• Published 3rd Jun 2023
  • 2,041 Views, 116 Comments

The Fall of Opaline - Admiral Producer

Following the events of “The Last Problem,” Twilight takes on a new apprentice in Luster Dawn’s absence. But when a heartbreaking betrayal leads to her student’s tragic fall to darkness, Twilight must make the ultimate sacrifice to save her home….

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Epilogue: Sunny’s Betrayal/All It Takes Is One Bad Day


“SHUT UP!!! My daughter is dead…”




Sunny awoke in a pitch black void. The only things she could see were smoke and mist swirling around her. Her bedroom was gone, her friends were gone. There was no one and absolutely nothing in sight for miles.

She looked around frantically. Where was she? Her comfy bed had been replaced by cold, hard ground that she couldn’t even see. She resisted the urge to scream. Wherever she was, she had to find a way out herself. No one was going to help her.

As she registered her surroundings, she began to hear very faintly the sound of trickling water out in the distance. Taking a deep breath, she ran towards the sound only to find nothing. Yet, the sound continued at a constant rate.

“Where am I…?” Sunny asked fearfully. “Hello…?”

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

The sound annoyed her, made her want to scream again. The infernal sound was like nails on a chalkboard. Once more, she resisted the urge to scream. Whoever captured her was doing a really good job of trying her patience.

Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. “Okay, whoever is doing that sound, please stop!”

Suddenly, she heard angry yells and dark laughter coming from her right. She spun around in that direction, but saw nothing. Then, the laughter came again, this time even louder than before. It reverberated and echoed across the void in all areas.

Sunny felt herself begin to tremble. She still tried to maintain a brave facade. She would not let her captor see her in a frightened state. “Where are you?! Show yourself!!”

“Awwww…you remember the sound of my voice, don’t you, Sunny? Or have you forgotten me already?”


Suddenly, a cloud of purple fog began to gather around her and the imposing figure of Opaline Arcana appeared in front of her. She smiled evilly as she walked towards the frightened earth pony, her hooves creating clip clop noises on the floor as she got closer.

“That’s Queen Opaline for you, dear,” Opaline corrected her vainly, “My humblest apologies for invading your dreams, but this was the only way I could contact you after that little BRAT Misty threw our necklace down a cliff.”

Sunny started to back away from her. “Please…I-I’m not supposed to talk to you anymore. You lied to me.”

Opaline feigned indignation. “Lied to you? Why, I’ve been nothing but upfront with you, Sunny. Seems to me that you’re not sure who is telling the truth and who’s lying.”

“You promised Misty a cutie mark and didn’t give her one.” Sunny pointed out angrily. “Misty told me that you’ve been lying to her for her whole life and now you’re trying to do that with me!!”

“She told you that?” Opaline scoffed. “That statement couldn’t be further from the truth if it tried. Who do you think found her in front of my castle and raised her for most of her life? I know her better than she knows herself. She’s a very erratic girl. You really want to believe Misty after what she’s done to all of you?”

“You made her do all these things!!” shouted Sunny. “You forced her to kidnap Sparky-“

“Did I force her? Or did she do that herself?”

Sunny paused. “What…?”

Opaline got down to her level. “After all this time, you still believe the lies that Misty has told you? That she’s become a changed pony? She’s the same pony that she’s always been. Just like you are.

“No, I-“

“If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be here today now, would you? I’m the reason you have any desire to get up in the morning. You would still be crying over the fact that those puny little ponies laughed at your silly causes and tried to beat you up over it. And you know you want revenge on them for it too.”

“I-I-I don’t want revenge on a-anypony-“

“Yes you do,” Opaline reached out a comforting hoof and lifted Sunny’s chin up. “You have been bullied your entire life, Sunny. You’ve never had anyone that’s ever cared about you. The ponies of Maretime Bay hate you, all your friends have ever done is put you down.”

Tears began streaming down Sunny’s face. “Please…t-that c-can’t b-be true.” The more she heard the purple alicorn speak, the more her heart kept breaking. It couldn’t be true. Her friends loved her, they cared about her!

