• Member Since 7th Apr, 2023
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I've been a fan for a short time, but I'm passionate about the magic of this franchise.



Harry Potter and Twilight Sparkle have been best friends and penpals for a long time. She was his first friend, and they became the closest of companions after Twilight found a way to summon Harry to Ponyville.
When Twilight perfects her spell to bring her long time penpal, Harry Potter, to Equestria, she plans a relaxing weekend vacation away from Hogwarts before the Yule Ball. However, fate has other plans as the two are thrust into an adventure of friendship and magic. Now Twilight is more involved with her friend's (and the wizarding world's) affairs than ever, and the bonds of their friendship will be tested.

Chapters (59)
Comments ( 504 )

Been keeping up with this story on Fanfiction.net, glad to see it here where I have an actual account and can keep track of updates better.

Glad to hear it. I'm planning on the rest of the chapters soon to catch up with my Fanfiction.net story.

Tracked and favorited since I already did that on ffn :derpytongue2:

After Twilight discovers a spell to bring her long time penpal, Harry Potter,

Will we ever get a story telling how Twilight and Harry first met?

Unfortunately, this story was based off of another story. Reading it is not required. Their friendship will be explained in a later chapter, but I haven't written a full flashback sequence, if that's what you're looking for.
That would make a fascinating spinoff story.

The story is pretty good so far

The Crystal Heart should purge that piece of Voldemort out of his head.

I got a feeling that Harry will be come a Alicorn, call it a "gut instinct."

How did Twilight manage to hit the hospital wing on the first try?

Was it dumb luck, or is your interpretation of the teleport spell based on intent, rather than specific knowledge?

11558579 I'd say intent that is if Twilight is the one that teleported them and not Harry. Hogwart's magic is more directed with a spell for each task while the magic of Equestria is more intent based. Remember in the earlier chapter Harry commented on how wizards how a dozen different levitation spells each one for different purposes while the Equestrian levitation spell can do over a dozen different things.
Yes Fudge is an idiot, Dumbledore at least realized they aren't dealing with the same magic they are used to

Just discovered this story, its quite interesting and I can't wait to see where this is going to end up

Always fun with Discord can peek in, Cupcakes might always have been there, and theres Spike Mail? :moustache:

Muggles can ask the most infuriating questions about magic, such as, how does a horcrux respond to antimatter, such as suspending it by balloon over a lightning storm for a natural source, or throwing it into the sun, or with a little more effort, dropping it onto the surface of a neutron star?

And the worst one of the lot. What if something was imprisoned within a true stasis field? Divide time to act by zero.:trixieshiftright:

I think you showed both Universes plenty of respect how would such a war play out there are many variables not just counting would Equestrians be as strong magically as they are at home or would they be more limited number on both sides involved. Either way if other powers didn't get involved such as Discord it would be ugly

5 more to go before new stuff crops up, I see. :twilightsmile:

Ahh the difference between HP dragons and Spike. Love how Harry makes McGonagall understand. If the muggle animal control worker disturbs her wonder how badly the pound would've disturbed her

Rarity managed to post dress clothes via dragon mail?

Poor Spike, Pinkie must be loading up something extra special for him to send.:pinkiecrazy:

Very nice while I think Harry would've had to ask for something Rarity would make as work wear to really get her to tone it down. For embroidery that would be done with thread not fabric

I agree on skipping the second task. Say they select Twilight Sparkle as Harrys' "thing he misses most". How will they get her in Equestria? So they will go for the fallback choice: Ron. The second task would be mostly the same. What happens around the task might be interesting, though. It can also be argued the third task would also go as Canon, though the graveyard scene is technically after the task.

The second task is my least favorite of the bunch, Harry is literally swimming for an hour. And it doesn't matter who the "hostage" is in any case. The way I see it, the only thing that can go differently is the time it takes to complete. That would affect points, which affects the third task. So the second one is more or less pointless to write.

Good thing the Equestrian magic was so different that Voldy didnt pick up on teh Astral Scry?. :trixieshiftright:

The points only affect the order who goes into the hedge maze which, while somewhat exciting inside, is just staring at a wall of green for the spectators. I say "somewhat" because aside from obstacles, all the hedge maze was, was walking (or running) about. The obstacles to Harry in Canon (not necessarily in any order): a golden mist that gave a sensation of inverted gravity, a Blast-Ended Skrewt, a boggart, a Sphinx, and an acromantula. Did I miss any? (As for the incidents with Fleur, Krum, Cedric, and the Cup, those weren't official obstacles.)

I agree the second task itself is pointless to write, but the interactions between people around the task would be the interesting thing.

Interesting how Harry's experiences in Equestria are mixing with his day to day life. Also its good to see how the visit to Equestria helped Harry deal with past especially his scar and its effects on him

"As a matter of fact, yes, I do have a girl to ho with." Harry said slyly. Ron's jaw practically fell off.

Either Harry’s hoping for a bit more than friendship tonight or he’s planning on making a bit of money and needs a pimp Kaine:rainbowlaugh:

I'm fixing that, right now. I wrote a lot of this chapter on a mobile device, it must have slipped past my spellchecker. Imagine if someone like Rita Skeeter or Gabby Gums read that, oh boy. Thanks for the alert.

I'd bet the cup is going to foalnap Twilight during the events of Magical Mystery Cure.

Oh I do love it when a nasty person gets their comeuppance.

Ritas office must haev an awful amount of scanning spells around it to let Poison Joke through like that, given the vast range of stuff it couldve been, just from the natural world, never mind the collective magical realms.

