• Published 8th Jan 2023
  • 3,798 Views, 498 Comments

Regeneration - Rated Ponystar

The Doctor has to stop the Conversion War and save humanity from Celestia's madness, but a worse evil is playing everyone as pawns for a greater plot

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Regeneration Part 16

“Yeah, but that's it! That's exactly the point! Oh, Lumic, you're a clever man. I'd call you a genius, except I'm in the room. But everything you've invented, you did to fight your sickness. And that's brilliant. That is so human. But once you get rid of sickness and mortality, then what's there to strive for, eh? The Cybermen won't advance, you'll just stop! You'll stay like this forever. A metal Earth with metal men and metal thoughts, lacking the one thing that makes this planet so alive: people! Ordinary, stupid, brilliant people!”

-The Tenth Doctor

You — are — my — enemy — and I am yours! You are everything I despise. The worst thing in all creation. I've defeated you. Time and time again, I've defeated you. I sent you back into the Void. I saved the whole of reality from you. I am the Doctor, and you are the Daleks!”

-The Eleventh Doctor


It was chaos all over the world. They came from out of nowhere, and in an instant, many areas in both the human and Equestrian lands were under attack by forces beyond their beliefs. One was a racial purity-driven hateful race of exterminators who had only one objective in life, and that was the complete domination of the Dalek race over all others. They were ruthless in their killings of both humans and ponies. None were spared, not even children. Cities were in flames as many ran in terror or cried out for their gods to save them, only to emit one final scream before being silenced forever and joining those gods in death.

The other was a silver army of emotionless, logic-driven abominations that could no longer be called ponies. They were like a virus, immune to most weapons, with nothing in either human or pony hands/hooves that could harm them. While they did eliminate those who stood in their way, they had more sinister purposes for those they spared. Those taken from them would be subjected to horrible treatments that would see them lose their skin, flesh, and bones before becoming the very things that captured them in the first place against their will.

The world soon learned of these events. Fear and panic spread, and a desperate cry was called out.

“Someone save us.”

And someone was coming.


The first thing The Doctor did upon waking up was make sure he hadn't regenerated again. It would be embarrassing if he did not long after being in this body. Thankfully, the only thing he was suffering from was a nasty bump on the head and a twitch in his rump. Moaning, The Doctor pushed the debris off his body and coughed up some dirt before looking around. The Major-General's room was utterly totaled, and there was a massive hole in the wall, showing the Doctor what he feared was most happening before his eyes.

Three large cyber warships floated above the city of Geneva, with their armies spreading across the streets. He could hear the battle already raging across the city, with the cries of many in terror or pain. Despite being a heavily fortified city thanks to being the HQ of the United Nations, The Doctor knew that none of the weaponry here would be able to fight off the Cyberponies.

He then looked around and saw that everyone else was thankfully alive and struggling to get up. It didn't take them long to see the destruction going on outside. Major-General Highmore ran to his phone and picked it up. "Report! Now!"

"Sir! We're under attack by what look to be robot ponies! All forces on all city fronts are doing their best, but our weapons are doing nothing! I swear this is like something out of Battlestar Galactica!"

"Is it just us or-"

"No! We got reports that Berlin, Islamabad, Algiers, Chicago, and Kwangju are also being attacked! Not just by these things but by...pepper potted...aliens that shoot lasers that instantly kill you?!"

"Daleks..." The Doctor hissed as Major-General Highmore looked at him before returning to his call.

"What about the civilians?! And the UN Council?!" Major-General Highmore demanded.

"The council has gone dark! We can't contact anyone inside! We're doing what we can to keep the population safe, but they keep taking civilians alive! We got reports that they're taking them into some transport ships and taking them to the bigger ones!"

"Cyber conversion," The Doctor answered as Highmore looked at him. "They're going to convert them into cyberborgs like them. Those people are already dead."

"...Any chance of reversing it?" Highmoore asked.

"No," The Doctor said, shaking his head. "Not even I can do that."

