• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,613 Views, 38 Comments

Kamen Rider Geats EG - Blaze-saber

Congratulations! As a result of rigorous judging, you have been selected. From now on you will be a "Kamen Rider". Equip the "Desire Driver" and enter the "Desire Grand Prix".

  • ...

Chapter 1: Daybreak F: Invitation to the Rider

The water of the ocean splash onto some rocks as snow came down well a man wearing a winter coat with a hood up stands on the edge of the beach while holding a Greek golden coin in his hand before tossing it up in the air. The moment he caught it, he had a grin on his face as a woman and a black and white dress approached him holding a yellow box with a black seal on top. The woman had black short hair and bright yellow skin as the man took off his hood and revealed that he had pure white skin with red hair with white streaks in it.

"Congratulations." The woman said to the man before she held out the box to him. She then opened the box to reveal a black rectangle belt buckle with two slots on both sides and a circle on each side with one circle in the center. Next to the buckle look to be a core with a symbol of a fox head on it that is red and white. "Starting today, you are a Kamen Rider."

"Yes, I'm well aware of it." The man replied to the woman with confidence before he took the buckle and core. He then place the core in the center of the buckle before the buckle made a sound and a computerized female voice spoke up from the buckle.


Six months later in Equestria City, a teenage girl known as Twilight Sparkle was walking home from work as she had a long day. Not only did more equestrian magic run amok, but she had to work overtime because she was late for work. "Next time, I will just take the bus to my work instead of walking." She said to herself before sitting down at a park bench.

"I'm just glad my friends came after I sent Spike to go get them." She thought to herself as she leaned back on the bench. She remembered how she let Spike out of her backpack and told her to go get the others when she remembered she forgot her phone at home. She remembered how long she had to keep the run amok magic before her friends arrived. The apologized for being late before they banded together and easily handled the situation. "And in retrospect, I probably should have asked Rainbow Dash to help me get to my job. I really wish the world was a bit more safer and at peace." She then heard her phone ring before she got it out and so she got a text from her mom.

She got a text from her mom saying that her and her family will be going out for dinner tonight. Her mom explained in a text that it's for celebrating her father's promotion today and that Shining Armor has a big question he wants to ask Cadance. Twilight let out a smile on her face before she texted back that she'll meet them there.

She got up and started to head out before she bumped into someone and fell to the ground. She looked up and saw Flash Sentry looking down on her when she bumped into him before he gave a warm smile. "We got to stop bumping into each other like this." He said as he helped her back on her feet.

"Thanks Flash." Twilight thanked him. "And sorry for bumping into you like that, I just got a text from my mom asking me to meet her my family at this Chinese restaurant." She showed him the text and Flash was a bit surprised by the address to it.

"I know that place." Flash told her. "I go there sometimes and their sesame chicken is really good. Want me to give you a lift?"

"I would actually like that." She responded before they went to his car.

In an unknown location surrounded with marble columns is the woman that gave the man the buckle and core from a few months ago standing in front of him along with three others. One is a man with light green skin and dark green hair, another man with dark purple skin and dark purple hair with orange streaks in it, and a woman with light blue skin and aquamarine hair with chartreuse streaks.

All four of them seem to be wearing black outfits with hoodies but with different color undershirts underneath. "The final mission is approaching." The woman in the black and white outfit told the four of them. "Six months of fighting is approaching its end." Behind the woman is a hologram screen that showed many animal faces while only four of them were lit up. A purple and orange bull, a white and blue bear, a green and yellow wolf , and a red and white fox.

"I wonder... which candidate will survive, and become the God of Desire?" The woman asked with a smile as she turned to the four. "The one who will change this world." Two of the men had a grin on their faces while the third one looked nervous. The woman in the middle of them had a look of determination of this. "It's time to decide its fate!"

As he drove her to the Chinese restaurant, Twilight starts reflecting on how far she and her friends came after the Friendship Games. Thinking about how the girls are doing with their time after these changed, while showing concern that she notices Spike growing more distant from her lately and feels like she should look into that sometime.

