• Published 27th Apr 2023
  • 801 Views, 24 Comments

The Adventures of Dobbelsteen Moerman - TheDiceMan0407

Major Dobbelsteen Moerman, officer and not-quite-a-gentlegriff, is sent to an unprepared Equestria to fight the Changeling Empire. A light-hearted Equestria at War story.

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Point Insertion

June 30th 1010, 06:44

Canterlot Airfield

Standing still was something Constant Vigilance was very well-practiced at. As it happened, he also had experience in waiting, as well.

A small relief managed to shine in his eyes when the sun breached the skyline, reminding him of who in particular was the one who raised it. His distinct past allowed him to appreciate its warm glow, not as directed to the celestial body, but of the Princess controlling it.

Yet, Constant stood not in his usual place in the palace (by the side of the sisters), but instead overlooking the jutting runway of Canterlot’s airfield. His eyes scanned the horizon, his left scarred and milky white from an injury earned long ago before they raised to observe the sky above.. His coat was as gray as the stone of the mountains that shielded the airfield, and his mane as silver the lining of the darkest clouds in the sky above him.

Bitter as he was in his expression, even the first morning beam that cracked through the skies managed to soften his eyes, both healthy and scarred. His mind lingered in the silence of the mountain airfield, broken only by the occasional gusts of wind that carried their songs through the peaks.

Then Constant could spot something through the beams of gold, a barely visible black dot hovering in the distance. Vigilance was, after all, his name. The dot weaved through the clouds and descended their white slopes like snow. An airplane, Constant recalled, from his learnings on ‘modern technology’, like a bumblebee’s meanderings through the sky as it grew in size from a blot on the blue to a bolt in the blue.

The plane grew clearer as it glided in for a landing. It was hardly a plane fit for a defensive air base, it much rather looked like a civilian aircraft. Constant then noticed the floats below it, extending to tiny wheels as landing gear. Despite its astronomical size in comparison to that of the usual fighter aircraft he was still getting used to seeing, it touched onto the runway in front of the gray earth Pony like butter on bread.

Kicking up asphalt on the landing strip, the small airliner coasted along, its three engines slowing their speeds to a halt as the plane came to a stop right in front of him.

The engines of the plane lost their power. Constant’s memory turned to Princess Twilight’s rambling on and on about this Griffon visitor. A soldier from a faraway land with quite the accomplishments. Constant knew there was about a 72% chance that meant one thing: ego.

Even as he waited for a brief moment, his expression soured. This gray earth Pony was, or at least had been, a soldier. As much as he knew the importance of their role, it seemed that all officers these days were happier with the title and privilege rather than the responsibility. Another reason why he should not regret his expulsion released him from his own.

This particular meeting, though, had been a personal favor… how could he refuse ‘Tia’s kind gaze and Twilight’s polite words? He swore he was becoming more malleable in their hooves by the day.

His thoughts escaped him as the plane’s window opened, on the side dubbed ‘passenger’. Constant’s one good eye had to shift away from the conveniently placed door towards the rear of the plane, though he had more questions. It seemed highly unconventional for a Griffon, who he had known to be as stiff as he was, to not roll out the carpet of grandeur upon arrival. The thing they loved second-best to earning money was flaunting it.

Moerman had a bottle in his right claw, to begin with. His green military uniform had been unbuttoned at the blouse, his undershirt a floral patterned button-down like that of a tourist. His sunglasses absorbed all available light in pitch-black darkness, and his plume was styled back.

His feathers were as golden as the rays of the sun above and his beak immediately opened into a smile at the sight of Constant. He quickly hopped off the wing of the plane and onto the runway.

The gray earth Pony, although slightly disturbed by whatever queer Griffon has stepped into the country he served, managed to be amicable to this rare specimen. “Constant Vigilance, at your service. Welcome to Equestria, Major Moerman.”

Constant was what an individual would call, intimidating. If the scarred eye was not enough to convince you, his voice carried the energy of molten steel being beaten into shape. Sharp and precise in its professionalism, deep in its presentation, and dominating in its presence.

“...Pleasure to meet you, Constant! Mr. Moerman is alright with me!”

