• Published 10th Apr 2023
  • 2,418 Views, 191 Comments

It Takes Six - Goldfur

Everyone knows the story of how the Mane Six came together to defeat Nightmare Moon, right? Nnnope! At least, not in this universe where Harmony had other ideas.

  • ...

Different Destinies

Penumbra slept soundly until she woke to the sound of knocking. “Your wake-up call, Captain,” came a voice through the door.

She had left instructions to be woken, but now she was sufficiently refreshed and ready to begin what was bound to be a busy day, starting with the arrival of Lieutenant Shining Armor. She took the time to make herself look as presentable as possible, lamenting the condition of her battered armor. “At least I won’t have any trouble requisitioning a new set,” she murmured as she attempted to make a quick fix. “Hmm… Better talk to Princess Luna about a redesign for the Night Guard. The new recruits would be demoralized if they are forced to wear Day Guard armor and regalia.”

Reasonably satisfied with her appearance, Penumbra emerged from her quarters to break her fast. While eating, she took the morning report from the officer-in-charge, Sergeant Quick Wind. She inquired about the train service from Canterlot and the pegasus stallion informed her that the first scheduled arrival was due in about fifteen minutes, barring disruptions due to recent events. That gave her time to get a few administrative duties out of the way before her relief arrived.

A quarter-hour later, her keen hearing caught the sound of the train whistle in the distance as it pulled into the station. Assuming that this was indeed the service from Canterlot, her relief would be here soon. She wondered what he was like. She had never seen him, nor heard much about him except that he was a rising star in the Royal Guard. At least, she knew to expect a unicorn stallion, but that was it. She trusted the princesses not to send a jerk, but it remained to be seen what he was like as an officer.

Penumbra was writing up orders for some tasks she wanted attended to in her absence when there was a knock on the door to her quarters which doubled as her office.

“Enter!” she called out.

Quick Wind opened the door and saluted. “Captain – Lieutenant Shining Armor has arrived.”

“Very good. Send him in,” she replied as she stood and acknowledged the salute. It was still sinking in that she was everypony’s superior officer now.

A unicorn with an immaculately groomed snow-white coat and two-tone blue mane entered and gave Penumbra a crisp salute. “Lieutenant Shining Armor reporting, Captain!”

Penumbra noted that he was wearing a full formal armor kit that certainly lived up to his name as it had been polished to a mirror sheen. His expression was perfectly neutral but his eyes seemed to sparkle. She briefly wondered if she had been sent a pretty colt to relieve her, although his toned body belied a stallion that got by on just his looks. She returned the salute and said, “At ease, Lieutenant.”

Shining immediately relaxed and grinned disarmingly. “I’ve been eager to meet the batpony who made such a great impression on the princesses that she made the rank of captain from a mere corporal. I’ve been given an overview of the battle you had with Nightmare Moon and, if you don’t mind ma’am, I would like to prepare a tactical breakdown of every fight you and your companions went through. This could then be presented by you to the other officers as a case study, leading to updates in tactics.”

Penumbra was so surprised by the unicorn’s gushing enthusiasm that she barely noticed the insulting nickname. She judged that he used it through sheer ignorance, so she smiled back. “Thank you for the praise – I might take you up on that proposal. FYI though – the term ‘batpony’ is considered a slur. My kind are called thestrals.”

“My sincere apologies, Captain. I was not aware of that. I won’t use it again.”

“Apology accepted. Now, aside from relieving me while I attend the princesses in Canterlot, what further orders were you given?”

Shining frowned. “I have been informed of the serious failures to live up to the standards of the Royal Guard and I’m to address them during your absence. Do I have your permission to do as I see fit to remedy that situation?”

Penumbra raised an eyebrow. “You sound like a pony with some frustrations of his own.”

“You could say that, ma’am. I am somewhat… disappointed in some of the personnel in the Guard that I love. I joined the Royal Guard because its principles mirrored my own. You can imagine my frustration when few aspects met my expectations. I plan to remake the organization under my command into something all ponies can trust and look up to. With your permission, Ma’am.”