While she was lost in her own thoughts, Flash starts reflecting on how so much changed ever since Princess Twilight and dragon Spike first visited his world. They only came two times to only save his world from a threat. Plus, he knew it couldn't work out with Princess Twilight considering she's from another world and she's a pony in her own world. Both of them let out a sigh at the thoughts they were thinking as Flash continue to drive them to the restaurant.

They soon reached their destination and got out of the car to walk to the restaurant. "Hey Twilight," Flash finally spoke. "I was just wondering what are you going to do in the future?"

"I don't really know." She responded. "I guess I could go to college after high school years over and maybe get a degree. What about you, Flash, what about your future?"

"Well, I do like being in a band but I've always wanted to be a police officer and you know keep everyone safe." Flash answered. "You know how a lot of people would like to change the world for the better? That's sort of what I desire sometimes."

"I can relate to that." Twilight replied before they entered the restaurant. She looked around and saw her family and her old babysitter at a corner booth. "Well, I better go join my family. I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see ya." Flash told her. Just when Twilight was about to go over to where her family is, a red barrier suddenly appeared in the middle of the restaurant and a big gust of wind caused the food on some of the tables to burst up before the barrier suddenly went invisible. The people in the restaurant were completely baffled about what just happened before a woman got some paper towels and tried to reach over to her children to wipe out the food that was on their faces before something blocked her.

It was the barrier that caused the food to burst up into the customers' faces. The barrier itself looked like red glowing barbed wires every time they touch it. "Wh-What is this?!" Twilight asked as she beat on the barrier. Her family quickly went over and both her father and brother started to beat on the barrier as well.

"What's going on?!" Shining demanded as Flash noticed what was happening and went over to Twilight.

"Where did this thing come from?!" He asked before the door burst open and a bunch of odd looking creatures wearing red cloaks and holding spears and swords rushed in.

These things started to attack the people in the restaurant on the side of the barrier where Twilight and Flash are. They watched how one of them knocked a waiter down before it stabbed him to death with its spear. Once these creatures came after Flash and Twilight, Flash was able to fend off these things with some martial arts moves as he kicked a few of them back before one of them pin them down with their spears.

One with a sword was about to stab him before Twilight used her levitation magic to lift up a few tables and knock them back into a corner. "Twilight, you need to get out of here!" Her mother called out. "It's not safe!"

"She's right, go!" Cadance shouted before Twilight looked at them, worried about when might happen if she left them before she shook her head and grab flash by the arm and pulled him out of the restaurant. "What's happening?"

Back with the woman and the four 'contestants', a hologram screen appeared behind her and it showed a map of the city with a big red circle in a section of the city. "Jyamar Arena presence has been confirmed." The woman told the four. "Let the mission begin!" After she declared that, each of the four contestants put on the belt buckles and each of them extended out a belt around their waist as they each chanted two words.

Desire Driver

The man from six months back looked at his driver before gave a grin before he placed it on.

Back in the city, people were being attacked by the same creatures that attacked the restaurant as some of them were running for their lives or being slashed by them with their spears or swords. These creatures also had strange guns as they pointed to the civilians and started shooting them. The civilians try to run away from them but the barrier kept them from getting far away from them.

Flash and Twilight were doing all that they can to help the civilians get away from the creatures attacking as Flash did around housekick to a few of them while Twilight used her magic to keep some of them back. At first she thought this was some kind of magic running amok before she realized these creatures weren't using any equestrian magic, so it must be something else entirely.

Both Flash and Twilight soon ran down an alley to catch their breaths and to hide from the creatures. "Okay...this is definitely not equestrian magic." Twilight said as she was panting before she got out her phone and tried to dial up her friends.

"Don't bother, I already tried calling my mom and nothing was coming through." Flash told her. "Just what are these things and what do they want?" Just before either of them could say another word, two of those creatures suddenly were in front of them and they had to move quickly out of the way as they slashed at them. They both ran out of the alley before more showed up and had them cornered.

