• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 1,454 Views, 68 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins - Sketch App

The Turtles and Rainbooms find a creature called a Mogwai, and discover that this little creature is much more trouble than they originally thought.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Suspicions

After the group left the mall, they called Applejack to see if they could have some pizza at her place. She agreed and took the time to clean up the place. Twilight called both Sunset and Fluttershy if they wanted to join them and both agreed aswell.

Once everyone got to Applejack's farm they parked their vehicles and walked towards the house. The Turtles were no longer in their human disguises once they drove away from the mall. They knocked on the front door and Applejack eventually answered.

"Howdy, y'all!" Applejack smiled at her group of friends. "Come on in!"

She motioned everyone to enter the house. Once they do, they all took off their jackets and boots and followed Applejack to the living room. Once there, they all set the Mogwais on the floor for them to stretch their legs. The Mogwai immediately got comfortable as they either started rolling all over the floor, or played with the little toys they had.

Twilight ordered some pizzas while everyone else chatted while also keeping an eye on the mogwais.

"Y'all look exhausted." Applejack points out. "I take it watchin' over five mogwais wasn't an easy task?"

"Actually, believe it or not, it wasn't the Mogwai that had us exhausted." April exclaimed.

"Well shoot, really?" Applejack said stunned.

"I can hardly believe it myself." Raph rubbed his head.

"We'll explain everything once Sunset and Fluttershy get here." Leo said.

As they waited, they chatted with Applejack to ask how her day has been going. Meanwhile the five Mogwai were messing around and being pretty loud, which is what everyone has been familiar with now.

After awhile the doorbell rang. Applebloom looked out the window and saw it was the pizza guy. April offered to get it as she got up and walked towards the door. After paying she shuts the door and carried the four stacks of pizzas inside.

"Alright, can one of yous take the other- whoa!" April stumbled abit when she felt something by her feet.

She looked down and saw all five mogwais by her legs and jumping frantically as they all shouted, "Yum-yum!" Even Scamper grabbed hold of April’s leg as he tried to climb on her to get the pizzas.

"Hey! Take it easy! You'll get to eat soon, I just gotta- Whoa! Terrance!" She shouted at the big Mogwai who pushed on her leg, making her stumble a bit.

"Can someone take these guys and help me with the other pizzas please?" April begged.

Quickly Raph, Casey, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight grabbed the mogwais out of April’s way as Karai, Leo and Donnie helped April carry the other three pizzas.

They set the pizzas on the table stand and opened the pizza boxes. Mikey inhaled the scent of the pizza and let out a sigh.

"Aaaaah, nothing beats the smell of a freshly baked pizza."

"Mmm, smells good." Scootaloo licked her lips.

"Can't wait to eat it." Applebloom added.

Suddenly the mogwais frantically reached their arms over the table stand and tried desperately to grab the pizza boxes. They all held the mogwais back so they wouldn't risk the mogwai dropping the pizzas on the floor.

"Geez, they're as bad as Mikey when it comes to pizza. Probably even worse." Raph stated as he held Terrance.

Then they heard the doorbell ring again. Twilight went to answer it this time. When she opens the door, she sees that it was both Sunset and Fluttershy, with Gizmo in her bag.

"Sunset, Fluttershy! Surprised to see you both here at the same time." Twilight smiled as she let her two friends in.

Both took off their coats and boots once they entered the house.

"Yeah we happened to stumble across each other, so we decided to walk together." Sunset explained.

Once they got to the living room everyone greeted their two friends. Once they saw Gizmo, everyone had a slight shift in tone as they were more happy to see the little Mogwai.

"You two made it just in time! We were about to start eating pizza." Mikey explained.

"Mmm, looks yummy." Fluttershy smiled as she set her bag down and pulled Gizmo out of it, setting him on her lap.

As everyone was about to grab a slice, Mikey suddenly motioned everyone to stop.

"Wait!" Said the youngest turtle. "Before any of us gets any, I think it's fair if Gizmo has the first slice. Since this is probably his first time having pizza, it would make sense he gets the first slice."

Everyone was surprised by this. Mikey tends to try to be the one who'd want the first slice. In fact, he'd tried to get the first five slices. Yet he's willing to let Gizmo have the first slice.

"Wow Mikey, this is pretty surprising coming from you." April admits.

