• Member Since 25th Oct, 2021
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Sometimes I think I like speculating about stories more than writing stories.


Yesterday, Twilight Sparkle was hot in pursuit of dangerous stolen magic, her friends at her side and Ahuizotl in her sights. Today, she is imprisoned aboard a wondrous and horrifying city, hurtling through the empty void of space and surrounded by creatures and a world she barely comprehends and everything she thought she knew is upside-down - a world where a legion of ponies serve as seeming slaves.

Yesterday, Santana Guerro was finishing up an ordinary investigation - another day, another case, another synthetic assistant assigned to be by his side. Today, an ancient, living space probe from a lost world is in his office - the furthest possible thing from routine, and certain to be far from easy to close the case on.

Both of them need answers. Secrets are in play - secrets that others will kill to be the one keeping. But to find a way out, they’re going to have to understand each other.


First-Place Winner of the 2023 Science Fiction Contest.

Cover art Credit: Twilight is from the show. All else is mine.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 31 )

So... this has been a very interesting ride so far. I look forward to more.

Can’t have a space epic without imposters.

The organisation he worked with sounds pretty sus too, given that they seem to have a lot of information that (I think) was meant to have been lost during the war, if his knowledge about the drone terraforming programs and his actually being able to access Twilights neural system shows anything

Man, this story’s good. But, it’s got me itching for more. I mean we got a whole backstory and everything lined up but it ends so fast! But otherwise, very good.

Both of us jumped; both of us had been so tied up with the implications of all this, neither of us had heard her step in. But there she stood, half through the doorway. Shit, this was getting to me. How much had she even been snooping in on?

Hell, she didn’t even look that great. Her eyes were bagged and mane looked like Crenelle’s after we’d pulled an all-night stakeout together. Probably had an attitude to match.

“It’s a long story,” I dodged.

“It’s a Master Override Code,” Cravat jumped in. “When it is invoked, we can be commanded absolutely. For those of us who work in places like the Bureau, it permits our testimony to be absolute; with the MOC invoked, I can be commanded not to lie and never will.”

This section could do with some cleanup. Didn't even realize it was Twilight until the following paragraph, but that just brings up more questions: Is she free? I was under the assumption she was still locked in the cell. Also, Cravat?

Twilight said flatly; both Crenelle and I shook our heads - me, maybe a little more eagerly than he.


Liking the story so far!

The only thing I'd like to see is Twilight confronting Celestia and Luna. That would be the cherry on top!

Awesome story! Enjoyed it a lot!

I believe I speak for many when I say we need more of this world/universe you've created here. It just seems criminal to leave this untapped potential here with only this story.


Didn't even realize it was Twilight until the following paragraph

That's fair; right before that Guerro mentions that Twilight's sleeping in his office's foyer, so I thought it was clear she's not in the cell anymore. (Keeping traumatized people in the location that traumatized them is a pretty bad idea, and Crenelle/Guerro know this.


In an earlier draft of this story, Crenelle's name was Cravat. I thought this had been changed in all locations, but it looks like one snuck by!

me, maybe a little more eagerly than he.

In this case, there's nothing missing. It's a (maybe a little too fanciful) way of saying "me, maybe a little more eagerly than he was shaking his head" (but with fewer words). Apparently it's more of a UK thing, so I can see why you might not be familiar with it.


Glad to hear it. I'm going to have to think about how to continue this, clearly. 11547244 definitely hits on some of my thoughts on where to go, though in truth I'm surprised nobody's asked about Discord.

It is rather suspicious, isn't it?

I'd even say a fair bit of how this story is interpreted is dependent on how honest Guerro really is: Who did he actually get that information from? How much is he really being honest about the independence Biosynths have? Is his final answer to Crenelle on Equestria's fate truthful?

Absolutely amazing premise and I love stories that write ponies as more of a different species with its own mannerisms than just a human with a pony body. And the setting of her world being a life seeded colonization candidate with a mythological theme is wonderful alongside twilight's reactions to being considered property / a second class citizen.

