• Published 6th Nov 2023
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Thomas and Friends: Return to Sodor - The Blue EM2

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Chapter 6-Wherever we Stay, Remember this Day

"Who is he?" Goldie asked, not entirely unreasonably, as the parents worked on breaking the locks open and freeing their children from captivity.

Suddenly, the place Discord had been using to project things flared into life, and the ghostly image of a rather rotund man with black hair, dressed in a black boilersuit with a dog collar, appeared on the display. He looked to them with a gentle smile. "It is good to see a group of heroes here," he said warmly.

Zipp, now out of her cage, walked over to the hologram. "Is that who I think it is?" she said. "If so, how is he speaking to us?"

"Good evening, Zara," the hologram said, causing the girl to jump backwards in fright. "You are correct. I'm Edwin Boston, though please call me Teddy. It's what Awdry, Treacy, and many others did, after all."

"We're talking to the actual Teddy Boston?" Sunny asked, rushing over to the display. "This is so incredible!"

"The crystals preserved a part of my life force after I passed on," Teddy explained. "I am here to tell you something important. What Discord told you is not entirely accurate."

"Well, no real surprise there," Zipp replied.

"What you seek is the power that makes sentience possible for machines," Boston continued, his face maintaining its calm expression. "We always knew that something gave these machines life, but we never knew what. Ever since he first overheard a conversation between engines on the climb to Box Tunnel Wilbert was determined to figure out how it worked.

"And when we three came to Sodor shortly after the war, we found the truth, the answer to it all. The gold dust. Their lifeblood. As you probably know we took to writing it all down, and recorded all we could about the island. Our work would have continued, were it not for an unfortunate interruption."

"Opaline?" Izzy asked, by now free herself.

"How did you know?" Teddy asked, surprised.

"We've had a few encounters with her ourselves," Misty said, not willing to admit she had previously worked for Opaline.

"I see," Teddy sighed. "It seems that the more things change, the more things stay the same. I see your friend has a portable telephone- utterly impractical in my day! And now another threatens them. Just as you six reunited the crystals-"

"Us five," Hitch corrected. "Misty didn't join us until after the magic was restored."

"I was there during the journey!" Argyle protested.

"Just as you six reunited the crystals, one seeks to destroy them and end all magic. The very future of not just the Non Faceless Vehicles but the entire world hangs in the balance. If we cannot stop Discord, the end of all things may well occur, and our world would remain defenceless against the threats that would target and destroy it."

"Do you have any clues as to where they are?" Pipp asked, who had been filming much of the conversation up to that point.

Teddy nodded. "In ancient times, Saint Machan had a vision of three scattered artefacts, and he left the following riddle as to where to find them.

"Look in the place where the maw reaches the river's pulse.
Find the place where history overshadows the land.
The field of heroes will yield the ultimate treasure."

Sunny nodded. "Thanks for the help. We'll get to decoding those messages right away."

Teddy nodded. "Best of luck, all of you. May God's grace be with you all." Then the hologram vanished.

"Looks like we have our work cut out for us," Pipp said.

"We can monitor communications and lighten the load," Isaac suggested.

Sure enough, by the next morning the adults had done precisely that. The old foreman's office at the end of Tidmouth Sheds had been transformed into a high tech command centre. Communications equipment, consoles, and large screens overlooked the area, tapping into communication and CCTV feeds all across the island.

"All this information," Aurora said. "It's hard to keep track of it all. The days and nights and messages all seem to blur together in an endless stream. And now we have to prevent the end of the world? I never imagined it would lead to this when I had Izzy!"

"Nor did I imagine my kid would eventually gain super powers," Goldie replied. "But we have to stay focused. Since we don't know where Discord is going, we may be able to put clues together based on where he's been. So keep a close eye on the monitors and let us know if you spot anything strange."

"When you tilt your head the colours go all funny," Isaac said, unhelpfully. "That or I forgot to put my glasses on."

Lord Haven peered closer at the screen. "I'm no expert with modern technology," he freely admitted. "But I have reason to think I've noticed something. There has been a shift in key, so to speak, and this might be in tune with what you are looking for."

"Meaning?" Argyle asked.

"I think he means he's spotted something on one of the feeds," Lady Haven said. "Which camera was it, Robert?"

"Camera 10. There's a small copse of trees there, and something seems to be glowing inside a house. A glow that wasn't there five minutes ago."