"No kiddin', that makes it a bigger deal." Applebloom added.

Mikey grabbed a slice of pizza and held it towards Gizmo. "Go on, Gizmo. Experience the what can only be described as, deliciousness, of a pizza."

The other five mogwai glared at Gizmo as they watch him being handed the first slice of pizza.

"Gizmo..." Stripe mumbled.

Gizmo stared an awe at the pizza as he grabbed hold of it. He sniffed it a few times, which he quickly learned smelled yummy. Gizmo opens his mouth and moved the pizza towards the inside of his mouth. Gizmo then bites the tip of the pizza, chewing the piece in his mouth. His pupils immediately go wide as fireworks set off in his head as he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Yum~!" Gizmo cheered.

"Ah yeah! I knew you'd like it!" Mikey smiled. "Alright, now let's all dig in to-" Mikey stopped mid-sentence and froze when he looked at one of the pizza boxes.

Stripe, Tuck, Scamper and Wacko were completely on top on one of the pizzas, ripping off pieces as they shoved them in their mouths.

"Aaaagggh!!! They're tearing that pizza apart!" Mikey screamed.

Leo, Casey, Twilight and Rainbow Dash quickly scooped up the Mogwai, but they've already gone through the entire pizza. Mikey picks up the pizza box and shook it, only crumbs falling off.

"Yo, yous didn't leave any for us! .... Wow, that sounds weird coming from me." Mikey admits.

"Man, they are worse than Mikey!" Raph shook his head.

"Don't worry guys, we still got three other boxes." Leo assured.

"Yeah, let's just-" Twilight stopped herself when she noticed the three other boxes on the table stand were gone. "Hey, where's the other boxes?"

Everyone looked around and looked at the corner of the room. They saw Terrence with the three boxes of pizzas, already empty as Terrance bit the last piece of the pizza and threw the crust in the lit fireplace, which had the rest of the pizza crusts in.

"Yo, that's messed up!" Casey said dumbfounded.

"Did he seriously eat all three of those boxes by himself?!" Raph said shocked.

"How did he even-?! They were right-! I can't even-!" Donnie couldn't comprehend how Terrance managed to grab all three pizza boxes so quickly with no one noticing and eating it all already.

"They ate all the pizzas!" Sweetie Belle frowned.

"Noooo! Now I'm gonna starve!" Mikey cried.

Mikey began to make exaggerated groaning noises as he held his stomach and fell on his knees.

"I'm already feeling weak! My stomach digesting itself! Need... pizza..." Mikey fell on the floor as everyone rolled their eyes.

Gizmo noticed how sad Mikey is. So he started to rip his slice of pizza in half. Once he does, he held out one half to Mikey.

"Yum-yum." Gizmo smiled at the Turtle.

Mikey gasped as he sat up on his knees. "Giz, you wanna share your slice with me?"

Gizmo smiled and nodded at Mikey. "Yum-yum."

Mikey let out another happy gasp as he accepted the slice from the Mogwai.

"You're a life saver, thank you." Mikey's mouth quivered with joy.

The two then took a bite of their slices and let out a Mmm~ as they chewed.

While half of the group can't help but smile at the sweet moment of Gizmo sharing his pizza with Mikey, Raph pinched his forehead as he let's out a groan.

"Guessing we gotta order more pizzas huh?"

"I'll give them a call this time." Leo offered.

While Leo ordered another pizza, Applejack spoke up.

"Alright, now y'all gonna tell me why you looked so exhausted?"

So they began to recap their entire day at the mall. Applejack, Sunset and Fluttershy were shocked to hear the events that happened at the mall.

"So the pets somehow escaped from the pet store and were loose all over the mall?" Sunset said with a shocked expression.

"Oh dear." Fluttershy added.

"Took us a long while to gather all those animals back." Karai sighed.

"Wish I could've been there to help." Fluttershy frowned.

"Not only that, but before all that happened, the arcade somehow caught on fire." Donnie explained.

"What?!" Sunset gasped.

"How in tarnation did that happen?!" Applejack asked.

"We're not really sure." Donnie admits.

"We weren't there when it happened. But when we were passing by, we saw people crowding around the arcade." April recalled.

"It was just lucky no one got hurt." Leo said.