Did they?

“You can’t keep being depressed like this, Sunny,” Opaline said, shaking her head. “Believe me, I know what that’s like. When Twilight banished me from Equestria, I had never felt so alone in my entire life. I felt like my entire world had shattered in front of my very eyes. The very pony I trusted with my life didn’t trust me enough to know I was telling the truth, that I wanted to help. I don’t want power just for the sake of it. I want to use it to help Equestria. Just like you.”


“You and I are the same,” Opaline told her soothingly. “We both want to use our powers to help the ponies around us and no one understands us. You wanted to make the citizens’ lives better and they rejected you. You wanted to help your friends and they rejected you. Wouldn’t it feel great to feel like you were…making a real difference?”

Sunny pulled away from her, head hanging low. “I can’t help anypony. I can’t make a difference. The only thing I’ll be remembered for is how irritatingly pathetic I am.”

“But that doesn’t have to be your legacy.”

Sunny looked up at that. “What are you talking about…?”

Opaline stared down at her, eyes gleaming with malicious intent. “You still can be somepony special, Sunny. You can finally make your Dad proud of you. In spite of everything, you can redeem yourself and make a difference in society. You still can become the pony you were always meant to be, and you don’t need your friends to help you. I will show you what it is like to be an alicorn, I can help you master the full extent of your abilities.”

Sunny found herself walking closer towards her now, her mind transfixed at the idea. But a part of her was still skeptical. She didn’t know if she could trust Opaline or not. “I…I-I don’t know. W-w-what will my friends think?”

“They don’t care about you, Sunny. I already told you that,” Opaline stated. “They don’t care about you enough to check on how you’re doing. It’s always Misty who is sent to check on you. Don’t you find it aggravating how they don’t have time for you anymore? Wouldn’t you rather be with somepony who will treat you with respect? Don’t you want ponies to love you? To cheer you on instead of treating you like a burden? All of that can be yours, Sunny.”

Sunny sighed deeply. “You know me too well, don’t you…?” She wiped tears from her eyes. “If I was…if I was to free you from that castle…what would you do?”

“The first thing I would do is find us a more…fitting place to live. That castle is too grimy and dusty to be habitable anyway. It’s no wonder Misty left. Then, you may wish for anything and I will make sure that it becomes a reality. Your majesty.” She bowed down before her.

Sunny stared at the Fire Alicorn who was supposed to be her enemy. She thought it over in her head for about a minute. If she was to do what Opaline requested, then she knew that without a doubt, her friends would never forgive her. She would be shunned for the rest of her days. Yet they didn’t even care about her anyway, so what exactly was she losing?

After a while of thinking, she finally looked back at Opaline, stared her straight in the eyes, and smiled back at her.

Misty was awoken by a crashing sound in the middle of the night. She shot up in bed in a cold sweat, thinking that Opaline had entered the Brighthouse and was coming for her. Her heart was pounding as she quickly got out of bed without a second to waste.

She woke up Hitch and the others from their sleep with a loud whistle and told them to prepare for the worst. None of them had heard the crash themselves, so they were confused as to what exactly she meant by that. Misty was sure that she wasn’t the only one who had heard the sound.

She couldn’t be hallucinating, could she?

Zipp seemed to be the only pony who took her seriously as she was instantly on her guard, much to Pipp’s annoyance. The five of them got ready and took the elevator to the top of the Brighthouse, where the source of the crash had come from. All while they were heading up, Misty was hyperventilating internally as she didn’t know what to do. She had no means of protecting her friends if Opaline had truly entered.

She hoped deep down that wasn’t the case. She wasn’t prepared, and she thought that they didn’t have to worry about it. After all, the necklace had been thrown off the cliff, right? There was no way that Opaline would still be able to monitor their every move…right?

By the time they reached the top, all five ponies gasped in shock as they beheld a sight that they hoped they would never have to see. As her eyes laid upon what was in front of her, Misty’s heart sank to the bottom of the ocean.