"...I want all forces to hold out as much as possible! Use every weapon we have! Even the classified ones! Get reinforcements at once! And I want birds in the air to wipe those ships out as soon as possible!" Major-General Highmore demanded before hanging up the phone. He rushed over to his desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a bottle of whisky he drank straight up before slamming it down. "First ponies, then cyborgs. What's next? The Loch Ness Monster?"

"Major-General, none of your forces are going to do anything to the Cyberponies," The Doctor said seriously as he approached him. "They are beyond your technology. Practically any mundane weapon is ignored by their shields or armor. The best you can do is fire as many explosions and anti-tank weapons at them as you can, but at best, it will show them down."

"Then what the bloody hell do you suggest?!" Major-General Highmore demanded with desperation in his eyes. "If you have an idea, Doctor, say it! Because if Geneva falls, the entire U.N. will fall, and the world will fall into chaos!"

The Doctor bit his lip and looked outside, focusing on everything around him. The others looked at him with both hope and desperation. He had always had a plan for all the time they had been with him, and now, more than anything, did they need him. Lyra walked over to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Doctor?"

"...Lyra," He turned to her. "Stay with the Major-General. I'll deal with this."

"Not alone, you're not," Lyra said with determination.

"Lyra, this is serious," The Doctor said as he glared at her. "The Cyberponies are no laughing matter. Neither are the Daleks or the Black Guardian. This isn't just trying to stop a war anymore. This is trying to stop the end of reality as we know it."

"Then we'll stop it together," Lyra said as she poked him in the chest. "It doesn't matter if it's against Princess Celestia or this Black Guardian. I made a promise that I was going to end this war and bring peace to ponies and humans. If that means going to hell with you, Doctor, then I'm ready to dive right in."

"Us too," Flash Sentry said as everyone nodded.

The Doctor looked at them all one by one before sighing. "Ponies. Always a stubborn species." He then smiled. "But a courageous one as well."

"So what's the plan, Doctor?" Dinky asked.

"...I have an idea, but it's risky." The Doctor sighed as he turned to Major-General Highmore. "We need the Large Hadron Collider just outside the city."

"What for?" Major-General Highmore said in confusion.

"We're going to make it into a weapon," The Doctor said as he turned back outside. "If we can get to the TARDIS and get to it, there is a chance to save everything."

"But we parked the TARDIS blocks from here," Carrot Top moaned. "Why did we do that?!"

"Worry about my parking skills later," The Doctor said as he pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver. "Major-General, do what you can to slow the Cyberponies down! Get the civilians to bunkers, including Princess Flurry Heart! We'll do what we can!"

"...Guess I got no choice," Major-General Highmore said before saluting him. "Good luck, Doctor."

"We're going to need it," The Doctor told the man before turning to his team. "Right, let's move! Tally ho!"


Princess Luna knew that becoming a princess meant you had to make tough choices in life. Every decision could mean the lives or deaths of hundreds or more. Today, she had to make a choice that would decide the fate of two cities.

Both Canerlot and the Crystal Empire were under attack by alien forces beyond their power, forces responsible for the deaths of all the other alicorns save for her and Flurry Heart. From what the others had described, their magic was all but pointless to use against the creatures whose purpose was only the genocide of all others. Meaning they were practically demons in metal armor.

Princess Luna knew she had to make a decision to save one of the two. The problem was she didn't know which one. Canterlot was the capital of the nation. The very heart and soul of the government. It was where their center of government, religion, and culture resided. If it fell, it would cause such a moral loss that the spirit of Equestria would be broken. On the other hoof, the Empire was a valuable resource area. The crystals it housed made up much of their magical properties and technology. It also was the only city that housed the Crystal Ponies. If it fell, they would be wiped out. An entire race could be erased from existence. Yet, wasn't her loyalty to the actual Equestrians first?

"Going up against the Daleks is suicide," Discord said to her. "Few races can stand up to them; if my people couldn't, I doubt you can."