"Well that's a relief." Applejack adjusted her hat, though still shocked at the whole thing.

Applejack then turned her attention towards her little sister. "Nothing happened to you when you were watching your movie, right Applebloom?"

"If you're asking if anything dangerous happened, no, nothing happened." Applebloom assured.

"Phew, that's a relife." Applejack smiled. "So you enjoyed your movie then, right?"

"Well, we were." Applebloom frowned.

"Were?" Applejack repeated.

"As the movie was playing, the whole thing went white, completely stopping the movie when something cool was happening!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Man it totally killed the hype!" Mikey adds.

"So now we gotta earn enough money to see it again just to see what happens next!" Applebloom huffed.

"Man, sounds like you guys had a rough day." Sunset empathized with her friends.

"So how were the Mogwai during all that?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Well, they actually weren't much of a problem." Donnie admits.

"They were actually sleeping through the whole thing." Twilight added, much to Sunset and Applejack's surprise.

"They slept through the whole thing?" Sunset couldn't believe it.

"Well shoot, that's quite a surprise." Applejack nodded.

"Yeah, but they're fully energized now." Raph grunted as he watched the Mogwai playing with some of the ornaments on the apple family's tree, one actually falling and breaking.

"Still, I'm surprised all five Mogwai were able to behave during all that." Applejack said.

"Wish Stripe is like that at my home..." Sunset mumbled to herself.

They then here the doorbell ring.

"That must be the pizza." Leo guessed.

"Again." Karai added.

"I'll get it." Fluttershy offered as she set Gizmo on the couch next to April, which the red head smiled and scratched his head.

Fluttershy opened the door and it indeed was the pizza guy.

"Already went through the first four stacks huh?" The pizza man asked.

"Um, you could say that." Fluttershy smiled sheepishly as she grabbed the new stacks.

"Also, do you know this person? He says he knows this place." The pizza man stepped aside to show her brother, Zephyr Breeze, was behind the pizza guy.

"Hey sis!" Zephyr waved.

"Zephyr?" Fluttershy said surprised.

"Guess you do. I'll be leaving then." The pizza man said before leaving.

"Glad I ran into you sis." Zephyr smiled as he let's himself in. "Hey everyone! The gang is all here!" Zephyr grinned.

As Zephyr walked inside, he didn't bother taking off his boots, leaving a trail of snow in the house, making Applejack have a tick mark on her head.

"Zephyr." The cowgirl grunted.

"Greeeaat..." Raph groaned.

"The most embarrassing thing happened." Zephyr began talking as everyone groaned. "As I was taking the bus ride home, I got off at the wrong stop, can you believe it? Had to walk around abit till I managed to find this place."

"Um, Zephyr? If you don't mind me asking, but why are you out of work early?" Fluttershy asked as she sets the boxes of pizzas down.

"Good question!" Zephyr finger gunned his sister, as Applejack grabbed a mop and started mopping the snow off the floor.

"You see, after everything at the mall happened, the arcade catching fire, animals escaping the pet store, they decided to close the mall early so they can begin working on fixing the arcade." Zephyr explained.

"Well guess that makes sense." Donnie shrugged.

"I thought you guys knew already. It's all over the news." Zephyr scratched his head confused.

This took everyone by surprise, not knowing it's all over the news.

"Wait, what?" Leo said baffled.

"Sugar cube, turn on the TV." Applejack told her sister.

Applebloom grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV. She clicked through channels till she found the news channel. On screen was the female reporter where the Canterlot mall can be seen behind her.

"In other news, the Canterlot mall has been closed off as many different occurrences have happened." She explained. "Those events being animals breaking loose from the pet store and spreading all over the mall, and get this, the arcade catching fire."

Everyone took glances at each other as they listened to the news.

"On top of that, there has been other strange occurrences that happened at the mall. All the food at the Canterlot mall's theater were completely eaten, one of the movies playing going completely white, toys in toy shops being ripped out of their boxes and broken, and a shoe box pyramid falling on top of a distracted employee." The news reporter explained, which shocked everyone.

"Whoa, I didn't know those things happened too." Donnie said eyes wide.

"I had no idea." Shinigami gasped.