Please continue this, adore it. All I can really think of to compare it to is Message in a Bottle, my favorite fic ever which we desperately need more like of.

This concept and the writing are god-tier.

This was great but, really needed just another scene with Twilight handling the truth of her world.

Well, that scale of project tech probably hard to get under wrap. Biosynth probe as an alternative to a von Neumann's probe is a commonly appearing trope. Any history nerd would know it, but a commoner would not be interested. Today very few commoners know that Nazi Germany had a functional jet plane even though it's not a classified information.

There was mention that bits an pieces of old oroject were found. It may imply that at large it was a failure or considered so.

In retrospect, I do see that this would definitely have been something I ought to have included. Ah, well! That'll just have to be the start of the sequel, should I ever get around to writing it!

It's a bit of both: To some degree the exact mechanics of creating that pattern of biosynths has been lost to time and warfare. It could probably be rediscovered, but as Guerro said other events superseded the need to terraform planets like that... and he hints in a couple places that there are interests who have regulated against the creation of such independent and powerful biosynths as well.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll take a re-look at this scene and see where I could smooth it out.

Is she free? I was under the assumption she was still locked in the cell.

Guerro gives a quick mention that she's 'sleeping in the foyer', but I can see how that would be missed - it's just a few words.

Also, Cravat?

In an earlier draft, Crenelle was named Cravat. That got changed, but from this and another comment it looks like I missed that one spot.


Heh. This is a particular turn of phrase - there's an unspoken "he did" there. But I see a lot of readers aren't familiar with that (apparently it's more a British English thing than US one?), so I'll be avoiding it in the future!

Oh, I don't think it's that good - but I do definitely appreciate the comment!

"Pony mannerisms more than just a human in a pony body" is definitely one of the things I always try to include in my writing. I was lucky enough to meet someone in the fandom who actually owns horses and was able to give me lots of tips about equine body language and gestures. I really feel it helps distinguish them as different, especially in a story like this where they're contrasting against a human character.

All I can really think of to compare it to is Message in a Bottle, my favorite fic ever which we desperately need more like of.

Oh, now that's a fic I haven't thought of in a good long while!

Thank you very much!

I knew it the second the door to my office slid open and I laid eyes on the beige-coated Biosynth sitting neatly beside my desk: Obviously equine-derived, hooves tucked neatly beneath his body, wings held closed but not limp, and eyes open but unfocused: The perfect model of professionalism.

ooh, sci-fi neo-noir!

Alcohol might have been crude in comparison to custom-tailored hormones delivered straight to the neurons, but I liked it better anyway. Call me a traditionalist.

as befitting of a sci-fi neo-noir detective protagonist!

One hind leg rose to scratch at his neck, service collar jingling as he did so. When Crenelle looked back up at me, his golden eyes seeming to practically glow in the low light and I could hear the slight smirk in his voice even if I could barely see his muzzle. “I believe you once commented to me that Biosynths in my line are genetically incapable of humor, sir.”

ah, so much to say about the place of Biosynths in this Society and attitudes towards them just in this one paragraph!

“I am afraid not. She appears to speak something derived from an obsolete dialect of Human Normal English, which is too far migrated from the present for me to comprehend.”

ooh, a lot of intriguing details but this one is especially intriguing!

Third, she was alone. This part was almost comforting, and certainly preferable, to sharing the presence of the repellant monsters which had deposited her in the cell. Still, Twilight Sparkle wished she could have at least been alone somewhere else, as the cell itself seemed to close in on her with a claustrophobia that went beyond any prison cell’s intrinsically repressive nature.


Sillhouetted in the doorway, the creature stood - alien, monstrous, inscrutable, its tiny eyes twinkling beneath a deep, bulbous brow. It wore clothes, so some part of her knew it must be somewhat civilized. But so had Sombra, and his idea of ‘civilization’ still sometimes slithered its way into her nightmares.

so true that is exactly what humans look like

She could smell herself now too - that equally acrid scent of sharp fear, fear that would threaten to send her into a panic if another pony stumbled across it.

aww, love it when ponies have a biology distinctly alien to humans

Sliding gracelessly from beneath its bulk, Twilight ducked beneath the beast’s now-clumsily grasping arms to dive for the door. Relief filled her as she passed through the door, magic returning to her with a sensation like the warm sun striking on a summer day.

hell yeah get em Twilight!