“Sunny…” she whispered with dread.

Sure enough, Sunny was standing by the balcony with all three Unity Crystals in hoof. She had a bitter expression about her and she scowled as she laid eyes upon the ponies she thought cared about and loved her. She knew what had to be done, and she was going to do it whether her friends wanted her to or not.

Hitch was the first to step forward. “Sunny, put the Crystals back now. What are you doing?!”

Sunny faced him and her eyes narrowed in anger. “Oh hello, Hitch. Having fun with Misty, I assume? It’s already clear you all have replaced me.”

“No…” Zipp shook her head vigorously. “Sunny, we would never do that to you! What did we do wrong?! Tell us!”

“What did you do wrong?!!” Sunny demanded. “Everything!! You never let me have a voice in anything anymore!! You don’t trust me with doing anything by myself anymore! All you want to do is control me because I’m vulnerable and weak!!”

“No!!” Izzy cried. “Please Sunny, we would never-“

“SHUT UP!!” screamed Sunny, clutching the Crystals closer to her chest. “You said that you would be there for me, yet you didn’t comfort me once when I was crying alone after my accident!! All you care about is whether Misty is okay!! I was your first friend ever and you just ignored me!!!”

“I’m sorry!!” Izzy apologized. “Sunny, I really am! I should’ve been paying more attention to how you were feeling before-“

“None of you ever loved me!!” Sunny continued angrily. “Hitch, you’ve tried to control my every action ever since I got hurt, even when I told you not do do that, that I can still take care of myself!! Zipp, all you care about is your little investigation!! ‘Nevermind how my friend is feeling! I gotta check out that damned hologram!!’”

“Sunny-“ Zipp began.

“Pipp, you’re supposed to be the supportive one!!” Sunny snapped. “When I asked you to be there for me two days ago, you instead flew off to Mane Melody!! What’s the matter?! Are your Pippsqueaks and your livestreams more important to you than your own friend?!!”

“No, Sunny!!” Pipp tried to say. “I was scared, okay?!! I didn’t know what to say to you, so I went to get advice-“

“I don’t believe you!! AND YOU!!!” Sunny pointed an accusing hoof at Misty. “You’re the cause of all my problems!! Since the moment you got here, you’ve been trying to steal my friendships away from me!!! You act like you care about me, but since you began staying with us, LITERALLY NOTHING HAS GONE RIGHT!!! WHY ARE YOU REALLY HERE, MISTY?!!”

Misty got down on the ground and began to cower and whimper, tears leaking out of her eyes. She couldn’t help herself. It was an instinctual reaction. The pressure was far too much for her to handle and she didn’t know what to say. She had been yelled at like this before by Opaline, but hearing these accusations coming from a pony she called her friend just cut even deeper.

“Sunny, that’s enough!!” Hitch yelled. “Put the Crystals down right now!! You’re acting far too irrational for your own good!!”

“Don’t come any closer!!” Sunny warned him, holding the Crystals higher into the air. “Take one step and I’ll send these pieces of junk falling!!”

“You can’t be serious, Sunny!” Zipp shouted. “You can’t destroy the source of all magic in Equestria!! Think of what you’re doing!!!”


“Sunny, she’s evil!!” Zipp argued. “She’s making you do this!!”


Zipp froze where she was, heartbroken by that statement. She knew that she should’ve been spending more time with the orange earth pony in her time of need, but she had been too distracted with her investigation to take a break. And there was nothing she could say to apologize.

Misty slowly stood up and took a few steps towards Sunny. She reached out her hoof and put it on the other pony’s shoulder. “Listen to me, Sunny. I know you’re angry, but this is no time to do anything drastic! Just listen to me-“

DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!!” Sunny shrieked at the top of her lungs. With as much strength as she could muster, she kicked Misty away from her, sending the blue unicorn barreling straight towards the opposite side of the room where she hit a wall.

The others gasped in horror.

