• Published 2nd Jan 2023
  • 7,253 Views, 548 Comments

Generational Divide - Boltstrike58

A tear in the time space continuum brings Twilight Sparkle and Sunny Starscout together.

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen: The Battle of the Brighthouse Part Two

Crystal Brighthouse

Apparently, Opaline's hatred for Twilight was intact, as she went for the purple alicorn first. She launched a bolt of lightning from her horn at Twilight, completely ignoring Sunny's presence. Twilight, naturally, raised her shield to block the attack, but it clearly took some effort. Undeterred, Opaline kept the blast going, forcing Twilight back. However, with her attention focused on one pony, that left ten others (plus Spike) free to attack. Sunny, with the aid of her ethereal alicorn wings, flew down towards Opaline, and sent out a shockwave of white energy, knocking Opaline off her hooves. Twilight was freed from having to block the attack, and the fallen Opaline was quickly surrounded on all sides by ponies and one dragon.

"You may have beaten us in round one," said Hitch, "but it looks like you're outmatched now."

"He's right, you know," said Sunny. "You're beginning to look worn down. Just give up now, Opaline. It's not worth it."

Twilight landed directly in front of Opaline. Her horn blared with raspberry-colored magic. "It's over, Opaline. Surrender, and we may be lenient with your sentencing."

Opaline climbed to her hooves once more, and despite bleeding from a small cut on her forehead, she was smiling. "Funny. I seem to recall you saying something similar the first time we fought, Twilight Sparkle," she taunted. "And look at me now. All the efforts of your future self went to waste."

If that insult bothered Twilight, she didn't show it. She kept her face neutral, and spread her wings. "Opaline, this is your chance to avoid a great deal of pain," she announced. "Just accept your defeat while we're feeling merciful."

"Good for you," Opaline snapped back. "Because I won't be."

She stomped one green glowing hoof, releasing a pulse of earth pony magic into the ground. From the ground beneath them, plant life began to erupt. Vines and ivy burst from the dirt, wrapping themselves around the ponies, snaring them and preventing those with wings from taking off. Spike managed to escape by breathing fire on his bonds, but everypony else was stuck.

"I was a fool to use a simple paralysis spell before," Opaline growled as she hovered above the trapped ponies. "I should've just ended you all when I had the chance. I won't make that mistake again." She began powering up her horn, causing tiny bolts of purple lightning to travel up the appendage. One didn't have to be a genius to realize she was going for the kill.

Unfortunately for her, she'd forgotten Spike in her haste to execute her enemies. The purple dragon flew up behind Opaline, and punched her in the back of the head. As the power around her horn dissipated, she rounded on Spike.

"You wretched brat!" she screeched.

"What, that's the best comeback you've got?" Spike shot back. "You're losing your touch, lady."

He took off flying in another direction, prompting Opaline to chase him, firing bolts of lightning at him. Fortunately for Spike, every blast was preceded by an electrical hum, giving him just enough time to zip away from the strike zone.

"We have to get out of this!" yelled Twilight, as she squirmed against her bonds. "Spike can keep her busy for a while, but not forever!"

"Working on it!" replied Sunny, pushing her leg downwards through the ivy. Her hoof glowed green, and when it finally made contact with the ground, it sent out another pulse of earth pony magic, giving Sunny control over the plants Opaline had created. They immediately retracted into the dirt, releasing the eleven ponies. Rainbow and Zipp instantly spread their wings.

"Let's go save Spike!" Rainbow announced, before taking off. Zipp shot after her like an arrow.

Spike, meanwhile, wasn't having the easiest time. Opaline, having apparently realized he could hear her lightning attacks coming, had switched to using her telekinesis to chuck objects at him. Spike flew in an unpredictable pattern, but Opaline's attacks kept missing by less and less. Finally, she managed to clip him with a piece of concrete broken off from the Brighthouse, sending him into a downward spiral.

"Fool," she muttered, before taking aim with her horn.

And that was when Rainbow and Zipp punched her from two different directions, dazing her. Meanwhile, Pipp flew down and grabbed Spike before he could land in the ocean. Opaline tried to round on the new threat, but Pinkie pitched their last glitter bomb into her face. Rainbow and Zipp then bucked her in the stomach together, sending her flying backwards.

"Okay, everypony regroup now!" shouted Sunny. "We need to stand together!"