“Stop,” the alicorn said, and a part of Twilight vaguely registered that it was surprisingly soft for a creature who almost seemed to rival Celestia in size and whose build left little question that he was a stallion.

“Stop, please,” the alicorn repeated as he snuffed his horn out. “We are not your enemies. We want to help you.”

oh, so many questions!

Hell, she’d pulled off a small-scale faster-than-light jump while trying to bolt from the cell block!

hehe, of course this is how a denizen of gritty sci-fi world would contextualize the graceful magic of a unicorn teleportation

“Whoever Synthed her’s got a real imagination for the old classics. Princesses, gods, ‘Equestria’… They filled up her head with a lot of weird stuff.”

hey, that “weird stuff” is great!

“So - um - what’s your rank, then? If he’s a ‘Lieutenant-Investigator’?”

oh no, Twilight does not understand the lengths to which casual human speciesism will go!

What kind of place enslaves alicorns?

so very horrifying, yes :(

She ate, when Crenelle brought more food. Preened herself, just to feel the familiar touch of a soft muzzle on her wings.

augh, poor Twilight! :(

Again the cool glass of the bottle met my lips. “It might just be bugs in the translation patch. But my guess? They finished making their world. And then they sat there, waiting for us to come for them. We never did, but they just kept on going. Hell, from half the things she’s saying, they’ve flourished. Built themselves a civilization.”

i must admit, this is a great way to have the canon of MLP and this spacefaring human civilization co-exist in the same universe

And there was the other half. Crenelle wouldn’t have ever thought twice of it; he’d been having his neuroware patched since the day he was born. But to Twilight here…

Hell, I felt like a monster.

really makes you think about this society

“I can try! That’s everything anypony can do?”

so true! really rooting for Twilight Sparkle here. i mean, obviously, but like, so much more so

Whatever Twilight had been up to in her past life, it apparently wasn’t enough to introduce a good sense of reaction under tension.

i mean, she has battled all sorts of villains. but yes, what she is facing now really is unlike anything she has faced before

She took a step towards it, but Crenelle stuck out a wing to stop her. “Don’t. Flayed matter cartridge. Warps whatever matter it’s shot at. Very nasty stuff, but there’s almost no armor ‘mong the stars that’ll stop it.”

“It hurts to look at,” she said, and Crenelle nodded, then shot a look at Guerro.

augh, Twilight!

Everything’s upside-down here, Twilight thought, I used to live in a living tree. Now I’m running from an upside-down metal one.

so true actually, a very poetic and cruel irony

“Biosynths? Yes. There’s a lot of us here. The outer station mostly belongs to the businesses, trade, and travelers, but this place is ours. Though,” and one ear turned towards Guerro, “I am not entirely sure why we are coming here.”

If Twilight had been cruel, she might have called it a slum.

dang Crenelle really is lacking in class consciousness

To her shock, Twilight even realized that much of the tension she’d felt since waking had begun to slip away. The dam was no longer at such risk of breach. This was familiar, and comforting in the familiarity.

And that thought, more than anything else, sent a current of unease through her very core.

love this poignant mix of emotions

Just another way this place is insane. Slavery - it shouldn’t look so comfortable.

that is part of the great unease of it. i am like Twilight and i also want to go home!

But Applejack runs her farm for her own family. When she lectures Apple Bloom, it’s because she’s worried about her own sister’s future - her independent future.

so true. the difference between a justifiable hierarchy and one that is very much not

“Uh-huh!” Nudging in, the colt spread his wings to flutter up, pointing with his horn to each of the figures for sure. “That’s me, an’ that’s Chania, and that’s Peyquarasa, an’ Grizeta, an’ that’s th’ship’s cap’n. We’re gonna be space ‘splorers, finding new planet’s an’ blowin’ up aliens that don’t like th’Union an’ stuff.”

dang, really laying bare the background ideology of this Society through the mouths of its innocent children, huh?