Then Sunny reared her hoof back and with a loud yell, violently shoved the three Crystals in the direction of the ground.

The gems slowly fell one by one, each shattering upon impact with a loud and audible crash, splitting into a million tiny pieces that sparkled with a bit of magic before fizzling completely. It was at that moment that she finally registered what she had done. She had become the very thing she had sworn to take down.

She had destroyed the magic.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Misty screamed from the other side of the room. She ran up to the shattered pieces as fast as she could, trying her best to piece them back together. She kept trying over and over as the realization soon became clear. “No! No no no no no no! Please work! Please, please…please work! Please…”

“What did you do?!” Hitch demanded, his eyes wide with terror. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!!”

The others simply stood there, their jaws hanging open as their minds tried to process what their closest friend had just done. It had to be a dream, right? This couldn’t be happening. The magic couldn’t really be gone just like that…could it?

Suddenly, there were the sounds of screams in the streets as the magic faded away. Sunny could hear the other ponies shouting and running as rampant pandemonium began to ensue all over. The screams turned into panicked voices.

“…my magic is gone!!!”

“…Windy, no!!!!”

“…I can’t fly!!”

“…my horn!! What’s happening?!!”


Tears filled Sunny’s eyes as she faced her shellshocked friends for what she believed to be the last time. “I-I-I’m sorry…”

She then jumped off of the balcony and down to the ground below. Misty and the remaining Mane 5 ran to the railing and looked below them, but they could not see Sunny. The traumatized earth pony had disappeared in the crowd of panicking ponies and she was no longer in sight.

Misty watched the whole thing, feeling nothing but pain and guilt. It was because of her that Sunny had destroyed the magic. If she had never come to the Brighthouse, then this would’ve never happened. Things would’ve been normal. Nopony would’ve had to suffer.

Sunny would’ve been happy.

Opaline was sitting on her throne, reading over a new spellbook and searching for the right spell to summon the creatures of darkness that she had tried to resurrect earlier when her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the double doors opening once again.

She looked up, half expecting to see Misty crawling back to her as that was what she was always used to seeing. As she looked closer though, she realized that it was not. It was instead a very distraught looking Sunny Starscout, slowly walking towards her.

Sunny looked up at her, tears pouring down her eyes. “I did it, Opaline…I hope you’re happy…”

Opaline smiled widely. “The Crystals are gone!! At long last, I may escape from this wretched place and claim dominion over all ponies the way alicorns were meant to!!” She got up from her throne and walked in the direction of her new ally. “You brilliant pony. I am so proud of you.”

Sunny looked away, refusing to say anything else.

“Awww, what’s the matter?” Opaline asked. “Too distraught to get any words out?” She scoffed, walking in the opposite direction. Sunny followed her out of pure instinct, not sure where they were going. “Well you shouldn’t be, Sunny. Regrets will get you nowhere.”

“That’s pretty reassuring coming from you…” Sunny mumbled under her breath.

Opaline rolled her eyes, turning around. “Ugh, you’re just as bad as Misty when she used to mumble. I hope I didn’t make a mistake.” She then smiled warmly at the earth pony. “Look on the bright side, Sunny! All the magic belongs to us now. It is time that you start picking out your vision for a reunified Equestria.”

Sunny looked up at her again. “I just…I-I just don’t want my friends getting hurt…I know they don’t care about me, but…” She trailed off.

“You still care about them.”

Sunny nodded slowly. “Even though they used me…they still gave me hope when I didn’t have any. And…I don’t want to hurt anypony else more than I already have.”

Opaline nodded back. “So I see. Very well then. Your friends shall be spared from my wrath. I don’t know why you even still bother to care about their wellbeing, however. They clearly don’t care about yours.” She held out her hoof in front of her. “Nonetheless, a deal is a deal, and I shall uphold my end of the bargain…Princess Sunny.”

Sunny looked into her eyes and slowly reached out her own hoof. She trembled as she did so, the rational part of her mind begging her not to do such a foolish thing.

