• Published 17th Feb 2023
  • 599 Views, 14 Comments

TCB: Invasion of Sodor - autobotfan15

The bureau sets up shop on Sodor. How will our Sodor friends handle this?

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Full throttle

May 22nd 5:30 AM
NWR Work Schedule for Tidmouth Roster:

Thomas-Evacuation trains from Ffarqhar to Vicarstown
Edward-Evacuation trains from Wellsworth to Brendom Docks
Henry-Search train, assist the search and rescue and find reported missing engines
Gordon-Evacuation trains from Knapford Station to Knapford Harbor
James-Troop train from Vicarstown final destination to be determined by military authority
Percy-Shunting in Knapford yards
Emily-Military tanks from Vicarstown final destination to be determined by military authority.

May 22nd 6:33 AM
From the journal of Mathew Wilkins, James’s driver:

It was a rough morning trying to convince the controller to at least let Fluttershy help us but in the end he gave her a fair warning and said to her she has one chance to prove she is more than willing to help. I guess he didn’t want to waste time reporting her because it looked like he didn’t get any sleep.

Henry’s crew agreed to keep her close at all times and to monitor her in case she tries anything suspicious. Let’s hope she doesn’t start a panic. The last thing we want is for our number three to be treated like he’s a threat because he has a pony in his cab.

Anyway we were given our tasks. James and Emily looked nervous about their jobs. I don’t blame them. Military trains can be difficult to handle. I shudder to think what life was like back in the days of World War Two. At least they don’t have to worry about Nazi planes raining bombs.

May 22nd 11:06 AM
From the journal of Kieth Hartley, Thomas’s driver:

It all happened so fast. So suddenly I couldn’t keep my mind straight.

We were loading up passengers at Ffarqhar but then we heard an air raid siren. I then heard a strange sound and looked up. There was a swarm of Pegasi descending from the sky. They all had what looked like gold armor and strange looking weapons. The platform cleared quickly like magic and I immediately slammed the regulator. Fortunately I saw the guard entered Clarabel seconds before we left.

One of those ponies ordered us to stop and attempted to jam something at Thomas’s wheels. Fortunately he noticed and wheeshed steam at him. That caught the stallion off guard and he crashed landed.

One pony nearly flew right in this cab but the fireman Andy, whacked him out with a shovel. We continued to charge up the line pushing the little engine to his limits. For one little tank engine he can go as fast as Gordon.

We rounded a bend towards the junction to the mainline where we saw a troop train nearby. It was Arthur and he seemed to have stopped at a signal. The troops saw the ponies and started firing. The ponies dodged every shot but they all flew away. There were more troops than ponies after all.

We continued on until we had to stop for more water. Fortunately bulgy was nearby and took our passengers the rest of the way since there are military vehicles patrolling the road. He’s actually more friendly towards engines. Looks like this conflict made him forget about his anti-rail thoughts. We’ll leave as soon as we topped Thomas’s tank off.

May 22nd 12:01 PM
From the journal of Charles Morris, Edwards Driver:

This day already has us in the heat of things. It all happened so fast looking back on it. We were leaving Wellsworth station when we heard a shout from the sky. I looked to see Pegasi in blue uniforms. I recognized them as the wonderbolts.

They were shouting at us to stop and had weapons in their hooves. I immediately set Edward running full throttle. We soon heard the sound of a rocket and I paled as I saw what looked like a missile whizzed past Edward’s cab and struck the ground next to the track. We knew what they were trying to do so we just kept running.

We soon charged on to the mainline. We heard a horn and saw Diesel charging down the tracks behind us. He was pulling a small train of vans. The pegasi didn’t notice him at first until they attempted to shoot the tracks in front of us. Fortunately they missed us. However they shot the tracks that ran parallel to us. That was Diesel’s line.

A few seconds after the explosion of the missile we heard a scream and then a crash. I peered out and saw Diesel off the tracks and on his side. The pegasi immediately surrounded him. We knew we couldn’t stop as we had to get these people to safety. We didn’t stop until we got to Brendom Docks. I hope the military can save him and his crew.

May 22nd 3:15 PM
From the journal of Simon Homer, Soldier of the British Army:

It was a mad start to the mission already. I was tasked with flying with my teammates in a helicopter. Our mission was to watch the skies for pony activity and to report any dangers or wrecks on the railway. We tried shooting down a few but most of them were too fast for a bullet. I managed to shoot a stallion in the wing and he crashed in the trees below he didn't get far before getting cornered and captured by an engine named Neville and his crew. Any pony we capture is to be contained and interrogated.

The railway reported a total of 10 missing engines. We managed to find an African engine named Nia. She was derailed pulling a train of coal cars and her crew was captured. From what I've heard she's in critical condition at the steamworks. When asked if she's seen any other missing engines she mentioned she saw Rebecca but she was being chased by another flock of armored pegasi and was never seen or heard from again. I have a feeling this is going to get worst before it gets better.

May 22nd 3:15 PM
From the diary of Twilight Sparkle:

I'm worried about my friends. I put my ear on the dome walls and I can hear explosions and gunfire as well as the distant sounds of train whistles and horns. I pray for my friends to come back safely. This is worst than the storm king's attack.

I need to know what's going on. I'll visit the clinic to get answers, for now I need to comfort my friends and my little brother Spike. They are just as worried as me. Once I find my answers, it'll determine many things.

Like where do I truly stand with my mentor's belief.