The news reporter continued to explain the events. "And there's also customers complaining that the DVDs they bought have been tampered with. Having scratches on the discs, the discs being broken completely, and some not having the movie they wanted, but instead containing the three seasons of the rebooted cartoon series, The Super Cosmic Girls."

That last one made April, Mikey, Shinigami and Casey groan in frustration.

"Ugh! How dreadful!" Shinigami crossed her arms."

"That reboot is terrible!" Mikey shook his head.

"It's not even faithful to the original show!" April added.

"It completely butchers the original! Not to mention the art style is just terrible!" Casey vented. He then heard raph chuckling as he looked at the turtle. "What? Yeah I watched it, what of it?"

The news reporter continued. "Due to these events, the mall will be closing for a few months until repairs can be done to the many stores, leaving customers disappointed and frustrated."

"Man, months?" Donnie couldn't believe it.

"I didn't know things were that serious in the mall." Leo hung his head low.

When they thought they've heard enough, the news reporter ended up giving them more information on the matter.

"Now we interviewed some people as all this breaks down, and they have given us information that is very strange to say the least. Each one of them has told us while these things were happening, they saw what they believed to be furry animals on the scenes."

Hearing that made everyone go quiet. Furry animals? Were they talking about the animals that escaped the pet store? They thought so, what else could it be?

"The description they had on the animals were vague, but all are similar to one another as they were furry, small, and had big ears. What animal fits these descriptions is still unclear."

Leo then shuts the TV off as everyone remained quiet. They gave each other unsettling glances as they weren't sure what to say. Donnie was the first to break the silence.

"Guys, you don't think..."

"It couldn't be." Leo intervened. "They were inside the bags all day. Right?"

Leo sounded unsure himself now.

"I mean, I guess that explains why they've been so quiet but..." Twilight adjusted her glasses.

"When we checked, they were definitely inside the bags. Heck, the travel bag Terrance was in weighed the same all day." April points out.

"Right, so it couldn't have been the Mogwai." Leo nodded, though they weren't quite one hundred percent sure.

Once he heard Mogwai, Zephyr began to speak up. "Oh, those furry dudes? Yeah I saw them at the mall."

Everyone immediately turned their attention towards Zephyr.

"What?" Leo asked.

"Impossible, we carried them around in bags all day." Donnie points out.

"Plus I know very well we never entered the store you work at, so you couldn't have seen them." Raph added bluntly.

"But I did see them, honestly. In fact, I recognize the legs on that big one right there." Zephyr motioned to Terrance, who was laying flat on the floor as Scamper and Tuck bounced on his belly. "You guys trust me to tell you the truth right?" Zephyr smiled innocently.

Everyone in the room just gave him a flat look. Leo spoke again.

"Zephyr, tell us exactly what you saw."

"Okay, well, it started like this."

A flashback to Zephyr on a bus as he was explaining everything.

'So there I was, sitting on the bus and listening to my jams on my phone. It was fire. Like something you'd wanna listen to over and over. But I had to stop and look to see if I was coming to the right stop. Wish I wrote it down or something, cause I was lost. I tried to look around to see if I recognized anything outside, but then again I don't really pay attention to everything outside, so I couldn't tell nonetheless.'

Suddenly Leo interrupted as he waved his hand at Zephyr.

"Um, Zephyr, why don't you just tell us the moment you saw the Mogwai at your job?"

"Ah, good call." Zephyr finger gunned Leo.

Everyone groaned in frustration.

Flashback to Zephyr at his job.

'So, I was in the middle of trying to sell one of the items at the shop to a customer, when something weird happened.'

"Behold, the high-five stick! You can give high-fives from really far away." Zephyr said proudly, though the woman wasn't impressed. "Trust me, your kids will love it. Allow me to demonstrate."

Zephyr began to stretch the high-five stick towards the woman, when suddenly it broke off, making Zephyr feel sheepish.

"Uh hehe, that's never happened before, honest." He smiled nervously.

The woman rolled her eyes and left the store as Zephyr tried to convince her to stay.

"W-Wait! If you don't like the high-five stick, mabye you'd want something else! Uh, how about a virtual reality headset? Or one of those finger trap thingies? Do your kids like headbands? How about a headband?"

Though the lady was already gone, making Zephyr sigh.

"Well, that could've gone better." He told himself. When suddenly,


"Youch!!!!" Zephyr jumped as he held his butt, feeling it getting smacked hard. He turned around to see what hit him. "What just-?"

