• Published 24th Jan 2023
  • 389 Views, 7 Comments

Fun Time Shores - AmethystMajesty25

Fun Time Rush meets Shelly’s big sister, Sapphire Shores.

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Chapter 2

Fun Time Rush rushed to the well and Beryl told his pals, “We knocked Sapphire Shores down a well!”

Cloudburst told them, “Nobody panic. I'm sure that Sapphire is fine.” He grabbed a penny from his pocket and wished, “I wish that Sapphire is okay.” He dropped the penny down to the well and heard Sapphire’s voice.


The boys sighed in relief and Tempo said, “Oh, she's okay.”

“Guys, is that you?” Sapphire questioned loudly.

Beryl assured her, “Uh, don't worry, Sapphire.”

“You can count on us,” The band said in unison.

“How you doing? You good?” Beryl asked her.

“I'm in a well!”

“Right,” Beryl noted and the boys agreed.

Cloudburst suggested, “We have to call the fire department.”

Tempo reminded them, “We can't call anyone, or either Golden or Shelly will find out and kill us.”

Beryl added, “And think we're bad luck.”

Diamond shouted, “We are!”

“Sapphire! Everything's fine. We got a plan.” Cloudburst lied and asked the boys, “Guys, what's the plan?”

“We're going to rescue her. Now, which one of the good luck patrol is going down the hole?” Beryl explained.

Cloudburst and Tempo looked at each other in fright and one minute later, Beryl would be the one to rescue Sapphire with a rope while the rest of his pals grabbed on to the rope to keep him steady.

“Good luck, Beryl,” Tempo and Cloudburst said.

Beryl replied, “Yeah. Just lower me down. I'll put the rope around Sapphire, and then you pull us both up.”

Then, Diamond saw a four-leaf clover near him, “Hey, a four-leaf clover.” He let go of the rope and the Good Luck Patrol tried to held on, but it was too late. Beryl fell down the well along with the rope and crashed into the ground while Diamond realized the mistake he made and had an "Uh-oh" expression on his face.

“Oh, hey, Sapphire,” Beryl coughed. “What's up?”

Sapphire vented, “What's up?! I got a song I can't figure out. I slipped on a banana peel. I got attacked by a cat. And again, I'm in a well!”

Shining Star walked by and asked Beryl’s friends, “Hey, guys. Has anyone seen Beryl?”

“Who's Beryl?” Diamond answered.

“No!” Tempo exclaimed.

“He's not in the well,” Cloudburst shouted.

Diamond and Tempo facepalmed as Star looked down inside and saw Beryl with Sapphire. “Beryl? Is that you? And Sapphire?”

Beryl and Sapphire looked up to see an angry Star from above. They shouted, “It's not what it looks like!”

As a result, Shining Star furiously walked away from the park.

Back at Golden Rock Records, the skunk entered Golden’s office while Shelly and Golden peered behind the couch for protection.

Shelly warned her manager, “If that skunk sprays, Sapphire will think Golden Rock Records stinks and go to Sparrow.”

Golden told her, “Don't panic. Sparrow may have a full-time exterminator, but I have a full-time bodyguard with the latest in skunk-hunting technologies.”

“Did someone need help catching a skunk?” Golden’s bodyguard asked in a terrible girl voice while using a skunk puppet.

Shelly turned her head to see Big T using a skunk puppet. “A skunk puppet?”

Big T corrected her, “A girl skunk puppet.”

“Yes, and you are gonna work it, because freight train's girly voice is horrible,” Golden explained while Shelly put her hand inside the female skunk puppet.

“Now, you lure him out, and we're gonna throw the box over him,” Big T informed Shelly while he and Golden sneakily walked near the door to catch the skunk with a box.

Shelly called the skunk in a girly voice, “Come here, skunkie.”

Golden suggested Shelly, “Ooh, tell him you got some great kibble back at your tree trunk.”

“Don't push it.”

“Come here, skunkie,” Shelly continued luring the skunk with the skunk puppet. The skunk was close to the outside and Shelly whispered to Golden and Big T, “It's working.” She resumed using the skunk puppet, “Come on. Just a little further.”

As Golden and his bodyguard were about to use the box, the skunk saw them and it hissed. Golden whispered, “He sees us.”

The skunk turned around and was ready to open fire.

“Abort mission!” Golden yelled.

Shelly, Big T, and Golden retreated and exited the studio to come up with another plan.

