• Published 20th Dec 2022
  • 1,858 Views, 56 Comments

Haunting The Zebra Plains - Jest

In the red/blue version of pokemon it says this about haunter: "Haunter can pass through solid walls. It is because of this that it is believed it is from another dimension." A fact I can confirm for you, personally.

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Black Jack Get Back!

I followed after the pair as the thug dragged Zecora into the woods, using the zebra like a hunting dog to seek out the location of the temple. I wasn't too worried about him finding it as something told me that whatever magic placed upon it would keep it safe. I didn't really care what happened to the tomb but I still didn't want it to fall into the hands of the ponies, if for no other reason than plain old spite.

Still, they were heading in the correct direction and that was worrying. If they were able to locate their downed allies any potential fight would get messy very quickly. Which led me to my moves, or the ones I knew I had anyway.

Hypnosis, dream eater, lick, nightshade, those were all fairly standard and I could use them with little effort. That being said I could feel like I was running a bit low on nightshade, the recovery rate of that ability slowly ticking back up with time. Thankfully I didn't need to go to a pokemon center to replenish my PP.

Heh, PP.

Anyway, I could also feel out other moves like there were levers inside my mind but I couldn't quite grasp them. Sensing them was a start though, and as I ruminated on them I got the feeling that the next move I could use was probably confuse ray. I wasn't quite sure about that, nor could I explain exactly how I knew that was another of my skills but I sensed as though I was right.

What other moves did Haunter have anyway? I asked myself. There was the aforementioned ones, mean look, spite, curse of course and one last one. I remember that it made the other pokemon faint if the user did but for some reason the name eluded me.

Whatever, I thought. I’d have time to figure all that stuff out later as right now I had larger concerns, namely Zecora’s safety. The zebra was being kicked around by the towering thug holding her chains, and though I was too far away to hear anything it wasn't a leap in logic to assume he was leveling some manner of cruel insult at her.

“Time to pay you back for helping me,” I muttered to myself.

Floating towards the pair, I passed through a wall of trees and entered into a small clearing filled with small shrubs and stubby grass. Near the middle stood Black Jack, the dickhead shaking a dangling Zecora around like she were little more than a doll.

“Stop leading me in circles, we’ve been through this clearing two times already!” Black Jack shouted.

“I am not trying to lead you astray, you don't listen to what I say!” Zecora exclaimed.

“I am listening, now lead me to where I want to go!” Black Jack bellowed, raising Zecora so they met eye to eye. “And stop rhyming! I know you don't have to do that!”

“This is not a bit, I cannot help it,” Zecora complained.

I floated over to him, hovering just over his head, and extended my tongue, silently closing the gap. Once I was close enough, I lurched toward him and licked up the back of his neck to the tip of his head, and over the top of his skull. He tasted awful, but I brushed this thought aside and floated over so I could get a better look at him.

The guy was completely paralyzed, to the point that he couldn't even move his jaw. The most he was capable of was an angry glare but even that wasn't exactly intimidating given his horrified expression.

“Spirit! You’ve returned,” Zecora happily exclaimed, the young mare still dangling from her chains.

“I never leave a debt unfulfilled,” I replied.

Grabbing the pony’s hoof, I yanked the chain from Black Jack’s grasp and dropped Zecora gently back to the ground.

“I think he put the key in his inside pocket,” Zecora offered, gesturing to the man’s coat.

“Got it,” I muttered.

Unbuttoning the top few buttons, I pulled open the flap to find that he had what looked like two Pokeballs hidden away. He also had the key to Zecora’s manacles dangling from a string that went around his neck.

“Hurry, I believe your attack is wearing off,” Zecora pointed out.

Sure enough, the unicorn was starting to twitch and breathe harder, as if he were fighting to break out of the bonds binding him in place. With a bit of haste, I grabbed the string and tossed the key at Zecora. As she undid her manacles and flexed her now-freed limbs, I considered what to do with this guy.

If I licked him again I could probably kill him, or injure him in a more permanent manner but I didn't really want to do that. Sure he was scum but that seemed like a bit much, especially given the fact that he was essentially a slave at the moment. My moral conundrum quickly became irrelevant, as he suddenly lurched backward, the burly male shaking off the effects of my lick in surprisingly little time.

“You’ll pay for that you bastard,” he stuttered, voice shaking from the effects of the paralysis.

“Yeah, whatever. Just fuck off and leave us alone,” I exclaimed while flipping the guy off.