He looked down and saw one of the high-five sticks on the floor. He picked it up and looked at it curiously.

"That's weird, why's this on the floor?"

When he turned back to the entrance, he blinked as he saw what looks like a dog cage discreetly leaving the store, and what looks like a pair of furry legs on the bottom of the cage.

The flashback ends as Zephyr finished the story.

"And that's how I saw those little Mogwai dudes at the store."

"Soooo, you saw them, leaving in a dog cage?" Donnie asked, not sure if he believes it.

"Sounds too stupid to be true." Raph said bluntly.

"But it's true. Sis, you believe me right?" Zephyr looks at Fluttershy.

"..... Um...." Fluttershy doesn't respond, looking at the floor.

Leo motions everyone to huddle. Once they do he begins to speak.

"Okay, not saying I believe what Zephyr said, but it's definitely got you thinking, right?"

"I mean sure, but the Mogwais can't possibly be the ones that did all those things at the mall, right?" Donnie said. "They've been in the bags all day. They couldn't leave the bags without being exposed to bright light."

As everyone was talking, April peeked over to where the Mogwai are. That's when she spots Stripe peeking over his shoulder at the group, giving them a suspicious glare as one of his ears is perked up. April gasped and whispered to everyone.

"Um, guys? Maybe we should have this discussion... somewhere else?"

She motioned her head towards the Mogwai, where they see that Stripe wasn't looking at them anymore. Not wanting to take the risk, Leo nods.


As they started to walk to a different room, Leo speaks to Zephyr.

"Hey Zephyr, can you do us a little favor?" He asked.

"Why of course, what are pals for, am I right?" He winked.

"Uh, right. Look, we need to have a little discussion, so would you mind watching the Mogwais for a bit? Just till we're finished." Leo gave a forced smile as he clapped his hands together.

"Watch the Mogwai?" Zephyr repeated as he looked over at them. "Uh, I don't-"

Raph quickly stopped Zephyr from speaking any further. "Greeeaat, glad you could do this for us, really appreciate it." He patted Zephyr's shoulder as everyone left the living room.

Zephyr looked at the Mogwai who were staring at them. He gave them nervous smile and waved at them. That's when the five Mogwai formed devious grins at him, letting out chuckles.

Everyone was now in the kitchen as they continued their discussion.

"So what do you guys think?" Sunset asked.

"No doubt it's suspicious, but how would it explain the weight of the bags?" April said, trying to make sense of it.

"Maybe they were in the bags? Maybe it's just a coincidence?" Fluttershy tried to explain, wanting to think the Mogwai weren't the that did those awful things.

"Fluttershy, I get you're an animal lover, but you gotta put your biases aside and see the bigger picture." Raph told the animal lover.

"Hate to say it, but Raph is right. While we don't exactly have prove the Mogwai are behind everything, it definitely would explain things." Donnie said.

Fluttershy frowned as she held Gizmo tight.

"If that's the case, maybe they're the reason our movie stopped playing!" Scootaloo gasped.

"I knew that Stripe was no good!" Applebloom frowned.

"Now hang on, Sugar cube." Applejack began saying. "That could've just been a malfunction with the projector. We can't know for sure that was the Mogwai or not."

"So, how can we figure out if the Mogwai are responsible or not?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Donnie puts his fingers on his chin. "Hmm... maybe if we can look at the security footage in the security room, we could playback the recordings from today and see if we can spot the Mogwai in the mall."

"How are we gonna do that?" April asked.

"Yeah, they closed the mall for repairs." Twilight added.

"Well, we could use the ninja approach and sneak in." Donnie suggested.

"Sneak in?" Twilight repeated.

"I don't know, Donnie, that's a pretty risky move." Sunset crossed her arms unsure.

"But it could be our only option to know for sure." Leo argued.

Before anyone else can say anything, Sunset's phone begins to ring. She looked at the caller ID and saw it was Juniper Montage. She answered and put the phone on speaker.


"Hey Sunset. You heard about everything that happened at the mall?" Juniper asked.

"Yeah, saw it on the news. In fact, Leo and the others explained everything to me, Fluttershy and Applejack before we saw the news."

"Oh good, the others are with you." Juniper sighed in relief.