Meanwhile, Sapphire and Beryl were still stuck in the well as she continued walking around.

Beryl calmed her down, “Sapphire, I'm sure Tempo, aka the Fun-Time Brain, is concocting an amazing rescue plan as we speak.”

Suddenly, they heard Tempo screaming and he fell down the well, crashing on the ground.

“What kind of plan was that?” Beryl questioned him.

“Oh, I'm fine. Thank you.” Tempo vented. “I was measuring the diameter of the well to fashion a crude pulley system when I slipped.”

Sapphire and Beryl facepalmed and Cloudburst told them, “Don't worry, Sapphire. Diamond and I are on the case!”

Diamond stated, “You can count on us.”

“We're gonna be here awhile,” Beryl told Sapphire and she put her head down.

“Now, we pour some yeast and flour into the hole and bake it at 400 degrees until everybody rises.” Diamond explained his plan to Cloudburst.

“No!” Everyone shouted from the well.

Cloudbust suggested, “Or we could toss down some pool noodles, fill the hole with water, and they'll float to the top.”

Tempo realized Cloudburst’s plan and asked, “Wait, did you just come up with an ingenious water displacement plan?”

“Ah, yeah.” Cloudburst nodded.

Diamond told him, “Go, go.”

Cloudburst grabbed a hose and told him, “Diamond, catch the hose.”

Diamond did not catch it and got hit by the hose. As a result, he fell down into the well. However, he did found pennies on the floor as good luck charms.

“Millions of lucky pennies! I'm saved!” Diamond cheered.

Cloudburst looked down and contemplated, “What have I done? All my friends are all trapped in a well. There's only one thing to do.” He screamed and dropped down into the well for his sake.

“What did you do that for?” Everyone asked Cloudburst.

“I was lonely!” Cloudburst answered.

Tempo told Sapphire, “Well, it looks like you may not make your recording session.”

Sapphire was frustrated as the boys sat down. She sat down with the boy band and told them, “It's okay. I couldn't figure out the song, anyway.”

“I didn't think the song was bad. How did it go again?” Diamond told her and grabbed a lyric sheet to read and sing it.

[Diamond Glow]

One, two, three, four, to the five

Tempo liked it and suggested him, ”Yeah, yeah, oh, and add some layers to it. Try it again.”

[Diamond Glow]

One, two, three, four, to the five

[Mind Tempo]

Ooh, yeah, yeah

Beryl and Cloudburst added, “And harmonies.”

[Diamond Glow]

One, two, three, four, to the five

[Mind Tempo]

Ooh, yeah, yeah

[Beryl and Cloudburst]

Baby, I'm counting on you

[Fun Time Rush]

One, two, three, four, to the five

[Sapphire Shores and Fun Time Rush]

Baby, I'm counting on you

[Fun Time Rush]

One, two, three, four, to the five

[Sapphire Shores and Fun Time Rush]

Baby, I'm counting on you


Everyone laughed and they were all happy that Sapphire’s song was solved.

Sapphire told the boys, “Guys, you just helped me figure out the song. Now you got to get me out of here.”

Beryl told her, “Well, there's only one guy I know that can pull five people out of a well.”

Minutes later, Golden and his gang spied on the skunk with their remote-controlled truck.

“Okay, L.A. skunks love two things: Hot ladies and hot cars,” Golden held up his remote controller. “Now, that lady skunk drives over to Mr. Skunkie, who hops in, thinking that they're going to a dance club or to make out point. Then I drive them out of here and into the street, and--”

Golden was startled by Big T’s phone and Big T answered it.

“Hello? It's Beryl. He said they knocked Sapphire Shores down a well and need me to get them out.”

Golden was ready to scream until Shelly covered his mouth. She angrily whispered to him, “Don't scare him, or he'll spray.”

“Get the dogs here so I can kill them and then record Sapphire's song.” Golden informed his bodyguard.

Big T exited the studio and Shelly alerted Golden, “Oh, look.”

Golden saw the skunk on the truck and smiled, “Hey, it looks like Golden Rock's luck is finally changing.” He used the remote controller to drove the truck and the skunk out of the studio. However, the controls were not working. “Why--wait. Why--why isn't it turning? Why isn't it-- why isn't it turning?”

Shelly answered, “I think we're out of range.”

“What? Uh-uh.”

The skunk and the remote-controlled truck crashed into a plastic wall.