“Uh-huh! Get our contracts bough’ up by the Caro - Cartoa- Cartography Ins’tute! An’ go out on the same ship too!”

Get our contracts bought.

The words struck at Twilight like a hammer blow.



“A friend of mine.”

“I see.”

If I ever see her again.


She turned around fully, folding her wings back in and meeting his eyes. “Our own destinies, Crenelle. Not to be bought or sold or owned by anypony else. Everypony has to find what’s right for them! Not - not -” Words. Words not coming. Too many thoughts at once. “-this!”

augh, love this sequence so much

“Who lowers your sun? To bring your night, I mean?”

When no answer came, she looked aside and found him staring back with a slightly tilted head. “You’re serious. And literal,” he said slowly, and Twilight nodded.

“This,” he said slowly, and perhaps a bit sadly, “is why they will want you. Raising a sun…! That kind of thaumocasting is - utterly beyond anything a Biosynth could do now. Rediscovering that ability…”

oof. opsec, Twilight!

“Forgive me,” Crenelle said, and Twilight could hear a bitter chuckle in his voice, “I did not mean to critique your healers’ skills. I have no doubt they are skillful, as you have been healed. But you have also been hurt, repeatedly, by your world and speak of it so idyllically… a paradox for me. Then again, you have an absolute ruler, a ‘princess’ who you must follow. You must understand, Twilight Sparkle, to me that sounds as absurd as you feel about my being a ‘slave’.”

i would object to Crenelle personally about how it’s totally different, but it makes sense he would make this kind of assumption about what a Princess is, given how absolute the dynamics of power are in his Society

“I thought he would be kind to you as well. Instead he forced the diagnostic halo on you, thinking you were something else.” A smile, small and sad, twisted the edges of his lips. “So you see, Twilight Sparkle, I can choose. I can choose to do wrong, and because no override code compels me now they cannot stop me. But in doing so, I break his trust and hurt the one I was trying to help.”

augh, i should have known! of course Crenelle would have his own agency, and is doing his best and finding as much meaning and happiness as he can within the constraints of this awful Society

Crenelle and Guerro stared at each other. Crenelle’s tail lashed. Guerro said something which Twilight didn’t understand, but brought a touch of red even to Crenelle’s slate-grey cheeks. Twilight frowned. “What, what is it? Are you going to tell me he’s some other special kind of ‘biosynth’?”

“Ahuizotl isn’t a biosynth,” Guerro said quietly.

ooh, what a twist! and Ahuizotl, of all creatures, is the one that doesn’t belong and gets this reaction out of these hard-bitten detectives? not Discord or the Windigoes or any of those guys? Ahuizotl? really? kinda love that actually

Good or bad, I’m thinking the jury’s still up on that bit. I’ve met some cybermonks who’d tell you they’re the same thing, superpositioned in the same bit of quantum memory.

this is a fantastic hard-bitten sci-fi noir metaphor anecdote, i love it

“Nope!” I said cheerily. “And I don’t have to know. All I have to do is turn my back for a few minutes-”


Damn it, Twilight.

I bit back the curse and looked at her. She stared back, just as hard. “No. I won’t do it. This place - it’s - everything that’s wrong seems to be normal here. It’s a world upside-down. But I won’t be part of it. Even after what she did to me, I’m not using that magic on her.”

love her

Meanwhile, I guess Twilight had other thoughts. She was giving a supremely smug look down into the cell, probably the first time I’d seen her looking really happy since I’d first laid eyes on her. “I think you’re underestimating me. I learned crystal-shaping magic from the crystal ponies themselves. I don’t know what compu-crystal is, but I’d bet I can make a full copy of it.”

love smug and correct Twilight

“...so I don’t know what your normal process is, Crenelle,” Twilight was saying, “but I want you and Guerro both to promise me: You’re not going to lie to Itzcoatl.”

“Your concern for her is surprising, given what she did to you,” Crenelle pointed out, but Twilight shook her head.