Rainbow, Zipp, Pipp, and Spike obeyed, flying back to rejoin with the others. Opaline brushed the remaining glitter out of her eyes, staring down Twilight and the others with murder in her eyes.

"Can't I ever be rid of you?!" she demanded. She fired a lighting blast towards the two alicorns, only for Sunny and Twilight to intercept it with their own magic beams. The three were soon caught in a beam struggle, none of them able to gain any ground.

Unfortunately for Opaline, she'd left herself vulnerable again, even in midair. Rarity, straining from the effort but doing it anyway, levitated up a boulder that was as big as she, and chucked it at Opaline, smacking the magenta alicorn to the side. She was then snared around the barrel by a rope made of neckties tossed by Izzy.

"You aren't the only one who can lasso stuff, Applejack!" cheered the unicorn.

Applejack just laughed. "Maybe you should try out for the rodeo, Izzy!" she joked.

Izzy swung the rope in a wide arc, taking Opaline for a ride through the air. Opaline screamed as she went flying in a massive circle, sending drops of her saliva down raining down on the others. Her remaining braid came undone, making her look far more disheveled than usual. She lit her hoof on fire, and with a swipe, burned through the rope, setting her free.

"Oh, come on!" Izzy complained as the remains of her creation dropped to the ground. "Do you know how much digging through the trash I had to do to get those ties? You're a jerk!"

Opaline didn't bother to answer this time, instead opting for another screech of rage. She formed a ball of flame in each hoof, and began raining fire down on those who opposed her. Twilight threw up an energy shield to intercept them.

"Is that thing two-way?" asked Sunny.

"Yep!" was all Twilight got out, as she strained to keep blocking Opaline's attack.


Sunny lit up her ethereal horn, and fired her own magic beam through the barrier, punching Opaline in the stomach. With the onslaught stopped, Sunny flapped her wings once, taking off from the ground and zooming towards Opaline. She tackled the larger alicorn out of the air, sending the two plummeting down into the community garden.

They struggled for a minute, with Sunny eventually pinning Opaline to the dirt.

"You...false alicorn!" Opaline snarled. "How dare you...lay hooves on me!"

"Oh, I dare, alright!" Sunny growled back. "A monster like you doesn't deserve those powers you have! A true alicorn rules by—"

Opaline cut her off with a blast to the stomach, sending her flying backwards. Twilight managed to catch Sunny in her magic, gently lowering her back down to the earth.

"Good try, Sunny," said Twilight. "I'm sure that speech would've been heartfelt."

"I was working on that the whole way here!" Sunny complained. "Now it's gonna go to waste in my head!"

Any further discussion on the subject of heroic speeches would have to wait, as Opaline flew into the air once again. Hitch and Applejack stomped the ground with their hooves, creating more vines that rose up to try and snare her, but Opaline had gotten wise to earth pony magic at this point. She dodged and swerved, occasionally using her magic to burn the plants away. Twilight and Sunny added to the mix, firing their magic beams at her, but Opaline dodged those, too. It was like they couldn't touch her.

"We need something unexpected," said Fluttershy. "Something she can't predict. Otherwise, we won't be able to lay a hoof on her."

"I got something!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, producing her party cannon again. She contorted herself into a ball, and stuffed herself into the barrel of the cannon. "Ready, aim, and fire, ponies!"

"You sure about this?" asked Zipp.

"Not in the slightest!"

"Good enough for me!" said Izzy, grabbing the cannon in her magic. She kept the barrel trained on Opaline, before jamming down on the fire button at the exact right time. Pinkie was launched outwards in an explosion of confetti, and crashed into Opaline like a cannonball. Opaline was knocked out of the air yet again, while Pinkie merely bounced away.

"Now!" yelled Twilight. She, Sunny, Hitch, and Applejack all stomped the ground with glowing green hooves, channeling their earth pony magic. More roots burst from the ground around Opaline, wrapping themselves around her legs, wings, horn and neck. She strained against her new bindings, but physical strength wasn't enough.

"You have to know by now that you can't hold me like this for long," she sneered at the ponies. She was already charging her horn, even though the effort clearly hurt her.

"We weren't planning on it," replied Twilight. "Our goal here is to give you one more chance to surrender."

Opaline just laughed. Sunny looked rather downcast, but she stepped forward anyway.

"Opaline, please," she implored. "Somewhere, you have to understand that what you're doing is wrong. Ponies deserve to have magic. You can return Sparky's magic now and he'll be fine! If you keep fighting...I don't know what's going to happen to you!"