"What's up?" Karai asked curiously.

Juniper began explaining the situation to everyone. "Well, while we were all preparing to go home, security found the employees in the projector room. They said they saw three animals in the room with them."

"Couldn't those just been the animals that escaped?" Donnie raised his eyebrow.

"I thought so too. But the thing is, security found these employees tied up and knocked out." Juniper revealed.

This took everyone by surprise.

"Oh my!" Rarity gasped.

"That's crazy!" Casey adds.

"How?" April eagerly asked.

"They said the animals... attacked them. One knocked out one of them with a projector wheel. And get this. As I was talking to security, they found a dog cage hidden in the entrance area."

Once Juniper revealed that information, they all immediately looked at each other, remembering Zephyr saying he saw a dog cage at the store he worked at.

"Thanks Juniper, this is helpful information." Leo thanked her.

"No problem. Hope you guys can help figure out what the heck is going on."

"We will, see ya."

With that, Sunset hung up her phone as everyone looked at each other.

"So it's settled then, we go to the mall, look through the security footage, and find proof to see if the Mogwai are behind it or not." Leo exclaimed.

"I still don't know. All of us going to the mall could be a risky thing to do." Twilight said unsure.

Leo assured her by placing his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Twilight. Me and my brothers can handle it. The rest of you go home and rest up."

Suddenly Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack started feeling uneasy.

"Um, I don't know, Leo..." Twilight rubbed her arm.

"If the Mogwai being behind everything is true, I'm not sure I want Stripe staying over in my place." Sunset explained.

"I mean, Scamper has been behaving at my place so well. But I can't get all this information out of my head now..." Rarity frowned.

"Well, just try to put up with them a little longer. If something comes up, we'll figure out what to do with them." Leo explained.

They begrudgingly agreed, though weren't too enthusiastic about it.

"We'll go to the mall later tonight where there'll be less people. We'll inform you all when we found something."

Everyone nodded as they all walked back towards the living room. Once there, they see Zephyr being completely piled on by four of the Mogwai as they're jumping on him, tugging on his hair or in Wacko's case, hitting Zephyr with a candy cane. He looks at the group and gives them a pleading smile.

"H-Hey guys! Boy, these little guys like to play aggressively huh? Hehe- OUCH!!!" He cried as Scamper tugs on his bun. "Th-Think you can take these guys off me now?"

Sunset, Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Rarity walked over and grabbed their Mogwais.

"Hey dudes, we should take some of that pizza we ordered for the road." Mikey suggests as he went to grab a box.

He stopped when he saw they weren't on the table stand. "Hey! Where did they-" he looked around frantically for the pizza.

That's where he spots Terrance sitting in the corner again with all the pizzas. And again, has eaten the entire thing by himself.

"Dude, are you serious?!" Casey said annoyed.

"Noooooo!!!! Terrance, you are like starting to become my least favorite!" Mikey screamed at the big Mogwai, who just gave him an expressionless look and shrugged.

Everyone started to leave Applejack's House as they either entered the vehicles they came in, or started walking.

April nudged Casey abit, as she wanted to talk to him about one thing.

"So, you watched the original Super Cosmic Girls, huh?" The kunoichi gave him a grin.

Casey smiled sheepishly as he rubbed his neck. "Well, nothing good was on TV and I happened to stumble across it. Decided to give it a watch and, well, it won me over." Casey smiled as April returned the smile back.

As Fluttershy walked out with Gizmo, Zephyr walked beside her.

"Alright, time to head home! So where's your car sis? I didn't see it parked anywhere when I was walking here."

"I didn't take my car." Fluttershy told her brother.

"You what now?" Zephyr said baffled.

"My car wouldn't start due to how cold it is, so I just walked here." Fluttershy explained.

"So... we gotta walk home... in the cold..?" Zephyr frowned.

"Yes, Zephyr." Fluttershy sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I see... hehe, mabye I'll learn which stop is the one I'm suppose to get off of on the way right?" Zephyr laughed sheepishly.

At the Canterlot mall, it was now dark and some workers were exiting the mall after cleaning up and fixing up some parts of the mall. In the shadows, Leo and his brothers were lurking through the parking lot as to avoid being seen by the people exiting the building. Once the area was clear, the four turtles used their grappling hooks to ascend themselves to the roof.