Tactful as well as dedicated. I think I’m going to like this stallion.’ Penumbra pushed the pile of papers that she had prepared across the desk toward Shining Armor. “Here are my orders and recommendations with regard to specific members of this unit. You may add to them as necessary.” She got up and headed for the door. “I’ll show you around and introduce you to the sergeants before I head for the station. I’m told that the next service to Canterlot is due to depart in just over an hour but I’m not certain that I can trust the timetable at the moment.”

Shining said, “I took the liberty of checking the schedule before proceeding here. The stationmaster informed me that service had mostly returned to normal and he expected the next train to Canterlot to depart close to if not exactly on time.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant. That was most helpful.”

By the time she had finished giving Shining Armor a tour of the garrison, Penumbra found herself wishing that she had been posted to his unit when she had joined. Of course, there would have been bigoted ponies there too, but at least she would have had one genuine friend. She hoped he would be one in the future.

When Penumbra arrived at Canterlot Castle, she learned from Raven Inkwell why the princesses had not required her to be there earlier. They had been visiting the families of the victims of Nightmare Moon, offering their condolences and pledges of assistance. Celestia had introduced her sister and lent Luna moral support. The meetings had taken an emotional toll on the night alicorn, however, and she was far from the cheerful pony that Penumbra had met in her dreams last night. Nevertheless, Luna managed a smile when she saw the thestral, and that made Penumbra happy.

All three alicorns met with Penumbra in private before getting down to business. The thestral started off addressing each according to protocol but Luna rebuked her gently, reminding her to call the alicorn by name. Penumbra looked uncertainly in Celestia’s direction but the princess merely smiled.

“I am very happy that my sister has found someone to call a friend already. I definitely have no objections to the informality, at least in private. Our subjects often forget that we are ponies too and have our friends.”

Cadance said, “I’ve never enjoyed being too formal, and as I’m not even a reigning alicorn, I’d rather you call me by name too.”

Celestia giggled, mildly shocking the thestral as it shattered her image of the perfect princess. “I suppose I had better make it three for three. While the next few weeks will undoubtedly be tumultuous, I hope that we can find the time to just be four mares enjoying socializing together. Now, I suggest that we all enjoy this luncheon I had prepared. We have a lot of serious business to conduct afterward.”

That afternoon, Captain Stone Wall was called into a hearing where he was grilled mercilessly by Celestia and Luna, with Penumbra present. The stallion put up a defiant front at first, but as more and more witnesses were trotted forward to give their testimony, he gradually sunk into sullen silence. While Penumbra had only expected the extent of the captain’s bigotry and discrimination to be revealed, as the hearing progressed, emboldened victims stepped forward to give accounts of cronyism, misappropriation of Royal Guard funds, and actions bringing disrepute to the Crown. While there would be more formalities to deal with, Stone Wall’s career was toast. Almost literally. The Alicorn of the Sun was furious and it had gotten more than a little warm in the room until her sister had calmed her down somewhat. The thestral had remained composed throughout. The Solar Princess was angry enough for both of them and Penumbra was finally getting the justice she had longed for. Stone Wall was arrested pending court martial. When Penumbra had asked who would be in charge of the Royal Guard in the meantime, it came as no surprise to the thestral that Shining Armor’s name had come up among the candidates.

Dinner that evening had been the most lavish that Penumbra had ever experienced. They dined alfresco; the warm evening air conducive to a pleasant atmosphere. She sat next to Luna and chatted with her potential marefriend, hearing about her life back before the Nightmare. Luna learned more from the thestral after she raised the moon following Celestia setting the sun, and Penumbra excitedly discussed the wonders of modern nightlife with her. After the meal, Cadance whispered something to Celestia. The two excused themselves with knowing smiles, leaving Penumbra alone with Luna on a balcony overlooking the city.