"Let me explain something to you, Sunny," Opaline spat. "I would rather die a thousand deaths than submit to your idiotic 'friendship.' Alicorns deserve all the magic in the world, and it's not my fault you're too weak to take it. I will take what's mine, and destroy every last one of you!"

Her wings and horn began to ignite with purple flames, burning at the wood that held her. Before she could fully break free, Twilight fired another magic beam at her, stunning her, and Sunny followed up with one of her own.

"Don't feel too bad, Sunny," Twilight said. "We knew it was a long shot. After what I saw in her memories, I doubted she'd ever give up."

"Thanks, Twilight," replied Sunny. "But that doesn't make me feel much better."

With a roar, Opaline finally broke free from her bonds, and fired a lightning blast, forcing everyone to scatter. Twilight and Sunny returned fire from opposing sides, but Opaline dodged. Everypony else, having little in the way of projectile attacks (except Spike), instead opted to grab the hybrid fruits from the community garden (which was now in ruins) and hurl them at Opaline.

Opaline kept up the evasive maneuvers, until a rogue kiwipaya, thrown by Pipp, smacked her in the face, splattering juice all over. She actually screamed in fury, before taking aim at Pipp with her horn.

"Uh, heh heh," Pipp chuckled, clearly terrified but trying to hide it. "Is it too late to apologize?"

Opaline didn't even respond, instead opting to fire her lightning once more. With a squeak, Pipp leaped into the air, dodging the incoming attack. Undeterred, Opaline kept shooting, forcing Pipp to dodge again and again. Hitch and Rainbow attempted to jump onto her back to cease the assault, but Opaline flared her magic aura again, knocking them off.

"Okay, you know what?" Pipp snapped, after avoiding the seventh bolt. "I'm tired of this! Izzy was right, you are a jerk!"

With a quick flap of her wings, she closed the gap between the two of them, and struck Opaline's muzzle with both forehooves. The alicorn, dazed by yet another blow to the face, reeled backwards, giving Zipp time to tackle her.

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Pipp, looking down at her hooves. "I just punched her in the face! What is wrong with me?!"

"Nothing, darling," said Rarity, bluntly. "I believe you simply hit your limit."

"It happens to me all the time," remarked Fluttershy.

Meanwhile, Zipp and Opaline kept wrestling across the dirt. Applejack and Izzy attempted to jump in to help, but Opaline managed to aim well enough to blast them both away. Then she launched more fire from her horn, an attack Zipp barely avoided.

"Are we making progress?" demanded the pegasus as she flew back to rejoin the others.

Twilight took a look. Opaline climbed back to her hooves yet again, but her face was covered in small scratches and bruises, her mane had come undone and was loaded with branches and leaves, and even the feathers on her wings were disheveled. One of her eyes was already beginning to blacken. Her coat was covered with fruit juice.

"I think we've reached the threshold now," answered Twilight. "We just need to pin her down and—"

Opaline's scream cut her off. Plus, this was no ordinary scream. It was a magically amplified scream, blasting everypony off their hooves (and Spike off his feet) and blowing their ears out at the same time. Little drops of blood began to drip from their ears. Everyone was thrown into the sides of the Crystal Brighthouse, smacking into the concrete. Once Opaline ceased the scream, the eleven ponies and one dragon all fell to the ground in a heap.

Opaline wasted no time in powering up her horn again. Electricity lanced out from the appendage, flowing down to encircle her fallen enemies. Then it rose upwards, creating a spherical cage of energy that trapped everyone. Opaline finally released a long sigh.

"Scum," she moaned, clearly too tired for anything else. She powered up her horn once more, creating spikes of energy on the inside of the cage. "I'll finish you now, and then I'll—"

This time, Opaline was the one interrupted by a rock that flew in from behind her, and clocked her on the back of the head. While not hard enough to be fatal or cause any lasting damage, a blow like that certainly caught her attention. Opaline whirled around on one hoof, discovering her assailant standing behind her, next to a pile of stones.

"And the next one's really gonna hurt!" shouted Misty, picking up a second rock.

Opaline just stared. "Misty," she began, "I would think long and hard on what you're about to do before you—" She didn't finish, as Misty bounced another rock off her face. "Okay, fine. Have it your way. You can die like the waste of space you are!"

