• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?


“We’re coming up behind you, Clipper. Seven clicks. White Peak reports the Cape Hornwell radio beacon’s broke. We’re radar only.”

“Celestia, what a time for them to be napping. You’ll have to guide us in, Baron. Our radar went down after that last wave. List is at ten degrees and hatch three is off its hinges.”

“We got you, Clipper. Just hold tight.”

“We’re trying. Gale Clipper out.”

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Wow, that's...sad. I was hoping at least Amber and Sea could've survived but, alas, death has no prejudice.

The narrative and description of the sinking was beautiful and alive. Really good.

Does sea die? I can’t tell

No. Like the author's note says, the story is based on a real live event.

Sad to see this not picking up harder. I've sang my praises elsewhere already, so I won't repeat it here, but I will say that I hope it might still climb into the sinbox by tomorrow.

Fantastic story, gave me the chills reading it!

I found this randomly on a search, and boy am I glad I did. The world needs more tales of nautical ponies.

Incidentally, this creeping feeling of familiarity was stealing over me as you described the ship, the crew, the load, the upcoming weather, and it's like "You know, I've heard this exact story before... sounds an awful lot like this one involving a Great Lakes freighter..."
And I was going to hazard a guess that it was the Carl D. Bradley, but then I see the note, and blech, it's the Daniel J. Morrel, I should know this stuff. I never can keep Great Lakes freighters straight in my head -- well, except for the Edmund Fitzgerald, but everyone remembers that one, right?

Also, Amber's death is really well handled. I didn't think she would live through the night, but that confession of love threw me for a loop for a second with a little hope that maybe she'll make it through it. Alas. Contributing to that hope, though, this one's all on me, I remembered the story having another survivor live through it, but I was wrong, now that I just checked.

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