"I am not foalish, Discord," Princess Luna said as she glared at him. "My concern is to free my subjects and save as many lives as I can. Not fight an enemy I cannot defeat on my own."

"So, what? We're just going to sit on our tails and do nothing?" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"...No, I have an idea of what to do," Princess Luna sighed heavily. "My sister and I prepared a backup plan in case Canterlot was ever in danger—a means to save it. However, it required the power of two alicorns to use. With no other alicorns, I am afraid I cannot use it."

"Ahem?" Discord raised his eyebrow before snapping his fingers as a dozen neon light signs pointed at him. "I might not be an alicorn, but I have greater power than that. Surely I could be of assistance?"

"...Yes, that would work," Luna said with a nod. "We will need to get to the palace. I can only pray it is not too late."

"What about the Crystal Empire?" Fluttershy asked as all eyes turned to them.

"...I will accept full responsibility for their fate," Princess Luna muttered.

"You're going to abandon them?!" Rarity shouted in shock.

"What choice do I have?!" Luna shouted, which surprised them. She calmed down and explained. "I only have enough forces to save one city. And I have no means to rescue the Crystal Empire. Not even for a mass teleportation escape. This is war and survival. I will answer for their deaths in whatever Hell exists in this cursed universe. Please say if you have any other ideas that could change my mindset."

Nobody said anything.

"...Will you be joining us, or will you sit this one out?" Luna asked.

"...I think I need a moment after everything that's happened," Rarity whispered as she slowly sulked off. Fluttershy gave an apologetic look before following the unicorn.

"And you two?" Princess Luna asked the remaining Elements.

"I'm not about to back down now," Rainbow Dash answered.

"Same here," Applejack replied as she lowered her hat.

"Then let us be off and pray that fate is not against us," Luna said.


When Flash joined the Royal Guard, he knew there would be times when one had to stomach the sight of death and destruction. He thought he was ready, especially when the war against humanity began, and he switched sides to join the Underground Railroad. He had been in battle before, but this one was different. This was a one-sided slaughter as it was clear that the Cyberponies held all the advantages. From what the Doctor had explained, they were not only scientifically advanced but also developed a means to adapt to any weaknesses they fell victim to over time. The only strategy was to run.

The TARDIS was a distance away, near a museum that they parked next to, but they needed to go through the streets themselves to get to it. At first, this wasn't a problem; they ran or flew as fast as possible to get from one street to another. Civilians were running around in a panic, guided by soldiers making fortifications for when the lines further up fell. And from what they could tell, they were falling fast.

They had to cut through alleys and a few abandoned houses to keep going. The Doctor led them all the way while his Sonic Screwdriver remained out, scanning every so often. Flash decided to ask the question everyone was thinking: "So what is this Hadron Collider thing, and how is it going to help us against the Cyberponies?"

"Basically, it provides collisions between lead ions, recreating conditions similar to those just after the Big Bang. When heavy ions collide at high energies, they form for an instant the quark-gluon plasma, a "fireball" of hot and dense matter," The Doctor explained." While humans have been using it to test different theories of particle physics, I can use it for something else."

"Like what?" Dinky asked.

"Well, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, did I?" The Doctor said with a quick smile before he opened the door to a bakery across the museum. The problem was that they were facing the other side of the museum, not the one where the TARDIS was located.

"Right, so we just need to get to the other side of the museum. Get in the TARDIS. And we're safe," The Doctor said to his team with a small smile. "Simple, right?"

"When has anything with you ever been simple?" Lyra pointed out.

"True," He admitted with a shrug. "But maybe this might be the first."

"Well, let's go!" Derpy said while finishing one of the muffins she had taken as a snack from the bakery.

They started heading for the museum, and things were fine at first...

...until a laser blast echoed in their ears, causing them all to duck as a car exploded not far from them. Looking to their right in fear, they saw a squad of Cyberponies heading their way with weapons drawn.

