• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 11,337 Views, 1,435 Comments

An Alternative Ending - ultrapoknee

When you discard something, it's easy to forget the wrongs you committed. But, more times than not, the past always comes back to remind you of your fallibility.

  • ...

The Spirit of Chaos

Author's Note:

Warning: This chapter showcase material readers may find discomforting.

[Canterlot - Later that evening - Celestia's chambers.]

Celestia sits down by her fireplace as she levitates a bottle of wine. Normally, she would never drink on a work day, but the stress of today's event demands it. She pours her glass and goes for a drink before a knock. "Princess, your guests are here," A guard said.

"Let them inside, please," Celestia sighs. Moments later, her sister, the elements Shining Armor, Cadance, and Sunset, came inside. "Spike?"

"He's helping Cozy Glow," Shining asks.

"I suspect the Equestrian crown should expect more from Cozy's group," Cadance said with a frown.

Celestia arches a brow at Cadance's phrasing. "I see you have been treated. How are you, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow's form had numerous bandages around her barrel, wings, and half of her face. "Everything. Hurts!" Rainbow wheezes.

"I imagine it would. It certainly looked painful from my position. Perhaps now, you understand the suffering you inflicted upon Jason! Only five hundred years ago, I saw such sadism from the vilest of the vile. For it to come from one of the elements? I have gravely misjudged you! I have warned you of the horn effects. Yet, you did not listen. Instead, you attacked some creature acting as a court official. During the highest court - involving all our allies - while a worldwide broadcast is happening!" Rainbow did her best to look up at the princess but looked down. "Is it any wonder that your parents are currently detained?"

Celestia took a sip of her wine while moving in front of Fluttershy. "I never thought I would look upon you in disappointment, Fluttershy. I can understand Rainbow's bullheadedness to act rashly, but I never thought you would use your stare on someone merely asking questions. Are you that fragile? What was it that Jason did? I must've missed something. Your actions in that court and the clearing were truly one of cowardice!"

Fluttershy clothes her eyes and whimpers as Celestia faces Applejack. "I must admit that you surprised me as well, Applejack. I can forgive the small personal acts of lying. Nopony is free of such a thing. But, you might just be better at deception than even Chrysalis herself. Seeing you lure Jason closer so that he would receive the full brunt of your buck was masterful. Oh, did you train Wynonna to be an attack?"

"..." Applejack keeps looking down until her Celestia magic pulls her up. "...No..."

"I see. It was a spur-of-a-moment action. Commendable. Of course, she will have to be put down now,"

"No! Please, it was all me! Wynonna would never hurt anypony---"

"So, non ponies are fair game?" Applejack was on the verge of tears, causing Celestia to scoff. "Let's not leave the lovely noble mare wanting, right Lady Rarity?"

"I appreciate the complete, but I am no noble, Princess," Rarity said nervously.

"Don't be modest, Lady Rarity. It ruins the image of the same sycophant flank kissers I deal with day in and day out. You already have the attitude of one. Tell me, what disgusted you more? Was it his smell from being forced into poverty? Was his beaten appearance from his abuse too much to bear? Since you aspire to be an aristocrat, I would love to hear your opinion on how you are superior to everything else!?"

Celestia takes another drink as she stands in front of Twilight. "I can at least say that you, Pinkie, were not malicious in your part in this tragedy, and you confessed when you realized what was wrong. But Twilight Sparkle. My faithful student and future successor. None has failed me more than you have. What would it have taken for you to treat Jason amicably? A letter from me? A reference from all of your teachers? A vote of confidence from Luna, Cadance, and your entire family line? Which is it, Twilight?"

"..." Twilight does nothing but silently cries.

"I suppose the fault is mine. After all, the failings of the student reflect upon the teacher. In truth, I should've had you come back after you hypnotize all of Ponyville. I have made many mistakes. One of them was assuming any of you were ready to represent our values. A harsh lesson has been learned indeed. You can wield an element of harmony, but you cannot embody them,"

As Twilight said nothing, Cadance spoke up. "Since we are venting our grievances, Princess Celestia. How are the laws in the state they are in now? After a millennium-long rule, how do you now see the glaring and horrific issue plaguing Equestria? Nonponies are nothing more than indentured servants that can be used and discarded. Laws that allow for abuse at the level of King Sombra. Spike is nothing more than a pet you allow for walking among when you had twenty years to correct it!"