“Oh. Oh, he looks angry.” Shelly answered while the angry skunk was running straight towards them.

“He's coming right for us!” Golden shouted.

Shelly and Golden shouted for dear life. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!”

Back at the park, Big T single-handedly used the rope and pulled Sapphire and the band out of the well with his strength.

Beryl thanked Big T, “Oh, thanks, Big T.”

Cloudburst commented, “That hurt, though.”

Then, Quibble appeared again and saw Sapphire and the band together. “Sapphire pulled out of a well tied to four losers. I'll be rich.”

Sapphire and Fun Time Rush pleaded him, “No, no, no, no, no!”

Big T grabbed Quibble’s camera and smashed it into tiny pieces.

“Hey!” Quibble shouted until he saw Big T’s appearance and backed away slowly, feeling scared.

“Hey, guys. Golden isn't happy. He knows about the well, and he has a skunk in his studio that he can't get rid of.” Big T informed everyone.

“Golden can't get rid of a skunk?” Fun Time Rush replied in unison.

Back at the studio, Golden and Shelly were cornered by the skunk, feeling even more scared as ever.

“Why doesn't he just spray us and get it over with?” Shelly wondered.

Then, the two heard Cloudburst screaming and barrel rolled into the hallway. From there, he grabbed a can of kibble from his pocket and tossed it near the skunk. The skunk got distracted and walked towards the kibble as Beryl used the box attached to a rope and tossed up into the ceiling to hang it above the kibble. After that, Diamond wore a face mask and brought out a piece of cardboard paper to enclose the bottom. Finally, Mind Tempo grabbed a tape roller and wrapped tape around the box. Fun Time Rush’s plan was a success and Beryl delivered the box to Golden, “Here's your skunk.”

Golden received the box and asked them, “How did you do that?”

Cloudburst answered, “We catch stuff all the time in Vanhoover.”

“Um, why didn't you just call your animal friend to catch the skunk?” Shelly questioned the boys.

“Who, Fluttershy?” Tempo asked as Golden and Shelly nodded. “Um, about that? I called her earlier about the skunk problem and she told me she can't because she is helping with her friends in LA.”

“ Aw man, I should've called her earlier. Why didn't I think of that?!” Shelly contemplated.

Diamond asked them, “So, what did you use as bait, a lady skunk puppet?”

Everyone laughed as Golden and Shelly answered, “What? No.”

Minutes later, Sapphire and the rest of the FTR gang were in the recording room for a discussion.

“In light of recent skunky events, I have decided not to kill you.” Golden told the boys and they sighed. “However, you blatantly disregarded my orders to stay away from Sapphire Shores and proved once again you are bad luck rush.”

“Golden, they're not bad luck. They're good luck.” Sapphire told him.

Her sister reminded her, “Um, they knocked you down a well.”

Sapphire replied, “Yeah, but if I hadn't fallen down the well, I would have never figured out the song.”

Golden asked her, “They helped you figure out the song?”

“Yeah, it's not a solo. It's a duet.”

“A duet? A duet with big time rush?” Golden laughed. “That is the most…” Golden realized, “Greatest idea I've ever had.”

The boys and Sapphire cheered. Minutes later, Golden started recording the song with Fun Time Rush and Sapphire Shores singing the duet.

Everyone celebrated after FTR recorded a new song with Sapphire Shores.

“Golden, that was awesome!” Sapphire cheered.

“So awesome, in fact, that I'm teaming you up for one more project.” Golden informed her and he got a genius plan in mind.

Few minutes later, Sapphire called Sparrow Records on the phone.

“Sparrow Records. Gale speaking.” Gale listened to Sapphire on the phone until Gale happily gasped. “Great! Hold please.” She then informed her fiancée, “It's for you, honey.”

Sparrow took the phone and answered, “Sparrow Records. Sparrow speaking.”

“Hey, Sparrow, it's Sapphire.”

Sparrow became surprised as Sapphire continued, “You are right, Golden Rock Records stinks. I want to record my song with you instead.”

“Sparrow's on his way. Caw.” Sparrow hung the phone up and he smiled, “We got her, babe.”

The couple cheered in excitement and exited their studio.

“Take us to Golden Rock Records. Looks like we beat Golden and Shelly again,” Gale informed the limousine driver.

Sparrow agreed, “Yes! And once we got our hit, we'll have enough money for our dream wedding and honeymoon!”

