• Published 26th Dec 2011
  • 30,670 Views, 663 Comments

Night Guards - Raugos

The origins of Luna's personal guards.

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Author's notes

Night Guards: Author’s notes

Phew… that was quite an experience. It’s the first time I’ve ever had to do an extended piece of creative writing on a schedule. (Yes, yes, with plenty of delays, but still!) Regardless, it was lots of fun, and it is not unlikely that more will follow!

But enough about me; the rest of this should be filled with more interesting bits of trivia and fun facts!

If for some reason you have chosen to view this part before finishing the story, be warned; possible spoilers are in store here.

Much of this story was written whilst listening to the soundtrack of Thor, particularly ‘Sons of Odin’ and ‘Earth to Asgard’. If you do listen to them on youtube, please try to refrain from making pony references in the comments. (Let’s try not to intrude into the fandoms of others, eh? There is enough animosity towards bronies as it is.)

Hammer and Anvil’s personalities were reversed in the first draft. I switched them because, I don’t know, ‘Anvil’ sounded like a name that would belong to someone with impertinent tendencies.

If you’re wondering why they weren’t speaking in Ye Olde English like Luna in the episode, it was because I felt there was no way I was going to be able to pull it off without making it incredibly awkward and stilted.

Best for last; I came up with the general plot for this story some time before the Luna Eclipsed episode. So, the characters were different. The first chapter was pretty much the same, minus Anvil and Hammer. Oh, and instead of those two, the protagonists were supposed to be Trixie, Gilda and Derpy. Yes, you read that right. It was going to involve some convoluted time travel loop, wherein Celestia forcibly sends them into the past to prevent Nightmare Moon’s victory, and they were going to return to the future in much the same way as those two. Not long after Luna’s episode aired, I decided that her Night Guards would be more interesting to write about. It was getting too difficult to ensure that the time travel plot was airtight, anyway. Discord, the windigos, zap apples, timber wolves – they were all added as more episodes aired, so long as they did not clash with what I had in mind for the story.

And if anyone’s wondering what Anvil and Hammer looked like prior to their transformation, whilst not wearing enchanted guard armour…

No points for guessing who's who. (Yeh, I know, the poses are the same as in the original picture. Lazy me.)

Anyways, I would like to thank everypony for taking the time to read this fanfic, it's been a blast writing for you!