Celestia takes another drink as she looks at her niece with defeat. "I believe most of today's laws stem from the noble houses of old. After Luna's banishment and my bout of depression, they saw an opportunity. A thousand years of ruling does not come without comprise,"

"So, what are you going to do about it?!" Sunset asks. "It's easy to see that your problem is that you cuddled ponies too much. A country built upon harmony and friendship is also the most isolated and ignorant of the world around it. Equestria needs to grow, not in economics and culture, but in maturity and morals!"

"I used to believe that you were one of my most significant failures as a teacher. Yet, you were able to grow away from my guidance. So, that is what Equestria needs now. A changing of the old guard,"

"...You mean, you are stepping down?" Twilight asks in a small voice.

"I will have no choice regardless. Jason's punishments are to come, and I suspect that the fate for me," Celestia finishes her glass and looks to Luna. "What can you glean from the other judges, sister?"

"Nothing good. I suspect they have decided during Spike's mistreatment. The severity of Jason's abuse only solidified their decision. Our alliances may crumble after tomorrow if nothing is done," Luna could not help but glare at the element bearers.

"Then, this makes my announcement easier. Effective immediately, the Crystal Empire is severing all communication, trade, and ties with Equestria until a real change has occurred," Cadance said.

The elements and Sunset gasped at this. "You're breaking ties with us?" Twilight asks.

"Sunburst contacted me after the trial concluded today. None of the crystal ponies are happy with how things are in Equestria. They believe I am nothing more than you're puppet that will carry on your viewpoints. Some are even calling you the modern-day Sunny Sombra. And That's only the concerns focusing on nepotism. Spike's mistreatment has ponies rioting in the streets! Anything Equestrian related is being taken out on a bonfire. If I don't want to be forced to allocate the throne as well, this is the necessary course of action,"

"...You never said how you feel about--"

"Make no mistake, Princess Twilight. I am finding it hard to stay in your presence any longer. And I am only polite right now to maintain some semblance of stability. Do not seek to contact more for the foreseeable future,"

Twilight drips her head at her sister-in-law's words. "There's something else you should know," Shining sighs. "We'll take Mom and Dad to court for Spike's custody. We believe a change of scenery and ponies that will treat Spike well will do him some good,"

"Right, because I doubt Spike would want anything do us right now..."

"Surely, you can talk with Spiky Wiky on our behalf," Rarity said.

"You don't have to keep up the act anymore, Rarity. Spike knows you'll never love him," Applejack said bitterly.

"Oh, the lying abuser is trying to lecture me. It must be the end times,"

"Last I check, you are on trial for being a fraud and abuser too!"

"Well, some of us are more guilty than others,"

"Buck. You!" Rainbow wheezes.

"Girls, stop this!" Pinkie said.

"I don't see why you care. You got off scot-free. An easy life awaits the carefree Pinkie Pie!" Rarity said.

"You want to do this now? Does blaming us make you feel better about your contribution?" Fluttershy said with a frown.

"I'm surprised you're not curled up in a ball right now," Applejack grumbles.

"I would not be surprised if Wynnona is at the pound by now!" Fluttershy growls. "How dare you use Wynnonna like that? Animals are our friends, not weapons!"

"And do you think your helpful advice to Flithy was doing? Training the orthos for pet pageant?" Fluttershy flinches but presses her head against Applejack.

"ENOUGH!!!" Sunset calls out, stopping the arguing. "Let me restate the obvious here so that you understand. All of you are to blame! The severity does not matter when the sheer amount perpetrators are staggering! If none of you can accept accountability for this, not only do you not deserve to be an element, but you don't deserve to be friends! It takes more than just holding some virtue of harmony. It's having the empathy to guide others to harmony," With left to say, Sunset leaves.

