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Chapter one: Origins

Author's Note:

Sci-Twi's Spider-Girl suit looks similar to the upgrade suit from Spider-Man Far From Home for the beginning and in the third chapter but you'll have the spider symbol that you see on the cover of this story on both the front and the back.

And her homemade suit is similar to the one in Spider-Man Homecoming.

Equestria City, some say that the city is a land of opportunity and magic can be feeled in the air. A figure is seen swing on a rope that looked like a string of web which is is through the city. If one looks closer, this figure is wearing a full body suit which is hot pink and black and a full head mask that has webs and white lenses on the eyes. Once this figure let's go of the web it was swinging on, she extends her arm and press down her two middle fingers to shoot another string of web.

"Another day as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl." A familiar voice narrated as this figure continues to swing through the city. "I'm still not used to calling myself that." This figure then grabs hold of flagpole before rotating around it and launching herself off it. "It feels just yesterday I got these powers and my whole life changed. And it all started down there." she swings by a building with big letters running down the building. "Discorp. I should probably start from the beginning if all of you are confused."

A bus is stopped in front of the building as a few teens stepped out of it. One is a girl with indigo hair bearing a pink and mulberry stripe was tied back in a ponytail, light purple skin, and purple eyes with glasses on them. She was wearing her usual blue blouse with purple stripes and the purple ribbon bow, a purple skirt decorated with stars, and blue sneakers. Out of all of the teens, she looked the most excited out of all of them.

This girl walks up to the guard in the front entrance as he was looking at a tablet. "Name?" He asked her.

"Twilight Sparkle." She answered before the guard gave her a pass before landing her in. Her school, Crystal Prep had a little summer program where the students get go to the Discorp for extra credit. Twilight enrolled for this just for the thrill to see some scientific achievements at this building. "Yes, it's me. Are you surprised? Well, I've always had a thing for science since I was a little girl. So you can understand why I'm so giddy about entering this place."

Twilight entered the building when the automatic doors opened up and saw how big the place was on the inside as it is on the out. "Hey Twilight!" A girl about Twilight's age with white skin, red hair with purple streak in it, wearing a black sweater, and a red skirt with a crescent moon and stars on the side walked up to her. "Really glad you could make it."

"Moondancer, I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world." Twilight said as the two hugged. "I'm so excited to be here. Your aunt is one of the top scientists here and I'm kind of surprised she convinced our principal to let us come here."

"Yeah well, my aunt can be very persuasive." Moondancer told her as they followed the others to a large lab area. Twilight was amazed by the technological advancements she could see before she noticed something on one of the tables. It was a small spider with a hot six pointed star on its back while the rest of its body is black. She was kind of intrigued by this little spider that she took out her phone and took a picture of it. When she took the picture, the flash of her phone made the spider crawled away before an alarm sound.

"I didn't do anything!" Twilight quickly defended before large doors parted and there were a few guys in hazmat suits with vacuums on their backs. "What's going on?! Is it a hazard leak?! A virus loose?!"

"Some experimental spiders escaped," One of the guys in the hazmat suits told her. "But don't worry, we're gathering them up as we speak." Twilight watched as they were using the vacuums to suck up some of the small spiders crawling on the ground.

"Hey Twilight, over here!" Moondancer called before Twilight joined her with the others as a scientist stood in front of them.

"Thank you all for joining us here." The scientist spoke up to the group. "We at Discorp are working to help humanity and maybe even improve. Now, can any of you tell me the steps of the scientific method? Anyone?" Twilight quickly raised up her hand before the scientist gestured to her.

"There are six steps in the scientific method: observation, question, hypothesis, experimentation, conclusion, and results." Twilight listed the steps.

"Correct." The scientist responded. "If one follows the steps carefully, you too could one day be a great scientist." A large door behind her then open up so the group saw a couple of large robotic arms. "Now, would any of you like to try out our newest construction model?"

"How about Twi here?" Moondancer suggested as she gently pushed Twilight forward.

"Hey, let me at it!" A girl known as Lemon Zest volunteered.

"Very well." The scientist said before she pointed to two gloves in separate consoles. "Just simply put on the gloves and the mech will copy your movement." Twilight went up to the left console while Lemon went to the one on the right.

"Oh wait, I'm a lefty." Lemon remembered. "Switch with me." After they switched places, Twilight looked at the mechanism with a smile on her face.