Aurora looked at the display. "That's in one of the forests along the main line, according to this map. Let's dispatch somebody to take a look."

"Perhaps send them out in pairs?" Lord Haven suggested. "If Discord attacks two have a better chance than one of fending him off."

"Capital idea!" Isaac said, and he raised the radio receiver.

Back at Tidmouth Sheds, the familiar smell of anthracite was already rising through the air as the engines were up to operating temperature. Other locomotives hustled and bustled about on the mainline, going about their days, either pulling coaches or trucks, or shunting in the nearby yards with their heavy trains due to go to places far, far away. This was the train the-

"Mr Narrator, now probably isn't the time to be recycling jokes!"

I still don't understand how you can hear what I'm saying, Izzy.

On the shed, the drivers were completing their final checks on the engines, getting them ready to move off for the day's work. Zipp tapped the pressure gauge in the cab of Gordon. "OK, looking good," she said. "Operating pressure it is. We'll be good to go in a matter of minutes."

Just then, she heard a shout from James' cab. "Urgh! Why are these engines so complicated? It's so much simpler with a diesel! Push a button and off you go!"

"Mind the paintwork!" James called.

"Looks as though James' driver has gotten herself into a spot of bother!" Gordon gaffawed.

"Not even Rarity was this much of a drama queen!" James added.

Pipp paid them no heed. "This is making getting anything done nearly impossible!"

"What do you mean?" Izzy asked, who had heard the commotion and had walked over.

"I tried to make a recording in here to post on my socials so we could get help from the Pippsqueaks in finding the crystals, but all the noise these engines are producing makes the audio impossible to understand!"

"The railway is a very noisy working environment," Gordon pointed out.

"The recording is just like mom talking about the benefits of Earl Grey Tea- borderline impossible to understand."

"That's a bit rude, don't you think?" Izzy asked. "I quite like Earl Grey."

"Oh, I'll apologise to her- only my voice will be COMPLETELY INCOMPREHENSIBLE over the noise of this shed!"

Zipp leaned out of Gordon's cab. "Need a hand, Pipp?" she asked.

Pipp walked over, looking even more like a sunburnt lobster than she usually did. "Does Sunny even have any clue what she's doing here, or is she just trying to live out her childhood fantasies?" she asked. "Does she have any idea where she's going or what she's doing?

Zipp looked aghast. "What, don't you trust me, or any of us, after all we've been through?"

Pipp put a hand to her chin. "I can think of a few reasons to question your judgement, such as getting us sucked through a portal to another dimension- again!"

Zipp facepalmed. "You found the portal, not me. Besides, when we save Sodor it will all have been worth it. You'll be a hero, Pipp- again."

Down on the shed floor, Sunny was looking at a map of Sodor. "Right, so if we think that the maw is here, we can find-"

"Admit it Sunny, you're guessing," Hitch said. "We don't know the geography of the island anywhere near well enough to figure out the riddles."

"Well, I don't see you trying," Sunny replied, going back to the map. "Now, what could he mean by field of heroes?"

Misty looked over, concerned. "They're arguing. Should I intervene?"

Back at the other end of the depot, Sunny kept looking at the map. "Right then, I think I may have gotten one of them-"

"Got any ideas that could help Sunny, Zipp?" Pipp said.

"How about not using your phone all the time?" Zipp suggested. This ended up turning into a row.

Suddenly, Misty's phone rang, and she answered it. "Hello?" she asked.

"Ah, Misty," said the familiar voice of Lady Haven. "Good news- and don't make the Dacia Sandero joke again- but we have found one of the objects, we think. It's in a forest along the main line. Two of you should set out and collect it."

"On our way!" Misty said, before ending the call. "Pipp, we've got a site to investigate!"

Pipp turned her head. "That's a relief. Let's go!" Moments later, the shed doors were opened, and the pair set off into the daytime. Although one at a time, as they had to wait for the turntable.

As they puffed along, Misty once again struck up a conversation with Edward. "You know, I can't help but feel a connection to this place."

"I thought you said you'd never been to Sodor," Edward said.

"Yes, but the scenery, the landscape, all the objects and things passing by- it somehow feels familiar. Like I'm reminded of something even though the memory isn't there. It's weird."

"John Denver once sang of a man who came home to a place he'd never been before," Edward noted. "What he meant was this the man felt so at home in the new environment it was as if he never left. I have that sometimes when seeing how much the world has changed. We can't run by steam along the Cumbrian Coast Line anymore. They have to bring a diesel to tow us to Carnforth! It's all very bothersome." He sighed. "At least I have my family here."