"Tell Night Light and Velvet Sparkle that we sincerely hope they do the right thing by Spike and leave him with us," Cadance said as she took her to leave.

"I have much to deliberate with my fellow Judges and prepare prospects for the future. Stay strong, sister," Luna teleports out of the room without a word to Twilight and her friends.


"No! We are done here for today. Leave my presence and be there for the sentencing tomorrow. Please do not make me come looking for you. Dismissed!" Celestia said, cutting Twilight off. Twilight and the others are left with sad expressions as Celestia is alone. She takes the wine bottle in her magic and looks it over before she hurls it into the wall.

[Jason's Room.]

Jason sits on the chair with his fist resting on his hand while he looks out the window. Chrysalis and Zecorasits across from him while staring at him. "So, is it everything you dreamt about?" Jason grunts. "Am I to decypher your grunting?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"How about how satisfying it is to get your justice? After checking with the hive, ponies are no longer talking about changelings. It's all about how horrible the elements are, how everything they know about their princesses is a lie. You've brought down Equestria's faith in its leaders and protectors. And made ponies question their morality, all with the truth. Yet here you are, pouting. Why?"

"You mustn't be so daft. He just gave the ponies the shaft. A time for punishment is neigh, and he knows many will cry," Zecora said.

"Urgh, you and your rhyming. But I am curious as to how much worse you can do now,"

Before Jason could speak, a knock came at the door. "Oh, I wonder if that's Twilight coming to gravel. Enter," Chrysalis said.

The open as Jason's blank expression becomes a frown at his new guest. Cozy Glow, Spike, and Cranky Doodle all were standing in his room. All had bright smiles, although Spike was more reserved. "Hey, Mister Jason Wright. I'm glad we can finally meet face to face,"

"Hmm," Jason grunts.

"Hey, Zecora," Spike says.

"Oh, Spike. I am glad to see that you are alright," Zecora said as the two hugged.

"No, I am not alright, not after what's happened this past week and what's still happening now,"

"That's right, Spike. This trial is only the beginning of the Creatures of Equestria movement," Cozy said proudly.

"Is that right?" Jason asks.

"That's right, sir. I have to say that you are an inspiration. You open doors for us that I thought would never budge. You've shown me that we can get a better life. My only wish is that Mildy was here to see this. Can I shake your claw?" Cranky asks.

"Hand. Humans call it shaking hands," Jason saw no harm in humoring Cranky, so he shook his hoof.

"Huh, hands. They're a lot softer than I thought,"

"Hey, I wanted to say sorry," Spike said to Jason. "I didn't think the girls could ever be evil like that. I didn't consider that you were telling the truth when you tried to warn me. I guess I know now. But don't worry. I'll work extra hard with Cozy to get the change that non-ponies deserve,"

"We should come up with a better term than non-ponies. It makes other creatures sound inferior," Cozy said.

"Why not people? It's what humans use," Chrysalis offers as Cozy beams. Jason shoots her a sideways glare.

"So, is that all you wanted? To give thanks?" Jason asks, trying to hide his annoyance.

"Well, I have two questions I want to ask you. The first is asking you to join us as the spokescreature for the CFE. Our movement needs some creature like you brave enough to stand up against those who claim to have our best interest but only want to keep us down further. You'll help our group so much more. What do you say, Mister Jason,"

"I'm not much of an activist. I was only doing this for justice. I was thinking of resting after this,"

"I understand. I know this wasn't easy. But we'll gladly pick up the slack. My second question what will their punishment be for tomorrow?"

"I haven't decided on what yet. You'll have to wait until tomorrow,"

"Aw, oh well. I am sure you'll come up with something great. We should get going anyway," Cozy stops as Spike and Cranky leave. "Oh, I almost forgot. That tv show that shows our lives am I in it?"

"Yes, you're very famous. You and your penpal,"

Cozy's smile wanes ever so slightly before she replies. "Golly, that's amazing. Well, we don't want to hold you up anymore, Goodbye Jason Wright,"

The trio left the room while the other three occupants said nothing. "So, anyone else notices how she dropped the mister? You must've got under her skin," Chrysalis states.

