• Member Since 30th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Mr Unidentified

~Where you're going, you don't need skin to feel.~

Comments ( 3 )

No offense but I always wonder why do the pony tribes get the best resources and lands than the other races? I mean it might be like that scene with the anime version of the Thundercats. One of the Lizards complained to Lion-o that the cats get the best lands and resources while the other animals get the scraps. It makes you think that the history books written by ponies only talks about how good they are in their eyes while treating the other like lesser creatures. But other than that. I say its a great one-shot story and makes you think that Scorpan is no hero but a traitor and a coward who didn't bother to try to stop Tirek.

I never read the comics and I hardly remember much of the show nowadays, but now that you mention it: it does seem rather biased towards Equestria and her like-minded neighbors. The economic myth that butter makes you fat and weapons make you strong is disproven already many times through the real world, but here in Equestria it seems to only beget more utopian euphoria for its people. Granted, this does beseech some envious people/groups/cults/nations to try their luck at taking Equestria and her bountiful lands, but this always fails.

You make a good point but... There is some flaws in the utopia of Equestria. The Pony Tribe are never satisfied with what they have and want more. Take that episode with the Buffalo, Apple Farmers took their stamped lands to plant their apples and even when they learned it was originally theirs, they stubbornly refused to give it back. I think it did happen before Twilight and her friends fix that problem

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