Just when one of them was about to strike at Twilight, a blast suddenly came down and shot the creatures back away from them. When Flash got distracted by what happened, one of them tried to get him from behind before a figured quickly ran up and blocked it with a big blue shield. Flash looked behind him and saw a figured wearing a suit which is mostly black with a top having a shield symbol on her chest while straps were wrapped around the top part of her body. On her head was a head helmet and the shape of a wolf which is colored green and bright yellow.

Twilight looked up on the roof and solid figure in the same suit as the woman but had a bear head which is white and holding a crossbow with a symbol on his chest with green straps on the top half of his body. "A... polar bear?" She asked when she saw the guy's helmet.

"A wolf?" Flash asked when he saw when he saw the woman with the blue shield. He noticed that both the figures were wearing the same belt but one of them had a green arrow buckle in the slot on the right while the other had a blue shield buckle on her right of the belt.

Just as strange creatures got up from the attacks, the wall behind them suddenly burst and another figure with the same belt burst through. The only difference is that the entire right side of the belt of his looked like a big zombie claw and his entire top half of his body was conovered in purple armor.

They watched as this third figure had one of these creatures in his clutches when he first through the wall before he threw through it aside and used his chainsaw like sword to slash through at least five of them. This guy then kicked one of the creatures down when it tried to get back up before it was brutally beaten by him with his sword. After the creature was destroyed, the third figures stood up and charged at some more up ahead. "And a bull?! What's even happening right now?!" Flash asked and complete confusion.

The man with the bull helmet then push up something on his sword like he was powering it up.

Poison Charge.

The chain on the chainsaw like sword then revved up as the guy slashed it at the creatures around him. Each strike was more brutal than the last as each one was struck down and the man with the bull helmet wasn't letting up. He flipped one of the creatures over his shoulders before striking two more of them. He then grabbed one of them with his left hand and gripped the creature tight before he head-butted it.

Tactical Break.

He then swung his sword at one more and the chains on the chainsaw like sword was damaging the creature before he flung it right up in the bridge that they are under. The man then turned and walked as the creature fell down and exploded behind him. He then approached both Flash and Twilight as they stood their ground as they don't know if he was friend or foe. They then saw the guy pull out a odd looking smartphone and pressed a button on it as it spoke up.

Score up.

On the screen of the phone he saw the purple bull symbol on it with numbers next to it rise up as the symbol went above the fox, the wolf, and the bear symbol. "Oh yeah, a big chunk of points." The guy in the purple bull helmet said to himself, impressed by his work. The guy with the polar bear helmet and the green crossbow then jumped down from the roof as the woman with the green wolf helmet stood next to him.

"As selfish as ever." The guy with the Polar Bear helmet told the one in the bull helmet. "That's my target, you know."

"Can we not have this conversation in front of the two teens who just witness all this?" The woman in the wolf helmet pointed out Flash and Twilight. Just then, more of those creatures in the red close were coming at them with swords and spears. "Great, more Wasou Jyamato."

"I'm going to win this." The man in the bull helmet told the other two when they turn to these Jyamatyo. He then pushed the other two back as he charged at the Jyamatyo and slashed the first few with his sword. The other two readied their crossbow and shield before they noticed Flash and Twilight.

"I'll get them to safety." The woman in the wolf helmet told the guy in the Polar Bear helmet. "You just cover are backs and keep them off us." The guy in the Polar Bear helmet nodded as he started to blast a few of the Jyamatyo as the woman went up to Flash and Twilight. "You two come with me! I know a place where you both will be safe!" The two were reluctant at first before they followed her while the guy and the Polar Bear helmet continued to blast the Jyamatyo and the guy in the bull helmet continued to slash at them.

Back in the unknown location, the woman watched the contestants fight these Jyamatyo on the hologram screen. "Mr. Bull, Mr. Bear, and Ms. Wolf are working hard for points." The woman said to herself before she noticed something. "Where's the other one, I wonder?"