"A child that is most rotten indeed. It seems she does not want you to impede," Zecora said.

"Have you done what I asked about her?" Jason says to Chrysalis.

"Tch. Yes, I have some of my drones in her little group. I hardly believe she can be any problem," Chrysalis says.

"She's the leader of many creatures looking to change the status quo. That's nothing to take lightly,"

"But, what would you gain for playing neighborhood watch? I thought you hated the ponies. Why do something that would help them?"

"It's for the changeling's benefit,"

"The road to recovery will be pretty long. But you cannot keep playing the same song. There's no reason to debate. To cleanse your soul, you must relinquish your hate," Zecora said. Jason merely deadpans at her. "You may think I possess a lot of sass. But, doing so with friends will help you get past,"

"Tsk. We'll see whose in a charitable mood after tomorrow,"

[Canterlot Judicial Hall - Fifth Day of the Trial.]

The tone of the courtroom is very different from the beginning of the trial. The ponies are less expressive and mute with their voices. In contrast, the CFE side is full of speculation on Jason's punishment. The judges had grim expressions. Save for Luna, who was stoic and anxious. The defendants were slow to enter the court. When the doors open, the jeering begins. The non-ponies were very vocal and loud. At the same time, the ponies themselves sent disdainful glares at them. Celestia was the only one to keep her head up during this. She would not falter in receiving her punishment. Twilight tries to emulate her mentor, but her splayed ears betray her stoic demeanor. Rarity was a mess in every sense of the word. Her mane was unkempt, and her coat was less pristine. Fluttershy was constantly shielding herself with her wings to hide from the angry voices. Applejack is numb to it all and wants the whole ordeal over now. Rainbow was the only one to look the most physically drained of the group. She is never looked more defeated than she does right now. Pinkie was with her family, visibly stressed from everything happening.

Jason awaits them patiently; his features are again indifferent to their position. Queen Novo speaks up as they did, gaining the court's attention. "Before the punishment is cast out, my fellow leaders and I have reached a consensus regarding the current state of affairs. I, Queen Novo, effectively immediately pronounce the elegance between Equestria and Eris Peak to be null and void," Several gasps went out as Celestia did her best to surpass her dismay. "I do not make such a decision lightly. But the events of the tribunal have only reinforced my prior opinion of doubt about Equestrian leadership. I am, of course, referring to how Princess Twilight Sparkle attempted to steal our scared orb for the benefit of Equestria while dooming Sequestria,"

Celestia's head snaps to her student as she glares. "...You did what?"

"I-I was desperate. Queen Novo wasn't willing--"

"Stop! We will be discussing this later!"

"Hmm, it seems Equestria has fed all of us lies at various points. As king of Saddle Arabia, I now sever all ties with Equestria. Any saddle Arabian is strongly urged to renounce their citizenship in these lands. We want to interview you for any injustice you faced while here," Shifting Sands said.

"It is a sad day indeed. Equestria is full of misdeeds. The country of Zebrica shall not abide. In Equestria, we will no longer confide," Chef Zekia rhymed.

"I met many creatures in my life. You could always tell who was trying to con you. But, you ponies? Who knew hooves could have hidden claws? Griffinstone wants nothing to do with you, con artists! And tell that Sady Trots to keep his eyes on the skies!" Grandpa Gruff threatens.

"Yaks is sad. Yak likes ponies. But, It seems ponies don't like yaks. Yaks will stay with Yaks in Yakistan until ponies act more like Yaks," Prince Rutherford said.

Ember snorts as she takes her turn. "If Equestria has the gall to lecture us about our way of life, they need to take a good look in the mirror! A lot of our issues were due to your meddling. Never mind the fact that you are keeping dragons as pets! The Draglonlands will not tolerate any pony presence in our territory!"

"The Crystal Empire expresses sadness for our decision, but we boneless agree with our fellow leaders. And we will no longer commence in this alliance. Equestria needs to change. It must uphold its morals and values instead of loading them over others. The mindset of rules for me and not for thee will no longer be acceptable!" Cadance stated.

