• Published 18th Jan 2023
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Student Six Watch Elder Scrolls Lore - Rated Ponystar

After learning about the Fallout Series, the Student Six are taken to a different dimention to learn about The Elder Scrolls series

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Dragons of Skyrim & Tamriel

Chapter 10

Dragons of Skyrim & Tamriel

"So we're going to learn about these dragons, huh?" Smolder said as she leaned further back against the wall. "I admit. I'm curious how different these guys are from my kind."

"I still want to know how a dragonborn can be possible," Ocellus grumbled.

"Magic?" Yona suggested.

"That can't be the answer to everything!" Ocellus shouted.

"Why not? It kinda explains a lot in our world," Gallus pointed out as Silverstream nodded in agreement.

The screen began to start, and the group was confused by why they revered the title as "Dov" instead of just dragons. However, before they could ask, a quote was shown:

“...Wow,” Smolder said before blinking. “Okay. Very different from our world.”

“I would hate to hear a choir of dragons singing if this was the case,” Silverstream said with a gulp.

“You think this “Voice” is some kind of magic? Like the Sirens?” Sandbar suggested.

“It sounds like it, but the Sirens voice is more like singing magic. This sounds like even speaking a word could cast a spell or warp reality,” Ocellus pointed out.

The quotes continued:

“Yeah, we know this. The dragons ruled over them. I guess they weren’t good and friendly rulers,” Silverstream said before turning to Smolder. “No offense.”

“Eh, none taken. I doubt most Dragon Lords before Ember would have been kind to non-dragons,” Smolder said with a wave of her hand.

“You gotta give points to the Men of Old Times for facing off against the dragons despite their power,” Sandbar said with a nod of respect.

“Yaks would be the same. Fight on even if odds are against us,” Yona said proudly.

“Yeah? Well, there is a difference between fighting dumb and fighting smart,” Gallus said without any impressed notion.

“What about honor?” Silverstream asked.

“Honor is only good if your enemy faces you with the same morals. Most of the time you're better off doing whatever you can to survive and then winning,” Gallus replied.

"I'm glad that not all dragons were evil," Ocellus said.

"But did he really do it because he felt sorry for them or because a being more powerful than him told him to do it?" Smolder pointed out with suspicion. "I mean, why the change of heart?"

"Maybe we'll learn about it," Ocellus replied.

The dragons of Tamriel soon then appeared before the six on the screen. Looking at them, they were very different from the ones back home. Many of them were of darker colors with more spikes and sharper edges than their world's dragons. They also had very similar structures in terms of looks and body appearances. It was almost impossible to tell the difference between several of them. The dragons were also the average height of most dragons, but several in their homes were bigger, including the former Dragon Lord, Torch. That said, it was clear they were more geared towards fighting in their evolution, as a single bite of those jaws or scratch from those claws could clearly shred them all apart.

While they were indeed called "Dragons," it appeared that the dragons had their own language and called themselves "The Dov," which means "Children of Fire." They were among the oldest races in Tamriel and were even immortal in terms of age. They were mighty, powerful rulers of the sky that none could match. Despite their animal appearance, they were brilliant and wise.

"Do you guys have your own language?" Ocellus asked Smolder with interest.

"Kinda? There was some ancient tongue we all spoke during the days of the Empire, but that was lost when it collapsed," Smolder answered. "I don't know jack about that."

"Why would this Jack person know about dragon words? Are they a dragon?" Silverstream asked.

"Figure of speech, Silverstream," Smolder sighed.

"Woah, that's a lot of fire!" Gallus shouted as they turned to the screen to see two dragons breathing fire on one another in what appeared to be some kind of dispute.

Such a sight is what made the dragons both beautiful and terrifying. All feared them, as evidenced by citizens of a nearby city fleeing to their homes as a dragon roared above them, circling as he watched the tiny mortals with amusement. The six feared he would do something horrible like burn it down, but instead, he flew around, scaring the locals like a bully. It seemed foolish to just show up in an armed population and fly around to cause fear, but considering the strength and prowess of dragons, they appeared not to fear anything.

This was not just because of their strong scales, powerful jaws, and mighty wings. It was because of a dragon's most potent ability, known as the "Thu'um" or "Voice." The power of said Thu'um was then shown as multiplied dragons began breathing fire, ice, lighting, and other such effects from their jaws at each other. This was a fierce battle, but how they treated their attacks was like a conversation or debate.

The Dov's language was not just a means of speech but a powerful mystical ability. The very notion of it was beyond mere comprehension, and even learning (much less understanding) even a single word of power would take years of study.

"Years?! How could they even learn such a language?!" Smolder asks in disbelief.

"Well, the narrator said they were immortal. That's plenty of time," Silverstream pointed out.

"So basically, by the time we could learn or say a sentence in dragon tongue, we'd all be getting our final rites in our coffins, huh?" Gallus joked. "I'll stick to learning Prench.

It turned out to be more than just learning. The very comprehension of the Thu'um was woven into the very being of every dragon. They were born understanding it and could master it almost instantly. This is done by shouting, which has magical effects on the world around them. When a dragon breathes out fire, ice, or anything similar, he speaks his language to another dragon. It wasn't just a means of attack but communication. Because of this, the battles between Dov are deadly verbal debates.

"That sounds weird," Sandbar said with a raised eyebrow. "That's like telling someone hello by stabbing them with a sword."

For a Dov, the one with the loudest and most powerful Voice leads them. The one who speaks the most and beats the others is the declared winner and is seen as correct in the debate. In other words, the most powerful is always the most followed.

"Well, guess that's one thing we have in common," Smolder agreed.

How did such beings come into power in the first place? It turned out that it was because they were the children of Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time. He created them; thus, they are bound to the fabrics of time itself. Unlike mortals, dragons have a special connection to the bones of Tamriel. They are forever connected to it, both physically and spiritually. They have been here, were here, and always will be here. They are beyond the understanding of mortals and forever will be.

