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Chapter 17 - Rainbow Dash’s Sticky Mess

As the door swung open, Nightmare Moon walked into the room, accompanied by Scootaloo.The alicorn horn's glowing, holding onto a saddlebag.... with the cutie mark of that unicorn plastered on.

Rainbow Dash had requested her presence, and now she found herself tied down to the bed, feeling a mixture of intimidation as the imposing figure approached.

Rainbow Dash mustered a weak smile, grateful that she had agreed to meet with her. She felt a mix of nervousness and hope, unsure of how things would go on from there.

"Thanks for coming," Rainbow Dash said softly, her voice still tinged with remorse. She glanced at the Scootaloo, the orange filly, her number one fan, who stand silently at the side of the door, watching her and the alicorn nervously.

They both know what kind of disaster can happen if this goes wrong. Rainbow Dash smiled and thought. But still, the filly still struck with her and was willing to entertain her stupidity.

Rainbow mane pegasus then turned her attention to Nightmare Moon. "I... I wanted to apologize for my actions. I let my emotions get the best of me, and I tried to hurt you."

Rainbow Dash's gaze met the towering figure of the black alicorn. Her body beaten, and crippled, being tied down to the bed, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel a tinge of helplessness in the presence of Nightmare Moon. She carefully searched into those intense, predatory eyes, looking for any signs of hostility.

ln Nightmare Moon's turquoise orbs, Rainbow Dash finds no trace of malice or anger. Instead, she saw a calm calculating intelligence with a depth of understanding that both comforted and saddened her. Tears welled up in her eyes as the realization struck her deeply. She now understood that the being in front of her was not a mindless monster but a sentient being capable of thought, somepony that deserving of empathy.

She had not been passing judgment on a fairy tale monster, no, the only thing she did is attempting to hurt, cripple, or kill another pony.

"I'm sorry, Nightmare Moon," Rainbow Dash managed to say, her voice filled with regret. "I let my pride blind me to reason. I was so consumed by anger and a desire for revenge that I failed to see the consequences of my actions."

Nightmare Moon stood in silence, her gaze fixed on Rainbow Dash, listening intently to her words.

"I let my emotions take hold of me, and I acted without fully understanding the situation. I let my loyalty to Princess Celestia, my patriotic cloud my judgment and led me down a path of violence."

Rainbow Dash's voice quivered as she continued, "If I could have defeated you, I thought it would not only enact vengeance for Princess Celestia but also elevate my status and reputation and join the Wonderbolts... My dream career”

Rainbow Dash confessed, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "But in my pursuit of personal glory, and seeking to enact my own way of justice, I was so focused on myself that I lost sight of the reality, of what truly matters."

Nightmare Moon stood there in silence, her presence commanding yet tranquil. She listened attentively to Rainbow Dash's words of apology, offering no immediate response.

She paused, struggling to find the right words to express her remorse. "In doing so, I failed to see you as a pony, as an individual with your own reasoning, struggles, and pain. I let prejudice and ignorance guide my actions, acting out without doing research about your past, without knowing that you could even be recovered from injuries that I would inflicted on you, and for that, I am deeply sorry."

Rainbow Dash's tears flowed freely now, her body racked with guilt and sorrow. She had come face to face with her own flaws, recognizing the harm she had caused, not just to the potential bodily harm on the night alicorn, but also the strain on her bond of friendships with those who cared about her.

Nightmare Moon's silence stretched, leaving Rainbow Dash uncertain of how her apology was being received. The room seemed to hold its breath as tension lingered in the air. Rainbow Dash's heart pounded in her chest, fearing the worst, yet hoping for a glimmer of forgiveness.

For the first time, the alicorn of the night opened her muzzle to speak, her voice filled with frustration. "Why?"

Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why... what?" she asked, seeking clarification of the mare's unexpected reaction.

"Why do you have to say sorry for your action?" Nightmare Moon continued, her flowing starry tail flickering in agitation. "You're supposed to be a jock. Why do you apologize for acting out your role?"

So that's what she sees me as, a pony who doesn't even understand the concept of empathy, Rainbow Dash bitterly thought to herself, but she has to fix that... before it's too late. She responded back.

"B-because... I am in the wrong," Rainbow Dash stammered out, her voice filled with vulnerability. "I... I let my anger blind me, and I tried to hurt you. I... I need to take responsibility for my own actions."