The announcement hurt the ponies—none more than Cadance as Equestria since equestrian intervention that prevented Sombra's take over. And the nobles were keen to remind her of this fact.


"Ungrateful welp!"

"Princess of frauds!"

"We don't need any of you!"

"Equestria survived for a thousand years! We will survive without you!"

The noble's outburst swiftly came under fire by the CFE side of the room. "What a surprise. The ponies are bigots!"

"What's the matter? Sad that the world knows you're all specist!"

"It serves you, pretenders, right!"

"We won't be silent anymore!!!"

Luna's face slowly morphs into a scowl. "BE SILENT!!!" The chatter instantly stops at Luna's royal Canterlot voice. "Foals. That is what you have shown the world here today. You are nothing but spoiled foals! Are we, not adults? Are you not the representative of Canterlot? Never in all my years that I've seen such disgrace. The tribunal is about to conclude. If you have any respect for yourselves and your station, you will keep your comments to yourselves! It is time for the madness to cease!"

"But, the madness is where all the fun resides," A new voice said.

"By Gover's plumage! Who said that?!" Grandpa Gruff.

"Discord?" Fluttershy asks while looking around.

In the center next to Jason, a zipper appears before a paw comes from behind it and opens it. Discord comes stepping out of space. More murmurs went off at the sudden appearance while Fluttershy could only stare in disbelief. "Discord? What are you doing here? Where have you been?"

"Oh, I was tidying up here and there in my home. Time flows sporadically there. How are things for you," Discord said.

"Discord! We are in the middle of a tribunal! It is not a place for your antics!" Celestia firmly said.

"Oh, I love courtroom dramas. Here, let me get the proper attire," Discord snaps his talon and dresses in a blue suit and a spiked wig. Many occupants didn't know why the word objection popped out whenever Disord pointed.

"Discord!" Twilight shouts. "We are not in the mood for any games! For once in your life, be serious.

"Oh, come now, Twilight. I know that spell I put on you has made everything fuzzy, but you do remember how to have fun,"

"Discord, you--" Twilight stops at his words. "W-what did you just say?"

"Hmm, are you still feeling the after-effects? It's always like this with perception spells,"

Slowly, realization dawns on Twilight as she recalls the past few days dealing with the spell.

"But, the magic? We can't deny it's there and messing with our perceptions!"

"I find it strange that only the elements and my sister are the targets of this spellcraft. Perhaps four alicorn mages can break through it," Luna suggests.

The four princesses nodded as their horns lit with magic. However, a white aura appears on the defendants after waiting several seconds. The spell did not break as it did for Celestia and Twilight. "...Nothing..."

"No. No! There has to be something! How can we know something is there but can't eliminate it? It makes no sense!!!" Twilight exclaimed.


"Perhaps the elements of harmony? If foul magic infects us, they may clear it," Rarity suggests.

"It's worth a shot," Twilight said as her horn made the elements appear around their necks. "I always wanted to try that spell. Alright, girls. We have to focus on any corruptive or invasive magic within ourselves," The elements began their sequence of powering up. Each Pony hovers in the air as a rainbow aura surrounds them. Eventually, the magic of the elements dies down, and everyone returns to the ground. Twilight opens her eyes and frowns. "Nothing. There's still nothing!"

"You didn't...!"

Celestia turns to the group with an unreadable expression. "Then, I suggest you look into whatever magic left me and ensure it's not within yourselves. I fear a foul hand is at play. One that seeks to discredit us. In the meantime, prepare for the next day as best as possible. Jason's argument is compelling because he wields the truth. So, only the truth can prevail. Now, if you all will excuse me, I wish to speak with my sister alone,"

"I-It's been you this whole time!"

"Hold on a minute! Didn't Discord say its name? It sounds like he knows who this varmint is. Where did he scurry off to now?" Applejack said.

"Discord left as soon as Chrysalis and Jason did," Fluttershy said with a frown. "I think, with everything that is happening, he felt upset,"

"Darling, this is Discord we are talking about; he never cares enough to be upset," Rarity said.

"How come I didn't see it?"