Once on the roof, Raph opens a vent and they all enter through the vent. Inside, Leo carefully opens a vent that leads into the clothing store. Leo pokes his head down to see if there's any security around. Once he saw the coast was clear he quietly jumped down as his three bothers followed behind.

They exited the clothing store and quietly walked through the mall to find the security room. They made sure to be on the look out for any security, but it doesn't seem like there's any inside whatsoever.

"Hmm, this place is pretty deserted." Donnie said in a whisper, not wanting to risk talking loudly.

"Then we shouldn't have problems getting to the security office." Raph states.

"We still need to be cautious, don't wanna risk getting caught." Leo reminded.

As they walked, they glance around the dark empty mall, giving most of them the shivers.

"Man, never thought I'd be back in the mall when it's closed." Raph admitted, recalling the time they got locked in the mall.

"It's honestly more creepy without the others." Donnie looked around his surroundings.

"Whooooaaa..." They hear Mikey say. They turned to see he was looking at the arcade that had broken arcade machines, and fire ashes in some parts of the area.

"So crazy that a fire started here." Mikey frowned.

"Come on Mikey. We'll find out exactly what happened." Leo told his little brother who nodded and followed.

They soon find the security room. Donnie managed to unlock it and they all stepped inside. Donnie sat in the chair infront of the security monitors and turned the whole thing on.

"Okay, let's see what we got." The science turtle said as he started going through the security footage.

Donnie flicked through the security footage to find the clothing store, and fast forward to the time they arrived in. Soon Donnie found the timestamp and quickly informed his brothers.

"Guys, I found it." He watched the footage of the entrance of the store.

They all, minus Mikey, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, entered the store through the entrance before they were out of view.

"Can you find the footage of us in one of the isles?" Leo asked.

Donnie flicked through different cameras in the store, and only found one footage that just vaguely shows half the group.

"No good, we can only see a snippet of ourselves, and we can't see the mogwais at all." Donnie sighed.

"Flick back to the entrance, mabye we'll find something back there." Leo suggested.

Donnie flicked back to the entrance of the clothing store and fast forward abit. That's when he spots Raph and Casey leaving the store.

"Look, that's when Raph and Casey left to get the mogwai something to eat. Mabye we'll see something short after." Donnie exclaimed as they all watched the footage.

They watched for a bit but saw nothing.

"Hmm, doesn't seem like anything is happening." Leo leaned on the panel.

"Wait, look." Donnie points at the screen.

To their surprise, they saw Rarity's cossack hat moving towards the entrance, bumping into things along the way.

"What the?" Raph said eyes wide.

"Is that Rarity's hat?" Leo asked shocked.

"It sure is. And look what's at the bottom." Donnie zoomed in on the hat as they all see a familiar pair of furry legs.

"No way." Mikey gasped.

"Keep going, let's see what else we can find." Leo told Donnie who started to fast forward the tape.

He stopped when they all saw something shocking. They saw a dog cage being shuffled inside the clothing store.

"Yo, a dog cage! Like what Zephyr and Juniper said!" Mikey couldn't believe it.

"How the heck did no one notice that?" Raph asked confusingly.

Donnie fast forward again and found footage of the dog cage again. But this time, it had a pair of big furry legs on the bottom, and was walking out of the store.

"Oh man!" Leo gasped.

"Again, how did anyone not notice!" Raph yelled.

"Flick through the cameras, find out where they went." Leo motioned Donnie who quickly does so.

Donnie found footage of the dog cage in the mall. They see it was doing it's best to not be noticed by people. But they saw it did end up being noticed by a little girl who walked up to it. But then they saw the cage shake violently, which clearly scared the little girl who ran away.

"Where the heck is it going?" Leo wondered.

Donnie flicked through the security footage, and their hearts dropped when they saw where it was entering. The arcade.

"No..." Leo shook his head.

Donnie flicked to the security footage inside the arcade, and shocked to see that Stripe, Tuck, Scamper, Wacko and Terrance have exited the dog cage and entered spread around the arcade. They watched as the Mogwai caused all kinds of trouble. Wacko violently hitting the whack-a-mole machine, Stripe ripping out the plastic pistol and throwing it at the screen breaking it, Tuck bouncing all over the arcade, hitting the many different games, and Terrance violently throwing ski balls everywhere. They saw one of the ski balls hitting an outlet, causing it to spark.