She then pushed aside all doubts from her brain and took the older alicorn’s hoof in hers before she could change her mind, grasping it firmly.

“NO, SUNNY!!!”

Misty and the remaining Mane 5 instantly ran as fast as they could into the dining room of the Brighthouse upon hearing Hitch scream. As soon as they got there, they saw the yellow earth pony stallion look disturbed and panicked.

“What happened, Hitch?!” Zipp questioned in a cautious tone. “We heard you scream!”

“Is everything okay?” inquired Pipp nervously.

Hitch shook his head, staring at them with a haunted look in his eyes. “No. It’s just as I feared. I can sense it from a mile away.”

“What is it?” Misty inquired, fearing for the worst.

“It’s Sunny…” Hitch told them, his whole body trembling from what he had just sensed happen. “She’s…turned.” With that, he collapsed to his knees, tears of despair welling up in his eyes. He had failed her, his childhood friend, and she had joined the dark side as a result. He had told her off when he needed her, yelled at her when she had tried to talk to him. He had pushed her away.

And he vowed that he would never forgive himself for as long as he lived.

Izzy put a hoof to her mouth in horror. It couldn’t be true. Not her Sunny! She couldn’t have joined Opaline. She silently begged for it not to be true, even though she knew Hitch would never lie about such a thing. It had to be true, she just knew it.

Pipp fainted into Zipp’s hooves from the absolute shock of the news and the latter could feel tears coming to her own eyes as well. She had hardly cried about anything in her life as she liked to present herself as tough. However, this was too much for her to handle and she began to sob relentlessly.

This was all of their faults. They had caused this because they weren’t there for Sunny when she needed them. She was obviously mad at them, and Zipp knew that it was likely the earth pony would never forgive them for what they had done.

Misty just hung her head low and stared at the ground, feeling like a failure. She couldn’t say anything to make the situation better. This was her fault, she just knew it. There was no other way to look at the situation. All of this had been started because of her presence here.

Why couldn’t she have just kept her damn mouth shut?

Sunny embraced Opaline after taking her hoof and the two of them hugged each other for about a full minute. She was stroking the younger pony softly as she wept into her hooves. She didn’t really care about Sunny, obviously, but she did feel a twinge of sympathy for her.

After all, it wasn’t Sunny’s fault that the entirety of Maretime Bay was filled with a bunch of jerks who liked to destroy an innocent pony’s dreams. Opaline knew what that felt like and she could relate to her a lot.

Once they let go, Opaline smiled at her new apprentice. “I hope that helps calm you down, Sunny. We have work to do. I’m curious, however. How do you feel now that you’ve gotten this off your chest?”

Sunny looked at her, the face of a heartbroken mare slowly morphing into that of a bitter one who had betrayed by everyone around her. “I feel…I feel…” An evil smile began to slowly creep up on her lips. “I feel…powerful.”

“That’s my girl!!” Opaline complimented her. “Now show me what you can do, Sunny!! Get us out of this prison!!”

Sunny grinned devilishly as she assumed her alicorn form at will. Her horn lit up with yellow magic and she blasted a massive hole in the wall in front of her, creating a balcony out of thin air. She could feel the sheer raw amount of power coursing through her and she loved it. She had been holding back for far too long.

It was time to show the ponies of Equestria what she could really do.

The two alicorns stepped on to the newly-created balcony, feeling the strong wind blow through their manes as they looked out into the world below them. There was no going back now. The deed had already been done and Sunny had no intention of ever returning to the Brighthouse.

This was her home now. She was going to get her vengeance on all the ponies who were ever mean to her. They would pay for everything they had done to her, one way or another. She was no longer scared. She was confident, she was strong.

And she was powerful.

The skies were still stormy above Maretime Bay this time of night. Lightning flashed across the sky and struck the ground below it in a powerful display of fury. The weather fit quite well with the somber mood of the town. It was a time of great sadness and mourning as all of the magic had been destroyed.