"So, there was an issue with him. I knew there was something wrong. What if this Jason Wright is part of a scheme he cooked up a millennium ago, and it's coming back to haunt everypony like the plunder vines!"

Twilight theorized.

The last words echo in Twilight's mind as she shouts. "Discord! What did you do!?"

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Fluttershy asks.

"I believe she is referring to the spell I put on all of you regarding our resident human. I am the reason he's here," Discord said.

There was a moment of silence before everyone, save for Jason and Chrysalis, said anything. "WHAT!?!?"

"Explain yourself!" Celestia said. The pupils in her eyes shift into a bright white color while her mane is now bright orange.

Discord snaps his finger again as he adopts a severe expression. "Well, to understand that, you need to understand chaos's role in the world. While reformation is excellent and all, don't get me wrong. It's harmful to the balance of the world. Chaos must thrive as much as order does to achieve perfect harmony. You know this, Fluttershy. If I don't enact some clutter, I fade away, leaving the world in peril. But I quickly faced a new dilemma; how do I cause my brand of mischief without upsetting my friends? Then, I got it! I get someone else to do some chaos for me. And a human, no less. A tough as nails, thick skin human that can handle anything,"

Discord gestures to Jason, who is still wearing a deep frown. "So, you admit to being the cause of the memory manipulation the Princess and elements fell under?" Queen Novo asks.

"That's correct. But it's a little more than that. See, I heard about Twilight's escape from the human realm. And, from how she came back so distant, cold, and melancholy. I knew it was the perfect means to spice things up. So I sent out my magic to the human world and plucked out the nearest human I could find,"

"Against their will, no doubt!" Rarity spat.

"Oh, pshaw, you know the old saying, better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Besides, I know human lives a dreadfully mundane, so I bet coming here was the adventure of a lifetime," Jason didn't say a word. "Anyway, I wanted to get the most genuine response from you, so I added a tiny spell to bring out your innermost feelings,"

The elements stare at Discord aghast. "You messed with our heads again?" Pinkie asks in a hurt tone.

"Like the good old days from when we all first met. Although, I had to tweak it a little. I didn't want anypony noticing anything out of the ordinary. The kind of result one can get from so little effort is incredible. Of course, that also meant I had to put a spell on Celestia. We can't have her coming to Ponyville and ruining the fun. Put a barrier around the town to make ponies forget about our dear human friend, and viola. I had a chaotic live-action play for my viewing pleasure. And what a performance! The flash mobs are throwing garbage. The name-calling. The lightning strikes. But the best part was the elements of harmony turning Jason away at every turn! It was the most enjoyment I ever had since reforming!"

"But, you didn't reform! Look at this madness we're in because of you! I honestly believed I said those vile things!" Rarity shrieks.

"Y'all made me shatter his ribs!" Applejack hollers.

"You're. A. Jerk!!!" Rainbow wheezes.

"Nothing about what happened to Jason was funny, Discord!" Pinkie shouts.

"I can't believe I ever considered you a friend!" Twilight said with venom in her tone.

The gallery is once again split on opinions. The CFE was mostly watching on in confusion. This revelation of Discord's involvement made them unsure of their movement. The nobles were all in an uproar. For all intents, Discord betrayed Equestria again. All the judges were also skeptical, but their shock morphed into disgust at the confusion. Cozy was the only one beside herself. Her movement was dying out right before it even began. She wants nothing more than to beat that draconequus senseless. However, looking at Jason, she noticed he wasn't doing anything. There were no yells of outrage or apologies to the defendants. He was waiting for Discord and everyone to finish.

"Did he expect this?" Cozy asks.

"Why, Discord. Why would you break our trust again? You could've found another way to enact chaos without hurting any creature!" Fluttershy said in a hurt tone.

"More importantly, why reveal yourself?" Luna asks with venom in her tone. "The trial would've ended with all of us none the wiser of your scheme,"

"Because once I saw Jason return with the Gjallarhorn, I knew things went too far. I can't let you hurt them for something I did. If you want to punish anyone, Jason, punish me,"

"Interesting. But I have a question; how do we know you are not merely trying to cover for the defendants?" Chrysalis asks.

