• Member Since 9th Jan, 2016
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Dark Tail

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Comments ( 52 )

Kind of underwhelming. A story like this needs a joke at the end, or a twist, or something. As it is, it feels kind of like reading a list. "And then this sex happened! "And then that sex happened!" "And then after that, you'd never have guessed...but this still yet other sex happened, what a surprise!"

Seems like you tried to have the twist be Celestia joining in on the sex bandwagon at the end. But by that point it felt like just another "and sex happened" in the list.

Alright, let me see if I can get a redemption on a bonus chapter. Appreciate the criticism. :twilightsmile:

I agre whit 11550803 that this is mostly just "list of pepole I fucked" it did get a small chukle.
Some more refinment and expoliation and you might have a fun little sumt story.

I know what this story tries to do, but it just.... don't click to me.

I don't know wjy, but it just doesn't. I started to skip some parts halfway because it didn't grab my attention that much.

Again, don't know why but it did not get me in the mood (seriously, no pun intended) to read all of it.

Very stupid and silly, I love it.

So...what's Celestia going to do if Luna's conclusion to this situation is "don't fix it"?

Probably something along the lines of, "Well, when in Rome..."

The real question is why doesn’t she already have a sex cult?

That said, this is really really rough. Misspelling “dragons”? Come on man. I know schools teach people not to use spell check but that’s just terrible.

Wait, I'm confused, where did I misspell dragons?

Edit: Ah, found it, weird typo. Always trying to keep an eye out but my brain likes to overlook these.

2 instances of divine being misspelled as Devine, not sure why the capital D, idk if your device was auto correcting to a surname or what.

Good story tho, got a few chuckles out of me

Ok. I'm curious where this could go. I mean, just how crazy could this wacky world get?

Ok this is just funny, I can just picture her calmly explaining all this😂

Yeah I feel like I need to watch the auto correct more than my own typos. Its come in handy plenty of times which is why I keep it on but it has its downsides.
Hopefully that covers all the typos in this.

Escalation is the name of the game when it comes to the rumor mill.... But even then that escalated INCREDIBLY quickly:pinkiegasp:

Luna leaned back and thought for a moment. "Well I haven't had sex with Starlight or Fluttershy yet."

"Oh thank the heavens, someponies who are still sensible."

"Their currently leading the Ponyville branch of my Sex Cult."

In our town, in our town...

But how are they doing that without their "divine mandate"?

Uh...damn. Most interesting,

I liked it, I felt that the punchline was that luna had unironically wanted to get banished back to the moon rather than deal with the mess she made.

Nothing wrong with sex cults just so long as it's not gonna end in death

lets hope they dont murder fuck a chaos god into existence

I wonder how cadence is dealing with all of this

Probably either being proud or being jealous.

Enthusiastic long walks. Is that a Hellsing abridged reference I spy?

This was where i thought this would go.

how about another chapter involving Cadance

Maybe later down the line but right now I feel like moving on to something else.

Quite kinky. So innovative. Most excellent.

Well shit. It’s just like the elder all over again.

Comment posted by AgentKorpsman deleted Apr 11th, 2023


Luna felt her jaw hit the floor as Celestia walked out the throne room butt naked. The realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. " Oh dear... Hmm... I was kind of banking on sister's help with this one. "

Wait is celestia going outside to join in on the orgy or to have sex?

Now I actually kind of want to see a chapter of what happens when she got out there.

But still did Tia just go out there to have sex.

Yeah, I mention it in the bonus chapter, she went out to join the orgy. Also love seeing the Warhammer 40k references, just got into 40k a few months ago.

I need a sequel. Plus maybe a chapter with celestia on what happen after she got out of the palace?

Now I need a chapter of what happen after that talk with Luna and what happen when she went outside to celestia of course.

She want I said before is possibly happing also? Where we get a chapter of what happen to celestia afterwards.

Maybe later down the line. Right now I am working on some new ideas.

Good. By the way why do I feel the children are actually doing the same thing as the adults or being trained to. Wait who watching them?!

The problem is not solve this is just the beginning of the problem.

Well hey at least they haven’t gotten ahold of humans yet…. Wait a minute why do I hear a train whistle in the distance?!

A silly little extended ending. Problem solved, right? :ajsmug:

Cadance will either hate it or love it, and nothing in between.

11553725, 11554410
Okay, that sounds like a good plan.
And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

"...Well that didn't work."

*Insert "I understood that reference" Captain America meme*

Always appreciate when folks catch these things. Its like sending out a small signal flare and hoping to see a few more shoot up afterwards.

Now I want to know how Cadance manages this new sexcult that appeared out of nowhere.

Agreed. And how Luna going to solve this before the one who thirsts pony version appears

So any update on a squeal to this or two of them at least?

I'm getting caught up on a bunch I've had sitting in the backlog. Probably gonna be awhile.

Sex cult problem e-rectified? Or extended? Either way Cadance have her hands full? ...
Way to early for puns 🤦🤣🤣🤣

Ho boy, ponykind is about to have a population explosion!

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