• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,310 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 1-Why am I red?

I cheered in triumph as I see my Pokémon Buzzwole survive Cinderace's Flame Charge as he retaliated with an Earthquake that knocks it out, making it the third and final Pokémon to be knocked out.

"Take that you speedy bastard!" I call out as I laid back on the couch I was on, my switch controller out to the side as I won the battle tower against a random box who had a Cinderace, Raichu, and a Pangoro on their team. I was close to losing as I had a Blastoise and an Aegislash on my team. Even after 3 years of playing the game on and off from time to time I still didn't know all the ways Pokémon could easily defeat your team. But I digress, you don't get that much time to play when your 19. Especially in college.

I watched my Buzzwole flex in victory as the dialogue played from the NPC. My Buzzwole was the pride and favorite of my team ever since I got him from the Max Raid Den in the DLC. Took me a while to get him but was all worth it in the end having amazing stats and an Adamant nature. I quickly leveled him up to 100 before teaching him Earthquake, Focus punch, Fell Stinger, and Ice Punch.

The main reason I loved him was because he was just so buff and hilariously cursed. Ever since I saw him from the sun and moon Pokémon anime I always had wanted to get him on my team. While I did miss my chance with the Sun and Moon games, with the release of the DLC and I already having Pokémon Shield I could finally catch him. Now that I did I always brought him to every battle I could do in Pokémon Shield.

"Well that was fun, nearly made enough to rank 10." I relaxed as I went to spend my BP on a few items for my team. I looked at the time and saw that it was 11:23, close to midnight. While on most occasions I wouldn't be too worried, but I had Pre-Calc class tomorrow and it started at 7:00 in the morning. Even worse was when I remembered I had a test that day as well.

"Shit!" I nearly yelled , as I got up and quickly turned off my switch and Tv before setting an alarm on my phone as I went to my room. It was a mess with papers, blankets, and books strewn around the floor of the room. I walked over the mess as I set myself a reminder to clean it after returning home. I prayed that I would wake up on the alarm so that I could get to my College class on time and wouldn't lose any time on the test itself. My bus to get there would never get me there in time of I woke up later than 6:40.

I quickly changed to something more comfortable to sleep in and laid down in bed. As I slowly drifted to sleep I thought on how cool it would be to have an ultra beast in real life. While it is also cool to have any Pokemon in real life, ultra beasts are not only capable of taking on legendary and mythical pokemon, but are also aliens in their own right even by Pokemon standards.

‘Could they even exist in real life if given the option?, I thought as I fell asleep thinking of what could an ultra beast do if the pokedex entries were right rather than the Pre-Calc test.

I had a rather peaceful sleep, until I felt the wind blowing and trees rustling. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, which would be fine and actually soothing had I not remembered my test today.

"Damnit! Did I oversleep?!" I tried to rub my eyes quickly to wake up only to feel a distinctively different face than what I normally would feel, as it felt smaller and round in some places which left me confused and slightly panicked. More on confused than anything knowing my brain was not fully operating.

"The fuck?" I blinked twice as to actually see my surroundings, only to find trees all around me rather than my own bedroom. I woke up completely after seeing my surroundings and grew more panicked.

'Was I kidnapped in my sleep?' I thought. 'Am I going to Die? What the fuck is going on? Does this mean I can skip my test?'

These thoughts flooded my head as I tried to get up. I tripped a bit but found my footing on my third attempt. This however led me to see my hands. Normal human hands have a multitude of shades of color, even blue on one case. However my arms and hands were red. Dark red.

"Why am I red?" I simply asked myself. Yet my brain couldn't answer as it didn't know why either. That is when I screamed in fear.

I never screamed like a little girl, yet at this moment I screamed like a 7 year old girl who had saw a spider crawl up a wall 2 feet away from her.


I tried to frantically find my phone around me to call someone to help me yet I found nothing. I looked at myself the best I could, and you know that one scene in that One movie where one of the characters turn into a flesh eating monster from the inside out and felt scared by how the human body can morph? Yeah...I felt that in that moment.

I had 4 legs, sprouting from my waist and looking like a bloody red muscle, well my whole appearance looked bloody as I saw orange bubbles floating around in my body from my arms, legs and chest...wait, are those abs? 'HOLY SHIT! I have abs!

I was at least a bit happy that I had abs and arm muscles from what I can tell was now my body, but then I started to realize something. The four reddish legs, the strong body looking like I lifted for years, the massive hands that looked like it could crush rock into dust, and the reddish liquid with orange bubbles that filled the insides of my body, all belonging to a creature that I knew to heart and loved since his appearance.

"I'm a buzzwole!?"

Author's Note:

The first chapter of my first story! Hope you liked it