Discord takes a deep breath while preparing his answer. "Why didn't you leave? After your treatment got worse and worse, why would you stay? If you were afraid you would get more of the same somewhere else, that wasn't the case. I put a spell on you to keep you from leaving,"

There were many gasps at Discord's words as all eyes were all on Jason now. Everyone expected to see the same magic burst from so many times before. But nothing is happening to the disgruntled human. "Hmm, you look confused about something, Discord," Jason said.

Discord looks between Jason and the Gjallarhorn while his confusion grows. "B-But, where is the magic within you?"

"I got to say I was expecting to rear your ugly face when I got to Fluttershy's testimony. I wasn't expecting you to take the fall for their mistake. That's amazing. Truly noble. But I've learned the hard way never to take things at face value when it comes to ponies. So, you want to confess again while touching the Gjallarhorn?"

"There's no need for that. I am telling the truth, and it's not reacting with that annoying hum," Discord said.

"Then, there should be no issue. Go on, touch it, prove to me that you are genuine because your being here doesn't quite add up. You could've come clean the moment you saw me. But, no, you didn't. You let this drag on for five days. What, were you worried about what people would think of you? They already hate you, Discord. Look at how quickly they turn on you. Look at how fast they are willing to shift the blame. Nothing would've changed if you had confessed earlier. No, you ran away to cover your ass. See, I knew you were involved because the magic in me dispelled when I was in Chrysalis hive,"

"Yes, it was quite particular," Chrysalis said. "Jason would wander the hive while trying to return to the ponies. At first, I assumed he was a spy trying to give away our location. But I saw that his action was guided. There was a daze in his eyes like he was under mind control and not my branch of it. Naturally, I subdued him and tried to peer into his mind to trace the spell's origin. Imagine my surprise when I found small traces of chaos magic. It latches on to the subconscious mind. No pony magic could discover it or define its purpose. Since changeling mental magic is more precise, I was able to remove it. But, the spell itself had no discernible direction or purpose for it. Almost as if you put it there by accident,"

"W-Well, chaos operates without rhyme or reason," Discord said nervously.

"Yet, this plan you cooked up has multiple steps and well-thought-out applications of what you wanted—bending the elements to your will, stopping the ruler from visiting. Erecting a barrier. These are not actions of the unpredictable,"

"So, which is it, Discord? How can we trust what you say as fact when you already have contradictions in your story?" Jasons said.

"It doesn't matter! The horn did nothing. Therefore, I am not lying. You're lucky I'm even doing this right now. If you tried before I was reformed, you would've been stuck as my court jester,"

"Is that right?" Jason smirks. "Well, then, It's time I get the punishments out of the way,"

Discords' eyes widen at that. "Punishments? No, wait. I already confessed! Leave them be!"

"If we take your confession at face value - which I don't - then it changes absolutely nothing. The spell you put on everyone can be comparable to a nudge-- a tiny little push. If you put more power into it, your little game would've ended because everyone would see something was wrong. For example..." Jason touches the Gjallarhorn again. The episode of Return to Harmony plays out. Everyone saw how Discord corrupted the elements through trickery and deceit. Fluttershy flinches when Discord forcefully changes her. "As we saw here, when Discord corrupts someone, their colors gray out, and they act the opposite of their usual personality. However..."

Jason shows the memory of all his encounters with the elements again. "From my interaction, we see none of Discord's influence. So, what does that tell you, members of the court? Discord wanted genuine reactions. He did not twist their minds to be the reverse of themselves. He removed the filter between pleasantries and nastiness. The elements still had a choice! And they chose rudeness. They chose cowardice, neglect, deceit, and, more importantly, violence! So, what did you honestly accomplish here, Discord? I don't know how you're fooling the Gjallarhorn with these lies, but it doesn't matter,"

Discord was becoming more desperate as the crowd from the CFE agreed with Jason. "Wait, please reconsider this. Nopony else needs to suffer--"

At these words, Jason's glare burns into Discord's soul. "Suffer? Suffer!? Could you show me a pony that's suffered like me? Could you show me a pony that's been discriminated against like them!? You don't know shit about suffering! Look at this!" Jason removes his robe again and shows off his scars to the spirit of chaos. Discord immediately adopts a look of horror upon seeing them. "This is suffering done by your precious friends you're trying to protect!"