"Inside, now!" The Doctor shouted as everyone fled up the stairs. The Doctor used his Sonic Screwdriver to unlock the doors and get everyone inside before locking them. They wouldn't hold them off for long, but anything that gave them a few seconds of survival was worth it.

"This way!" The Doctor shouted as he led the group into the museum.

A few seconds later, the museum doors were blown open, and the squad of Cyberponies marched inside. Scanning the area, they tried to see where their targets were but found no trace of them.

"Spread out. Find the Doctor and his companions. Eliminate them," One ordered.

"Affirmative," The others said as they proceeded to walk in various directions.


In Canterlot, many felt it was the end of the world. Never before, in the history of its existence, had it ever faced such a destructive threat. The moment the invasion began, it was bombarded by the alien spacecraft that saw hundreds dead in the first few minutes before ground forces arrived. The Daleks, screaming their catchphrase, started wiping out all non-Dalek life around them as was routine.

The ponies of Canterlot scattered as they fell one by one to the death rays. Screams of the agonized deaths from their fellow ponies were some of the last things they would hear before being killed themselves. There was no sparing of anyone. No matter how much they pleaded, prayed, begged, or even bribed, they were killed without mercy. Even the tears of scared foals were nothing to sway the pitiless Daleks.

Canterlot's forces, Royal Guard, Police, and Military, acted as quickly as they could, but it soon became apparent that they were dealing with something just as bad, if not worse, than humanity. The Daleks were not harmed no matter what weapons or magic were used. Their energy shields bounced any feeble attack before firing back and taking down the soldiers individually. The best they could do was produce shields that could protect them, but these would only last so long before they were shattered and their forces overwhelmed.

Captains had to make tough choices, and some were forced to put shields between them and retreating civilians. The soldiers had to watch in horror as the citizens, begging to be saved and banging on the shields, were wiped out by the Daleks, who cut through them without mercy before firing on the shields. Orders for reinforcements were sent. Many wondered where Princess Celestia and the other Alicorns or even the Elements of Harmony were? Some sought refuge in the grand cathedral dedicated to the alicorns, their goddess. Many prayed for their deities to come down and save them, but when the Daleks burst through the glass windows and fired upon them, there was soon nothing but the silence of a dead faith.

The moment Princess Luna's forces arrived at Canterlot Palace, their hearts sank at the destruction they saw: burning buildings, streets torn apart, icons and wonders shattered, and the smell of death as bodies lay motionless all over. After collecting herself, Princess Luna ordered her forces to reinforce any location with their magic and weapons. The palace was currently the most under attack, and it couldn't fall if they were going to get anyone out of this alive.

"I need a sitrep now!" Princess Luna demanded as she and her group marched forward through the halls.

"It's chaos, Your Majesty!" a Lieutenant of the Day Guards said as he walked forward with her. "We got reports of the invaders all over the city! Multiple casualties up to the thousands! Fires are everywhere! The palace is under attack from all directions, and we're losing ponies!"

"Whose in charge at the moment?!" Princess Luna demanded.

"Right now...I am," he said with a sigh. "Lieutenant Valorous at your service."

"The military leaders?"

"Dead," He said in despair. "The military HQ was one of the first places to be destroyed in the early bombardment."

"Damnit," Princess Luna grumbled.

"Your Majesty, where is Princess Celestia or Princess Twilight?" He asked.

"...Dead," Luna answered, which brought all ponies in the entire area who had heard this to a silent halt of horror. "My sister and Twilight are dead. As of now, I am in charge of all of Equestria."

"...B-B-But that's not possible! They were-”

"WE ARE NOT GODS!" Luna shouted with the Royal Canterlot voice. Everypony stared at her before she sighed. "We are not gods. We never were. I curse the day my sister let this stupid false faith exist. I am tired of the lies and deception. I will expose the truth of everything, but first, our priority is survival. I have a way to save us all, but I need the palace protected at all costs! Understood?!"

There were mutterings and nervous answers, but it was clear that everypony was shaken up by what was just said. Nevertheless, survival instincts and duty took precedence as everypony went to work. Concerned, Applejack walked over to Princess Luna. "You okay, Princess?"