In a large room with round couches and a bar, the man with the golden Greek coin was sitting there while he tossed up the coin. A guy in a very white suit with black skin and white hair was setting two drinks on the table. "Are you sure about this, Ace?" The man asked him. "Shouldn't you be going?"

"Relax." Ace told the guy as he held up a shiny crimson red buckle with a motorcycle handle on the side. "Look. I still have my ace." The man gave a grin on his face before he bowed and walked away. Once the man left the room, Ace put down the buckle and looked at the coin. "Time to go." He then got up off of the couch and made it to where the woman was monitoring the three others.

The woman stood back as Ace took the buckle and pulled back on the handle as the buckle itself spoke up.


From the center of the place a cool red motorcycle appeared in a flash of light with a motorcycle helmet on it.

Ace put on the helmet as he got on the bike and revved it up. He then drove off and both him and the bike fell off the location which is a floating island flying high above a desert before he suddenly appeared in the city and drove through the streets.

The two masked figures brought both Flash and Twilight to a rooftop somewhere where their scenes to be no Jyamatyo around. "Okay, the coast is clear." The woman said before the two pressed a button on the buckles before they remove them from the drivers. Their suits and masks vanished once the buckles were removed from their drivers.

"Hey, thanks for saving us." Flash told the two.

"Oh yeah...I used to be a firefighter before all this." The man told them.

"And I used to be a cop, so you know." The woman told them. "You are really unfortunate when that barrier came up and everything. So when we see any civilians in trouble, our bodies just move on our own and we get them to safety."

"Can either of you tell us what's going on?" Twilight asked as the two of them gave an unsure looked as to what they should tell them.

"Yeah, right." The man with the bull mask came in dragging his sword along the ground as he approached them. "You both did rescue them, but just for the points."

"Points?" Twilight repeated. "What is this, some sort of game?!"

"Please, we're not like you, Toxic." The woman told the man in the bull helmet.

"Oh, but you both are." He told her as he walked past the two and took out the buckle on his driver and transformed out of the armor. "Stop acting like you both are heroes. You both are here just for the reward." They both looked away from him as Toxic let out a scoff. "I wonder where our last man is. Is he aiming for something big?"

"You mean the fortress?" The man asked Toxic in shock. "That's not possible..."

"Not to mention suicidal." The woman added.

"Who are you guys and what is happening around here?!" Flash shouted as he wanted answers.

"What are Jyamatyo and why are you guys trying to earn points for?!" Twilight demanded.

"The world is coming to an end." Toxic told them when he turned to them. Both of them were completely shocked to hear what he just told them. Something then just flew over their heads and it looked ginormous. They all looked up and saw something flying through the sky with a giant Japanese Ancient Temple on its back and belly.

"The fortress?!" The man asked in shock when he saw it.

"This is bad!" The woman shouted before she and the man put the buckles in their drivers.


Just before the two could do anything else, the Slug Fortress's two tendrils shot out straight towards them just when they pressed on the buckles. The impact from the two tendrils knock them into the wall when they transformed into the armors. The others quickly rolled out of the way before both Flash and Twilight saw the two armored people were severely injured from that attack. "...crap..." The woman wheezed out as the two cores in their drivers cracked and their bodies began to fade.

Mission Failed.

Both Twilight and Flash were completely shocked to see the two of them just vanished before their eyes. Toxic however just looked at his phone with a with a neutral look.

Players Ranking.

"Good, two down." Toxic said with a smile when he saw the bear symbol and the wolf symbol fade out, leaving only his symbol and the fox symbol.

"Why are you so happy?!" Flash scolded Toxic. "Those two just died, and you're happy about it?!"

"I think you have other things to worry about." Toxic told him when he pointed at The Fortress before he walked away. They heard the Fortress roared as it used its tendrils to destroy a few buildings around it while it was in the air. It then unleashed a powerful beam blast at a few other buildings as well. Both Flash and Twilight were trying to keep their balance as the giant Fortress was destroying nearby buildings and they felt the aftershock.