While the limo started driving, Fun Time Rush and Sapphire hid away from the limo and the plan was ready to unfold on Gale and Sparrow. The couple laughed until they were unexpectedly welcomed by the skunk they delivered earlier.

“No, no, no-no!” Sparrow and Gale said, but it was too late and the skunk sprayed the couple with its skunk spray.

The couple were blinded and screamed in horror as the limo stopped. They immediately exited their vehicle and ran around screaming like little girls. Unbeknownst to them were Shelly and Golden sitting on the bench hiding behind the newspaper. They stopped and started eating popcorn.

Shelly told Golden, “You know, since the boys came to town, you've gotten a record contract, an album deal, produced a song with Sapphire Shores and you just beat Sparrow.”

While the evil couple continued screaming and running around along with FTR and Sapphire watching, Golden told her, “Fine. But don't tell them they're my good luck charms. They'll just mess it up.”

Back at the community center, Sapphire told her agents, “Guys, take my bags to my limo please.”

Her agents nodded and took her bags to the limo outside and Sapphire looked at FTR and her sister.

“And you guys, good luck on your album.” Sapphire told the boy band.

“Lucky!” Cloudburst and Tempo said while Sapphire hugged them.

“'Cause I could use a really great opening act in concert.” Sapphire hugged Diamond, but he wouldn't let go of her.

“Okay, Diamomd. You can let go. Diamond? Diamond, let go.” The boys repeatedly told him

“Diamond!” Shelly shouted.

Diamond let go and contained himself. “Sorry.”

“Sapphire, there is something I want to tell you.” Shelly informed her.

“Okay, make it quick.”

“I cannot go with you and join your team. I already got my own, and it's all thanks to Fun Time Rush. Plus, I want to focus on helping marine wildlife. You got your own path and I got my own. Now we can both make a difference in this world.”

“And that's your final answer?” Sapphire asked.

“Yeah.” Shelly nodded.

The boys were eager to hear what Sapphire had to say until she smiled. “Sis, I am very happy for you. I'm gonna miss you little sister.”

“Yeah, me too.” Shelly told her and hugged Sapphire.

Fun Time Rush shed a couple of tears and Tempo commented, “Wow. That was beautiful.”

“Hand me a tissue, Beryl.” Diamond ordered and Beryl handed him a tissue.

After their sisterly hug, Sapphire walked up to Beryl and told him, “And I hope you and Star work things out.”

Beryl assured her, “Don't worry about it. We'll be fine.”

They both hugged it out until Shining Star entered the building and saw them hugging. She crossed her arms and huffed, “Ahem!”

Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh

“Unbelievable,” Beryl frowned.

The rest of Beryl’s friends cringed until Sapphire saw Star and handed Beryl some flowers from a vase. “Wait, here. Try these.”

Beryl nodded and turned his attention to Shining Star, “Star!” He ran after her with flowers in his hand, “It's not what it looks like!”


Step it up

Get in gear

Go for broke

Make it clear

Kendall Schmidt as Cloudburst

James Maslow as Diamond Glow

Carlos Penavega as Beryl Fury

Logan Henderson as Mind Tempo

[Mind Tempo]

Gotta go Fun Time (Diamond Glow: Oh, hey)

[Diamond Glow]

Make it work

Get it right

Change your world

[Beryl Fury]


Stephen Kramer Glickman as Golden Rock

Tanya Chisholm as Shelly Shores

Alexa Penavega as Shining Star

Tyrese Gibson as Big T


Gotta dream Fun Time

[Mind Tempo]

Oh woah!


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

Patton Oswalt as Quibble Pants

Lee Tockar as Snips

Richard Ian Cox as Snails


Give it all you got now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

[Diamond Glow]

Isn’t it a rush?

Rena Anakwe as Sapphire Shores

Phil LaMarr as Sparrow

Sabrina Weisz as Gale


Oh-oh, oh-oh.

Oh-oh, oh!

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

Comments ( 5 )

That was a good read

“Gustavo can't get rid of a skunk?” Fun Time Rush replied in unison.

I thought his name was Golden Rock.

“Who, Fluttershy?” Tempo asked as Golden and Shelly nodded. “Um, about that? I called her earlier about the skunk problem and she told me she can't because she is helping with her friends in LA.”

Guess that means Fluttershy and the others are hoping the Spy Racers.

Gosh darn it, I keep forgetting to replace their names. Sorry.

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