"B-But, your magic should've--"

"What magic? I thought you knew about humans. We don't have magic! We can't shrug off beatings and lightning strikes. We feel everything! Everything. Damn! Thing!!! Do you think I am faking this somehow? Here, feel for yourself!" Discord wasn't expecting Jason ever to try and touch. At least not in a non-threatening manner. The Gjallarhorn would've ensured he was all but safe from the human's wrath. But, he had no idea of the scope of Jason's pain. So, Jason's hand already passes through his paw, shocking everyone in the court.

"Discord? Your presence is merely an illusion?" Celestia asks.

"Surprise...?" Discord said meekly.

"Where are you?" Cadance asks.

"I am still in my realm. The magic there throws everything for a loop," Discord sighs. "The horn did not react because I am not in Equestria,"

"So, even now, you are still hiding away and trying to play both sides of the fence, huh? You're just like them in that you refuse to take accountability. I guess you don't care. But that's fine with me. If you don't come willingly, I'll make you!" In response to Jason, the Gjallarhorn glows brightly. The fake image of Discord breaks apart as the real draconequus replaces it.

"W-What? How?!"

"Come on, Discord. Did you forget the stipulation for this entire trial? I said I would get to punish everyone that's wronged me. That includes you!"

"Jason, please, I am begging you; find it in your heart to forgive them,"

Jason's stare becomes hard as stone. "There can be no forgiveness. Not for what they did and not for what they denied me!"

The Gjallarhorn glows again as Applejack's farm comes into view again. Jason's limping form was entering the tool shed of Apples. There was a dead and near-lifeless look in his eyes as he looked around the shack and found Applejack's rope. Unfortunately, Wynnoa's barking alerted him, and several voices in the distance. Grabbing the rope quickly, Jason humbles his way deep into the orchard. The thick trees provided enough cover, and Jason could no longer hear the voices and bark. He sighs, but not in relief, in resolution for his next decision. He gingerly fashions a noose out of the rope and ties it to the thickest, highest branch of the tree. He sits on the tree branch with the loop tied securely around his neck while taking in the scenery. The same wondrous feeling of being in Equestria washed over Jason for the briefest moments. It was there to greet him. And, now, it is here for his departure.

"I'll see you soon, Susie,"

Jason leans forward and lets gravity do the rest. Unfortunately, the fall did not snap his neck instantly. The noose went taunt around his neck and cut off his airway. Jason's hand instinctively went to the rope to alleviate the pressure. It took considerable effort to ignore the survival impulses and the panic in his being. His vision had stars, and it was getting harder to breathe. Slowly, Jason puts his hands down. In a few seconds, all the pain would stop. The vision in his eyes fades into darkness as he lets out one last sigh. The world finally went silent. Finally, there was peace. That was until Jason fell hard on his back. He heard the telltale sound of levitation magic and the rope loosening around his neck. Opening his eyes, Jason breaks out in a coughing fit as all the elements look down at him. All of them had looks of apprehension as Applejack spoke.


"..." Jason did not respond. Instead, rage takes over, and Jason grabs the nearest object and wings it wild. The elements back off and allow Jason to run away.

Jason removes his hand from the Gjallarhorn. His face is still glaring at Discord, who is currently mimicking goldfish. "Why? That's what I was asked when I went to hang myself. Why,"

"You attempted to slay yourself?" Luna said.

"Why would you do this...?" Celestia said in shock.

"Because I saw no way out. Because friendship and harmony rejected me. Yet, even the most personal choice anyone can make was taken from me," Jason said softly.

"B-But, they saved--"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jason shouts before Discord can finish. "I wasn't saved! I was denied my death! And, then you ask me why - like the last three years of torture didn't happen - and you're showing genuine concern! None of you are innocent. So, before I cast my judgment, Discord, how are you involved in this?"

Discord looks at Fluttershy with a sad expression. "...Alright..."