Cracks started to form on the rooftop they were standing on as Twilight was standing near the edge of the building. "Twilight!!" Flash called out as he pointed out that the part of the roof she's standing on was falling apart. She tried to reach out to him but it was too late as it broke off and she started to fall. As Twilight fell, Ace drove on his motorcycle up on the wall and quickly caught Twilight before landing safely on the ground. Flash saw the guy who saved Twilight quickly drove out of the way from the rubble falling down. "Twilight." He quickly got up and ran down to see who saved her.

"Isn't it a bit too late for that?" Toxic asked when he saw Ace saved Twilight. "What is he even thinking?" He then turned to see more Jyamatyo came with spears and swords, ready to attack him. "This round is mine." He declared as he held up the zombie buckle and placed it in his driver.


Meanwhile, Ace soon came to a stop and both him and Twilight got off the bike before he took off his helmet. Twilight fell to her knees as she almost fell to her death before she looked up at Ace who had a confident smile on his face. "I thought I was done for..." She panted as she took a breath. "Thanks for the save..." She thanked Ace before she noticed he was wearing the same driver Toxic and the other two were wearing.

Ace kneel down to look at her face to face. "No wounds, I assume?" He asked her as she gave a nod in response. "That's good to hear."

"I'm just happy to be alive right now." Twilight told him. "I don't think I'll ever forget any of this."

"Actually..." Ace said as he stood back up. "it'd be better that you forget. Forget everything. Forget this world." This left Twilight confused as to what he was talking about.

"Twilight!!" Flash called out as he ran over to her. "Are you okay?!"

"I am, thanks to this guy." Twilight answered as she pointed towards Ace.

"Well... so much for that, I guess." Ace said in a disappointing tone. "I was hoping you were single." He then gave us smug grin as the two of them were confused by what he just said before he realized what he meant.

"Nononononono! He's/She's not my boyfriend/girlfriend!" Both Flash and Twilight told Ace with blushes on their faces.

"So you're saying I still have a chance." Ace assumed before Twilight made Flash turn away from him.

"What's with this guy?" She whispered to Flash. "I've never met him, and I can tell he's already full of himself. More than Rainbow Dash and it's surprising." Flash just gave a shrug as Ace walked up to them and put his arms around their shoulders.

"You can always change the world if you keep trying." Ace told the two before he padded their shoulders and walked past them.

"Just what is happening around here?" Flash asked Ace. "We were told that this world is coming to an end and we want to know what that means." Ace stopped and looked at Flash. "You're right about changing the world if you try, but you're going to need help to do that. Sometimes the world moves on and life can be difficult." As he said that, he remember the times that Princess Twilight was around and he knew it can never work between him and her. Twilight can sympathize about what he was talking about as she remembered Midnight Sparkle and everything during the Friendship Games. "Hitting the jackpot is just a dream."

"Just...live." Ace told him. "An average, happy life."

"But look around you." Twilight told him as she gestured to the part of the city being destroyed by a massive monster in the sky and a bunch of Jyamatyo attacking innocent people. The many people that couldn't get away from them got killed as their dead bodies laid on the ground. Twilight was even thinking about her family and friends that are worried sick about her and couldn't get through the barrier. "The world is ending. Just like this."

"Don't worry about that." Ace told them as he had a smile on his face. "Dinosaurs may have gone extinct, yet the world lives on."

"That was millions of years ago." Flash reminded him.

"Then let's end this world." Ace quickly suggested. "So we can have another try at life."

"Another...?" Twilight asked. "What do you mean?" Ace just gave a smile to her question before he turned to a herd of Jyamatyo coming towards them. The Jyamatyo readied their swords and looked ready to charge and attack them.

"How many of those things are there?!" Flash asked as he and Twilight backed up. Ace then pulled out a buckle with a handle and a white wheel with five bullet slots in it. They watched as Ace put the buckle into the right side of the driver with a confident smile on his face.