Then again, Strep A and the rest are just a quick Heal away, so those no longer count? :trixieshiftright:

11569085 You can only scan for what you realize is a threat its much harder if not impossible to scan for the unrecognized. Poison Joke isn't by its nature evil or malicious as Harry said "It means this plant does not breed wrath. Instead this plant just wants a laugh."

Now the question is : Are the effects of Poison Joke pernament ? :trixieshiftright:
They can be removed with bath that includes particular herbal remedy of unknown composition , but what without it? :rainbowhuh:
Do they dissipate over short/long time , or did Harry & Twilight just performed ultimate non-lethal takedown on Rita (Or at least on her career) ?
I sorta count on second option :pinkiecrazy:

If Harry is doing things he shouldnt be capable of, Twilight is going to be totally confusing, and depends just how far Pinkie goes.:pinkiegasp:

While true in many regards, the Harry Potter universe does have wandless magic as a cannon ability. But, from a wizard's perspective, Harry is performing amazingly complex feats of skill. Powerscaling in HP is nonsensical by default; summoning is fourth year but insta-fix anything is a first year spell. And much of Harry's newfound skill can be attributed to his "teacher", Twilight.

But Twilight herself? She is jacked on a whole other level. Similar to Discord and Pinkie Pie she can manipulate the 4th wall and tear holes in reality. She has inverted the laws of physics on command. The Transformers crossover proved unicorn magic can withstand lasers that can turn other transformers to ash. And in that crossover Twilight casually wielded the Matrix of Leadership (the thing that disintegrated a metal PLANET) to tear a hole into the transformers multiverse, which is infinitely extensive.

Yeah, the MLP universe is more jacked than people give it credit for.

After sitting down and reading through everything written thus far, I can safely say I like what you are doing here. There's not nearly enough good HP crossover fics out there, and this is certainly one.

It's clear that interacting with Twilight/Equestria has given Harry a confidence boost to some degree. At times he acts more abrasive(?) than he did in the books, I think - but that's probably a result of him having an 'out' in terms of having Equestria where he could ultimately retreat if need be, so he's less inclined to keep his head down and take it.

The only thing that's genuinely surprised me so far is - the ponies (and Twilight specifically) being okay with leaving Harry with that dark shadow thing festering in his forehead. You'd think they would have given more thought and effort into removing it, than one aborted attempt by Cadence. Celestia ought to know a thing or two, and if nothing else - the Elements would get rid of it real quick. I certainly would have expected at least Twilight to not rest until she has this figured out! Oh well, let's see whether Dumbledore attempts to do anything about it.

As for shipping? Harry/Twilight, duh. You seem to be steering things in that direction anyways, and it's a good fit with how it has been developed! Anything else would probably feel a bit superficial, I think, given no other characters really get the spotlight enough to make it worthwhile, in my humble opinion.

Anyways, this has been a very fund read and I'm looking towards more!

This is getting interesting. So, will we soon see Celestia and Luna taking a quick visit to Harry's world soon?

A bit of curiosity, should an Earth unicorn end up in Equestria, would they turn human over there or retain their equine form? If they retain, would they turn human if they returned to Earth like some sort of cosmic correction had occurred?

Very good twist! Clearly didn't expected that but it opens so many possibilities. Is Equestria only a mare tale on earth or is there a more distant past connecting the two? Only time (and the author) will tell.

Oh yeah! Alicorn Harry, AND TwiHarmione!

Given so many mage wars and experiments on all sides over the millenia, it shouldnt be suprising there are portals of various sorts all over the place even if they are sparse in time. :trixieshiftright:

Wait, the unicorns are actually sapient and know of Equestria? Whoooo boy, now isn't this a can of worms waiting to be opened. So they are what ... descendants of unicorns that somehow got stranded on Earth from thousands of years ago, when Equestria was in its infancy or so, due to some sort of magical mishap, and now have essentially regressed like some long lost amazonian tribe?

This ... is actually pretty big and is easily grounds for Equestrian intervention. Celestia could easily see it as her duty to rescue a bunch of her little ponies who have been stranded on earth and are now being treated like mere beasts and source of magical ingredients. I can't see how this does not prompt a response/investigation. Things just got political.

I wonder how Discords power would vary, if anything, if he popped over to check on the Uncorns for Fluttershy, and ran into a bloodsucker? Turn blood being drawn from a Unicorn into strawberry milk? :trixieshiftright:

Harry been left on his own in the Forest, or Ron and Hermione are just out of sight at that time, but not earshot? :rainbowderp:

Interesting chapter wonder why they don't try relocating any of the Unicorns from the Forbidden Forest to Equestria
That last sentence seems to be hanging out there.

I think you might mean Twilight or Harry rather than

"I can talk with Celestia, maybe she can help." Celestia said

And there are the side effects of my multitude of rewrites. I just fixed it, but that is troublesome to see. Writing 6-8 characters at once is close to my limit before I loose track.

But as for the relocation bit, well, you'll have to wait and see what Celestia thinks. Trust me, that was fun to write.

11588358 IT happens and seems to happen to me and others when we look at something too long without a break. AS t possible relocation little surprised neither Harry or Twilight seemed to consider it

So he’s spoken to the unicorns and everyone is now talking about them and what to do with them but I think people are missing something, Harry also understood the Pegasus. So from the unicorns story we know that not only did unicorns come from Equestria long ago but so did several other species (Pegasus, Griffon and even other things?), this is huge.

They seem to be focusing on the unicorns but Harry, Twilight and his friends need to start visiting and talking to these other species and see if they also have ties to Equestria.

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