• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Heartless: Trouble in Neverland

Sombra found that the usual routine fell into place as they flew away from Halloween Town and continued into the vast unknown of the World, where Sora focused on piloting their ship, Radiant and Fluttershy moved to their private world to do some work, Donald and Goofy helped Sora, and she trained with Riku. From what she could tell Riku really wanted to learn how to harness the power of Darkness and not be worried about being consumed by it, hence why he wanted her to teach him exactly what she knew, though they had to start at the basics since this wasn't something easily taught. Still, she had to admit that Riku had the potential to be able to control some of the powers that she had grown to master before her attack on the Crystal Empire, so she was fine with taking her time and making sure he understood the points she was trying to make. At the very least Sombra continued to build up Riku's defenses so he didn't lose himself when she finally allowed him to face off against a sliver of Darkness, the tiniest fragment possible to test his new skills, but that would be something they did later, once she was sure he was ready.

In addition to that Sombra practiced using the Gravira spell on the training dummies, where she found that it was exactly like the other second tier spells, it was stronger than the first tier and covered a wider area than before, meaning instead of having to cast it multiple times on a group she should be able to do half the casts to achieve the same results.

When she wasn't training Sombra found that the work around the private world never seemed to end, as Fluttershy and her group tended to the growing fields and harvested a good number of items that would go to the ship's food stores, while a portion of it would go to the animals helping her. Radiant and her kobolds, on the other hand, continued to collect all sorts of resources from the rest of the world, as while there was a mine for a good number of items the adventurous kobolds had found all sorts of other items and components scattered all over the place. Sombra did have to watch them for a time, just seeing one run in the direction of a mountain and return about twenty minutes later with a sack full of gems, minerals, and other items that Radiant used to make the items the group used, such as elixirs and potions, which was mostly just battle items. Every now and then Sombra found that Radiant produced some interesting bits of jewelry, something that made her think about Riku's odd comment about missing being a werewolf, where she decided to shelve the idea that popped into her mind for the time being as she focused on her own tasks.

Sombra had to chuckle a little as she returned to the kitchen for one of the meals, as at the beginning of this adventure she would have never guessed that this would have been her task in the ship, and yet she found some joy in doing it, almost like she had discovered a lost talent of hers or something.

While they flew, however, Sombra noticed that Sora and Riku were somewhat distracted and understood what was going through their minds right now, as they had been to a number of worlds and had yet to find a trace of Kairi, which made the rest of the group wonder if they were going to find her at all. Sombra had the feeling they would, as it wouldn't make sense for them not to find her in some manner, they just had to be patient and sooner or later someone would tell them that they had found another person who happened to be looking for them. She wasn't the only one who noticed this, as in everyone else noticed how the pair seemed to be thinking about their inability to find their other friend, though since it was clear that they wanted to be left alone, to consider their options without someone butting in, she and the others just said nothing and waited for them to speak up about the topic. She really had no idea where Kairi could have ended up, as the World was vast and there was no telling which world the missing girl could have been sent to, even through she should have landed in Traverse Town, like Sora, Fluttershy, and Radiant had, exactly like she had, so this just made her wonder about the situation as they fled through space.

Eventually, however, they reached what appeared to be the next world, where the icon appeared to be a tall clock tower with a large pirate ship that seemed to be either sailing near it or in the air that was near it, and Sombra could see that a dark power was resting over the world.

"Looks like one of Maleficent's allies might be bothering this world... and, judging by the controls, it seems that we might be warped right into our enemy's domain this time." Sombra said, looking at the console that was in front of them, which Sora was watching as he thought about what this might mean, though as she thought about this situation it sure seemed like the boy was considering something else right now, "Sora, what do you think?"

"I really don't like these readings, but with seven of us we should be able to overcome whatever is waiting for us and find a good spot to regroup in." Sora replied, because part of him wanted to warp down to the clock tower that was part of the world that was in front of them, it seemed like the safest place for them to touch down in before worrying about the rest of the area they would have to cover, but the readings suggested such a thing wasn't possible.

"Jumping right into the lion's den this time... I like it, since we can take out Maleficent's ally quicker." Riku commented, as it sounded like a good plan in his mind, especially since they would be able to track down the world's Keyhole much quicker than before, meaning their time on this world would be far shorter and they could continue to the next without delay.

Sora nodded for a moment as he brought the ship to a stop and then warped all of them down to the world, allowing the group to touch down on a large wooden ship that seemed to be a pirate's ship, and it wasn't long before they found their target, a tall figure who was dressed as the captain of the ship, complete with a hook in place of his right hand.

"What's this? The troublesome Keyblade wielder and his annoying friends." the Captain said, showing them that they were already in hot water since the villain of this world had already discovered them, before they even had a chance to see the rest of the ship, though this was what they intended since they decided to warp down to this location first, before a grin of sorts appeared on his face, "Well, it seems that Maleficent's dog has finally returned, just as she said you would. Tell me... Riku, was it... did you find what you wanted? I would hope so, since you spurned the one who saved you."

