• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 481 Views, 7 Comments

Twilight Learns How to Ice-Skate - Heroic412227

Twilight wants to learn how to ice-skate to impress Flash.

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Twilight Learns How to Ice-Skate

The frozen lake in the outskirts of Ponyville sparkled in the winter snow during this chilly time of year. It was alive with the joyful laughter and cheerful chatter of ponies gliding across the ice. Among them, Twilight Sparkle sat alone on the snow-covered patch, her eyes fixed on her friends twirling and twirling, their graceful movements casting glimmering reflections on the frozen canvas.

Despite her magical and reading talents, she didn't consider herself to be much of a skater, even as an alicorn princess. Still, it was fun to see her friends enjoying themselves, even if it meant having to just sit and cheer for them when they performed a cool trick.

Pinkie Pie flawlessly executed a spin and landed gracefully, without any wobbling or slipping. Twilight couldn't help but clap and cheer for her friend's impressive display. "Woo-hoo! Go, Pinkie Pie!"

“Thanks, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted as she skated right past her.

“Ya sure ya don’t wanna skate with us?” Applejack asked Twilight, skating from the other side.

“No. I’m okay with you guys having fun. I’m no good at skating anyway.” Twilight slumped on the snow-covered bank, as she continued watching her friends skate across the ice, a heavy sigh escaping her. She wrapped her wings around herself, trying to ignore the biting cold wind.

Her friends took notice of Twilight’s closed-off posture. They halted together in the middle of the lake, away from everypony else. They exchanged worried glances before looking back at her, their expressions a mix of concern and guilt.

Just as they were about to glide over to her with comforting words, another pony entered the scene, capturing their attention. An apricot stallion with a blue flaming mane, Flash Sentry strode over to Twilight and sat beside her in the snow. His vibrant colors stood out from the winter landscape, and his confident demeanor caught the attention of both Twilight and her friends.

“Uh…Who’s that?” Starlight asked.

Applejack chuckled. “That’s just Flash Sentry. He’s one of the royal guards for both the Crystal Empire and for Cadence and Shining Armor. Ever since Twilight arrived from the Human World, she and him couldn't stop fawning over each other every time they met.”

“Oh…” she replied.

“Hey, Twilight,” Flash Sentry said.

“F-flash Sentry?” Twilight stuttered, her cheeks flushing when she locked eyes with him. His smile filled her chest with a fluttering sensation. “But I thought you were at the Crystal Empire on guarding duty for Shining and Cadence.”

“Well, we were, but both them and Flurry Heart came to Ponyville to do some winter shopping,” Flash explained, his voice was as smooth and low as velvet, resonating with a soothing baritone. “Though, it does get a little chilly having to stand around and wait until they come back, so they decided to give us a nice break to warm up,”

“Oh…” She responded awkwardly, glancing back at the lake. "So, what are you doing here at the lake?”

“Well, I’ve always loved ice-skating, but—” The sound of horns blowing caught his attention. “Oops. Looks like they need us back at the train station. Later, Twi!” He waved, getting ready to galloping off.

“Wait!” She shouted, reaching out to him. Flash halted and glanced back, curious about what she wanted to say. “ Sorry! I don’t want to stop you from your trip, but… maybe if we’re both free, do you want to meet again at the lake with me sometime?” Twilight’s blushed, awkwardly rubbing her hoof against the snow. “I-if you want?”

“Uh… Sure, I’d like that,” He heard the horns again. “I gotta go. I’ll see ya soon, Twilight!”

“See ya!” As Flash galloped away, Twilight gazed longingly, her cheeks still flushed. She let out a dreamy sigh, the thudding of her heart drowning out the sound of his hoofsteps fading into the distance.

The others skated towards her, still keeping those same smirks. “Looks like somepony’s got the hots for Flash Sentry,” Rainbow Dash ribbed her. “Lucky guy.”