"Look! That's what caused the arcade to be set on fire!" Donnie points out as they saw fire slowly spreading.

That's when they saw the Mogwais entering the dog cage again before leaving the arcade as security and employees came in to put out the fires.

All four brothers were speechless. They didn't know how to react to the fact the Mogwai were the cause of the fire.

"Donnie, flick to the camera footage of Zephyr's job."

Donnie nodded and flicked the footage to the job Zephyr worked at. There they saw Zephyr annoyingly talking to the customers. And little behold, the mogwai entered the store in the dog cage. They exited the cage and spread around, messing with the different items. Terrance had one of the high-five sticks in his hands. As he was extending the length, he pulled on it too hard and the tip part broke off. He tried to put the whole thing back on and put it away, pretending nothing happened.

That's when Zephyr grabbed that same high-five stick and tried to demonstrate it to the woman he mentioned in his story. That's when the stick broke off and the woman leaving the store.

"Huh, guess that explains why it broke in the first place." Donnie said.

They watched as the Mogwai were done with the store and started going back to the dog cage. But that's when Wacko stopped halfway as he looked like he wanted to do something. He scurried back and grabbed one of the high-five sticks. He crawled behind Zephyr who was trying to convince the woman to come back. As Zephyr was distracted, Wacko smacked the high-five stick right onto Zephyr's butt, causing him to yelp in pain.

The Turtles can't help but burst out laughing at the ordeal, as they found the way Wacko hits Zephyr's butt and seeing his reaction funny. But they all cleared their throats and tried to be professional.

"I-It wasn't that funny." Leo shook his head.

"Yeah, totally." Raph nodded.

"Not one bit." Donnie regained his composure.

"I was just laughing cause you guys were laughing." Mikey cleared his throat.

"Donnie, find all the cameras in the stores the news have listed." Leo told his brother.

Donnie nodded and quickly got to work. There, they found all the shocking proof that the Mogwai were indeed behind all of the problems the stores had. They saw footage of the Mogwais ripping open toy boxes and breaking the toys. One where they threw a shoe at a shoebox pyramid, causing it to fall on a employee. One where they're scratching, breaking, and switching DVD discs in cases. And of course, they saw the Mogwai opening and letting out the animals at the pet store, causing them to break loose in the mall.

"So they were behind it... all of it..." Donnie couldn't believe it.

"But, if they've been causing trouble at the mall, then what were in the bags?" Raph asked, as they still had no clue.

Donnie went through the security footage again and found footage of them placing the bags under the resting areas. After fast forwarding for awhile, they see the mogwais approaching the bags, only this time covering themselves with popcorn buckets. The Turtles were then shocked to see the Mogwai pulling out the toy elves they stuffed in the bags and reentered the bags themselves.

"So, they used stuffed toys to make it look like they were in the bags." Donnie realized.

"But.... why?" Leo asked. "Why would they do this? Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Sunset and Pinkie Pie have been taking good care of them right? So why would they cause all this trouble?"

"Simple." Mikey started speaking.

Leo, Donnie and Raph looked at their little brother confusingly.

"They simply wanna cause chaos, just for the fun of it." He explained, as he held up his Wrath of the Sprites comic book. He showed a panel that had the town in flames, people screaming in the background, while the three Sprites showed on the page having joyful smiles on their faces.

Instead of berating Mikey for bringing up his comic book again, the three brothers instead gave each other worried looks, as they're afraid this might actually be the case with the mogwais, as they not only saw them making a mess of things at the mall, but actually setting the arcade itself on fire.

Author's Note:

Wow, another chapter done already! That's crazy! Anyway, hoped you all enjoyed that read.


• Equestria Ninja Girls by Wildcard25

• The group discovering everything else that happened in the mall was an idea given by Jebens1 so I'd like to thank him for that idea. It allowed me to add other moments the mogwai did in the mall I wanted to add in the last chapter but didn't add due to time constraints.

• The show the news reporter brought up, The Super Cosmic Girls, is a parody of The Powerpuff Girls. And of course the reboot of the in universe show is also a reference to the Powerpuff Girls reboot that obviously needs no explanation...