Next to Ace a hologram of words that spelled out Magnum appeared as he stood to the side and had his hand close to his face before he reached out and snap his fingers. "Henshin." He said as he spend the wheel and pull the trigger and he transformed into a black armor as a hologram robotic hand grab hold of a top half armor when a bunch of bullets came out and shot the Hologram words before placing the armor on his top half of his body and a fox helmet came down on his head.


Ready, fight!

"A fox?!" Both Twilight and Flash asked in surprise when they saw Ace transform.

"Get ready for the highlight of the game!" He aimed the blaster at the Jyamatyo before they charged right at him. When they were close, Geats pulled the trigger on his blaster and shot down at least five of the Jyamatyo. He then kicked another one before blasting a few more then charging in as he continued to fire at them.

He fired at least two of them before he jumped one in the chest and knocked it down. He then run up and held on to a wall as he aimed his blaster at a few more of them.

Magnum Shooter 40X.

Geats then unleash a few blasts at three Jyamatyo before jumping down and charging at some more with spears. Geats was dodging thrusts from their spears as he was stepping back a bit before he was pinned against the wall. A Jyamatyo tried to strike him from above before he quickly knocked it out of the way before he quickly knocked away another. He then kicked a few of them back before he grabbed the spear he shoved between the railings and knocked the one above him down.

He then fired at a bunch of them with his Magnum Shooter. A few Jyamatyo with rifles aim towards him and started firing at him. Geats quickly made a dash as they fired at him before he jump down some stairs and fired back at them. When he landed, a few of them had him surrounded and they were ready to strike. They spread out their arms before running around him in a circle. "Well, that's new." Geats commented when he saw them do this. "But still..." One of the Jyamatyo stopped and try to strike him from behind before he moved his head a little to the side to dodge it. "Not good enough." He blasted the one behind him before he jumped off it and went high up in the air as he pulled the small red lever on his Magnum Shooter.

Bullet Charge.

He then fired multiple shots at the Jyamatyo while he was still in the air before they exploded. He then land on the ground and more showed up before one of them pointed its sword at him and they charged at him from behind and from in front of him. A blaster on his left arm folded out before he blasted both ends of each side of him with the blaster on his left arm and his Magnum Shooter in his right hand. He crossed his arms and continued to fire at the Jyamatyo with multiple shots as he was spinning around.

Geats then gave a powerful kick to one of them that caused a power surge that send a few of them flying back. When they all fell to the ground, they all exploded and he turned his attention to the Fortress that came around the building. "Oh, crap!" He shouted when he saw it nleashed a powerful beam blast right at him before he quickly jumped out of the way.

Flash and Twilight quickly ran and saw Geats rolled on the ground before he stood his ground. "Okay then..." He said as he turned his blaster into a rifle as he flipped over the top of the barrel.


He then took aim at the Fortress before pulling the trigger and blasted off one of its tendrils. He pulled the trigger again and blasted off another one after another. He then aim at the top of its head and blasted it but there was no damage to it. "I guess it is a fortress after all." He said when he saw that last fire did no damage before he removed the Magnum buckle from his driver and pulled out the Boost buckle. "Time for you to shine, baby." He told it before he gave it a kiss through his mask and placed it into his driver.


He then revved up the buckle as a hologram words of 'Boost' appeared next to him and it was engulfed in flames before it became armor. A robotic hand then grab hold of the armor and it replaced the Magnum armor when it pulled it in to his top half.


Ready, fight!

Both Twilight and Flash were amazed how his armor was easily changed as he jumped off the building he was on and landed on the ground. The Boostriker then drove over to him before he backflips onto it and drove straight towards the Fortress. The Fortress fired a beam right at him as he drove and he managed to dodge each blast has a drove. Flash and Twilight had to be careful as the blasts were coming down as Geats drove by. They watched as he drove above a blast and into the air and straight into the Fortress's mouth. Both Flash and Twilight were shocked how he just drove right into its mouth before the Fortress let out a large burp.