As the trance faded, Twilight blinked, the lingering warmth of her fantasy colliding with the chilly reality, leaving her momentarily disoriented. She frantically turned to her friends in a flabbergasted state. “What?! Me?! Pfft! Of course not!” She chuckled nervously. “We’re just friends,” But the blushing and rubbing on the foreleg wasn’t helping her point.

Applejack chuckled, offering a comforting smile. “We’re just kidding with ya, Sugarcube,” She reassured as she helped Twilight up.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash chimed. “It’s actually kinda cool.”

"Thanks," But after a moment, her smile of gratitude faded, a heavy frown took its place. Her friends quickly noticed and gathered around her for comfort.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

She sighed. "It's just that… you guys and Flash are so talented at skating while all I do is just sit around and watch," she explained. "I just wish I knew how to skate like you guys."

Pinkie Pie's eyes sparkled with excitement as she bounced up and down on her skates, eager to share her love of skating with Twilight. "Hey! Maybe I can teach you how to do that."

Twilight's face lit up with a mix of hope and nervousness, wondering if she could really learn to skate like her friends. "You will?"

"Of course, silly!" She replied. "After all, I did try to teach you during Winter Wrap-Up, remember?"

"Yeah, but that didn't work out too well," She said, blushing slightly.

"This time will be different," Pinkie Pie reassured her. "Trust us."

"I guess it couldn't hurt to try," Twilight said, her voice filled with uncertainty. "What about you guys?"

Applejack smiled. "Don't worry. We'll be right here to cheer ya on when ya need it. Right, guys?"

The others nodded enthusiastically and cheered, "Right!”

"Thanks, guys," She smiled, huddling together with them for a group hug. "You're the best."

The gang eagerly sat on the snowy banks of the frozen lake, their breath visible in the crispy winter air. The sun cast a golden glow over the glistening ice, creating a mesmerizing dance of light as it reflected off the frozen surface. The chill in the air nipped at their noses and the faint sound of blades cutting through the ice echoed across the icy expanse.

The sound of blades cutting through the ice echoed across the lake as Pinkie Pie stepped onto the frozen surface, her eyes beaming with excitement. "I can't wait to teach you how to ice-skate, Twilight!" She exclaimed. "This is gonna be super-duper fun and you are gonna love it!"

As Twilight stepped onto the lake, her hooves trembled ever so slightly. She glanced at the ice beneath her, her reflection wavering on the smooth surface, and her voice wavered when she asked Pinkie Pie, “Are you sure about this, Pinkie Pie?”

“Don’t worry, Twilight. Everything’s gonna be a-okay,” She said, reaching her hoof out for her friend. “Trust me.”

The alicorn hesitated, but after a moment, she nodded. Pinkie held onto her hoof, a warm touch providing reassurance as they glided across the ice. The ice felt smooth and cold beneath Twilight’s hooves, sending a shiver of excitement down her spine. Each stride brought a sense of freedom, the chilling breeze ruffling her mane and sending tiny snowflakes swirling through the air. The sound of her skates cutting through the ice echoed around them, harmonizing with the soft laughter bubbled from Pinkie Pie.

Twilight's eyes widened with wonder as she admired the snow-covered landscape. The sun’s glow bathed the scene in a warm, golden light, casting long shadows across glistening ice. Snow-laden trees lined the lake’s edge, their branches bending under the weight of the fluffy white snow. And the majestic mountains stood tall in the distance, their peaks dusted in a delicate layer of powder.

"Okay. Now the first thing we need to work on is your balance," she said. "Just try to stand very still for a moment and get used to the feeling of your skates, okay?"

Twilight nodded. A small lump formed in her throat before gulping it, unsure if she could pull it off.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I’m right beside you no matter what,” Pinkie reassured calmly. "You ready to try?"

She nodded, a hard lump forming in her throat. Her nerves twisting her stomach into knots as she tried to swallow her apprehension. Still, a spark of determination pushed her forward. She can do this.