Nightmare Moon's voice softened, revealing a hint of sadness beneath her calm demeanor. "But why?" she whispered. "Why can't you just be a brute, a mindless cartoon character? Why do you have to feel sorry for what you've done? Why... why..."

Her voice trailed off, and Nightmare Moon stood still, her ears flopped back and her posture sacked. Her slitted eyes fixed upon Rainbow Dash. Uncomfortable silence reigned in the room as Rainbow Dash fidgeted under Nightmare Moon's intense gaze.

Minutes ticked by, each second stretching into eternity as the weight of anticipation hung in the air. Rainbow Dash anxiously awaited Nightmare Moon's response, unsure of what to expect. Finally, the black alicorn let out a long sigh, her features softening.

"Fine," Nightmare Moon muttered, her voice barely audible. "Took care of it" She asked the orange filly as the saddlebag levitated toward Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash looked at her with confusion, unable to comprehend the meaning behind those cryptic words. "Fine... what?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

In response, Nightmare Moon reached out a hoof and gently touched Rainbow Dash's bandaged wing, gently rubbing in comforting, slow circular motion, a silent gesture of understanding and forgiveness.

Rainbow Dash felt a glimmer of hope at that moment. It was the beginning of her new journey, to learn from her mistakes, and maybe, just maybe, to craft a new bond too.

But that didn't answer why she gave her saddlebag to Scoots.

Suddenly, Nightmare Moon's horn began to glow, pulsating with powerful magic that filled the entire room. The ambient energy swirled and danced, untamed yet harmonious as if working together for a greater purpose. The magic formed an intricate pattern, creating the matrix of the spell.

"W-what are you doing?" Rainbow Dash squeaked, surprised by the black alicorn action, her eyes become pinpricks as fear crept into her voice as she watched the magecraft of immortal night goddess display unfold before her.

The pegasus could feel the tingling sensation as the magic enveloped her, a surge of energy igniting within her body. She had no idea what Nightmare Moon was about to do.

"I am going to help you," Nightmare Moon simply stated, her voice firm and resolute, a statement that demanded no arguments. Her horn grow brightly as the spell fully activated, and the magic cascaded into action.

The room became a whirlwind of magical energy, blending together into patterns and shapes, like a symphony of a grand orchestra. "So you can quickly get your lazy ass out of that bed and knock some sense into Sparklebutt.”

Sparklebutt.. Is that the nickname of that unicorn? And what happened to her? "B-but... the nurse said that my injuries would take days to heal," Rainbow Dash protested, still hesitant to believe what she was witnessing.

"That may be true for a typical pony using typical magic," Nightmare Moon smirked, a dangerous glint in her eyes. She bared her fangs, and opened her muzzle in a wide smile, showcasing her exotic nature. "But who the hell do you think I am?"

In a flash of brilliant light, Rainbow Dash felt a surge of energy course through her body. It was as if a wave of storm washed over her, mending her wounds with its mysterious power.

She gasped as the pain melted away, replaced by a tingling sensation of her body repairing itself. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but marvel at the rapid recovery.

So, this is the power of an alicorn....

Moments later, the light dissipated, leaving Rainbow Dash a little disoriented, she stood up from the bed, and Rainbow Dash felt a newfound strength coursing through her. It was as if every fiber of her being was being rejuvenated, just like when she had received a full course massage after a day of hard work, rejuvenating her body and spirit.

With newfound vigor, Rainbow Dash eagerly removed the bandages, feeling the familiar rush of power and freedom. She tests her wings with a few experimental flaps. They responded perfectly, no longer hindered by injury.

The ache and pain were replaced by strength. Rainbow Dash's trademark smirk returned as gratitude filled her heart.

Turning to Nightmare Moon, intending to express her gratitude, only to be greeted by a scene of horror unfolding before her eyes.

The once majestic black alicorn now lay bloodied and battered on the ground, a pool of crimson slowly spreading around her. Rainbow Dash's heart froze up as she rushed to Nightmare Moon's side, panic gripping her.

She had never seen this much blood before in her life, not even that time...

"What happened?" Rainbow Dash gasped, her voice filled with concern and fear.

Rainbow Dash's hooves moved instinctively, trying to prop Nightmare Moon up and staunch the flow of blood.

"Everything... has its price." Nightmare Moon managed to wheeze out a weak reply, her voice little strained.

"While typical spells heal by speeding up the body's natural healing process, there is another branch of healing magic. The one that is more potent but comes with a significant drawback," Nightmare Moon explained, words by words. "It is based on the principles of equivalent exchange."