"I can't believe he just let it eat him..." Twilight said in shock. Toxic, AKA Kamen Rider Buffa had also witnessed this while he had a Jyamatyo in a headlock.

"What are you thinking, Geats...?!" He asked as he knocked the Jyamatyo back. Flash then noticed the Fortress coming towards them before he grabbed Twilight by the arm and the two started running. They ran as fast as they could as the Fortress slammed its head into the ground causing a large tremor that caused the two to fall down. The two of them then heard The Fortress like monster let out a screech of pain and wonder what's causing it to do that.

From inside the temple on its back, Geats drove through the doors as he was dealing a lot of damage from the inside out. "Just like the ones in the past, the easiest way to bring down a castle is from the inside." He said to himself as he continued to drive through inside the Fortress and continued to damage it. He then thrusted his arm back as a burst of flames came out of the motorcycle pipes on his forearm, causing him to go faster and delivering more damage with inside the Fortress.

The Fortress continued to let out screeches of pain as Twilight and Flash saw explosions happening on top of it. They then saw Geats drove out of the temple and passed them before he came to a halt on his bike. He then flipped off his bike and landed safely on the ground as he saw the damage he did to the Fortress. He then took out the Magnum buckle and placed it in the second slot on the left side of the driver.


As magnum spelled out in a hologram next to his legs, he revved up the Boost Buckle again before he turned the wheel on the Magnum buckle and pulled the trigger. A bunch of bullets hit the words again and white armor appeared before a robotic arm attached it to his legs, creating a new form.

Dual, On!

Get ready for: Boost and Magnum!

"Let's do this." Geats said before he pressed up on his driver and rotated around so the Magnum Buckle is on the right side while the Boost Buckle is on the left side.

Revolve On.

A hologram Circle then form around him as his body was lifted up in the air and the helmet on his head was lifted up as his body rotated around. The Magnum part of his armor became the top half as the Boost part became the bottom part before the helmet was reattached.

Flash and Twilight were shocked by how his form changed like that before Geats spun the wheel on the Magnum Buckle before he pulled the trigger then revving up the Boost Buckles as he looked ready for a final attack.

Boost Time!

The motorcycle pipes on his legs then flared up as he jumped high up in the air before his Boostriker transformed into a robotic fox.

The Boostriker fox then ran up into the air on flames till both it and Geats were so high up in the air that the Fortress was in clear shot. Geats landed on the Boostriker before he revved up the Boost Buckle on his driver.

Magnum Boost Grand Victory!

The Boostriker then charged at The Fortress at high speed as both it and Geats were engulfed in flames. Geats then emerged from the flames as he was delivering a powerful Rider Kick straight towards the Fortress as the Boostriker merged with him and a symbol of his mask appeared when he extended his leg out for the kick. Geats kicked straight through the temple and came out under the Fortress underside before it exploded when he landed on the ground.

Flash and Twilight saw the Fortress exploding from that Rider Kick before they turn to Geats who landed not too far from them. Buffa looked at his phone when he saw the fortress getting destroyed by Geats and saw Geats' score skyrocketed when he did.

Mission Clear.

Buffa let out a growl when he saw that he did not win but Geats did.

"Protecting the easy is the only condition for winning this round..." The woman said to a man in a mask and cloak when he saw Geats destroy the Fortress and his score skyrocketed. "But he went the extra mile and defeated the final boss!"

"Ace Luck..." The man in the mask whispered when he saw Geats won.

"We have our new God of Desire!" The woman declared as fireworks went off. "Yay!!"

Back in the city, Geats was walking away as Twilight and Flash were trying to catch up to him. "Just wait a minute!" Twilight called out to him, causing him to stop.

"Just tell us...who are you?" Flash asked Geats.

"Geats." He answered before he turned to them. "Kamen Rider Geats."

"Geats?" Both Flash and Twilight repeated before they walked closer to him.

"Wait, hold on!" Geats warned them, causing them to stop before he turned his hips. The Boost Buckle then shot out from his driver and flew around them before it flew away. He then removed the Magnum buckle and he transformed back to Ace. "Later." He waved them off before he began to walk away.

