't mean i will love it *points 5mm gun at face* its a bad thing it has to come to this *bang*...........there was silence now.....

I'm not crying! There's just something in my eye, see? Can't you see it? There is a little bit of dust in there!

LOL famous last words: "I'll be back!" (or) "pull the pin and count to what?"

Ok, sorry. But everything happened so fast. I could not feel attached to your Twilight and your Rainbow. Rainbow came, Rainbow went, and boom! She was gone. I didn't feel a thing. Just a piece of constructive critisism, I hope It will come in handy. Take it slow dude, your story started and ended way to fast. Make your readers feel something for the characters, then take it away from them. Anyway, It was well written, maybe a little cheessy on some scenes, but well written. If we still had stars, I would give it a 3/5.

It was very well written, that I gotta hand to you, but I noticed a bit of pacing problems. It felt like you didn't give the reader enough time to really sit and get adjusted to the atmosphere and context. I had a good feeling what you were going for and you did a good try, but keep in mind that pacing is key with most things.

All of my tears, take them, they are yours,
Damn, did not expect it to hit this hard. :fluttercry:

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