"There's one more thing that a scientists need for things like this, and that's chance." As Twilight was about to pick up the glove, she looked down and saw the spider from before crawling on the back of her hand before she felt it bite her. "Gah!" She trying to swat the spider before I quickly jumped off and crawled away. Twilight looked at the bite mark the little spider made and there were two tiny holes.

"Hey, are we going to do this or what?" Lemon spoke up to Twilight.

"Huh, oh okay..." Twilight said as she picked up the glove. "Little did I know that one little spider bite changed my whole life."

Twilight returned home as it was getting late after the tour of Discorp and the ride back, she didn't feel all that well. She even skipped dinner and decided to go to bed as she was walking up the stairs to her bedroom, passing family pictures of her parents, her brother, and her old babysitter. She managed to reach her bedroom and after taking off her shirt and glasses, she felt all dizzy. Her room was being woozy as she walked over to her bed.

She soon plopped down on the bed and could feel her heart racing by the second. She felt her brow sweating as the spider bite had swollen up a bit. She was thrusting around in her bed a little as if she was having a bad dream before she suddenly woke up. She sat up in her bed and it was the next day. She gets out of bed and grabs her glasses before walking over to a mirror. However, her vision looked all blurry when she looked through them before she took them off and everything was all clear.

"Wh-What the...?" Twilight spoke up in confusion before set her glasses down. She then noticed something different about her body. It looked like her muscles have grown even a little bit around the chest area. "Did...did I sleep walk to the gym or something?" She asked before she looked at a small purple dog with green floppy ears. "You didn't see me sleep walk, did you Spike?"

Spike let out a yawn before shaking his head as his ears flopped around when he shook his body. "Twilight, are okay?" She heard her mother, Twilight Velvet ask from behind the door after she knocked.

"Uh, yeah mom..." Twilight responded. "I was just feeling sick last night, but I'm all better now!"

"Well, all right then. Just letting you know, breakfast is almost ready." Velvet told her.

"Okay, thanks." Twilight responded before falling back onto her bed. "I know what you're thinking: why didn't I tell my mom that I can see without my glasses and my body suddenly changed? Well I had to figure out what's happening to before I tell anyone." Spike jumped onto her bed and licked her face. "Thanks Spike." She pet his head. "I don't what's going on..." She raised her hand and looked at the spider bite she got yesterday. "How would a scientist could go about solving this?"

Spike barked a little as to get her attention and she saw he was looking at her poster of the scientific methods. "That's it! The six steps of the scientific method!" She said as she quickly stood back up. "Now what were they again? Observation, question, hypothesis, experimentation, conclusion, and results." Spike then barked before she patted his head. "You're right Spike, panicking is not one of the scientific methods."

Twilight quickly got dressed and put her hair up in a ponytail before opening the door. "Time to get started." She told Spike before she went out.

Twilight is soon walking down the street with her phone out as she was recording. "Twilight Sparkle science log: I am taking the steps of the scientific method to figure out when it's happening. I have observed I have the powers of a spider, presumably given to me by one of the experimental spiders that got loose at Discorp--" Twilight's suddenly felt her head buzzing all of the sudden and felt something. "Wait! What's happening? It feels like my entire body's covering goose bumps and there's this buzzing in my head." She recorded as she entered a crosswalk before she stopped halfway.

"And they're all telling me..." She to herself before her body moved on its own. "Jump!" He quickly jumped out of the way of a incoming car. As she did, it felt like the world around her was moving slowly as she flipped over the car when it drove by. When she landed back down, there was a bus coming straight at her before she quickly backflip onto the building behind her. People on the ground were amazed and shocked as Twilight was sticking to the side of the building.

"Uh-oh. Can't deal with this now." Twilight said to herself as she started to crawled up the building. "Alterations indicate that I have a spider's sense and a spider's, well there's no scientific term for this so I'll just call it stickiness."

She looked down for a bit to see how high she was climbing before she quickly looked back up. "And apparently, my fear of heights has not gone away yet." She said to herself. "But this is sort of incredible, and this could come in handy. But don't also have a spider strength?" She managed to climb onto the roof before jumping to the next building over. "In class we learned that spiders can lift 173 times their own weight..." She noticed the brick wall that's behind her and thought of a way to test out if she does have the strength. With just one shove, she was able to break through the brick wall and get inside the abandoned building.