“Great!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her smile stretching from ear to ear, but she paused, giving Twilight some time to prepare. "Maybe some deep breaths would help?" She suggested.

Inhaling the icy winter air, Twilight steadied her nerves. After a few breaths, her anxieties gradually settled. “Okay, I'm ready now.”

“Are you sure,” She asked her in concern.

“Yes,” The alicorn stated.

“Okie Dokie Lokie,” Pinkie Pie had a slightly unsure tone to her voice, still thinking her friend might need more time to get started, but she didn't want to push it. Instead, back to her usually cheerful tone, she asked, “Let's start with the basics of ice-skating. Lesson One: Balancing.”

“How do I do that?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“It’s easy, silly!” She reassured her. “Ya just need to keep your legs bent a teeny-tiny bit and get used to the feeling of your skates. Simple.”

“Okay, can you demonstrate that?” She suggested.

“You got it!,” Pinkie Pie eased Twilight’s hoof onto the ice and demonstrated. Her legs bent slightly as she distributed the weight of them evenly. Her stance planted firmly straight and balanced without any signs of slipping. “See? Easy-peasy! Now you try.”

“Okay. Here goes,” Twilight quivered as she tentatively bent her knees in a slight angle, just like Pinkie Pie said. However, she wobbled as she tried maintaining her balance, her legs slipping on the slippery ice. She flailed her front legs trying to steady herself, but ended up spinning in place like a mini-tornado instead.

“Whoa there!” Pinkie Pie said, skating over to grab Twilight’s hoof. “Twilight, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” She replied, shaking her swirling eyes back in place. “I just can’t seem to get the hang of this ice-skating.”

“Don’t worry! Everypony starts somewhere. Remember, even Pinkie Pie had her fair share of tumbles before becoming the skating queen of Ponyville!”

Twilight chuckled, her nerves easing a bit. “Skating queen, huh?”

“Oh, absolutely!” She nodded with enthusiasm. “And you know, sometimes the best part is the journey of learning. You’ll get better with each try and we’ll have loads of fun along the way!”

“Pinkie’s right!” Applejack shouted from the banks with the others. “Y'all just need to keep practicing until you get better!”

“Yep! And we’ll be right here cheering you on all the way through. Right, guys?” Rainbow asked the others.

They all nodded in agreement, “Right!”

Encouraged by her friends’ support, Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath and nodded determinedly. “Alright, Pinkie Pie. Let's give it a shot. I’m ready to learn, and this time, I’ll try not to create a mini-tornado on the ice.”

Pinkie Pie giggled, offering an encouraging smile. “That's the spirit, Twilight! Let's turn those wobbles into glides!”

“Lesson One: Balancing, take two,” Pinkie Pie announced with infectious enthusiasm. As Twilight steadied herself, Pinkie's encouraging words filled the air. “Remember, just a teeny-tiny bent, and you’ll be balancing in no time!”

“Got it,” Twilight stated, determined to conquer the ice once and for all. With a heavy breath, she tentatively placed her hooves on the frosty surface, remembering the basics of balancing. Her knees bent, and she tried to redistribute them evenly, but the slippery slope of the ice made her wobble.

“C’mon, Twilight! You can do this!” Pinkie Pie cheered, clicking her skates on the lake as she bounced for her friend's progression.

“We believe in you, darling!” Rarity shouted from the banks.

“Careful,” She muttered to herself. ‘You can do this, Twilight. Just focus.’ Her heart pounded as she tried to find her footing. With a few tiny strides, she managed to stand still for a few long seconds before tripping and landing on her stomach. She growled at herself for fumbling but quickly regained her composure. ‘No! I won't give up! I'm not gonna let my friends or Flash down, no matter what!’

“You’re doing great, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie encouraged, helping her friend up again. “Maybe we should take a small break if it helps,” She suggested.

