• Member Since 15th Oct, 2013
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Ironfire Skies

Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty. ~ Job 6:14


Words can be weapons. Meaning if used wrongly in the most non-manageable situations, there can be consequences. You either lose a friend or the friendship ends. But not in Soarin's case. Spitfire and Fleetfoot were his best friends. How could they gossip about him, right in front of the Equestria Daily journalists, during an in-person press conference in Cloudsdale? The Bolts was meant to be a community with integrity, passion, confidence, grit, courage, professionalism and teamwork.

Inspiration: Weapons By Ava Max

A/N: Someone at my workplace thought it was okay to rant to someone behind my back about my Workmanship. They said to the other person that I wasn't doing my job and that I wasn't helpful at all. I wrote this story, portraying myself as Soarin, to cope with such a hurtful, genuine situation.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

After reading this it seems like there's still some bitterness there. It's never fun to be looked down on, especially at a job.

Hope everything has gotten better in your relationship with the coworker... or you cut them off if they're that horrible.

We just don’t talk as much at work now. After that experience, it made me doubt my abilities for awhile (I always did, always had). The only thing that kept me going after that encounter was music and talking to a coworker I trust.

I kinda got over it, but it emotionally haunts me occasionally.

In reality, I can hold bitterness towards an event - traumatizing or not - for long term. It depends on how much any incident affected me emotionally. I know holding in bitterness for years is unhealthy, but I need a lot of time to let it go.

When I wrote this one shot, I was so upset that this event happened. So as a result, I poured all my feelings into this one chapter. But thank you for reading, I appreciate it.

Trust me, I can definitely relate. I still remember things from twenty years ago that scarred me. Very small things that a well adjusted person would laugh at hearing.

I tend to over worry and overthink everything. It's one of if not my greatest flaws.

But I think it's really good to acknowledge ones flaws because at least it makes them not delusional and then one can deal with it in healthy ways.

I agree. Thanks for sharing your feelings on this.

I used to be in a similar situation at an earlier point in my life. But I got help from two particular youtubers. One is named Hero Hei, the other is Rev Says Desu. They cover a lot of twitter drama so other folks don't have to go wading in themselves. And from their videos I learned something very important.

In this world, there are people who're miserable assholes who're that way by choice. Folks who want to wallow in their own misery rather than try to be happy, because being happy takes effort on their part. Instead they would rather be miserable, and do everything they can to make other people as miserable as they are, because that makes them feel better about their own lives.

In fact these individuals are so opposed to the notion of trying to be happy, they'll instead devote hours to slogging through twitter feeds and looking for random accounts to find someone who seems happy, just so they can shit on their day and try to make them unhappy, because that's the only thing that gives their empty lives purpose. They don't care what it takes to make another person miserable, whether it's lies or abusive language or saying they deserve to be murdered for having a different opinion, or outright doxxing them, there's no level they won't stoop to, just to get what they want in order to feel a little bit better. They're like heroin addicts desperately chasing after a fix.

It took me a long time to understand that the best way to deal with these terminally online twitter trolls (totts) is to ignore their efforts at inducing bitterness, because it infuriates them to no end that others can be happy even if their circumstances and situations aren't perfect.

Sometimes all one can do when confronted by such toxic individuals is, grit your teeth hard enough to make an inferior dental plan weep, knuckle down to the point you're deforming a steel pipe from the crushing force, charge ahead like an angered bull elephant in mating season, and inform these losers that you don't need their words to feel validated in your efforts. Because they hate the idea of people who don't seek outside validation from others like they do.

I don't know how applicable that would be in your situation, because for better or worse we all seek outside validation from time to time; that's just basic human nature. But sometimes we just have to remind ourselves that the words of an outsider are just that; the unsolicited opinions of an individual of questionable integrity who's just seeking attention for themselves.

Does any of that make sense, or am I just rambling nonsense brought on by too few hours of sleep?

Nah, you’re good. All you needed to do was just share what you went through. I wrote this one-shot when I was upset a week ago. A coworker told me on the spot that someone complained about me, I never knew it happened because it was behind closed doors.

A song reference, okay. I haven't heard this song in years. It might be the chapter title, that's why it made you think of that song.

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