Between the moonlight and the streetlamps, the scene was as clear as day to the eyes of both the thestral and the night alicorn. Luna was quite surprised and delighted at seeing how many ponies were not only still out and about but were also actively seeking entertainment or socializing. The alicorn had been too busy the previous evening to notice, so Luna’s new Captain of the Night Guard was kept occupied explaining all the places and activities that were novel to the mare who had missed a thousand years of change. It was quite enjoyable for both and, at some time while they talked, the alicorn’s wing made it around the thestral’s barrel.

Suddenly, a brief flurry of fireworks lit the sky near the edge of the city and Luna cried with delight. Penumbra was reasonably sure that no celebration was occurring, nor was a display authorized. Despite it technically being her responsibility to check out a commotion like that, she did not because the Night Guard was not yet fully commissioned nor personnel allocated to it, so the current arrangements were still in place. The thestral thought the fireworks were a fitting end to the best day in her career in the Royal Guard. If she’d had to find who set them off, she would more likely thank them than rebuke them. She turned her head to see Luna regarding her with a broad smile. Before the alicorn could react, Penumbra returned the stolen kiss from the previous night. It lasted a lot longer this time.

News of the events that occurred at and after the Summer Sun Celebration was only just beginning to disseminate in the minotaur township that Irwin Goodall called home. That gave him much to talk about with his family and his particular role in it. It made him feel good when his parents lavished praise on him for what he had accomplished, and that made it a lot easier for him to broach the subject of moving out.

“I’ve realized what I truly want to do with my life, and it won’t be here. I have accepted an apprenticeship in potion-making with Zecora, and I will also be studying animal welfare with Fluttershy. I will be moving to Ponyville to follow my passions.”

Irwin’s father frowned. He had always urged his son to follow him in a more traditional minotaur profession, and Irwin waited nervously for his dad’s response. Finally, the older bull sighed and shook his head. “If that is your choice, I cannot hold you back. The Sun Princess believes that you will have a greater role to play in the future, and your heart is already set on your chosen career. I wish you the best, son.”

His mother smirked. “You seem to have found the love of your life out among the ponies. Don’t let us hold you back from your destiny.”

Irwin’s heart felt ready to burst with happiness, and he embraced his father. “Thanks, Dad.” He repeated the hug with his mother before saying, “I’d better get started packing. I promised to return soon.”

The young minotaur did not have a great number of possessions that he felt he needed to take with him. His father gave him a cart to carry them to the train station and told his son to keep it. Two days later, he took the first morning train service that passed through Ponyville. As he stepped off the train, he encountered Pinkie Pie, and the pink pony reminded him of the “Welcome New Resident” party for him that was scheduled that afternoon. He had not informed anyone beyond his family about his decision to move here, so the party came as a surprise to him. Despite being informed about Pinkie’s extraordinary abilities, he had not truly believed them until now.

Irwin got another surprise when he arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage. A newly-built small cabin sat at the turn-off to her home and the road into the Everfree Forest. After a welcoming greeting from the pegasus, Fluttershy admitted that she had realized the impracticality of Irwin living on her couch, especially once he brought his belongings. She went to her new friend, Applejack, and asked for her help. The farm mare was glad to lend her assistance and she got her brother involved in the job. Big Mac mentioned it to Gilda who thought it was a great idea to build a home for one of their friends. To Fluttershy’s chagrin, Gilda asked Zecora to join in. Twilight and Rarity learned about it and added their contributions. Insulating spells and tasteful decorations made the cabin look a lot homier. Rainbow Dash contributed a Wonderbolts poster that she insisted was a must for any bachelor pad. What started out as way for Fluttershy to gift him a place to live, became instead an enthusiastic group project. Of course, it became a lot more than the pegasus had envisaged originally, although there was only so much that could be accomplished in the space of a couple of days. Once Irwin put his possessions inside though, it already felt like he belonged. He loved it!

It was only later that Irwin found out that the welcome party was at his place. He was surprised at the number of ponies who turned out for what had to be an outdoor event, but Rainbow Dash’s second contribution was organizing the weather team to provide perfect conditions for the shindig. The minotaur knew then that he was truly home.

When Penumbra returned to Ponyville, she had the pleasure of passing good news to Shining Armor.