“I don't know what that means but I’m going out on a limb here and assuming it was an insult,” he muttered to himself.

“You better feel insulted you bulbous bag of rotten rat meat,” I retorted, adding a second middle finger for extra effect.

“As funny as this is, we should probably leave,” Zecora encouraged, the zebra slowly backing away.

“You won't be going anywhere. I’m not letting this chance at freedom to slip through my grasp!” Black Jack declared, reaching into his coat. “Pin them down and pummel them Rhydon!”

The legally distinct arcane Pokeball flew out and released a Pokemon almost identical to Rhydon. It had the same drill-like nose, bipedal stance, granite-like plated skin, and three-clawed hands but there were some minor differences. For one, this guy was wearing a black fedora with a white band around the base and he gave off the impression of being a fifties-era gangster. He even wore a tie, and though kinda funny I didn't laugh as the dude was enormous, easily twice as large as his trainer with arms thicker than tree trunks.

“Finally, I can stretch my legs,” remarked the Rhydon, flexing its limbs and giving its drill nose a whirl. “I was wondering when some mook was gonna earn themselves the beating of the century.”

“A summon of that kind won't help you!” Zecora exclaimed. “The spirit cannot be struck by non-elemental attacks!”

Way to tell the guy my weakness there Zecora. I thought grimly.

“He ain't here to beat on that floating fart,” Black Jack retorted, smirking at the zebra.

“You don't mean…”

“Restrain the girl,” Black Jack ordered. “She's the ticket to getting a decade bumped off our sentence.”

“On it boss,” Rhydon proclaimed, lowering himself into a rushing stance. “I won't let this opportunity slip through our fingers.”

They really are of one mind. I remarked to myself.

“Go, tackle her!” Black Jack shouted.

“This just had to get complicated,” I whined aloud.

Rhydon growled and threw himself forward, his heavy footsteps causing the earth to shake and for Zecora to stumble as she ran away.

I however, was floating a good eight feet off the ground, and was thus unaffected. I still had to do something though, and I wasn't sure I could lick the weirdo while he was sprinting. Focusing inward, I mentally grabbed the lever I had identified as being attached to the move confuse ray and pulled down on it.

My arms extended, and I felt a strange power building from behind my eyes. It grew in strength until finally releasing as a focused beam of bright purple light which struck the Rhydon square in the face.

It was like he had been hit by a sledgehammer as he veered wildly to the right, crashing through a tree and stumbling over a dip in the earth. With a titanic crash, the Rhydon went down, limbs flailing as if he didn't even know which direction the ground was.

“Don't run,” I shouted, extending a hand to Zecora. “This is the perfect spot to make our stand.”

“I’m assumgin you want me to stay here,” Zecora half asked, half stated, the zebra stopping at the edge of the clearing.

“Exactly. He’s only got two summons and this doofus can't touch me,” I replied while giving the best thumbs up I could muster as I didn't actually have said digit.

“Snap out of it Rhydon!” Black Jack barked. “You’re tougher than that!”

The pokemon went silent only for a titanic roar to split the quiet, the effect passing harmlessly over me but making Zecora shake violently. Dirt, rocks and bits of shattered tree went flying, the angry Rhydon emerging from the greenery with a still slightly shaky gait but a laser focus.

“Like hell I’m gonna sit and wait my turn,” I muttered, charging up another attack.

This time I grabbed the nightshade lever and pulled, blasting the Rhydon with a strange purplish blue mirage of energy. The attack struck true, but the enemy barely even seemed to notice, stumbling for a second before shaking off the effects.

“Let's see if that gas bag likes getting buried under a rock slide!” Black Jack ordered.

“One execution and burial special coming right up!” Rhydon proclaimed, stomping his foot and summoning some kind of strange energy.

“Get back Zecora!” I shouted.

Zecora didn't need me to warn her, as she was already hiding behind a tree while remaining close enough to see what was happening.

I stood there for a moment, tense but confused, wondering where this rockslide was going to come from given we were in a forest. After a second of concentration, the Rhydon suddenly threw his arms into the air and released all the built-up energy. I was about to ask what the heck he was doing when all of a sudden the world became dark.

I reacted immediately, tensing whatever metaphysical muscle I had that enabled me to pass through walls. And a good thing too as several tons of stone rained down from above, burying me completely in a cairn of loose rock. After a moment of shock, I floated upward making my way out of the pile. As I did so, I made a note not to underestimate rock types again as apparently, they could summon earth at a whim.