Panic and concern consumed rainbow mane pegasus as the alicorn continued to speak, her tone surprisingly calm despite her condition. "But no matter how skilled one is, there is always inefficiency in the spell. You will always get out less than you put in. That's why my body is in this state."

Rainbow Dash's heart raced as she tried desperately to comprehend what had happened. She realized with a sinking feeling that the black mare hadn't healed her by conventional means. Instead, she had taken on Rainbow Dash's injuries herself.

She hurt Nightmare Moon.

The weight of that realization crushed Rainbow Dash, her heart filled with a mix of guilt and anguish. Nightmare Moon had willingly sacrificed herself to save Rainbow Dash, bearing the burden of her wounds.

She finally got what she wished for, to hurt Nightmare Moon.

At that moment, Any words Rainbow Dash have caught in her throat. The gravity of the situation before her was too immense to put into words. She could only gaze at Nightmare Moon with an muddy mixture of gratitude and sorrow, knowing that she had unintentionally caused this selfless act of sacrifice.

But before Rainbow Dash could fully recover from her stunned state, Nightmare Moon's horn lit up once again, although this time with a much weaker energy.

"W-Wait, what are you doing? You're still badly hurt!" Rainbow Dash's eyes are wide and exclaimed, concern evident in her voice.

"Get out of your ha-mane," Nightmare whispered calmly, her voice barely audible. "Your task... is to talk to Twilight Sparkle. Make her stop sulking. You can ignore me, it doesn't matter anyway."

"But I can't do that! You're bleeding, and..." Rainbow Dash's words trailed off as she locked eyes with Nightmare Moon, noticing something all too familiar. Something she sees from time to time even till this day.

Hiding under the covered of her dark fur existed scars of all shapes and sizes, each one glimpse a story, a part of grand adventure that the alicorn has gone though.

But Rainbow Dash's attention only focused on Nigjtmare Moon's forelegs. existed the kind of scars she unfortunately came to familiar with, uncountable sharp lines on the skin, being repeatly inflicted again and again and again and agai–

Rainbow Dash looked up, gaze deep into night alicorn's face, carefully evaluate everything, and came to a conclusion.

At that moment, Nightmare Moon looked small and vulnerable. Behind the facade of calm and indifference, Rainbow Dash saw not a predator within those serpent-liked eyes, but only pain etched deeply within her soul, hidden from everypony but herself. It was a pain born from abuse, torment, and a lack of trust in the world.

Nightmare Moon had been bullied, just like Fluttershy.

A flash of light enveloped the room, and when Rainbow Dash blinked, Nightmare Moon was nowhere to be seen. She had vanished, that spell is likely some kind of teleportation.

Rainbow Dash found herself sitting alone in the room, surrounded by the pool of Nightmare Moon's blood. The weight of what happen weighed heavily on her heart.

"Who hurt you?" Rainbow Dash muttered the question to the empty room, her voice filled with a mix of anger and sadness. She vowed at that moment to uncover the truth behind Nightmare Moon's pain, to seek justice for the one who had suffered so much.

For now, she has another task to do, one that was asked by the black alicorn herself, but before she could continue her train of thought, a small sob interrupted their conversation.

"Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash called out, realizing that her young admirer was still here, and she had been witnessing the whole drama from the sidelines, again.

Rainbow Dash wants to comfort the filly, but she does not think winghugging her with a cold, blood-covered wing would provide any comfort, nor does nuzzling her with bloodstained muzzle would. She thinks that any physical contact with the filly in her current condition would do the opposite in fact.

Scootaloo curled herself into a big spoon, pressing herself against the saddlebag that the bloodied alicorn left behind, seeking comfort from the cold inanimate object.

The orange filly's eyes wide with a mix of confusion and horror. "Rainbow Dash, what's happening? Why did Nightmare Moon... why did she hurt? what..." Each sentence she spoke out become more incoherent than its precursor. It seems like that Scootaloo has finally reached her limits.

As two pegasi stood there in silence, the cyan-bloodied mare contemplated what to do next, a nurse suddenly walked into the room, her eyes widening in shock at the scene before her, then rushed out.

"W-wait, I can explai-" Rainbow Dash called out but the nurse quickly shouted for a doctor, alerting the medical staff to the distressing situation.


Author's Note:

Hope it’s up to your satisfaction. I hope the emotion conveyed to you well.

On another note, would any of you hurt your waifu, if given a chance? yes no

Credit: ophdesigner