"Wait, so they just...exist? That's it?" Ocellus asks.

Apparently so. There was no record of dragons mating with one another nor any finding of dragon eggs or dragonlings.

"Wait, so...how...wait," Smolder was confused. "I'm trying to process this. They don't have children, they don't have families, and all of these guys look male-"

"How can you tell?" Silverstream asked.

"I just can," Smolder said with a huff. "Are you telling me that dragons just pop out of the ground?"

"Looks like it," Yona said.

"That makes no sense!" Both Smolder and Ocellus shouted at the same time.

It turned out that Smolder was technically wrong. Despite their deep-sounding voices and appearances, dragons were genderless. Not only that, but they were unable to die as well. Sure, their physical bodies could be destroyed, but their souls survived even to death, making them virtually unkillable as they could be revived easily.

"Wow, no wonder their debates are to the death. You can just survive a spike of ice to the heart, wake up a few days later, and just accept you lost as if it was a speech contest," Gallus muttered.

However, there was one being they feared. One being that was strong enough to defeat dragons and claim their souls to give them a longer-lasting death that scared them. A single being that was known as "Dovahkiin."


"Wait, that's a Dragonborn?!" Smolder asked in surprise. "A dragon killer?"

A cloaked figure shouted three words and a wave of energy was unleashed, which destroyed the entire temple he was in, shocking them all. A Dragonborn may have the body of a mortal, but he had the soul and blood of a dragon. He was a mortal who could instantly learn all Words of Power and use them for whatever purpose he wished, as evidenced by an armored figure in barbarian clothing and weapons standing before a wall of words and one of them unleashing blue energy that he absorbed into his body.

The Dragonborn was the most feared enemy a dragon could face. Not only could they match them, Voice to Voice, but should the dragon be slain by a Dragonborn, his soul was absorbed into the Dragonborn and made him stronger with the knowledge he possessed. Once a dragon's soul is absorbed, it is gone—permanently.

Suddenly, everyone turned to Smolder, who was shivering in fear. Her eyes widened in terror at the figure standing before a dead dragon and taking its soul. Smolder backed away and shivered as she wrapped her tail around her. The idea of such a thing being possible made her afraid—no, terrified.

It was one thing to be killed, but to be erased from existence with your soul devoured by some being that was born to kill your kind?

It was the stuff of nightmares.

"...I vote we never find this Dragonborn, for Smolder's sake," Sandbar said.

"Agreed," The others said.

The good news was that they were rare to find. Even two in an era was so uncommon it was almost impossible. Yet they were some of the most influential people in the history of Tamriel, often as rulers. One of them was Tiber Septim, the founder of the Third Empire.

"I guess it makes sense," Gallus said with a nod. "If someone with the soul of a dragon can kill dragons easily, then I doubt anyone would debate whether they are king or queen."

Next to appear on screen was something that soon scared them all. Even Smolder, a dragon herself, couldn't help but feel a similar terror as she did with the Dragonborn upon seeing this specific dragon. It was black and purple as night itself. Its blood-red eyes held such rage and destruction that it appeared ready to burn the world down and rule over the ashes. It was the largest of the dragons they had seen so far, and even Smolder had a feeling that most, if not all, her kind would have trouble fighting this...behemoth.

This was the "First Born Of Akatosh, " meaning he was the first dragon to be made. His name is Alduin. It was believed that he and his kin came from the continent of Akavir, a land heavily influenced by dragons. From there, they spread their wings and flew all over the world. When the humans from Atmora arrived and overthrew the elves years later, the dragons came. Recognizing them as the superior species, the future Nords bowed to them and worshiped them. Naturally, the Dovah accepted this worship as they already saw themselves as superior to all. Power equals truth as the most powerful, and their truth is correct.

While the ruling was just at first, they began to share a small amount of power with their chosen Dragon Priests, who became just as worshiped and feared as the dragons. Over time, however, the Dragon Priests began to rule with an iron fist. Instead of subjects, the people were slaves. However, as is the fate of all slaves and masters, the slaves soon rebelled against their masters, both Priest and Dragon.

"Of course, this happened," Sandbar sighed. "Why do those in power always become corrupt in these things?"

"Just the nature of the way it is," Gallus said with a shrug. "True honest rulers are rare."

The Dragon War was one of the most bloody conflicts in Tamriel's history. It was also very one-sided. The dragons were just too powerful, and thousands of men and women died in agony and blood.

"Told ya," Gallus said with a smirk.

It would seem that the human race would be destroyed, but the Adrea gazed upon Man and had pity. Kyne, the Goddess of the Sky, spoke to Paarthurnax, Alduin's right hand, and told him to help the mortals. Paarthurnax, who had felt sympathy for them, agreed to betray his former best friend and brother figure with the aid of those who believed in his cause. He taught them the Voice of mankind.

"Guess there are some good dragons too, huh?" Sandbar said with a nod.

The Nords banished Alduin from Nirn, allowing them to be free at last. The dragons that had survived fled to remote areas to live alone and away from Men. The once dominant race of dragons was no more.

"Eh, nothing lasts forever," Smolder said with a shrug. "Besides, they were a bunch of jerks, even for dragons."

Strangely enough, the Dragon Cult still survived. Believing their masters would rise again, they built burial mounds for the bones of the dragons who had been slain. However, Man grew in this time and became leaders, warriors, and emperors. Ruling vast kingdoms of their own. One such kingdom would become the center point of many great empires.

It was the center most nation of Tamriel, one that used the dragon itself as a symbol of dominance. But that was a story for another day.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, here is an update. I promise the next story I update is Regeneration. About time I got back into tthat