But Twilight shook her head and said, “It’s fine. I-I think I’m ready to move on,” She insisted.

“You mean to the next lesson, or…,” The pink pony asked, her eyebrows raised in apprehension.

“Yes,” The alicorn stated firmly.

Pinkie Pie turned to the others, who exchanged concerned glances between each other before shrugging. “Okaaay then. Lesson One, Part Two: Moving Forward and Back,” She proclaimed.

“Okay, how do I do it?” Twilight asked.

“First, you gotta get used to moving forward,” She explained, her excitement undeterred. “Just lift one hoof and push it forward, then the other. It’s like walking, but on ice! Go ahead! Give it a try!”

Twilight nodded, her determination renewed. She lifted a hoof tentatively, her eyes fixated on Pinkie Pie’s demonstration. ‘Okay… just like Pinkie Pie showed me.’ As she cautiously pushed her hoof forward, her skates glided across the ice. A triumphant smile came on her face, realizing that she could move without tumbling.

“Yeah, Twi! You’re doing it!” Pinkie Pie cheered, skating alongside her.

“Way to go, Twilight!” Applejack called from a distance. The others followed her cheering from the banks, their cries of pride echoed across the wind as they watched their friend’s newfound progress.

“I can’t believe it!” She shrieked, an elated snort escaping her lips as she slid across the icy plane. Each glide smoother, steadier than the last, her horn sparked with barely contained glee. The wind swirled past her ears, singing a song of freedom, and the cool air tasted like sparkling cider on her tongue. “I’m actually doing it!”

But, in a cruel turn of events, her left hooves caught a sudden groove, sending a tremor through her legs, “No, no, no, no! Focus! You can do this, Twilight!” She wobbled, a desperate flail of her hooves unable to right themselves. ‘Oh no.’ Despair threatened to engulf her, but before she could plummet, Pinkie came to the rescue as her strong hooves wrapped around her friend’s waist, hauling her back upright.

“That was uncredible, Twi!” Pinkie Pie’s voice bubbled with exuberance, but Twilight could only muster a tight smile. The wind felt like icy needles pointing at her exposed flank, and the joy in her eyes from that moment flickered and died down. “You did super-duper great! How do you feel?”

“I’m fine,” She replied softly, though her voice choked slightly as she grappled with the overwhelming weight of her own expectations. But she still kept that same smile towards her friend. “Thanks, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie Pie, cognitively aware of her friend’s deeply despondent tone, simply sighed and wrapped her hoof around her shoulder before saying, “Look, Twilight. I know certain skills like ice-skating can be hard, but that doesn't mean you can't do it. As my dear old Grand Pie always said: ‘It’s not about the destination, but the journey that makes things fun.’” She uttered, doing a gruff imitation of her grandfather. “Right?”

“Yeah!” Applejack chimed as she and the others skated towards the two. “Pinkie's right, sugarcube. You don't have to be perfect to be a good skater.”

“I agree,” Rarity followed. “You just need a little patience and practice to get better, darling.”

“Yeah! Who said you’d have to get it right on your first try? You’ll get it down before you know it!” Rainbow said.

Fluttershy nodded, “And we’ll always be here to support you, no matter what.”

“Thanks, guys,” Twilight answered, though she felt a small knot in her stomach as she tried taking her friends’ words to heart despite uncertainty still grasping inside of her like claws squeezing at its prey. Despite that, she simply smiled, grateful for their support. “I’ll keep that in mind from now on.”

“Great! Then hold onto your skates, ‘cause we’re about to move onto the next lesson,” Pinkie said, putting her game face on. Though, she toned her excitement down to avoid overexerting Twilight. “I mean, if you want to, though.”