"And that's a big yes for the super strength." She said as she was impressed by it. "Things are about to get awesome."

Twilight is shown back in her room with her recording herself on her phone while standing next to a whiteboard. "Here's a question for all of you," she said into the camera. "If you could gain the powers of any creature in the world, what would it be? Not so easy, huh? Well, statistically speaking, the odds are 147 to 1 that you would choose a spider." She brought up an image of the spider that bit her on her phone.

"But guess what?" She continued. "Its powers are amazing." She put down the image and smiled. "This is Twilight Sparkle, applying the six steps of the scientific method to... well, to whatever it is that's happening to me since being bitten by that spider. I've already observed the effects of the spider bite. So now it comes to step two, hypothesis. That's a suggestion solution for an unexplained occurrence. So I hypothesize that I'll be able to embrace these powers in order to use them to my advantage." That was the end the video before she started another one.

"A spider has sensors all over its body that alert it to danger." She explained as she pointed to a diagram of a spider on her board. "I'm getting better at feeling them. I call it my Spider Sense." After she was done making that video, another one was started showing a spider weaving a web. "Spiders spin webs, which I'm strangely unable to do. But it looks like something I can create in my lab."

Another video was shown her in her lab as she was using a tool to tweak a device on the table. "It turns out the composition of a spider's web is made up of liquid protein that hardens the more it's stretched." She explained before she showed a small vial. "It took a while but I've managed to create my own artificial webs and made these web shooters so I'm able to use them." The inserted the vial into the web shooter before it exploded and webs covered her. "Spiders have an easy time making. I'm gonna have to work on that."

That video ended and another one was made showing her wearing the web shooters on our wrists while she stood on top of a building. "Okay, I think I worked out all the kinks." She said before she stepped back and she is seen holding a baseball bat. "Now, If the only just tell time and play music, I can make a fortune. But can a watch do this?" She pressed down her two center fingers and a string of web shout out before she moved her arm around and they weaved into a ball. "I think not." She then tossed it up in the air before hitting it the bat when it came down. "Ha! Touchdown! Or whatever it is you call it in baseball." The sounds of glass shattering was heard before she wins at that sound. "Yeesh! Sorry!"

Once that video was over, a new one was started up and she seen in her room. "Wow, I can make virtually anything." She looked around her room before getting an idea. "Let's start with something simple." She shot a web line from one end of her room before stringing it along to the other end. She then shot a few more webs as she was leaving them together to create a hammock. "Nice." She then jumped on the hammock and laid back. "Very nice and comfy." She lost balance before falling flat on the floor.

Later, she made a pair of boxing gloves out of her webs and a sandbag that's hanging from the ceiling. "My own a pair of web boxing gloves." She said before she started to beat on the web sandbag. She was hitting it too much that the web line that connected the bag to the ceiling snapped and caused her to fall back on the web hammock when it bumped into her. "Still comfy." Speak soon got up and took off the web boxing gloves. "Okay Twilight, stay focused." She looked at her web shooters. "Something useful..." Twilight then noticed a small fly flying around her room.

She then shot a web to try and get it but she missed with each shot. "Flies are spiders mean sorts of nutrition. But that doesn't mean I'm going to eat it." She said to herself as she tried to get the fly before it landed on her nose. "Now I've got you." She aimed both her web shooters at the fly on our nose but missed and ended up shooting herself in the face with webs the covered her eyes and later fall back in the hammock. She studied herself in the hammock before ripping off the webs from her eyes and she laid back in the hammock. "Ah! Think I'm getting the hang of this."

Twilight stands on top of a high building as she looked down. "Now the real test, can my webs support me?" She asked herself. "And since I don't want anyone seeing a Twilight Sparkle falling flat on the sidewalk... Can't believe I'm doing this on purpose." She brought up her right web shooter to her face, then she grabbed a hold of the web and made two eye holes so she has a web mask. Twilight then stood on the edge of the building and took a deep breath.

"Okay, here goes nothing." She said before she jumped off the building and shot a web line to swing across on. Twilight cheered as she swung above the heads of people on the ground as she began to web swing. "They work! I am definitely getting the hang of this!" She continued to swing before she took a wrong turn and slammed against a wall. "Wall, one. Twilight, zero."