Just then, musical notes began to sound in the distance. "Can you hear that?" Misty asked.

"I see that happens to you as well," Edward said. "Life is randomnly musical on Sodor as well."

Misty was the first to sing.

"What is the key to a family?
What is the key to a home?
What is the part that I'm missing?
To help me find where I belong?"

Edward took over vocal responsibilities.

"I'm searching/
I'm looking for something!
Something that comes from the heart!
Cause sometimes you need something to lift you up/
And help to reignite your spark!"

"Technically Edward, you don't have a heart, unless this is a certain fanfilm and-"

"James, I thought I told you not to mention Shed 17 around here!" Edward said.

Misty then returned to vocal responsibilities, somehow singing two notes at once.

"Even when it feels so confusing/
When you're alone!"

And then Edward joined in again, singing a harmony line.

"You know we've got each other /
To find our own way home!"

This pattern of Misty on lead and Edward on backing vocals continued onwards into the next section of the song.

"Cause I've got you/
And you've got me!
We're closer than close friends /
Yeah, we're a family!
If you're feeling low or incomplete/
You've always got me/
Yeah we're a family!"

Edward stopped. "I think the next verse is intended for me, based on the words."

"Together when there are good times!
Together when times are tough!
Together when things need celebrating!
And when you think that you've had enough!

Misty joined in again, but this time she was singing the harmony line alongside extra vocals.

"Cause I/
I know you better/
Than any body else!
And you know me better than I know myself!

To their surprise, Pipp and James joined in.

"Cause I've got you and you've got me/
Cause when you're with your friends/
Yeah you're with your family!
Keep em in your heart/
Cause that is the key/
Oh when you're with you're friends/
You're with your family!

"I've got you/
And you've got me!
Cause we aren't just friends/
No we're a family!
When you're feeling lonely or incomplete/
Don't forget about your friends/
Yeah they're your family!

"Cause when you're with you're friends/
Yeah you're with your family!"

As they came to a stop at the spot Lady Haven had mentioned, Pipp smiled. "The singing lessons you've been having have paid off!" she said. "Only 9 months ago she could barely sing in tune, and here she is giving Oscar worthy performances!"

"So, Sodor is not the only place affected by random musical numbers?" James asked. "There was a time when our lives suddenly turned into a musical."

"It was around Season 17, I believe," Edward commented.

Misty climbed down from the cab of Edward, having safely secured him on a loop, with James parked behind him. She and Pipp headed into the nearby forest to find the place Lady Haven had mentioned.

Sure enough, an old shack sat there in the forest, and the pair entered it. The old door squeaked open on rusty hinges that clearly needed some oil. A cloud of dust made Pipp cough. "Ugh! This place needs airing out!"

After opening the door and stepping inside, sure enough one of the crystals was sitting on the floor. "Well, that was easy," Pipp said, picking it up and placing it into a bag.

Misty's eyes lit up. "Of course! I've figured out the riddle! Find the place where history overshadows the land. Trees are old, and have overseen the land for centuries. They cast the shadow of history over the landscape."

"Keep digging!" Discord shouted at the contractors. The landscape around him rang to the noise of diggers and dump trucks, all tearing huge holes in the landscape as they worked to find something.

"There are some slight issues with the ground, sir," said one of the contractors. "We'll need to bring in heavier equipment."

"Well, do it then!" Discord snapped, and he calmly walked away. "When I'm done, Sunny Starscout will regret ever stepping foot on this island. Not that she would have been much safer on the mainland anyway."

Author's Note:

And so, another chapter down, and a large fetch quest awaits. This chapter is based on the sixth comic in the series, and quite a few elements were taken directly from it with some other Thomas and Friends bits added as well.

Box Tunnel is a reference to one of Awdry's first memories of steam locomotives. He recorded in the foreword to the 1997 Railway Series compendium that the sound of steam engines hard at work on the climb to Box Tunnel sounded like a conversation. Decades later, when he was writing the first Railway Series stories, this incident would form the basis of Edward and Gordon.

Mane Family, the song featured in this chapter, is from the 5th chapter of Make your Mark, and concerns Misty's struggles with finding her place in the world. I chose to include it here for reasons that will make narrative sense further down the line, but also because the word describe the dynamic of the Steam Team so well.