Each failure put a damper at her confidence, the cold from the ice chilling her bones. She pictured Flash’s smiling face and her friends gliding so effortlessly across that same icy terrain that felt so unyielding under her hooves. ‘I want this not just for them, but for myself,’ she realized. ‘I want to know that I can overcome anything I put my mind to.’ With renewed resolve, Twilight got up from the snow, shook some of it off her skates, and sternly told Pinkie, “I’m ready to do the final lesson.”

“Okay. Twi. This is the hardest lesson so far,” Pinkie warned. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“Yep. I’m all geared up,” Twilight answered, she crouched down with her confidence coursing through her veins as she was ready to conquer the ice at full force. Though, some major anxiety still resided within her as she shuddered a bit, but without her friends’ noticing.

“Okay. Lesson Three: Jumping and Spinning!” Pinkie started with a simple glide along the lake and crouched down, preparing to show her first jump to Twilight as closely as possible. She raised her back leg as she turned in a circular motion, her ice trails shredded a few ice crystals from the surface as she did so. Stretching out her forelegs, she turned and spun at a 180 degree angle, flurrying around in a mini tsunami as the wind billowed around her as if a crowd from the heavens cheered her on for her spectacular display. The others roared at Pinkie’s moves with pure astonishment.

The pink pony stopped spinning and drifted more with a few more small strides before crouching and pushing herself off the ice for a finishing leap. The rest of her overlapped as she skidded to a stop and presented her magnum opus: A giant version of her pet alligator, Gummy, made of ice-lines before fading away. “Ta-da!”

Twilight’s mouth was agape at the beautiful demonstration that her friend showed her. She clapped her hooves together and exclaimed, “Wow, Pinkie! That was amazing!”

Pinkie took a bow as if she were on stage. “Thanks, Twilight! Did you get everything?”

The alicorn gathered her thoughts a bit as she tried to keep what her friend showed her in her mind. It was a lot to take in due to how precise it was and she didn’t want to end up falling again, but she had to do this. For her friends, for Flash, and for herself. So, she just said, “Yeah, I think so.”

“Okay,” Pinkie said, skating back out of Twilight’s way for space and land control. “And remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect.”

Twilight took a deep breath and readied herself for a simple glide. ‘I can do this. I can do this. I can do this!’ She pushed her back hoof apart, squeaking as she made sure not to tumble and fall again. She tentatively watched her movement and attempted spinning with one of her hindlegs out. At first, she skated in a circle with her skates, perpendicular to Pinkie’s motions. ‘C’mon, c’mon!’ She lifted her forelegs out as she pivoted to help maintain her balance, her turning angle now turning 180 degrees from the other side of the lake. Her friends’ cheers gradually eased her anxiety as she witnessed her progress improving.

“You’re doing great, Twilight!” Starlight bellowed.

“Hey, I’m actually doing it right, this time!” She exclaimed, her eyes closed with exhilaration as the breeze passed through her mane like an Angel’s song raising her hopes up. As she started spinning, a few other skaters leapt out of her way, berating her for her interference. “Sorry!” She bellowed. That’s when she realized her nerves resurfaced her mind. The sounds of other skaters’ scolding and cries of terror made her lose her focus and started spiraling out of control. She crouched down and leapt on the ice, but the inertia scurried her across the ice, causing her to yelp in fear before crashing into the snow like a cannonball.

“Yeesh!” Rainbow Dash grimaced. She and the others galloped through the snow and helped their friend up.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Fluttershy asked in concern.

She sighed and said, “No. I’m not alright.” Defeated, she traipsed along the snow and sat back down.

“C’mon, Twilight! You can’t just give up! You were doing great out there!” Rainbow said, trying to cheer her up.

“Yeah, we know you’ll do better and we won’t give up helping you!” Pinkie Pie chimed.

“Thanks, guys. I appreciate your encouragement, but maybe ice-skating just isn’t for me,” Twilight Sparkle murmured.

“Don’t say that, darling” Rarity said, wrapping her hoof around Twilight’s shoulder. “You’re a natural at ice-skating.”