After a quick recovery, Twilight continued to web swing around the city and getting good at it. She even gotten over her fear of heights. "Hello, world! My name is Twilight Sparkle, but you might know me as..." She jumped off her web and landed on a wall. "Web-face! No, that doesn't sound right." She leaped off the wall and continued to swing. "You might know me as Bug Girl? Too cutiesy. Mommy Longlegs." She soon landed sleeping on the ground as she thought more. "Not tall enough."

Twilight then pulled out her phone and put the recording on. "I wish there was a five-step for coming up with a good name." She said to herself. "Right now, I'm focusing on the five steps of the scientific method. It's what I'm using to assess what's happening to me. And I'm up to step three: prediction." She looks to her left and saw that she was standing next to me fortune teller shop.

"You there, come over and let me tell your future." A woman in a fortune tellers outfit sitting behind a table with a crystal ball on it called Twilight over.

"Sorry, ma'am." Twilight responded. "I don't believe in all that hocus-pocus." She then started to walk away. "I'm a scientist."

"Really? Because I see fame and fortune in your future." The fortune teller told Twilight, causing her to back up when she said it.

"Really? Tell me more." Twilight asked with interest.

"First I will need to read your palms of your hands." The fortune teller told her. Twilight walked over and reached out her hand, but the fortune teller accidentally triggered her web shooter and she got covered in webs.

"Sorry, that happens to me a lot." Twilight told the fortune teller.

"I take it you're an entertainer." The fortune teller guessed.

"That's what I was thinking." Twilight quickly responded. "I mean, with all the things I can do, I'm sure I could be a household name. I'm smart, quick-witted, and I can do whatever a spider can do."

"Can you get me out of this web?"

"Everything but that." Twilight admitted as she rubbed the back of her head. "I'm not actually sure how long the webs will last, so..." Just then, the webs that made up her mask started to dissolve and she quickly covered her face after leaving $10 on the table. "Make that an hour. The webs dissolve in an hour. I got to go. Sorry, and thanks!" She quickly runs off before she shot a web line to a water tower on a building. "Fame and Fortune! I knew that spider bite would leave me the big things. But if I'm going to be in the limelight, I'm gonna need something better than a web mask. I'm gonna need a whole costume!

Twilight returned home and was looking at her closet while Spike was on her bed and he scratched behind his ear. "What to wear?" She asked as she searched for a costume. "There's gotta be something in here I can use." She tossed a few clothing behind her before she found something. "Oh how about this?" Spike looked up and she was wearing a Wizards hat with bells on it, along with a beard that looked all swirly. "My Star Swirl the Bearded costume." Spike just let out a yawn. "You're right, it's too Halloweeny. Plus a lot of people thought I was a crazy old man on Halloween."

Later she tried a shirt and wore it like a cape as she wore a bandana on her head with a purple shirt and underpants on the outside. She looked in the mirror and frowned at it. "Too obvious." Later she slide in and was wearing a hoodie with a big spider on the front the back of it and a mask that had a bug like eyes sewed into it. "Too much." Sometime later, she walked in wearing black tights with purple shoes, a purple jacket with the sleeves cut off and a spider printed on the front, a black shirt underneath, and wearing a mask and have goggles poking out of the eye holes with white lenses. As she also is wearing purple gloves with the web shooters shown on her wrist.

"Not bad." She said as she looked in the mirror. "Thank goodness I had the resources."

"Twilight, have you seen my black tights?" She heard her mother asked.

"I think they're called sweats, Mom." Twilight corrected. "And no, I haven't."

We then see Twilight web swinging through the city in the costing as she was thinking over how become rich and famous. "Okay, how should I kick start this career of mine?" She asked herself. "Audition for a movie? Hosta video on the internet? Host the kids' show?" She soon rest on the side of a building. "So many options. But something tells me I'll know it when I see it." Something then caught her eye at a newspaper stand. She used her webbing to grab a newspaper and read it until she spotted an ad for a wrestling match.

"'Do you have when it takes to win the match'?" She read the ad. "'Last 3 minutes in the ring with our champion and win $3,000'! This could be my big chance! Plus it could give me a great opportunity to go on to the next step, experimentation!" She then saw that the match is three weeks away. "I could use this time to practice some moves before the match."