“Their Highnesses have stripped Stone Wall of his command. The Royal Guard is now undergoing reorganization and being officially split into the Day Guard and the Night Guard. While there will be a great deal of overlap in our duties, training will in future emphasize tasks that best suit each division.”

Our duties, Ma’am?” Shining queried.

Penumbra grinned. “Yep. Congratulations, Captain Shining Armor.” She held out a pair of new rank pins. “By royal command, you are now promoted to Captain of the Day Guard. You will be coordinating Guard duties with me and we both answer only to the Princesses.”

The unicorn took off his lieutenant’s pins with his magic and Penumbra attached the new rank badges. They then saluted each other.

“Thank you, Captain. Looks like we both have our work cut out for us,” Shining commented.

“Couldn’t ask for a better comrade-in-arms to do it,” the thestral admitted.

“You already know what my intentions are – what do you plan to focus on first?”

“In just a few days, an unknown but large number of thestrals will be reporting to Canterlot to be inducted into the Night Guard. I’ve already arranged for new uniforms to be designed and new armor made. Care to help me work out a program to integrate the new recruits into the Guard, Captain?”

Shining grinned. “It would be my pleasure, Captain.”

Weeks passed. Gilda genuinely felt at home now. Each morning, she rose early and joined Pear Butter in preparing breakfasts for the farm workers before starting on her baking. Depending on the day, she either accompanied the mare to the Ponyville Market where they sold their goods, or assisted around the farm where her talons often proved useful. Every day, she brought Big Mac his lunch, and every evening, she gave him flying lessons.

While the big stallion had been reluctant at first, Gilda eventually managed to coax him to give it a shot. Bearing in mind lessons from flight school, she started him off easy… if you can call jumping off the roof of the barn easy! She did provide a small cloud bank for him to land in though. He had insisted on trying it out first, skeptical of its ability to hold him. Even when Big Mac stood upon the softly yielding surface, he found it hard to believe that he could now walk on clouds. It reassured him that he would not faceplant in the dirt, and his first take-off proved its worth. Gradually, as the lessons progressed, Big Mac grew in confidence and ability.

Gilda glided alongside the alicorn stallion, correcting his attitude. As they came in for a landing, she called out, “Flare your wings a little more… that’s it… perfect!”

Big Mac touched down smoothly and he folded his wings with a grin of accomplishment. “I think I’ve got the hang of it now.”

Gilda landed beside him and said, “Yep. You’re a natural, Big Red! I knew you could do it.” She leaned forward and started rubbing her beak along the side of his face, humming happily.

“What are you doing, Gilda?” asked the startled stallion.

The griffon blinked and then hurriedly drew back, blushing furiously. “S-sorry, Mac.”

“You didn’t answer the question, Gil.”

“It’s… something griffons do when we want to… umm… kiss. No lips like ponies, so we rub beaks instead. Sorry – I got carried away.

Big Mac smirked. “I kinda liked it.”

Gilda’s eyes opened wide and she stared at the stallion. “You did? Would you like it if… I did it again?” She blushed even more.


The griffon chirped with joy and started beaking him enthusiastically. Big Mac responded with movements of his muzzle that lent pleasure to the contact. Then Gilda drew back and looked at him with a mixture of nervousness and hope. “Macintosh Apple, I know I’m a griffon and you’re not, but would you consider being my Very Special Somepony?”

The alicorn regarded her with a gentle smile. “Gilda, I don’t care if you’re a griffon. I like you. I like you a lot. I reckon I’d enjoy being your Very Special Somepony.” He leaned forward to give her a proper kiss.

Gilda’s heart nearly burst with joy and she leaped into the air with a screech of happiness. She pirouetted in the air as the stallion watched with a grin. Then he decided to join her. He was starting to really like his wings.

“Hi, Trixie! How has life been treating you?” Irwin asked as the unicorn joined the group gathered at Ponyville’s town hall.