“Yeah. And I’m sure Flash would be really proud of your—” Fluttershy added.

“It’s not just about Flash. It’s about wanting to prove to you that I can be a great skater, too,” The alicorn explained, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. “I thought if I was as good as my friends are, then maybe… maybe I wouldn’t feel left out and alone.”

“You’re never alone, Twilight,” Starlight added. “We’ll always be there for you, skills or no skills.”

“Yeah! And you shouldn’t feel bad about not being able to skate when you’re already great at so many other things,” Pinkie continued. “Leadership, reading, magic, leading us while reading with magic.”

“And most importantly, friendship,” Applejack concluded.

Just as she sat there quietly near the others, lost in her own thoughts, Pinkie Pie and the others’ words sank in. She’s been so focused on impressing others and fitting in with her friends that she’d forgotten the true reason why she wanted to ice-skate in the first place - because it looked like fun. She didn’t need to impress anyone, she just needed to enjoy herself.

With her newfound epiphany, Twilight stood up tall and stated, “You guys are right! I’ve been focused on what others thought that didn't take into account what really mattered. And that's having fun in general, no matter how skilled I am.”

“That's the spirit! So, are you ready to get back on the lake and try again?” Pinkie Pie asked, lending Twilight her skates.

“Mmm-Hmph,” She nodded and put the skates back on her hooves. “And this time, I won't have to stress about being perfect at it.” With her friends by her side and her regained determination, Twilight stepped back onto the ice and continued practicing. This time, she focused on the feeling of the cool ice beneath her stakes and the wind in her mane. She was still wobbly and unsteady, but she was having fun.

And as the sun was behind the mountains and Twilight kept practicing with her friends, she spotted Flash trotting his way back to the lake after his guarding job at the Crystal Empire. Seizing this opportunity, she skated across the lake and onto the snow where he halted.

“Flash! You're back!” She uttered, blushing along with him. “So, how was guarding at the Crystal Empire?”

“Eh, it was fine. To be honest, as much as I love making sure the Empire and everyone in it are safe and secure, sometimes I miss the quiet moments where it's better to just take it easy and have fun with those close to me when I’m not on guard duty,” Flash explained.

“Oh… well,” Twilight paused, rubbing the back of her head. Her flushed cheeks brightened a deep pinkish-red once she had the perfect time to ask him, “Do you wanna go skating with me and my friends at the lake, then?”

Flash sighed, “Actually, I’m not very good at ice-skating.”

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Yeah, I just wanted to watch the other skaters with you. I’ve never actually tried skating before and I thought that you wouldn't like me if you found out,” Flash cast away with red cheeks of his own. “I'm sorry for not telling you earlier.”

She couldn't believe her ears. All this time, she was afraid of the exact same thing about him, but it looks like they have more in common than she initially thought.

Pondering for a moment, she took a deep breath and said, “It’s okay. I wasn't a good skater either. But my friends taught me that skills and impressing others aren't what makes the experience fun. It's the journey of enjoying yourself that makes it fun.”

“Really?” Flash said, surprised at his commonalities with Twilight and what she learned.

Twilight nodded and reached her hoof out to him. “Maybe I could show you a few tricks my friends taught me while on the lake. I-If you want.”

Flash looked at her hoof, then back at her. Seeing someone he cares about – in more ways than one – showing him the ropes that she learned made him feel like he had a chance to be himself without fear of impressing others or fitting in. So, he grabbed her hoof, put on his skates, and the two of them started practicing with each other on how to conquer the ice together. Twilight's friends watched them with satisfied smiles, proud of their friend and her potential lover having fun together, regardless of skill.

Comments ( 7 )

Pretty cute. Good lesson about just trying and doing things for the fun of it, and Pinkie was great and very supportive of Twilight here.

Aw, that was cute. I'm not a fan of Flashlight (Twibra, all the way!) but I liked it.

Not bad, kind of feels like the plot of an actual episode.

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