In the town square, a crowd of frightened ponies were gathered as Hitch gave one of his routine sheriff addresses to them. He was attempting to calm their fears and explain that things would get back to some form of normalcy soon.

Misty and her friends were also present in the crowd watching the address. She could barely look at Hitch as he was speaking. She just felt so terrible and she didn’t want to be in Maretime Bay anymore. She had already caused enough trouble as it was.

She had to get out of here as soon as she could.

“…we will rebuild!” Hitch spoke to the crowd in a trembling voice. “We’ve been without magic our whole lives, so we will adjust to life without it again! This is no cause for fear nor terror, citizens! You have no cause for concern. Opaline will not find us here!! We are safe! We are secure! We are protected!”

“You’re friends with that traitor Sunny Starscout!!” somepony in the crowd shouted. “How are we supposed to trust you when we can’t even trust ourselves?!”

“Thyme Basil, please-“ Hitch began to say before he was interrupted by the roars of the crowd members arguing with each other.

“How DARE you?!” Jazz Hooves shot back in response. “Sunny was a victim!! We are the reason she turned evil, not Sheriff Hitch!!”

“It was not our faults either!!” Windy yelled back at her. “It was that Sugar Moonlight and her clique!! We did nothing wrong!!”


“I blame the unicorns and the pegasi!!”

“Well, I blame you snobby earth ponies!!!”


The crowd began arguing with each other back and forth, their volume growing in intensity and drowning out Hitch’s pleas for them to settle down and listen to him. He tried screaming louder for them to stop, but that only succeeded in increasing the panic and public outrage.

Despite Zipp trying to jump in and calm the situation, she soon found herself ganged up upon by a mob of angry earth ponies. She and Pipp were soon trampled and beaten over and over until they were bleeding all over their bodies, while Izzy and Misty ran for their lives.

Once they were far enough away, Misty stared at the feral crowd with deep sadness and regret. As she heard the desperate screams of Pipp and Zipp, her heart slowly hardened to stone as she began hating herself more and more. She couldn’t even help her friends. What kind of pony was she?

Meanwhile, atop the highest and tallest mountain in all of Equestria, Opaline Arcana and Sunny Starscout stared down at the land below them with smiles of pure sadistic excitement on their faces. The magic was theirs now, and the ponies were too focused on themselves to care what their ultimate fate was going to be.

Opaline had a comforting hoof on Sunny’s shoulder as the younger alicorn glanced at her with a smile. She then turned back towards the realm she had called home and she thought of all of the possibilities that were open to her now.

She was no longer held back by any rules, laws, or regulations. She was free to do whatever she wanted and take what she wanted. Her friends were going to pay for pushing her away and she was going to make them suffer every minute of it.

The once idealistic and naïve earth pony had vanished and in her place was a power-hungry and vicious alicorn, who wanted nothing more than to see all the ponies who had ever been cruel to her die under her iron hoof.

All it took was one bad day.

Author's Note:

Oh man. This got pretty dark, didn’t it? I told you that this was one of the darkest endings I have ever written. Magic is destroyed, Sunny is evil, the townsponies are all blaming each other now, Misty is now feeling intense regret and self-loathing on par with Luz Noceda in Seasons 2-3 of The Owl House, etc. It’s some pretty heavy stuff.

Anyways, the story is done!! WHOOP WHOOP!! Now I may move on to Redeemed, which is the culmination of everything the Saga has built up so far and is intended to be my headcanon real ending to the Opaline arc. You may consider The Fall of Opaline to be my Avengers: Infinity War to Redeemed’s Avengers: Endgame. This saga is going to be ending on a high note, let me tell you. And then we’ll have Izzy Moonbow: Beyond The Multiverse of Randomness, which is kinda my MLP equivalent to DC’s The Flash movie that resets the whole continuity, therefore paving way for the Lunar Literary Universe.

But as for this story, let me know what you thought of the story as a whole! Or if you’re still reading, then read on! I would really love to hear what y’all have to say. This is definitely the hardest story I’ve ever had to write and I’m sure you can definitely tell. The hiatus might’ve been long, but rest assured, it’s over. And I look forward to making more stories like this in the future when they come to me.