"Yes, I did. I found my friends... most of them, anyway." Riku replied, though at the same time he called forth his weapon as he pointed it at the Captain, who raised an eyebrow for a moment as he realized that the boy standing on the level that was below him was no longer the same one that he and the other villains might have seen in the past, "After our world was swallowed by the Heartless, I found myself on the outskirts of a dark castle on Hollow Bastion and Maleficent brought me inside... told me plenty of things about how one of my only friends wasn't interested in saving the other, how he was far more interested in his Keyblade, and a number of other things. Turns out that she was utterly wrong! Sora cares just as much as I do, perhaps even more than I do, as he has done everything in his power to find our other friend, unlike that witch who tried to poison my mind against my friends."

"Is that so? If you care so much, why don't I cast her through a portal and send her to Maleficent?" the Captain replied, as if he had all the cards right now, though as the group paused for a moment he nodded to a shorter person, who emerged from the room he entered and revealed a young girl, about Sora and Riku's age, who seemed comatose, as she made no moves on her own and didn't seem to acknowledge anyone, as her eyes were lifeless, "You see boy, we finally found her for you, just as Maleficent said she would... and you would still call her a liar?"

"Kairi!" Sora and Riku called out, figuring that their voices could reach her, though Sombra noticed that when Sora moved his hand towards her for a moment there was a bit of movement, a tiny fragment, from the comatose girl, meaning there was some sort of bond between him and Kairi, and as they did that the Heartless started to seep out onto the deck, which confirmed the captain's allegiance to Maleficent.

Sombra glanced at the others and found that they understood what was going on, the Captain was going to open the way to Hollow Bastion and toss Kairi through it, delivering her into Maleficent's hands in a matter of seconds, causing her to turn towards the pirate looking Heartless as she swung her scythe, cutting through them with ease. As she did that the rest of the group got moving without delay, Sora and Riku swinging at the other Pirates that dared to come at them, while at the same time Donald loosed spells into the air, targeting the ship shaped Heartless who could fire small cannonballs at them, while Radiant used her bow on them. Goofy and Fluttershy dealt with the enemies that were around them as well, as it looked like the Captain had called forth as many Heartless as he could muster, or at least those who would heed the call of his inner darkness, where Sombra called for Sora and Riku to flock to her side. While she did that Sombra reached out with her power and used her time power to slow the Captain down, to the best of her ability, though as the pair came to a stop near her she swung her scythe, allowing them to stand on the flat edge of it before she swung it in a way that let her launch them at the Captain.

Such a thing allowed Sora and Riku to land on the level that the Captain and his second were on, though as they rushed to Kairi's aid a group of Pirates slammed into Sora and knocked him backwards, which caused him to call for Riku to ignore him and get to Kairi, who nodded as he disappeared into the cabin with the Captain.

When Sora reached the door, after beating back the Heartless and releasing hearts that Sombra absorbed, he found that the door was locked, causing him to jump down to where the others were fighting as he found what appeared to be a hatch leading down into the cargo area. With that in mind Radiant and Fluttershy slashed into the locks and broken them with ease, allowing them to open the way once all of the enemies were dealt with, causing Sombra to extend some of her power so they could float down into the cargo hold with ease. What they discovered was that there was a cell holding a young boy inside it, even though the cell looked more like it was part of the cargo hold due to the wooden walls and door, and Sombra could see that he wore what appeared to be armor made out of leaves, pretty big ones at that. He seemed like a troublemaker, the Aladdin to this world's Jafar in a sense, though before he noticed them the group made sure that the area was clear of enemies, all while Fluttershy found that her treasure seeking rabbit, Squeak, had found a magical page and Sombra added it to her tome, finding that it was the second tier Aero spell, Aerora.

"Ahem. The answer to your prayers is right over here." the boy said, where the group raised an eyebrow for a moment as they looked at him, where he sighed for a few seconds before realizing that he wasn't going to trick them into listening to his scheme that he was the only one that could save them or aid them in this manner, and it wasn't long before a small glowing figure, a fairy or something, flew around him, "The name's Peter Pan, this here is Tinker Bell, and I'm looking for my friend Wendy... who, according to Tinker Bell, is being held by Captain Hook, who recently captured another girl who has done nothing since her arrival."

"Well, we're looking for another way into Hook's quarters... maybe you'd like to aid us?" Sombra inquired, not that she and the others really needed help right now, since they could deal with the Heartless, though since they usually had allies on their journeys through the various worlds she figured that it might be best to ally with their ally of this one, even if she already disliked him.