She tried to fly at Misty, only for the unicorn to keep pelting Opaline with stones. She grunted, and began blasting the rocks out of the air, but Misty's supply seemed inexhaustible, and her adrenaline rush made her keep throwing. Finally, Misty hit her in the eye that was starting to blacken, and Opaline snapped. With a scream, she threw a fireball that hit Misty in the stomach, burning her again and knocking her over. Misty rolled away a little, and attempted to climb back onto her hooves, only for Opaline to pin her down with one.

"You should've just stayed in your hospital bed," Opaline growled. "I might've let you live in my new world. But now you'll die alone."

"She's not alone."

Opaline spun around. While she'd been distracted, Twilight and the others had broken out of her magic cage, and had formed a semicircle around her. With a shout, she tried to power up, but Twilight and Sunny combined their magic beams, blasting her off of Misty. Hitch, Applejack, and Pinkie all stomped their hooves, using more earth pony magic to tie Opaline down again. Izzy added a few squirts of glue to the mix, pinning Opaline's legs to the ground.

"Okay, we're ready!" announced Twilight. She opened her saddlebags, revealing the three newly created Unity Crystals. "It's now or never!"

"Sounds good!" added Sunny. "Misty, you in?" She used her horn to levitate the fallen unicorn up and over to their group. Misty said nothing, but nodded, a grim look of determination crossing her face.

"Everypony, focus all your magic into the crystals!" shouted Twilight. "Think of harmony, think of your friends, think of everything in Equestria you love!"

The others all shut their eyes, except Sunny and Twilight, who began pouring their magic into the crystals. Opaline, tied down and glued to the ground, looked up at the sight, comprehension slowly crossing her features. The Cutie Marks of everypony present began to glow pure white, and magic trails matching the colors of their coats began to attach to the Unity Crystals. Spike and Misty didn't have Cutie Marks, but a beam of light came from their hearts, joining the rainbow of light that was fueling the crystals.

"NO!" Opaline screamed, frantically wiggling to try and get free. Sparks began to flow up her horn, but it was too late. A kaleidoscope of rainbow-colored light launched from the crystals, enveloping Opaline with the full force of everyone's magic. Then, a stream of purple fire began to drift out from her horn, representing Opaline's magic being drained into the Unity Crystals. She burped up a bubble of green energy that took off and flew back towards Maretime Bay Hospital.

"That's Sparky's magic!" shouted Hitch.

"Keep it going!" yelled Twilight. "We need to remove all her power in order for this to work!"

And so they kept the magic drain going, pulling all of Opaline's magic away. Opaline, to her credit, fought tooth and nail for every drop, but it just wasn't enough. The sparks from her horn grew smaller and weaker with each passing second.

Suddenly, Opaline squeezed her eyes shut. Fire began to gather around her, melting the glue that pinned her down and the roots that tied her up. She managed to get all four hooves onto the ground once again, and ignited her body once more.

"I...will not be caged again," she spat. "I am...Opaline Aracana! I am the rightful ruler of Equestria!"

Her eyes snapped open, and she launched another stream of fire against the rainbow beam. While it wasn't strong enough to overpower Twilight and the others, it was pushing back against them. This didn't escape Twilight's notice, of course, and she cast a quick spell. The results she got back caused her eyes to widen.

"Oh, no," she breathed.

"What? What's going on?" demanded Sunny. "Is she blocking us?"

"No. She's using her own life force to try and bolster the last of her magic," said Twilight. "But the spell we cast is too far gone to stop now!"

She called out "Opaline! You have to stop fighting! If you keep drawing on your life force, it could kill you!"

"Clearly, you didn't listen to me before!" Opaline shouted back. "I surrender to nopony! I am the greatest alicorn in history! AND I WILL NOT BE FELLED BY ANTS SUCH AS YOU!"



The rainbow and the fire kept up their struggle, but it was clear that Opaline was losing. She didn't let up, though. As the rainbow kept advancing towards her, she never let up, and stood proud on her hooves. Eventually, the rainbow beam reached her horn, and cracks began to appear down the appendage. This didn't escape the notice of Sunny.

"Twilight! We have to cut off the spell!" she shouted.


The spell continued to travel down Opaline's horn, causing yet more cracks to form. White light leaked out from beneath them, and Opaline's eyes and mouth soon began emitting the same light. Yet she still stood her ground, laughing.


In one more blinding flash of light, Opaline exploded.