• Published 6th Apr 2023
  • 838 Views, 8 Comments

Motherly Dash - Void Streak

When Rainbow Dash finds a newborn foal on her doorstep, her life changes forever.

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Rainbow Dash awoke to the sound of her alarm clock ringing but instead of looking at the time she unconsciously picked it up and dropped it in the glass of water that sat on her bedside table. Her sleep was interrupted yet again by a knocking on her front door. Grumbling she muttered "What can a pegasus do to get her sleep these days" as she slowly slipped out of bed and traipsed downstairs to her front door while silently cursing whoever woke her up.

Opening the door her sleepy face turned to as she looked at a seemingly empty cloud garden. "I swear if it's those knock, knock flyers again I'm gonna do something we both regret" she shouted that last part. She was about to shut the door when she heard a yawning sound. Looking down, her jaw dropped.

Lying on the cloud floor was a small cloud basket with a blue, pegasus foal. The tiny colt opened his eyes to reveal yellow orbs which started to fill with salty tears as he started cry.

Rainbow Dash, who didn't know what to do in this situation picked the basket while saying "Shhhhh Shhhhh, don't cry" looking around one last time to see nothing out of ordinary, she took the wailing foal inside. Trotting inside her kitchen, she placed he basket on the counter top. As she examined the inside of the basket to see a little brown bear, a light blue dummy and what appeared to be a note. The foal was only dressed in a nappy that looked as if it had been put on him in a rush thankfully it was clean.

Trying to calm the sobbing foal she gave him the bear but that did little to calm him down "Oh why won't you stop crying?" dash said frantically. All of a sudden she heard a knock which she nearly missed. Not wanting to leave the crying colt she gingerly picked the foal up and carried him to the door all the while trying to console him but no avail.

The door opened to reveal Fluttershy, Rainbow's longest friend. "Oh thank Celestial you're here. He just won't stop crying" she exclaimed.

Instead of asking where the foal came from, Fluttershy took him from Rainbow and started to hug him while singing softly into his ear. After his crying slowed to a blubbering whimper, she then told Dash "I think he's hungry, Do you have any foal milk?" Dash just shook her head; slumping her shoulders. "Where did he come from?" She then asked.

Rainbow sighed and explained how she found him on the doorstep. "Oh you poor thing. Did you find a note?"

She gasped "Oh yeah I completely forgot. I didn't read it." Rushing to the table, she unfolded the note and read out loud.

To Rainbow Dash, I have left my son with you because my wife passed away giving birth to him and I cannot look after a kid. I know I am a terrible father but I have heard about your heroic feats and I believe you are the best possible pony to raise. Per my late wife's wishes could you please call him Void Streak.

"That's all it says. It's not signed or anything" Dash said while looking down at the now sleeping foal.

"Well first lets head to my place where I have foal formulary from when I do foalsitting jobs then we'll have to tell the police" Fluttershy told Dash who agreed and they started to leave.


As they flew over Ponyville Void started to cry again which caused Rainbow to mutter "Not again"

Fluttershy cooed "shhhh, it's okay little Void we're nearly there now" however this did nothing to quell the young colts sobbing and by the time they touched down outside Fluttershy's cottage, Rainbow Dash could already feel a headache coming on.

They rushed inside the small house all the while trying to avoid stepping on any small critters that littered the floor. Fluttershy went into the kitchen where she grabbed a fresh milk bottle and filled it with foal formula she then went over to the kettle and filled it with water and started to boil it. While it was wasted boiling she told Rainbow Dash "while I'm making this why don't you go to the police station and tell them er that's if you want to of course" Rainbow rolled her eyes while she flew through the window.

Flutters by then poured the water into the milk bottle and then placed the lid with the teet onto the bottle and shook the milk. She then squeezed a bit onto her hoof "Owch!" she yelped pulling her hoof away she then turned to the foal who let out a little giggle when she yelped in pain "just a little while longer and then we can fill your tummy up"

She squeezed the bottle which revealed that the milk had cooled down enough. Smiling she said "open up" as she place the teet into the hungry foals mouth. Just as he started to gulp down the milk greedily Rainbow Dash walked back in accompanied with two surly looking Policestallions, their hivis jackets glinting light along with a kind, caramel, unicorn mare, who was wearing a suit. She introduced herself "Hello my name is Sunbreeze and I am with Foal Protective Services, You must be Fluttershy" while holding her hoof out to shake.

Fluttershy, who was hiding behind her mane meekly shook it. Sunbreeze awkwardly nodded before gazing towards the pegasus colt lying Fluttershy's hooves "This must be young Void Streak. He's a greedy one isn't he. Well first things first because the foal was left on a doorstep he will be considered as being abandoned which is a criminal offence, so I'll let officers Cuffs and links take over from here"

The two officers stepped forward "Miss Dash because you were the pony who found the foal I'm going to ask you a few questions" Cuffs, who was a grey earth pony.

Rainbow nodded "First question do you know who left the foal?"

"No and I don't even know anyone who was pregnant"

"Do you know why they left the foal to you?"

"Other than what it says in the note, no"

"Did you see anypony acting suspiciously or walking away from your house?"

"No and it's a cloud house so there's nowhere for anypony to hide either"

"OK well that's it for now, we'll be in touch later but without any further information there's nothing we can do" Cuffs said before leaving.

After the two officers left Rainbow Dash asked Sunbreeze "What's going to happen now?"

Sunbreeze sighed "the law states that if you were the intended pony that the foal is left to then you may gain temporary custody however you will have to apply for full custody. If you don't want to keep the foal or you don't gain full custody then the foal will have to be sent to an orphanage"

Looking down at the foal, she knew that she didn't really want a foal but she knew in her heart that she couldn't let him be dumped at some orphanage "I'll take the foal"

Sunbreeze visibly brightened at this ad said while pulling out a clipboard from her saddlebags "just sign here please and I'll be in touch with an inspection date"

Dash nodded and signed. When the FPS worker left, she turned to Flutters and said "What am I getting myself into"...

Author's Note:

I'm hoping I got the process of making baby milk right. I have never looked after a baby before so if I make a mistake, don't hesitate to correct me