For the past few weeks, Twilight watched some how to videos on kung fu and martial arts to help better her skills for the wrestling match. She mostly did her practicing in an abandoned warehouse so that her parents wouldn't ask her about this. Speaking of, she told her parents that she was wearing the contacts her old babysitter, Cadance gave her just to cover up the spider powers she has.

The three weeks went by fast as the day come for the wrestling match in Twilight packed up her suit in her back. "Wish me luck, Spike." She said as she patted his head. "By the time I get home, I'll be the final two steps of the scientific method." She left her room and walked downstairs, only to see a man with pure white skin, blue hair and eyes, and wearing a police officer's uniform. "Shining, what are you doing here?"

"What, can't a big brother visit his family once in awhile?" Shining asked he ruffled her hair a little. "So where are you off to?"

"Oh, I'm just going to the library to check out a book on quantum physics." Twilight lied.

"Well let me take you there." Shining offered.

"No, it's okay. I'll take the subway."

"No, no, it's been awhile since we spend any time together." Shining told her. "Come on." She didn't argue and they both went to his car before he drove off. Soon they arrived at her destination as he parked on the side of the road. "We're here."

"Thanks, Shining." Twilight said before she stopped herself from getting out of the car. "Hey Shining, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, Twily?"

"Well if anyone could obtain powers, like the ones in those comic books of yours, and they want to know what to do with them, how would one go about using them in real life?" Twilight asked. "Theoretically speaking."

"Well Twily, that's a hard one." Shining said. "Some people would go about keeping them secret and try not to use them as much, while others use them for their own personal game." He then placed a hand on her shoulder. "But there are others who would use that kind of power to help others that need help the most. Now I know I'm not smart as you, but there's this one formula that I always follow: with great power, comes great responsibility."

"Thanks Shining." Twilight said as she gave her big brother a hug. She then stepped out of the car and looked at him one last time. "Tell Cadance and Flurry I said hi." After she closed the car door, he carefully drove back on to the road. Twilight watched as he drove off and once he was no longer in sight, she went into the direction of the wrestling match.

People cheered and screamed as they watched a wrestling match go on. Within the ring, a buff man was throwing around another wrestler before he pile drive that wrestler. The referee then pinned the match when the bigger wrestler had the other pinned down. The crowd cheered when this wrestler run before the announcer came into the ring.

"And that's another win for Bonesaw!" The announcer declared into the mic as she raised Bonesaw's arm up. "Are you ready folks?! Because it's time for the main event!" She gets out of the ring and walks over to a wall that shows a light from behind it with a shadow of someone behind it. "Because we have a challenger who will take on the champion for $3,000!" She then had her back towards the wall before she lowered her sunglasses and the mic. "So what do you call your self kid?"

"The Human Arachnid." A familiar voice answered from behind the wall.

"'The Human Arachnid', that's the best you got?" The announcer asked.


"That sucks..." The announcer whispered before pushing her sunglasses back up. "Get ready folks, because facing the champion in the ring will be none other than the terrifying, the deadly, the spectacular, the amazing Spider-Girl!" Twilight wearing her costume then burst through the wall and landed next to the announcer.

"Wait, my is Human Arachnid." She corrected the announcer.

"Trust me kid, Spider-Girl is way better." The announcer told her before leading her to the ring. The moment she entered the ring, the crowd started chanting one word.

"Cage! Cage! Cage! Cage!" From above the ring, for cage doors started to lower until they set down around the ring. Twilight, A.K.A. Spider-Girl was shocked and confused as to what's going on.

"Hey wait! What's happening?!" She asked before she saw a few putting chains around the cage doors and locking them with locks. "This must be a mistake, I didn't sign up for a cage match!" The men then walked away when the chains were good and tight. "Hey come back! Unhook the chains!"

"Hey Freak Show!" Bonesaw shouted and got her attention. "Don't think because you're a girl I'll go easy on you! I've got you a three minutes, three minutes of pain time!" The moment the bell rang, he ran straight towards her before she back flipped onto the bars of the cage and he slammed into them. He looked up and saw her sticking to the bars. "What are you doing up there?!"

"Keeping my distance away from you!" She answered. "By the way, that's a cute little outfit you got on. Did your husband give it to you for your anniversary?" Bonesaw jumped up and tried to get her, only for her to flip over him and dodge it. We need charged right at her, she shot web lines from her web shooters and dodged him again when she pulled up. The moment she landed back down, her Spider Sense went off before Bonesaw came up behind her and whacked her with a chair. "A chair?! Is that even--"

Bonesaw quickly grabbed her by the leg and fling her around the cage before throwing her against the bars. "Like a bug splattered on a windshield!" He joked.