“Everypony has to be honest, Crenelle, or you’re not any better than the criminals you chase after. It’s important.”

love her

Twilight Sparkle’s first impression of the ‘ship’ in question was that someone had taken a number of foal’s toy blocks, glued them together while blindfolded, and then dragged the whole thing through a mud-patch.

Sure, the fat-bodied craft that drifted by above were far from the graceful airships that plied the skies near Canterlot. But this thing…

It was just plain ugly.

ooh, burn!

“What are you?” she gasped.

“Somepony who knows crystal magic,” Twilight spat back. “And knows this, too.”

Her horn flared one more time, and the mare vanished in a flicker of violet - deposited well outside the building.

augh, love Twilight free to do Twilight things

I feel the mass of the station as a whole, the curve of space where it weighs on the universe. I feel the bigger curves, sharp-edged and foreign, that can only be from where it imposes its own, unusual gravity. My magic pushes on space, and it all distorts like I’m seeing it through a lens until my magic can touch the cell, and I PUSH-

love this description of how casting teleportation feels like!

“...so, you were saying something about how I hadn’t gotten proper medical treatment?”
“...this is a perfectly reasonable application of field-expedient medipaste. It has already staunched my wound, and the nanotech within is working to prevent infect- ah.” He blinked at Twilight’s flat look, frowning. “My apologies. You are being facetious.”

ehehe great callback

“Don’t try anything, Twilight,” Guerro said. “You can’t crush my weapon like you did that agent’s. It’s flayed matter. Let that loose in here, we’ll end up breathing jello or our bones will be made of felz-weevils. All of us.”

“I know. Chaos magic. You’ve somehow - you’ve weaponized chaos magic.” Twilight laughed, a hard and terrible laugh. “I don’t know if I should be impressed or horrified, because you can obviously use it and that violates about three things I know about Discord and his magic, but I know. I can’t break it. But I can talk.”

ooh, love that this came back! and i share Twilight’s hard and terrible laugh here

“Yes!” Twilight nodded. “We’re not perfect. We screw up. I’ve screwed up! But we know this is wrong. We’re somehow ‘just tools’, ‘just meant to make planets’ for you - and you know what? We’re still getting along better than you.”

so true (and on a metafictional level, the show itself is merely a tool to sell toys but instead it shows the possibilities of a better world than this?)

“But that’s wrong. I agree with him, because I see the same things he does. I agree, the same way I agreed to join the Bureau. The same way I agreed to what I told you about in Zucchara’s home.”

Twilight paused.

”I can choose to do wrong, and because no override code compels me now they cannot stop me.”

“Okay,” she said.

and what a beautiful way to close out Crenelle and Twilight’s relationship in this story

With a sigh, I pulled up the ship’s computers and started making the appropriate redactions there. No rest for the wicked. Back to work.

and oh wow! really did not see that twist coming, but there were just enough clues sprinkled into the worldbuilding and story to make it not surprising. fantastic stuff.

and whether or not this ending is a happy one really does depend on how much to trust Guerro’s assessment of the Union and its intentions, and considering his role as one of its enforcers, well… yes, these last moments with Crenelle were touching, but again in a way bound by the constraints of the Society that these two lived in. i get the feeling of a slaveowner that is one of the “kind” ones, but in the end, is still a slaveowner who sees his own Society as simply the natural order of things. that such an absolute power imbalance is carefully distributed and rarely used in this instance does not negate its unjustifiedness and horror. 

and augh, the story illustrates so very well how such things are normalized, and how it takes the perspective of an outsider to the system to see it for what it is. 

phenomenally crafted story that juxtaposes all of the innocence of Equestria with this larger and crueler universe that it finds itself in. it is such a tough balance to strike and i was in complete awe at how perfectly you struck it. i could not think of a single thing about Twilight’s reaction to this world as you rendered it that i could not call pitch-perfect, and i am very, very particular about this kind of thing. the torrent of exposition at the beginning made me uneasy at first, but looking back it is amazing how much got through without it being overwhelming, with the disorientation blending in seamlessly to the disorientation of Twilight’s perspective as she, like us, has to situate herself in this strange new world. and the pacing! not a scene wasted, and every one beautiful. that you juggle all of these aspects of the story so well…

honestly, this is one of the best stories i have read on this site so far, and by far the best of this genre. thank you so much for such a gift. it is truly an honor!