“The Amazing Trixie’s career is going from strength to strength. She is booked solid for the next eight months. In between magic shows, she’s equally in demand for story-telling sessions about our adventures and the amazing beings Trixie knows. If she had not been on the road between gigs, she would have found it difficult to respond to the summons of the princesses. Do you know the reason why we’re all here? Has another emergency arisen since we faced Discord?”

The minotaur shrugged. “There doesn’t seem to be much urgency. Asking the Element Bearers to meet with both princesses after dinner suggests other reasons. I get the impression that Penumbra knows, but she’s not saying anything.”

Zecora and Fluttershy came over to give Trixie a greeting hug while Gilda just smiled and waved, saying “Hey, Trix!”

Big Mac was chatting with Penumbra but they both walked over to greet their compatriot. Just then, Twilight Sparkle entered the building at a trot, panting a little. She was dressed in a smart business-casual jacket. Despite obviously having hurried there, not a hair was out of place in her perfectly coiffed mane.

“Sorry if I’m tardy,” the purple unicorn said breathlessly. “Rarity insisted on me looking my best for the princesses.”

Big Mac said, “You were summoned too? We thought it was just going to be the Element Bearers.”

Penumbra shook her head. “No, there will be a couple more.”

Before anyone could ask for further details, there was the characteristic flash and bang of teleportation. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had arrived, but they were accompanied by Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor.

Celestia smiled at everyone. “Thank you for coming. I see that we’re all here, so let’s get straight down to business. I asked the mayor to set up the conference room for us, so let us proceed there.”

Soon, they were all seated around the conference table. Penumbra had taken up position next to Luna, while Twilight sat between the two princesses. Shining Armor seated himself next to Celestia with Cadance on his other side. Trixie was next to the Alicorn of Love, followed by Big Mac and Gilda. Zecora and Fluttershy flanked Irwin to complete the circle.

Luna was the first to speak. “Several months have passed since my return and, since then, we have all been settling into our new roles and determining our futures.” She grimaced. “And I have been struggling to learn the modern tongue.”

There were chuckles at Luna’s self-deprecating humor.

The Alicorn of the Night smiled and continued. “My sister and I have made several plans that affect you all, especially thee, Prince Macintosh.”

“Still not a prince,” he demurred.

Celestia spoke up. “Yes, you are, albeit a non-reigning one like Cadance. Luna and I understand that the title discomforts you because that’s exactly how we felt when we became princesses. But, because it was not of critical importance, we let you settle into your new identity as much as we could before we formalized it with you."

Big Mac frowned. “But why are you insisting on it?”

“Because it is the law,” Celestia replied. “Back when we were fillies and had just ascended, the pony tribes were still in conflict. It was not until the first Hearth’s Warming that they decided to unite under one banner, and Equestria became a nation. However, there was the problem of deciding who would lead the new country. No tribe wanted either of the others to be their ruler. Their solution was to look to us. Luna and I embodied the traits of all three tribes, and we certainly had the power to back ourselves up. However, other than that, we were political nobodies – just two mares that controlled the sun and the moon. Their solution was to write into law that all alicorns were royalty. Then, we were coronated and officially became the rulers of Equestria. So, whether you want it or not, you became a prince the instant you ascended.”

The stallion gaped and stared for a long moment before dropping his head and muttering, “Oh, buck.”

Cadance said, “Cheer up, Big Mac. It’s not the end of the world. Just because Auntie Celestia is training me for a future role in government, doesn’t mean that you have to do that too.”

“Indeed, young stallion,” Luna said. “We have a proposal that we believe will suit both thee and thy companions, not to mention Harmony’s whims.”

Celestia said, “As I have previously mentioned, “I wish to keep all six Element Bearers together as much as possible. The use of the portal medallion solved Trixie Lulamoon’s travel problem, but it isn’t a solution for everyone. When Irwin Goodall and Gilda decided to move to Ponyville permanently, that was a great relief for us. However, Captain Penumbra is required to spend much of her time in Canterlot.”

“So, that’s why you set up a fixed portal between Canterlot Castle and the garrison outside of town,” Gilda stated. “It wasn’t just so she could work with the thestral recruits.”