“-not dead. A spirit cannot be bested by simple rock!” Zecora shouted. “See! Your attacks are useless!”

“Yeah, so give it a rest already buddy, you're embarrassing yourself,” I exclaimed, floating out of the top of the pile, and resting my chin on the topmost stone. “Honestly, I’m starting to feel bad for you.”

“You’ll pay for that insult, you ugly son of a bitch!” Rhydon shouted, shaking his fist at me.

“Ignore the ghost. Crush the girl! Rock Slide!” Black Jack ordered.

“You’re the boss,” Rhydon muttered.

“Yeah nah. That's not happening,” I exclaimed, floating down to ground level. “Why don't you go to sleep now, hmm?”

“What are you… talking… about,” Rhydon muttered, the dumb ape accidentally staring into my swirling eyes and beginning to sway back and forth.

“Don't look, focus Rhydon!” Black Jack bellowed.

“On it… bo-” Rhydon began, only to trail off and start loudly snoring before he even hit the ground.

With a dull thump, he fell forward, arms splayed, and body completely inert.

“Don't mind if I do,” I declared, licking my lips and floating closer.

“Not so fast, ghost!” Black Jack shouted, charging his horn.

I swerved low, using Rhdon’s bulk as a shield against the attack. Seeing me duck, the pony reluctantly gave up on his spell, releasing the blast high into the air, missing me by a country mile.

“At least you have some morals,” I muttered. “Too bad you didn't have more.”

I closed the distance and grabbed hold of the Pokemon’s head before taking a bite out of him. Unlike before, I didn't enter the target’s dream though I also didn't try to, instead focusing on incapacitating him. The attack hit, and I devoured his dreams, replenishing my reserves, and leaving the Rhydon still inert.

“Huh, heavy sleeper. Oh well,” I remarked before biting down again.

“Wake up you lazy galoot!” Black Jack demanded, shooting a minor stun bolt at his Pokemon.

Fortunately, the granite exoskeleton that covered the creature was so thick that the attack did nothing but leave the tiniest of scorch marks. I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth, and I was about to take a third bite when Black Jack interrupted me.

“That's enough, return,” exclaimed the pony.

Rhydon turned into a red light before being sucked back into his Pokeball, leaving behind a crater where he had fallen.

I felt a rush of power fill me, and I raised a triumphant fist in the air.

“Suck it, you wannabe mobster!” I spat.

“I didn't wanna do this, but go, Houndour!” Black Jack exclaimed, retrieving his next Pokeball and throwing it at where Rhydon had once stood. “Burn them both to ash!”

“Don't wanna do this? You were already gonna kill us,” I muttered, putting a good amount of distance between us just in case.

As the small, dark-furred dog-like Pokemon coalesced before me, I wondered why he wouldn't have thrown this creature out first. It was a dark/fire, both types of which could actually hit me, and not only that but the dog looked fierce, with long fang-like canines protruding from his mouth. Then his eyes opened, and I didn't have to wonder why Black Jack had been tentative to use the hound.

A horrible shrieking howl spilled from the pokemon’s lips, and its eyes settled on mine, murderous intent palpable behind those intense orbs. An order didn't even need to be issued before flames began spilling out of the creature’s mouth.

“We can't let it burn down the forest!” Zecora shouted. “Use that confuse thing on him!”

“Augh, fine,” I muttered, feeling strangely compelled to do as the zebra demanded.

The dog suddenly lurched forward, embers spilling out of its mouth and falling to the ground. It was obvious it was going to attack me, but despite it being fast, I was still a good distance away and had time to launch my own strike first. The bright purple flash of light struck true but didn't seem to do anything to the charging houndour.

“What the hell,” I muttered.

Rather than it being confused, I was the one confused, giving the canine time to spit a flaming ember at me. I tried to dodge, but it still struck me where my shoulder would be, causing an eruption of pain to shoot across my body. My initial reaction was to flinch, or continue to put distance between us but I suppressed that urge and used nightshade before it could shoot a second ember at me.

That seemed to strike true, and at the right time too as the ember went wide, the canine attacking something five feet to my right. I used this distraction to float away from him, maintaining my distance while I recovered my strength. My first instinct was to chaingun nigthshades at him but there was a certain amount of wind up behind the attacks which meant I needed to wait.

“To the right! Keep attacking!” Black Jack shouted.

“Make him stop! He's lighting the field on fire!” Zecora demanded.

“What do you think I’m trying to do, woman? Tickle him?” I yelled back.