"No, but my feelings are not of any concern at the moment," Princess Luna sighed as she rubbed her forehead. "I fear even if we escape this day that Equestria has fallen from the grace it once had...if there was any grace..."

A tear dropped down Luna's eye before she wiped it away and turned back to the others. "Right, saving Canterlot will take time, even with me and Discord. Fairest Applejack and Rainbow Dash, I hate to ask this of you, but Equestria needs you again. Will you fight beside our comrades here and protect the palace? With your lives if necessary?"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other and nodded, saying, "Always Princess."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash flared out her wings and grinned. "Let's kick evil butt like the old days."

And this time? It would be for the right cause.


The Doctor, Lyra, and Flash Sentry were together and running through the halls of ancient Earth civilizations in a desperate attempt to keep themselves as far away from the Cyberponies as possible. The two ducked behind a corner leading to the Mesopotamia section and took a moment to collect their breaths.

"Okay, when you said there was a lot of running when it came to being your companion? I didn't think you meant this much running," Lyra grumbled.

"I did warn you," The Doctor said with a nervous smile.

"Come on, Doctor. There has to be something we can use on these tinheads!" Flash Sentry asked in desperation.

"Nothing I can see at the moment," The Doctor sighed. "Conventional weapons will not work on the Cyberponies. Their armor and shields are too strong. If we could grab one of their weapons, we might stand a chance, but good luck trying to steal that from a living Cyberpony."

The speech was interrupted by a blast of the laser hitting the corner, and the three of them ran again. The Cyberpony appeared from around the corner, blasting as fast as possible while they ducked and used whatever priceless artifacts and displays could be used for cover. It was a shame, in a way, that these works of ancient art and smithy were destroyed in such an ungrateful manner, but for the three running for their lives, it was worth the cover.

Lyra turned around to see if the Cyberpony was on her tail, only to trip over a "Wet Floor" sign and fall onto her stomach. Groaning, Lyra looked up and saw the Cyberpony aiming its weapon at her. Her heart stopped upon seeing the barrel pointed right at her face. Flash, having seen what happened, gasped. "Lyra!"

Without thinking, he grabbed a nearby golden-made spear and flew forward as fast as his guard training kicked in. Shouting in rage, he shoved the spear right at the Cyberpony. What nopody, including the cybernetic abomination, had expected was for it to go right through the chest and cause sparks and a small explosion to erupt. The Cyberpony screamed in a synthetic voice of pain and agony as it backed away, shaking before falling down lifeless.

Flash and Lyra looked at the motionless creature in shock, the spear still in its chest, as they both looked at it. The Doctor rushed up beside them and stared at the Cyberpony in disbelief. "You...You...You killed it!"

"Uh, yeah," Flash Sentry said as he floated down and helped Lyra up. "I did."

"How?!" The Doctor said in disbelief as he pulled the spear out. "How could a spear have killed a Cyberpony?! Even if it's made of gold, it shouldn't have worked!"

"What does being made out of gold have to do with anything?" Lyra asked.

"Well, for the longest time, gold was the weakness of the Cyberponies, but they found a way around that. So how could it have killed..." The Doctor's eyes widened. "Unless..."

He took his Sonic Screwdriver out and scanned the spear before looking at it. A look of joy appeared on his face. "Oh, that's just fantastic!"

"What is it?" Lyra asked.

"It's a different chemical formula! A different chemical structure! Even a different atomic structure! Of course, different dimensions! Even if it looks and feels the same, it doesn't mean it's the same down to the same atom!" The Doctor said with glee. "The Cyberponies might have immunity to our dimensions' standard of gold, but not this one! One we can use to fight back!"

"Hey!" They turned around to see Derpy, Dinky, and Carrot Top running over to them. They paused when they saw the dead Cyberpony. Derpy walked over and knocked it on the head. "Um, I think it's dead."