“Correct. The greater-than-expected influx of thestrals into the Royal Guard meant that we could not situate them at the Canterlot barracks, and the citizens were somewhat unnerved by so many thestrals in the city. Moving them here was the best solution, at least for their training period, but of course that meant Captain Penumbra needed to be here.”

Penumbra spoke up. “And if there’s one thing that Ponyville is famous for, it’s that the citizens can cope with unusual situations. They soon saw that the thestrals were their first and best defense from the monsters of the Everfree, among other things. My tribe has been constantly surprised at how readily they’ve been accepted by the ponies here. Believe me, appreciation from the local population has made a great deal of difference to the training to bring them up to the standards expected of the Royal Guard. Pride in one’s work is a great motivator.”

Luna nodded. “I have been sure to lavish praise where it is due. The thestral contingent has been a major part of rebuilding the Royal Guard.”

“So, where do I fit into that?” Big Mac asked.

Celestia replied, “It fits the theme of unity and friendship which you began with your friends. Not only did you join forces with a thestral that you had only just met, but you also united a zebra, a griffon, and a minotaur as well as a unicorn in your quest. This world has never seen such oneness of purpose among such disparate species. Prince Macintosh, you are the Alicorn of Friendship, and we have a mission for you, should you decide to accept it.”

The stallion gulped and rubbed the back of his head. “Umm… what did you have in mind?”

Celestia looked toward Twilight. “My student has proposed the construction of a new building to be the center of learning about other races and cultures. It will have a school for youngsters from all species that wish to participate. It will have a theater to present plays and recitals from all around the world, as well as locally.” The alicorn smiled at Trixie when she said that. “It will also have a chamber specifically for the Element Bearers to meet.”

“And the biggest library outside of Canterlot’s!” Twilight added with a manic grin. “I plan to stock it with a large proportion of books from other countries.”

“Indeed.” The Sun Princess smiled indulgently at her student before turning back to the others. “And to oversee it all, we want you, Prince Macintosh, to be headmaster of this School of Friendship.”

“But… I’m just a farmer,” Big Mac protested weakly.

“No, thou art not, sweet stallion,” Luna said. “Thou art an inspiration. And while thou may feel thou art unworthy of this position, we are confident that, like my sister and I, thou shalt find thy place. And thou dost not have to do it alone. Thou hast friends whose kindness, generosity, honesty, good humor, and loyalty will bolster you.” The Moon Princess regarded all the Element Bearers. “The Elements of Harmony may be our greatest defense against threats, but that is not their true purpose. As their name suggests, they are a tool to bring harmony and resolve conflicts. What better way to do that than to prevent disharmony from ever occurring? We can achieve that through education and friendship, and that is what we task all of you with.”

“I can’t just abandon my work at Sweet Apple Acres! My family needs me!”

Celestia said, “We are aware that your cousin, Caramel Apple, has already agreed to move to Ponyville. The Crown will also hire any additional workers required to ensure that your farm is not disadvantaged by your new duties. That goes for you too, Gilda. We know how successful your baked goods have been at the market. Zecora, Irwin, and Trixie – you will also be compensated for your time.”

Macintosh chewed his lip and looked at the table. Gilda stroked his neck with her beak and said, “I have faith in you, Mac. You can do this.”

The stallion looked at the griffon and chuckled. “You have enough faith for both of us. Okay, I’m in. Let’s hear the details.”

They spent the best part of an hour establishing preliminary plans before winding up the meeting.

“Has anyone anything that they’d like to say before we call it a night?” Celestia asked.

“I do,” Luna responded. “I proposed to Captain Penumbra and she hath accepted. We are to be wed.”

A pair of hooves slammed into the table and everyone turned to see Cadance glaring at the Moon Princess in outrage.

“Auntie Luna! You promised that I could announce my engagement to Shiny first!”

“Wait, what?!” protested Twilight. “BBBFF – when were you planning to tell your sister?”

Luna shrugged. “I was caught up in the moment, dear niece. Besides, thou may still have the public announcement; this was between friends.”