Despite my annoyance, I did as she asked, channeling my strength into a different move while the Houndour rounded on me, embers building in his maw. Thrusting my hands forward, I channelled Zecora’s grudges against the canine at him directly. Spite was supposed to cut the PP of the last move to be used but how that worked wasn't exactly clear in the game. Either way I did not expect a bunch of phantom haunter hands to appear out of nowhere and claw at the hound’s head.

The Houndour yelped and clutched at its skull, stopping its attack completely as it was struck by my odd move. I waited until I could feel my internal energy refill before pouring all that power back into the same plan. Sure enough, the hands which had begun to fade, became even more solid, their fingers digging into the canine’s head with every scratch.

“Focus your fire!” Black Jack ordered.

“Let's see you use your little fire trick after I tear that move from your brain!” I spat.

“Burn, all of you must burn!” It growled before erupting into a fountain of embers.

Small flaming orbs roughly the size of golf balls rained down around me, forcing me to try to dodge. Like real rain, this was impossible to avoid entirely, and I took a couple of glancing blows in the process, the embers burning me severely. I could feel as though I was burnt, but my form was unblemished, a thought I’d have to return to at a later date when I wasn't in the line of fire.

The attack had worn out the Houndour however, leaving it stunned and open, ready for my counterattack. Seeing as how my plan was working, I continued to use Spite, channeling the growing anger I felt coming from Zecora. The young zebra herself was busy stamping out the minor fires that had sprung up, burning herself in the process.

“We must move quickly lest this fire spread,” Zecora exclaimed.

“I’m working, I’m working,” I muttered, conjuring a renewed mass of clawing hands that scratched at the canine’s head.

This seemed to do the trick, as the flame in Houndour’s maw suddenly vanished. The canine tried to summon more and made a spitting motion at me only for nothing to come out but well… spit.

“What's wrong, why aren't you burning them?” Black Jack demanded.

“Die, die, die!” Houndour barked back, visibly trying to conjure more embers.

“No, I don't think I will,” I replied.

As he tried and failed, to spit fire at me, I closed the distance, my eyes already starting to swirl.

“Look into my eyes, and know true fear!” I proclaimed.

Rather than use hypnosis, I channeled everything I had into the move Mean Look, causing my face to emanate a purple-blue mist. With a flash, I felt the power release, causing the canine to shriek in terror before running away as fast as it could, tail tucked firmly between its legs. I didn't know what it was he saw but it must have been horrifying as the murderous rage left its eyes for the first time.

“Ha, coward,” I muttered, arms crossed over my chest.

“Dammit, return,” Black Jack muttered, recalling Houndour before it could break the tree line and vanish into the woods.

“Have you learned your lesson or does the spirit need to consume your dreams as well, pony?” Zecora spat.

Ooh, not bad. Very intimidating. I thought to myself.

“I know when I’m beat, but mark my words. We’ll meet again,” Black Jack exclaimed, shaking his hoof at us.

“Here's a parting gift for you. Boo!” I shouted, channeling another mean look at the pony.

All the color drained from his face, and with a girly scream he sprinted out of the glade and into the woods, his tail also tucked firmly between his back legs.

“What a loser,” I muttered to myself.

“Thank you,” Zecora added while stomping out the few fires that remained. “I would not have been able to best him alone.”

I was about to say something cocky and self-assured when all of a sudden a sense of vertigo overcame me. Before I knew it I was lying on the ground, all the burns I had suffered suddenly flaring up at once.

“Augh that burns like you wouldn't believe,” I muttered. “How does that even work? I have no flesh which which to be burned.”

“Spirit, are you okay? What do you need of me?” Zecora asked, hovering over me and peering down.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” I replied, struggling and failing to rise into something equivalent to a standing position. “Just give me a hand would you?”

“I don't need to understand you to know what that means,” Zecora replied, reaching out to my raised hand with her hoof.

The moment I grasped the limb I felt some force within me stir and before I knew it I was using the mystery move I had sensed before.

[Haunter used Destiny Bond.]

Author's Note:

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Comments ( 4 )

Oh crap.

Probably much more literal here. Their destinies are now intrinsically bound together. If one dies so to does the other!

Mean look. Run away? That's not how that works.

And now, Zecora fainted because Hunter used destiny Bond

In all seriousness, your reinterpretation of Pokemon moves serves your story well

I like this. Makes a pokemon battle feel more real. And why wait for you opponent to recover and do something if you have the advantage. Also their destinies are now linked lol.

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