"Very much dead! And thanks to Flash Sentry here, we have the means to make sure we can make any Cyberpony meet the same fate," The Doctor said as he tossed the spear to Flash Sentry. "Everyone grab a golden weapon! Time to show the Cyberponies that the classic way of warfare still has merit in this day and age!"

Author's Note:

Yeah, it's been awhile hasn't it? After holidays I went to card dealing class for the casino I work at which made my super busy and afterwards I was adjusting to so much and dealing with stuff. Kinda still am but I never forgot this story.

We're back.

As always, please help out at the NegotationsVerse TV Tropes Page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheNegotiationsVerse

Comments ( 8 )

Welcome back after a half year hiatus for this story.

Welcome back, and hope you are doing well. :twilightsmile:

So far this is an amazing chapter, and nice detail on the Cyberponies' weakness.

I hope Luna has one more superweapon locked away somewhere.

Walabio #4 · May 7th · · 1 ·

Interesting facts about gold and Cyber-Men/Ponies:

Gold being a weakness never made logical sense, but the writers at the BBC realized that they made the Cybermen too strong. They had to give a weakness without Nerfing them. Gold is perfect from a writing point of view (POV):

Gold allows people to fight Cybermen, but is rare so that it must be used very sparingly, thus maintaining the Cybermen as a threat.

It is a good that we have the Doctor because either the Cyberponies or the Daleks could easily wipe out the combined forces of Earth and Equus. The Doctor is our only hope.

I do not know how the Doctor will weaponize the LHC, but the LHC is a good choice of weapons because the Doctor can weaponize it without Nerfing the Cyberponies and Daleks:

The LHC requires external power, mostly from good clean nuclear power —— ¡I prefer nuclear over coal any day! The transmission-lines are its Achilles' Heel. The Doctor can make it into a superweapon, but humans and ponies will have to protect the power-lines. This would give just the right balance of hope and fear.

Form a phalanx, a testudo, a shieldwall! Let's give these cyborgs a taste of how the humans of old waged war! Think of Alexander, of Hannibal, of Caesar, of Belisarius, of Subutai! Make em proud!

Walabio #6 · May 8th · · ·


That would be an extremely efficient way of killing humans.

Against the CyberPonies, GlitterBombs (explosives scattering GoldDust) would be effective. Humans can make shells, mines, torpedoes, grenades , guns, et cetera for scattering GoldDust. The limiting factor is the gold.

Guess you’re right, I just got carried away with my love of classical and medieval-era warfare.
What about gas? Gold microparticles in a pressurized solvent that turns to gas upon contact with the air? Let these cyberponies experience one of the worst horrors of WW1.

Walabio #8 · May 8th · · ·


> "Guess you’re right, I just got carried away with my love of classical and medieval-era warfare."

No need to apologize:

We all get carried away. That is why it is important to have a Discord's Advocate:

Crimean War


"¡We should take the artillery out with a CavalryCharge!"

Colonel given order to tear apart ideas for eliminating bad 1s:

"¿Is it a good idea to charge uphill over uneven open broken ground over a mile toward artillery?"


"No, it is a bad idea. We must find another way."

So many bad ideas could have been prevented with a Discord's Advocate.

> "What about gas? Gold microparticles in a pressurized solvent that turns to gas upon contact with the air? Let these cyberponies experience one of the worst horrors of WW1."

¡That is an excellent idea!

Keep coming up with ideas:

Most ideas are bad. The way to come up with good ideas is to have many ideas and discard the bad 1s. Just look at Churchill:

After coming up with a few bad ideas, most just give up trying. Churchill had over an hundred ideas daily about how to defend Britannia. Almost all of them were crap. He discarded the terrible 1s, leaving him with less than 1 good idea daily. He implemented the sole good idea. He kept doing that for nearly 6 years until he won the War.

He went through over a quarter of a million bad ideas for finding the less than 1 thousand good ideas:

¡Keep the ideas flowing, but have a Discord's Advocate for knocking down the bad 1s!

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