• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 1,206 Views, 14 Comments

Dinkys New Word - TheKing2001

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Dinkys Expanded Vocabulary

Dinky slowly pulled the carrot out of the ground and tossed it in a bucket.

"Miss Carrot Top, Miss Berry Punch! I got another one!" She cheered out excitedly.

Berry Punch trotted over smiling. "Good job kiddo, you certainly got a lot in there." She only had four, but Berry certainly wasn't gonna break the fillies spirit.

"Do ya think mommy will be happy with me?" Dinky unleashed her puppy dog eyes on Berry.

She ruffled her mane and grinned. "Yes, I'm certain Derpy will be happy with ya."

A crashing sound came from inside the house along with Carrot Top screaming, "Oh my bucking Celestia!"

Berry Punch instantly covered Dinkys ears but was a second late. Dinky shrugged Berry's hooves off her ears and looked uo at her.

"Miss Berry, what's bucking mean?" She questioned innocently.

Berry looked around nervously.

"It's a uh word grownups get to use." She said quickly.

"Great," Dinky exclaimed excitedly. "I'm grown up now because I said it. Bucking, bucking, bucking!" She bounced up and down in place.

"Dinky! Don't say that!" Berry scolded. "You're too young.

"But Miss Carrot said it", Dinky whined.

"Carrot Top is an adult, you're still an filly." Berry explained. "Just....don't do it again, okay?"

Carrot Top came outside nervously. "Hey Dinty, sorry about that." She rubbed her head nervously.

Dinky looked to be thinking. "Nah, I like this new word. It means I can be grown up finally!" She bounced off.

"Well, my life is officially over." Carrot Top announced.

"Yep", Berry Punch agreed as they watched Dinky disappear.

"Dinners ready!" Derpy called out. Instantly two blurrs sped past her and sat at the table.

"Wow, you two must be hungry." Derpy teased.

Both daughters nodded and the family started eating their dinner.

"So Sparkler, how was your day?" Derpy asked smiling.

The unicorn swallowed her food and spoke up, "it was good. School was boring but meh. Got an A+ on my math exam."

Derpy beamed at her daughter. Math was a hard subject for her oldest daughter.

"What about you, Dinky? How was your day?" Derpy turned her attention to her youngest.

Dinky swallowed her food and grinned. "It was really good. Got lots of carrots for us. And that wasn't even the best part!"

"What was the best part?" Sparkler asked amused.

"I learned a new word!" Dinky exclaimed, clapping her hooves.

"Oh? What word is that?" Derpy asked smiling.

Dinky took a deep breath and turned to her sister. "Sparky? Do something stupid."

"Excuse me? I never do anything stupid", the offended unicron retorted.

"Nuh uh! You're the queen of stupid!" Dinky shot back.

"Girls, enough", Derpy said, hoping to calm the two down before it got into a real argument.

Sparkler sighed and made a silly face, pushing her tongue out and googly eyes.

Dinky laughed. "Wow that is really bucking stupid!"

Sparkler coughed out into her hoof struggling not to laugh.

"Dinky Doo!" Derpy exclaimed, giving her daughter a disapproving look. "Do not say that. Take your plate up to your room this instant!"

Dinkys ears folded against her head as she trotted up stairs. Thirty minutes later, Derpy entered and sat down on the bed.

"I'm very disappointed. I've told you we don't cuss in this house. Where did you even hear that word?" Derpy asked.

Dinky sniffled. "Miss Carrot Top accidentally screamed it tripping in her house."

Derpys eyes narrowed. "Sparkler, watch your sister while I'm out." She flew out the house.

"Maybe she forgot and never said it." Berry Punch suggested.

Carrot Top shook her head as she speared some zucchini and took a bite. "You don't know that filly like I do. Once you say something, she remembers it forever."

Berry Punch rolled her eyes. "You're overreacting. We told her not to say it and such, she'll come around and see the reason after awhile."

Carrot gave her a flat look. "You're saying that about an eight year old. Were you like that when you were eight?"

Berry blushed. "Okay, no I wasn't. But she isn't me."

A loud pounding on the door startled them.

"Carrot Top! Open up!" Derpy yelled.

Carrot Top gulped.

"Huh, guess I was wrong. Have fun with that", Berry said as she shot upstairs.

Carrot rolled her eyes at her roommate. "Thanks for the vote of confidence!" she yelled up the stairs before hesitantly opening the door. "Hey Derpy, lovely weather out today huh? The Pegasi did a bang up job."

Derpy glowered at her. "So Dinky said she learned a new word today. From you."

Carrot paled. "Look, I'm sorry about that. It was a complete accident."

Derpy kept staring at her. "Good. I don't want her getting suspended or in trouble with her friends because she's running around displaying her newly found word."

"Trust me, she won't", Carrot reassured Derpy. "Wanna come inside? We got enough left overs."

Derpy shook her head. "Thanks but I'm good. I just ate. Ya know, where my youngest daughter randomly said "bucking" at family dinner. It was an experience. Thank Celestia mother and father weren't there. They already doubt my ability to raise them enough."

Carrot put a hoof on her shoulder. "Look, it won't happen again. And for what it's worth, you're a damn good mom."

Derpy nodded. "Thanks. I gotta get home for story time. It's getting late." Carrot waved goodbye as Derpy trotted off and she shut the door sighing.

"Thank Celestia that went as well as it did. Could have been worse." Carrot muttered to herself.

"Could have been way worse." Berry agreed from the staircase. Carrot glared up the stairs.

"And how long have you been there?" She demanded.

Berry swirled a glass of wine. "Oh, the entire time. Quite entertaining, thought she was gonna murder you honestly. Or spank you." Berry shrugged as she took a sip and sighed contently.

"No, murder is next if it happens again. I like living, Berry I can't die. I'm too young." Carrot started panicking.

Berry rolled her eyes. "Calm down and let's go to bed. I call the right side."

Carrot reluctantly obliged.

Derpy trotted inside her house and started to walk up the stairs before she tripped and fell all the way down.

"Motherbucker!" She yelled before her eyes widened and she shoved a hoof in her mouth. Dinky and Sparklers doors slowly opened. Dinky pointed a hoof at Derpy.

"Mommy said the naughty word!" She cried out.

Sparkler tapped her hoof grinning. "Well mom, since you sent Dinky to her room for saying it, it's only fair you do the same."

Grumbling and blushing a bright red, Derpy trotted to her room.

Sparkler settled into her bed and put her hooves behind her head grinning. "I love being the adult somedays.'

Comments ( 13 )

Hehe, gave me a good laugh and reminds of her peeved scene.

Come on Berry Punch, ain't there apple bucking? hehe

man wait until dinky gets in a room full of marines, then she'll learn all kinds of new words.:rainbowlaugh:

but still this whole story had me laughing my ass off :rainbowlaugh:

Ah, this takes me back to when I first leaned my first swear words. It even has other children that don't tell what they mean so that you get in trouble with the adults!


Bucking bastards.

With all of its multipurpose applications, how could anyone be offended when you use the word. We say use this unique, flexible word more often in your daily speech. It will identify the quality of your character immediately. Say it loudly and proudly! Buck you!!!!!! (If you got this reference, you're welcome.)

This gave a good chuckle from Dinky acting like any child would be when they've learned a new word that isn't exactly very nice to say around your parents. lol

Really cute story!

Pretty bucking good. I'm a little peeved about the trope but ah, what the buck, have an upvote.

I guess you can say...

that was BUCKING good

Apple-bucking and Buckball must lead to a lot of raised eyebrows.

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