"Okay, I wanted to play this fair." She said in an irritated tone. "But if chairs are allowed, then so are webs!" She then started to fire web balls right at Bonesaw which hit him in the gut a few times. "You don't mind web, right?" She quickly got on to her shoulders before circling around and locking her legs around his neck before flinging him to the ground.

"It's over, insect!" He grunted before getting back up and trying to tackle her before she quickly jumped past him and onto the railing. "Come on! Fight me!" He lunged right at her before he jumped out of the way again and dodged him again.

"Oh, I am!" She told him as she continued to dodge his attacks before she flipped back and delivered a kick right to his face. "I think Bone saw stars with that one."

"I'll show you stars!" Bonesaw growled before he charged forward and stretched out the railing. Then lost himself straight towards Spider-Girl as she tuck and rolled and shut a web line to the other railing when he got close.

"Let's trt a little ricoochet wrestler." She said as he was lunged at the railing before he was being juggled around. She then shot two weblines right at him before she tossed him or to the railing and got him being juggled around more. "Had enough back and forth?" He's all dizzy from being juggled around before she lowered herself on a web line to the ceiling and poked his head. He fell back on that one little poke before a referee pinned the match.

"That's it! That's it!" The referee declared as she got off the web line and he raised her hand as the announcer got into the ring when the cage was lifted. "Winner!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, our newest champion Spider-Girl!" The announcer declared as everyone around chanted 'Spider-Girl'. Twilight herself felt like a real winner as she took in their cheers when she won the match.

Spider-Girl was soon brought to the manager's office where she met the Flim and Flam Brothers. "Here you go Spider-Girl," Flim said as he brought her a wrestling trophy. "Your trophy for your victory."

"Here's the money you earned." Flam said as he put $100 in her hand.

"But this it's only a hundred." She pointed out. "Your ad said I get $3,000 if I win."

"Yes it did, but you obviously didn't read the fine print." Flim said as Flam pulled out a newspaper with the same at.

"It says here you win three-thousand if you last three minutes in the ring." Flam told her. "But you manage to beat the champion in one. So you get a hundred."

"But that's not fair, I earned that money!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry, but we forgot the part where that's our problem." Flim told her with a smug look.

"Yes, now take the hundred and the trophy or leave them." Flam told her with the same look. Twilight glared at them under her mask before she grabbed the trophy and walked away. Later after she cleaned out her locker, she went over to the elevator before she heard commotion coming from the office.

"Hurry up!" She heard a man's voice shouted before she heard a grunt pain and a man holding a gun in one hand and a duffel bag running out of the office.

"Hey stop him! He stole our money!" Flim called out as a police officer chased the guy. Just as the elevator arrived, Twilight so the robber coming towards her.

"There comes a time when a scientist sometimes make mistakes." Instead of stopping the robber, she just stepped aside and let the robber take the elevator. "This was mine."

"Thanks kid." The robber send it before the elevator doors closed. The cop tried to stop the elevator but it was too late as it reached its floor.

"Well thanks for nothing." He told her before he walked off as Flim and Flam approached her.

"Why didn't you stop him?!" Flim asked her.

"Yes, you couldn't have taken him apart." Flam added. "Now he's going to get away with our money."

"Sorry, but I forgot the part where that's my problem." She repeated what they told her before. The elevator door opened before she entered and pressed the button to the lobby. "I know you all probably hate me right now for not stopping the guy, but those two deserved it. Plus this wrestling trophy is the first one I ever got that's not related to science. Granted it was awarded to 'Spider Girl.' But that's because I won it putting my new powers to use as a masked wrestler. A trophy is made up of three different kinds of metal and two different dioxides. I know that because I'm really into science, a subject my big brother encouraged me to pursue. He would've been proud of this trophy. But he'll never get the chance to see it. Because you know what else is made up of the three different kinds of metal?"

The sounds of a bullet was shot before a group of officers was putting up a crime scene. News soon reached to Twilight and her parents, as well as Cadance about Shining. "That's what ended my brother's life when he tried to get a robber tonight." Twilight is then shown in her room looking out the window as she hug Spike close and tears ran down her cheek. Her tears soon hit a photo of her and her brother as the pain of losing a family number hit her heart.

