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The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



This story is a sequel to Thomas and Friends: New Frontiers

The Mane 5 left several others in charge of operations in Falmouth whilst off on their globe-trotting adventure. This short collection tells some of the things that happened during the caretaking period. Join Jazz, Rocky, Posey, and the others and enjoy some more wacky adventures from southern Britain.

This story takes place during the events of Thomas and Friends: New Frontiers, and was written as part of the 40 years of My Little Pony celebrations.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 63 )

It didn't help that the person who had been asked to look after him did not have a high opinion of engines. Posey Bloom had been asked to help out with running the dockside whilst the others were away, and she indeed was not fond of the engines. In fact, given that her last real encounter with them was an engine popping through her wall, you could say the situation was rather frosty.

Welp, looks like things are not gonna go well with Posey operating Salty for a while. :twilightoops:

"No. Or beaches. Or the seaside. Or children."

That last one is quite sad and rude imo. :pinkiesad2:

"I wasn't saying as much as that!" Salty exclaimed. "Change can be a good thing, but when everything changes so fast it can be overwhelming."

Indeed. :fluttershysad:

Rebecca puffed away with some coaches. I am sorry to say that it wasn't long before things began to go wrong. Posey struggled to understand the shunting instructions, and the yard was soon in an absolute mess, with trucks stuck everywhere and rail vehicles arranged illogically.

Saw it coming a mile away. :ajbemused:

Jazz looked out of his cab. "I don't know a huge amount about shunting," she admitted, as she nervously adjusted her hairband. "But I don't think coaches and trucks should be mixed up."

Unless it's a mixed train of both freight and passenger, they were common in North America in the steam era. :applejackunsure:

The Harbourmaster was not particularly happy. "That messy shunting has slowed everything down," he said. "It was a mistake assigning Posey and Salty to that yard. We should send them to the quarry. It'll be virtually impossible for them to mess that up."

Salty ain't gonna like that! :applecry:

They got out just in time. As they left the tunnel, rocks began falling on buildings and knocking structures over. A roof collapsed under the weight of all the stone, hitting the ground with such force the set shook. A water tower fell off a hill and landed on the ground, disintegrating upon impact. Water went everywhere.

I think the narrator just broke the fourth wall by mentioning the set shook? :applejackconfused:

Everybody was shocked at the mayhem that had just unfolded. But luckily, the Harbourmaster was understanding. "As much as you two did make a bit of a mess earlier, you have just saved a lot of lives," he said. "I think it fair to say that you two are heroes for your actions at the quarry. Of course, it will take a while to dig all the mess out, but you two should be able to help, correct?"

Indeed. :twilightsmile:

1. You said it.

2. Not everybody likes children, as you probably guessed. It's entirely Posey's choice if she has any, but at the same time her jerkass tendancies towards kids don't really endear her to others.

3. Yep.

4. To those not in the know, railways can be strange and labrynthian.

5. Mixed trains were rare in the United Kingdom, as most freight stock was unfitted. This would have made configuring the brake pipes a nightmare. However, they were a regular sight on the Ffestiniog Railway from about 1870 until the line's closure in 1946.

6. Nope.

7. Indeed he did.

8. Yup.

great start mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

You won't have to wait too long. Hopefully I'll be less tardy with the next upload.

Wow. This story was not what I expected at all. By the title,I thought it was gonna be a loose adaptation to Toby's Seaside Holiday, but instead we got an adaptation of Heroes.

Posey may be complaining now,but she might change her mind give or take.

Here's hoping. Though the conditions were a bit tougher for her than for many others.

Well said. I don't have the condition myself, but asthma ain't fun.

Jasmine, or Jazz to her friends, is a girl who lives in Falmouth, England. A teenager with blue skin and red hair, the latter of which often creates the impression she had no ears, she works at Mane Melody alongside Pipp Petals, specialising in high quality manicures. Most days are similar and common, and the world around her comforting and familiar. Jazz follows routines, and likes the predictability such a way of thinking brings.

Lol you mentioned the ear reference!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Jazz, of course, did not want to let them down, so was determined to do her best. And today was extra important. It was the annual Jazz festival in Falmouth, and already the town was being set up for a big party. There were cakes, food trucks, a large tent (inside which several kegs of beer sat), and a stage set up on the front of the harbour for the various jazz and concert bands to perform their music.

(inside were several*

This had serious consequences. A man, who had taken the opportunity before departure to browse the local newsagent, ran down the platform, shouting. "Stop! Stop!" he shouted. "I haven't gotten on the train yet!"

Welp, this ain't good! :twilightoops:

The bandmaster smiled, spotting the opportunity for a pun. "You could say our journey was jazzed up!"


1. It's one of the most well-known memes relating to Chapter 2 of MYM. I haven't watched Chapter 4 yet, so have no clue if the error was fixed in later episodes.

2. I don't quite follow.

3. Nope.

4. Bad puns approaching.

1. Me neither but I will soon.
2. Crap, I guess I read it wrong and thought it was a mistake. :facehoof:

Indeed, Buster's Breathless from Arthur is a perfect example of this.

Nice combination of 2 stories, it definitely fixes Thomas and the Tuby.

Season 8 has its down moments, but I'd still rather watch it over Dark Ages era content.

Aye. And when you rewrite a few things, they can be good episodes.

That is very true. Then again, they were frequently constrained by an educational mandate.