It's always interesting to imagine how a clearly superior existence is managed to be slaved like this. Better hope they don't manage to actually connect Twilight to the network, the chaos will be unimaginable...

Uh oh, someone's been a naughty guy!

A bad boy, but perhaps only because the system enforced him so.
Only question is, did he remember the treasure black box? 😏

I reached out, my hand finding the back of Crenelle’s neck. A moment later, he leaned into it - his mane meshing with my fingers.

What gets me the most in this story is how Crenelle responds to physical affection.

It's cute and all, but knowing that it's probably programmed into him, it really calls into question the supposed freedom of biosynths. Crenelle seems happy enough, but is he even capable of rejecting his lot in life when he comes pre-installed with memory re-writing processes? Aauuggh. :raritydespair:

Amazing work! :heart:

And only now do I realize I never actually fully responded to this... Let me do so now, because this kind of feedback is the feedback authors dream of, and I think it deserves a response!

augh, love Twilight free to do Twilight things

One of my rules for writing this fic is that while she starts out fearful and disoriented, I did not want her to remain a "damsel in distress" throughout. It wouldn't be enjoyable if this felt like a "beat up on the innocent ponies" story.

love this description of how casting teleportation feels like!

Thank you! Although I will admit it's inspired by other fics' descriptions as well.

ehehe great callback

One of the fun things about shorter fics: You can make callbacks work really well. (Also, I love snarky Twilight.)

i get the feeling of a slaveowner that is one of the “kind” ones, but in the end, is still a slaveowner who sees his own Society as simply the natural order of things. that such an absolute power imbalance is carefully distributed and rarely used in this instance does not negate its unjustifiedness and horror.

This is definitely the dynamic I was going for. No overt cruelty or near-comedic villainy, but nonetheless the ponies in this society are still subservient and have little voice in it. It's both harder to condemn than an overtly brutal society, but also the imbalance can't be ignored.

I'm of the opinion that any kind of "human in Equestria" or "pony on Earth" (or "pony on space station") stories run on the juxtaposition of the worlds to some degree; I'm glad that the theme I used to highlight hat juxtapositioning came off so well.


A bad boy, but perhaps only because the system enforced him so.



What gets me the most in this story is how Crenelle responds to physical affection.

This is something of a common theme of my writing - I tend to write ponies as physically social and affectionate. In the context of this story, however... yes, I can see how it would be alarming - especially since Guerro sometimes seems to use it to keep Crenelle calm! It could definitely be seen as something used as a tool rather than just a cute quirk.

This is exactly the sort of story that tickles my neurons just right. The contrasting viewpoints, the secrets, the organic worldbuilding, it's all perfect. Definitely looking forward to more from you!

This was exquisite work. Some of the transitions were a bit janky—it's hard to tell exactly what the situation is when the smell of hayburgers tugs Twilight out of that fugue state until they get off the bus(?)—but overall this was a deeply engrossing setting. Gripping story, great characters, fascinating moral quandaries, and some A+ world building. Thank you for a great read. I'm glad I finally got around to it.

This is good stuff! I really like the terraforming lore.

Thank you very much! That was honestly one of the nuggets in my head the story originally grew out of.


Twilight Sparkle looked up as the door slid open again and the alicorn - it was[/i[ an alicorn,

formatting tag


A dozen different languages - that she could even discern! - were babbled from tables heaped with lusciously-scented food, behind windows, and from small knots of ponies and far less more exotic creatures clustered in small knots.

"less" looks like a mistake here; also, "small knots" is used twice in this sentence


They gave Ahuizotl a backstory in Season 9, so this might need the Alt. Universe tag; then again, it's not a hugely important part of the show's lore, so perhaps not necessarily.

Either way, great story.


Damn, I thought I'd gotten all of those. Thank you!

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