Peter seemed to think of them as more like sidekicks, or maybe minions, something that caused Sombra to let out a low growl that only Radiant bothered to acknowledge, she was the closest of the others, despite somewhat agreeing to work with them, though not before Donald said something about Tinker Bell being jealous of Peter wanting to save Wendy, a fact that earned him a kick to the face from the little fairy. The other thing that made her not like Peter that much was how he reacted to Sora raising his hand for them to shake, he pulled his back like he was pulling a prank or something, he had no love for them and really didn't seem to like any of them, rather he was using them to get Wendy back. Other than that the only interesting thing about Peter was that he was able to float without magic, something that caused Sombra to look at the size of the cargo hold and switch to her magic, the scythe was too much for this area, especially with the size of their group. With that in mind she focused on crushing her chosen foes into the floor with Gravira as the others dealt with the other Heartless that were in the area, something that allowed Radiant to swing her Keyblade at those she struck with her gravity spell, and she claimed all of the newly freed hearts as well.

Flight alongside Peter revealed something else, that his power of flight was due to Tinker Bell's fairy dust and the power of belief, something that caused Sora to believe that he could fly and he floated off the floor with ease, to which Tinker Bell did the same for everyone but Fluttershy, as she had her own wings, and soon enough all of them were floating. The other thing that they noticed was that there was an area that Peter could talk to Wendy in, as it appeared that they were below the actual holding area as well, though Sombra had given up trying to figure out Hook's ship, it just seemed to be thrown together with no rhyme or reason to it. The oddest thing was that there didn't seem to be a way back to the top deck or Hook's chambers, which just made one wonder how the crew managed to get around, though there was one thing that caused them to stop in their tracks, a ladder that seemed out of place. What made it even more important was that Peter was able to figure out that it went to Hook's chamber, which was what they were looking for, though interesting enough there was no one there, in fact Sombra couldn't feel Riku's presence at all, before Sora smashed through the door and went back out onto the deck.

Sure enough that was where they found Hook standing around like he had all the time in the world, though he wasn't too pleased to see Sora and the others, like he assumed all of them would have been ripped apart by the Heartless, while he was even less pleased to see Peter Pan.

"You. What did you do to Riku and Kairi?" Sombra stated, because they weren't on this world anymore, that much she and the others could tell by just exploring the rest of the odd ship, and the only one who knew where they were was Hook, so before they beat him up she figured one of them could get some answers out of him.

"I opened the way to Hollow Bastion and sent the girl through... Riku, with no concern for his own well being, rushed into it to save her. He's probably talking to Maleficent right now." Hook replied, showing them that he didn't seem to care that much about what Riku was doing, though at the same time this told them that they would need to be prepared for what the future held for them, given that their next destination might be Maleficent's base of operations, "Though none of you will be going there."

In that moment he drew his own sword as more Heartless showed up to attack the group, though that was followed by all of them taking to the air, much to Hook's surprise and confusion, allowing some of them to focus on the Pirates while the others tore through all of the Ships that were around them. While they did that Sombra found that Squeak, ever the busy rabbit, beckoned for her to come over and she understood why without delay, the critter had found a second magic page for her to add to the tome, the second tier healing spell, Cura, causing her to rub Squeak's head before rejoining the fight as she crushed some Heartless with her gravity magic. The one thing that she had to admit was that Hook was skilled in fighting with his sword, a rapier based on what she could see, though the ability to fly rendered his skill irrelevant, which meant they were able to just rain down pain on the pirate captain while his second in command ran off. Such a thing let Sombra and the others knock Hook off of his own ship, though after hitting the water he actually burst out of the water and ran off as a green crocodile chased after him, something that Hook feared above everything else.

With that done Tinker Bell told Peter about the clock tower, causing the boy to take off and forced the others to follow, as this had to be the Keyhole, though while everyone did that Sombra could tell that Sora was thinking about Kairi and what he'd tell her once this adventure was over, along with Riku, as it wouldn't be the same without his friend.

Somehow it took them only a few minutes to fly from the ship and reach the tall clock tower, plus the city that was around it, where Radiant found Wendy sitting on the upper reaches of the structure, on what seemed to be a walkway that people used from time to time. While Peter talked with her and Tinker Bell, as it seemed important, Sora, Sombra, and the rest of the group checked out the four sides of the clock tower as they looked for the Keyhole, only for them to discover that one of the faces was totally off, since the other three were locked on the same position. Sombra glanced at the unaligned one for a moment and beckoned for Sora to hit it, which the boy did so without delay and they found that one of the hands moved as he hit it, moving an hour each time it was hit, and when the hands were aligned on the twelve o'clock position a brilliant light emerged from the formerly wrong face. Such a thing revealed that the Keyhole was on the clock face that was in front of them, though as Sora sealed the Keyhole, and Fluttershy picked up a navigational gummi piece Sombra just floated there for a moment, sensing an incredibly powerful Heartless that was unlike anything she had felt before, and yet the creature, itself, didn't seem ready to fight them.

As the others returned to Peter Pan, however, Sombra smiled as she realized that she would be coming back here in the near future, once she was better prepared, as she had a feeling that this Heartless would be one epic fight and it made her look forward to clashing with it at some point in time.

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