With that being said, I will see you all in the next story! Bye!!

Comments ( 27 )

OK, so Sunny just crippled everypony, probably got some of her friends killed, and is now ruling beside Opaline.

Oh, Sunny. Even if things work out, I don’t know if all this can be forgiven.

I don't think I've ever been so horrified over an ending before 😰

I can't imagine how/if they'll get Sunny back, or how many more deaths will occur. But if this saga's ending on a high note, then I'm extremely anxious to see how this all gets resolved.

I can confirm that Zipp and Pipp didn’t get killed in the crowd fight. I wouldn’t ever give two of our main characters such an unceremonious end like that unless I really have a reason to. But they are badly injured, for sure. And it’s going to take a lot to bring Sunny back to the light after everything she’s gone through.

Well luckily, it won’t be long before you find out. Redeemed is most likely going to be split into two chapters labeled Part 1 and Part 2 (like an FIM two-parter finale) and I…think I can get the first chapter out tonight? We’ll just have to see how it goes. :raritywink:

OK, good. Otherwise I would’ve been mad at you.

And yeah obviously it’s going to take a lot to bring Sunny back. Girl just went all Darth Vader on everyone. I was saying how after all of this there are going to be scars, and those don’t go away.

Well then, it’s a good thing for me that didn’t happen.

Also, it’s funny how you mentioned Sunny going all Darth Vader on everyone considering I literally wrote the last two sections of the Epilogue to “Birth of the Twins and Padmé’s Destiny” and “Padmé’s Funeral” from Revenge of the Sith respectively. I always love myself some good Star Wars tracks to write scenes to. And yeah, I can’t wait to wrap all this up, so we can see what happens to Sunny in the end.

Well, we’ll find out whenever that’s get posted.

See you whenever yours or my finale get posted first

Well, I really didn't expect you to turn Sunny evil. Nor did I expect you to destroy magic and now everything is back to hell with all ponies hating each other again. At the moment, I'm not seeing any way how Redeemed could turn this around, but I guess the night is darkest just before the dawn.

Great story! Excellent work! Can't wait for the grand finale! Until then... :twilightsmile:

I wonder if Sunny will find Sparky's body, and if she'll be even somewhat affected by it.

There’s going to be a six month timeskip from this story to Redeemed, so you won’t get to see that. However, I will confirm that Sunny saw Sparky’s body and she broke down over it. This in turn served to harden her heart, leading to her falling further and further into darkness and it resulted in a much more brutal Sunny that’s going to be shown in the scene I’m about to write right now.

Comment posted by Admiral Producer deleted Jun 15th, 2023

“How DARE you?!” Jazz Hooves shot back in response. “Sunny was a victim!! We are the reason she turned evil, not Sheriff Hitch!!”

Does this mean Jazz was part of the crowd who attacked Sunny? If it does, then that seems very out of character for her. I'm sure Pipp would've given her an earful about it when she found out.

No, Jazz wasn’t a part of the crowd that attacked Sunny, which is why she claps back at Thyme Basil and rightfully puts the blame on all of them here. She feels extreme guilt for what happened to Sunny because she wasn’t there to stop the rest of the town. Despite not being at fault, she feels extreme regret for what happened and feels as much responsibility as everypony else. That’s why she says that line.


Yeah, I’ll definitely give you that. Literally every writer in history runs into this at some point when dealing with an established property. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Admiral Producer deleted Jul 9th, 2023

You know, I can actually handle this story better now than I did when I read it the first time. If anything, there was probably just one thing that really affected me back then.

The whole thing with Sunny turning evil and destroying the crystals was very shocking and unexpected, but I probably would've handled it if the story had ended there. But for some reason, the moment with Zipp and Pipp at the end disturbed me more than anything else. I think it was just because of how graphic it was portrayed and that we didn't see how it ended.