"Knowing you, Shining Armor, you probably say to look for the lesson in all of this because that's the kind of stuff you were made of." Twilight said as if he was still here. "Now I'm too angry to feel that way. So now it's time to find out what I'm made of." She clinched her fist before getting her mask and putting it on as she was going to avenge her brother.

Spider-Girl is then seen swing above the streets as the cops were chasing down the guy who killed Shining Armor. They soon stopped at a abandoned warehouse and Spider-Girl lands on the roof before looking down. "The cops said the guy is hold up in this warehouse. They also said to let them handle it."

The criminal was looking around as he hold a gun. The sounds of glass shattering startled him while search lights pass along the windows before a certain someone's shadow was seen on the walls. He tried to make a run for it before Spider-Girl quickly got him from behind and slammed his face and some glass before throwing him into some junk. "What are you supposed to be?" He asked as he got back up.

"Payback." Spider-Girl hissed as the guy picked up his gun. She quickly shot a web line to take it away before throwing it across the room. When he tried to make a run for it, Spider-Girl quickly jumped onto the ceiling and shot a web line to pull him back. She used that web line to swing him around before she threw him into some crates.

"Don't hurt me!" He pleaded as she approached him.

"Are you making a request, or quoting someone else from tonight?" She asked as he crawled up to the windows to try and get away.

"I didn't mean to--" He try to say before she quickly grabbed him by the throat.

"Save your excuses!" She shouted with rage in her tone. "All I wanna hear is your screams!" When she pent him against the glass and the lights rolled by again, she got a look at his face and she instantly recognized it. "No, that face!" She though in shock. It was the same guy who robbed both Flim and Flam and who she let get away. It was all her fault that Shining Armor was killed because she let him get away. This made her really shocked.

"Please, let go..." The guy begged.

"Oh, I'll let you go all right." She said before she grabbed hold of his shirt and pushed him through the window and hold him over the edge. "A few feet down! I'll take away what you took from Shining Armor!!" The robber started to scream as she let go and fell. He closed his eyes as he thought this was going to be his end before she shot two web lines to save him. "But he taught me better than that..." She watched as the coppers got the crook before she swung back home.

"The burglar went to prison, of course, and got 25 years to life." Twilight said into a recording as she was in her room. "But I got something that night too, a greater understanding of what matters in this world." She looked beside her and padded Spike on the head. "People like my brother can never be replaced, but the things they stood for can be carried on through our beliefs and through our work."

Her phone beeped before she got a alert that there's trouble happening in the city from an app she made herself. "Since being bitten by that spider at Discorp, I've observed the changes within myself, hypothesized that I'd be able to embrace them, predicted the role I'm playing in society, and experimented how best to use these powers." She sat Spike down before standing up. "Now for my conclusion and results, and the conclusion is this... They're not to be taken lightly." She puts on her mask that she had on at the start of the story before taking off her clothes to reveal her suit underneath. "I've been given a gift of great power. Shining once said, 'with great power comes great responsibility'."

She then jumped out the window and started web swinging to the alert she got. "I don't think I truly understand what he meant until the night. But in order to live up to that motto, I need to become something more than a celebrity. I need to become a symbol, a beacon of hope." As she web swing through the city, people on the ground had smiles on their faces and children wave to her as she swung by. "And the result is me becoming a superheroine. I'm not saying it's been easy, but it's how I've made sense of what's happened to me. And I'm sure it's what Shining Armor would've wanted. So, next time you see me swinging by your window, know that although I've been called many things, a menace, amazing, spectacular, sensational, you'll know me best as Spider-Girl!"

Comments ( 9 )

plz be good and dont let this die

As a writer of a similar superhero story, this was a fun find! I'll be keeping an eye on this.

One criticism I'm going to make is that I think you're trying to cover a whole lot of ground way too fast. Twilight getting her powers, testing them, losing Shining Armor all in one chapter. I think as standalone chapters these could have been explored much more throughly and would have made for better pacing.

But otherwise, good chapter. Earned a track! Keep up the good work! :twilightsmile:

More good

This... Is... Amazing 🤩

Doesn’t that spider symbol resemble venom?

Many Spider-Men or Women have many different spider symbols.

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