"Wait!" Flash called out. "What was all that?! What was happening before?!"

"Yeah, you can at least tell us that much!" Twilight added before Ace stopped.

"A game." He told the two, which just confused them. "A game to rewrite the world." Before they could ask anything else, the two of them heard allowed bell ring that caused them to cover their ears. "And so it begins." Ace said when he turned to them. "The new world." Flash and Twilight then saw the rubble of the destroyed buildings started to glow blue before they began to lift up into the air. They then saw the destroyed buildings being repaired as the bells continue to ring.

Neither of them could believe their eyes as to what they were seeing and thought this was all just a dream.

Flash then suddenly woke up in his bedroom and was drenched in sweat. He wondered what happened and thought about what happened to the city. After a quick shower and getting his clothes on, he got into his car and drove to the part of the city that was attacked, only to see it still intact. He looked around and saw the people who got killed by those strange creatures were alive and well.

Flash wasn't the only one as Twilight asked her parents when it just happened and neither of them understood what she meant. She called both her brother and Cadance and neither of them knew what she was talking about either. Both her and Flash started to wonder if it was all just a bad dream they had. Twilight decided to call her phone and tell them to meet her at Sugarcube Corner before she called Flash to do the same.

"And that's when I suddenly woke up in my bedroom and found everyone still alive and the city still in one piece." Flash finish explaining to the Rainbooms at Sugarcube Corner.

"Same with me." Twilight added before she turned to Sunset. "What do you think it could mean?"

"I'm not really sure to be honest." Sunset admitted as she leaned back in her chair. "Those monsters you just described sounds like nothing I've heard about in Equestria."

"Maybe you both just had some bad pizza or something if you both had a bad dream." Rainbow Dash assumed before she took a sip of her milkshake.

"At the same time? I don't think so, Rainbow." Applejack told her.

"Um, who are they?" Fluttershy asked as Flash and Twilight was approached by two women wearing black and white clothing while both their skins were yellow and they had black hair. Both women were holding a yellow box with a black top on it.

"Congratulations." Both women said at the same time to Flash and Twilight as they held out the boxes to them.

"Did you two win a sweepstakes or something?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly before she looked at the two women. "And are you two twins?" Neither of them acknowledged Pinkie Pie and only focused their attention on Twilight and Flash.

"After careful considerations, we have decided to choose you for our next members." They told them in unison. "Congratulations, starting today you are a Kamen Rider!" It wasn't just happening with Flash and Twilight as the same woman was all over the world presenting the same box and saying the same thing to other people. She even did so with Sonata Dusk in front of the Dazzlings.

"A 'Kamen Rider', what's that?" Rarity asked as the tune exact same women placed the boxes on the table in front of Flash and Twilight. They then opened the boxes to reveal two Desired Drivers and two cores with animal heads on them in different colors. One look to be a wolf that is light pink and dark purple while the other was blue with golden yellow in the shape of a lion.

Flash and Twilight were reluctant at first as they reached out to the cores. The moment they touched the two cores, both sparked up and a flooded memories of what happened came back to them. "Hey, are you two okay?" Sunset asked the two when she and the girls noticed worried looks on their faces when they touched the course.

"It wasn't a dream..." Twilight remarked with shock.

"It was all real..." Flash added.

On top of a roof of a tall building stood Ace holding his golden Greek coin as he looked out onto the city. Ace was wearing a black suit and tie as if he had gone to a celebration or something. "Welcome..." Ace said when he looked at the coin. "To my world." He then tossed up the coin into the air a few times as he had a grin on his face.

The moment you receive a Desire Driver and an ID Core, it's a one-way trip. There is no turning back now for those who have been selected for a new game to begin. The only question is: 'what sort of game that flash and Twilight have been selected to play to be Kamen Riders in?'

Author's Note:

If any of you have any ideas Rider names for both Flash and Sci-Twi for the next chapter, please leave it down in the comments.