Glad you can enjoy it more now. Yeah, I was definitely unsure of how you all would perceive that bleak ending, which is why I issued a warning about it beforehand. Despite how dark it was, it was a necessity in order to refocus the narrative back on Misty as the fact that Sunny was taking over the overarching narrative from Forgiven-onwards was not a good sign. I’m definitely really proud of the plotline and you will be seeing the payoff for all the loose threads set up soon.

The gems slowly fell one by one, each shattering upon impact with a loud and audible crash, splitting into a million tiny pieces that sparkled with a bit of magic before fizzling completely. It was at that moment that she finally registered what she had done. She had become the very thing she had sworn to take down.

What have you done..........

Looks like CanterLogic needs to dust off the war machines. Two alicorns will need a helluva lot of firepower to bring down.

“You can’t keep being depressed like this, Sunny,” Opaline said, shaking her head. “Believe me, I know what that’s like. When Twilight banished me from Equestria, I had never felt so alone in my entire life. I felt like my entire world had shattered in front of my very eyes. The very pony I trusted with my life didn’t trust me enough to know I was telling the truth, that I wanted to help. I don’t want power just for the sake of it. I want to use it to help Equestria. Just like you.”

To be fair, you did cause quite some damage back then Opaline...

Opaline stared down at her, eyes gleaming with malicious intent. “You still can be somepony special, Sunny. You can finally make your Dad proud of you. In spite of everything, you can redeem yourself and make a difference in society. You still can become the pony you were always meant to be, and you don’t need your friends to help you. I will show you what it is like to be an alicorn, I can help you master the full extent of your abilities.”


The gems slowly fell one by one, each shattering upon impact with a loud and audible crash, splitting into a million tiny pieces that sparkled with a bit of magic before fizzling completely. It was at that moment that she finally registered what she had done. She had become the very thing she had sworn to take down.
She had destroyed the magic.


She held out her hoof in front of her. “Nonetheless, a deal is a deal, and I shall uphold my end of the bargain…Princess Sunny.”
Sunny looked into her eyes and slowly reached out her own hoof. She trembled as she did so, the rational part of her mind begging her not to do such a foolish thing.
She then pushed aside all doubts from her brain and took the older alicorn’s hoof in hers before she could change her mind, grasping it firmly.

I didn't expect Opaline would actually stay true to her word.

The two alicorns stepped on to the newly-created balcony, feeling the strong wind blow through their manes as they looked out into the world below them. There was no going back now. The deed had already been done and Sunny had no intention of ever returning to the Brighthouse.
This was her home now. She was going to get her vengeance on all the ponies who were ever mean to her. They would pay for everything they had done to her, one way or another. She was no longer scared. She was confident, she was strong.
And she was powerful.

I was looking for a fitting image (Opaline and evil Sunny standing close together) but didn't find anything...
Guess we'll just have to imagine it.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Took me quite some time, but I'm glad to have finished it!

Now I may move on to Redeemed, which is the culmination of everything the Saga has built up so far and is intended to be my headcanon real ending to the Opaline arc.

You mean another story you are working on? Sounds good!

Have a picture of Sunny and Opaline being friends!

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted Nov 28th, 2023

It's intense and dark. It's passionately written. But, above all else, why do I feel like this deserves an audio drama adaptation? The strong visual potential and grim emotional play are rather juicy to ignore not bringing it to life in an entertaining video series. 😈💚

Are you thinking of making a dramatic fan fiction reading of it? Because if so, you don’t need to ask me. You’re practically my hero, dude, so please, do whatever you want with the story. It’s all yours. I think it’d be cool if the entire Misty Saga was given an adaptation at some point, whether it be by you or anyone else, but that remains to be seen. These stories really mean so much to me and I’m so happy that you’ve gotten the chance to read this one. Thanks for your comment!

Oh... my bad.
Sorry about that.


Like I said, ITS JUST ME.
I'm not throwing any hate.

I know you’re not. Don’t worry about it. :)

I am somewhat behind on TYT. Thanks, will watch later.

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