Celestia giggled. “Since the cat is out of the bag, I might as well warn you that we have started planning a double wedding. You will all be invited, of course.”

There was a chorus of congratulations before the meeting broke up and everyone headed home.

As Gilda and Big Mac flew to Sweet Apple Acres, they spotted two mares being turned away from the gate to the farm by the Night Guards posted there. They had become a necessity as news of the male alicorn had spread throughout Equestria. Mares from far and wide had begun to come to Ponyville to try their luck at attracting the stallion. When the situation had gotten ridiculous, Macintosh asked Penumbra for help, and she organized guards at the entrance to the farm, as well as a patrol to catch mares trying to sneak in elsewhere. Big Mac now realized that the alacrity with which that request had been fulfilled was due to his royal status. Protecting their princesses, and now their prince, was the Royal Guards’ number one duty.

Griffon and alicorn landed in front of the porch and they entered the house. They went into the kitchen to make refreshments and they chatted with Applejack and her parents about the meeting before they headed upstairs to prepare for bed. They paused in the hallway to kiss, but when they stepped apart, Gilda held him back.

“I’m kinda curious about something,” the griffon said. “How come I never see any Ponyville mares come looking for you?”

Big Mac bit his lip and averted his eyes. “There’s a reason for that.”

“And…?” Gilda prompted.

He sighed. “Come into my room where we won’t be overheard.”

Her curiosity very much piqued, Gilda followed Big Mac into his bedroom and he closed the door behind them.

“First of all,” he started, “do you know why I’m called Big Mac?”

Gilda blinked, not expecting the question. “I would have said it’s because you’re such a big pony, but I’m guessing that’s not the right answer.”

“Yep. It started back when I was a teenager. I was always an unusually big colt, but when I hit puberty, I quickly grew taller than Pa. Like any colt, when I grew old enough, I got interested in sex. Of course, there were also young mares ready to try to snag themselves a stallion. The local mares were in the same state of too many hormones and were eager to hop into bed with me. That’s when they found out that my body wasn’t the only exceptionally big thing about me.”

Gilda’s eyes widened. “You mean…?” Her eyes drifted to his hindquarters.

“Eeyup. Sex was uncomfortable at best, painful at worst. No mare ever came again after that… so to speak. My reputation spread rapidly – Macintosh is too big, they said. ‘Too Big Macintosh’ was the nickname they gave me. That quickly got shortened to Big Mac.”

Gilda’s cheeks puffed before she let out a snort of laughter. “You mean to say that everyone who calls you Big Mac is inadvertently referring to your penis?!”

“Fraid so. When Ma and Pa realized what had happened, they started a campaign of spreading the word that they had taken to calling their son Big Mac because I was so much bigger than my dad. That soon obscured the real reason I got the nickname, but the young mares never forgot. That’s why none come calling. They know that it’s hopeless.”

Gilda grew serious. “Since you’re being candid with me, I suppose I should return the favor. You already know how I was sent to flight school in Equestria as a youngster. Back then, I was about the same size as the foals my age. As the years passed though, I quickly grew larger than the average pony. It’s perfectly normal for a griffon to be half again as big as a pony, and I was bigger than average. That didn’t deter the horny colts though, and I was equally hungry for sex. So, I had plenty of colts, but they were all too small compared to me. Sex was meh, but better than nothing. After I left school, I wasn’t interested in griffon cocks – either meaning – so I’ve been celibate since.”

“We’ve both had unsatisfactory sex lives, haven’t we?” Macintosh said.

“Yeah, but I think we can change that. I finally met a stallion who is larger than me, and he’s a loveable hunk.” She turned away from him, lowered her forequarters, and raised her tail. She looked over her shoulder and said, “Are you big enough for me, Macintosh Apple?”

The alicorn grinned. “Let’s find out.”

Gilda lay contentedly in the embrace of her lover after they had extremely enjoyable sex. She warbled happily before saying, “This room and this bed are plenty big enough for both of us. I’m moving in with you tomorrow, okay?”


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Author's Note:

Are we having fun yet?

Art by the wonderful KlaraPL.