That can be annoying. Brenner, however, was able to tie it into the plot. Case in point; Duck and the Slip Coaches.

cool chapter mate keep it up:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

nice chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

"The sea air does provide a nice change of pace from big yards and factories," Porter admitted. "The railway just wants to ensure everybody can get to their holiday cottages on time."

I can instantly tell the beginning of this chapter's dialogue is a copy of the one from my favorite Thomas Season 5 episode Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach. Despite it's a tad bit different I could easily tell. :ajsmug:

Salty laughed. "Who'd be daft enough to move a fully inflated balloon by rail?"

*cough cough* Thomas and Percy have. :duck:

"It has a name, you know," said the coach. "I'm Clara, but most people referred to me as Old Slow Coach back in the day. Mainly because I was used on slow trains. It's been a very long time since I carried passengers. Nowadays only some mice are in my compartments."

How sad. :fluttercry:

"What?" Posey said. "No. This isn't in the manifest."

Seems to me Posey doesn't give a damn in helping save Old Slow Coach. :twilightangry2:

Rocky sniffed. "It smells like... fire!"

Uh no! :applecry:

When they got to Perranwell, there was nothing that could have prepared them for the scene. There was fire everywhere. The tankers had been dumped in a siding and the fuel onboard was burning. The flames had spread to lineside buildings, although Rebecca's oil bath fire had seemingly been put out.

That can't be good!!! :twilightoops:

The firemen got to work, connecting up all the relevant pipes and wires. After more than half an hour and several thousand gallons of water they had put the fires out. But it wasn't looking good.

Well, at least the fire is out. :fluttershysad:

"I've never been more sure of any idea in my time here in Cornwall," Rocky said. "We can take her down to Falmouth for restoration, kit her out for her new duties, and on high season days she serves as extra capacity. It's a win-win for everybody!"

An excellent idea Rocky! :pinkiehappy:

This story, based on Thomas, Percy, and Old Slow Coach, is the culmination of a request from longtime reader SciSetShimmerEvan, as this episode is a personal favourite of his. It was an honour to not only bring this to life, but to turn Old Slow Coach's story into a trilogy of sorts.

Thank you so much my friend! :yay:

Wow! Amazing job here.

I even am glad you took put the leaking fuel tanker bit. Cause in my personal opinion, I found it odd that no one realized that tanker had a leak in it.

You won't have to wait very long. I was out all of yesterday.

1. I imagined you'd appreciate it.

2. Well spotted. It later became quite funny when the subsequent Thomas writers started making fun of this sort of nonsense.

3. Sadly the fate of many vintage coaches across Britain.

4. Posey's mindset is built around following rules and instructions exactly as written with no sense of interpretation (this is how she got the yard so badly muddled in Salty's Seaside Trip).

5. Indeed not.

6. Likewise, indeed not. Lineside fires are no joke, and it's very much the time of year there's a high risk of them.

7. And luckily, nobody was hurt.

8. This is derived from one of the Talyllyn's operating ideas. Many of its stations are unstaffed, which means passengers buy a ticket from the guard's van instead.

9. Never a problem. Rest assured the other request you made is coming.

Must adapt that one some day...

I suppose it depends on what's being transported and under what pressure. A good example of this is the Ladbroke Grove crash, which saw (amongst other things) a diesel fuel fire. This confused inspectors, as normally diesel fuel has a relatively high boiling point. Subsequent investigations revealed that the fuel tank of on of the trains had detached in the crash and had split open on impact, vapourising the fuel inside (which ignited on contact with overhead power lines).

Ah yes, I know the crash you mean. Seconds from Disaster covered that wreak too.
That would make for a good chapter.

1. Indeed.

2. I'll put it on the list.

great chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Glad you enjoyed. POWAAAAAAAH!

"Did we secure any furniture to the floor?" Jazz asked.
"No," Rocky said. "I thought it was heavy enough to stay in the same spot!"

Rocky, you're a real simpleton. :facehoof:

"I like the sound of that!" Clara said, which caught them by surprise. The concept of a talking coach was still somewhat new to them. To be precise, the entire idea of talking rolling stock and vehicles was still pretty new to everybody, it only having been about a year since the magic had returned to Britain.

They'll get used to it eventually. :ajsmug:

"That's the problem. I haven't ordered the furniture yet."


Sure enough, the furniture was sliding about. Pots and pans fell off the tops of drawers and landed on the floor. Crockery broke and shattered as it hit the ground. It was a frightful mess.

Oh boy! :twilightoops:

He's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Then again, the Top Gear presenters made similar lapses in logic; Jeremy built a ridiculously tall caravan which was top heavy and swayed with the slightest breeze, James constructed a sailboat but forgot to waterproof the engine bay, and Richard mounted a whinch to the bodywork of a Austin Mini Cooper which came flying off with the slightest application of force.

1. They'll need to. After all, things change slowly.

2. Didn't think this through, did they?

3. At least they didn't have to worry about MOTs.

I remember the caravan bit and the boat.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder if they don't use logic on purpose.

A Ministry of Transport test is one that all cars must receive every year to be declared road worthy.

It would certainly be consistent with the tone of the show. According to the book And on that Bombshell..., the production team often selected cars that had strange faults or odd quirks but did not disclose them to the presenters to maximise hilarity.

No problem. I'm always happy to explain UK things.

But then again, the Mythbusters do cool things with many cars too so I shouldn't be too surprised.

awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the chapter :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

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