Dobbelsteen Moerman was the exact opposite. Sure he was a tall Griffon, but Constant was a tall pony. His voice was light and floated as his plane did mere moments ago, and whatever accent he had from the nation of Feathisia was near comedic. Yet, it all just left Constant confused. He looked down, noticing Moerman had extended his claw.

Constant stuck it out in turn, leaving Mr. Moerman with a one-sided hoofshake.

Moerman grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ve got enough claw to shake for the both of us.” He turned to the side and gestured with one of his wings toward the plane. “The door got jammed a couple of weeks ago and I haven’t gotten around to fixing it. Is it alright if I just… leave it hanging around here?”

Constant Vigilance glanced around, still a bit off-put. “I don’t believe it’s an issue. This runway is mostly for private use, and our airships have their own port.” He did a double-take between the Officer and his plane. “Forgive me, but you are admittedly nothing like I imagined.”

The Griffon turned back. “Some of the exploits are a bit over-congratulatory. I had a lot of help from my soldiers.” He looked down at his Uniform, before setting the bottle he had on the wing of the plane and beginning to straighten and button it. “However, I plan to exceed the expectations of Princess Twilight…” He leaned over. “Is she your… Secretary of War?”

Constant shook his head. “Princess Twilight Sparkle is the ‘Princess of Friendship’ in Equestria, Mr. Moerman.” The overwrought title was a bit on the edge for Constant. He still squinted at the Feathisian. “She handles our… diplomacy, to put it simply. She’s also a keen advisor.”

Constant Vigilance motioned over to the edge of the Airfield towards a dark green military Jeep, “Follow me, Mr. Moerman. I have orders to escort you to meet the rest of the General staff in Canterlot.”

Moerman quickly followed behind. “Thank you. So who’s your Secretary of War?”

“We don't have one.”

“...Commander of Equestrian Armed Forces?”

Constant put a hoof under his chin for a moment, before replying darkly. “...Prince Blueblood, though he is anything but.”

Dobbelsteen Moerman climbed into the vehicle, adjusting his sunglasses as he thought on the words of Constant. As the gray earth Pony settled behind the wheel, the Griffon spoke again. “Huh. I feel I should know these ponies.”

“I didn’t expect you to,” said Constant as they drove down a smooth-paved road away from the strip of tarmac. “As for Blueblood, you should count yourself lucky you don’t.”

The Griffon turned, as the scenery of the mountaintops gave way to thick forests as the road gradually descended. “Not to be intrusive, but I’m guessing you’re not entirely getting along with this ‘Command’ you’re taking me to.”

Constant looked at Mr. Moerman for a brief moment. “I get along just fine with the command. It’s the decision-making process I dislike.”

A wing was raised, “Never doubted that for a second, Captain. Just getting a feel for the kind of personalities that I’m going to be meeting.”

Constant turned the vehicle onto a more stable road, speaking. “To my dismay-” He briefly glanced over, “And personal objection, The earth Pony, Unicorn, and Pegasi Guard was disbanded, our armed forces. Our standing force consists of the Royal Guard, the Wonderbolts, and recently-drawn civilian volunteers of a rapidly-amassing half-baked attempt at a professional army. Likewise, our command consists of nobility in excess.”

Moerman let out a dry laugh. “I know how that feels.”

“The Princesses keep everything moving. Consistently.” He sighed. “They hope your ‘tactical advisory’ can inject some sort of energy into some of these ponies up there.” His hooves turned with the wheel. “And maybe, give them a reprieve.”

Moerman lingered on the words for a moment, adjusting his sunglasses with the roll of the car.

“What do you do, Constant?”

The pony behind the wheel glanced over, “Officially? I’m also an advisor to the Princesses, just like Young Twili-, I mean, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I give them my insight on many matters… some personal, others national.” He turned the wheel with his hooves as he spoke, “My duties are, inherently, to keep their majesties safe.” His expression was stern as his eye kept on the road. “By extension, the city of Canterlot and Equestria itself.”

Dobbelsteen Moerman nodded along, leaning back in the passenger seat as the vehicle drove along. “Huh…” He looked away from the windshield and over to Constant. “So you’re kind of a big deal, is what you’re telling me?”

Constant smirked. “For other ponies, maybe.”

Moerman laughed, “Feels like home already.”

June 30th 1010, 07:52

Canterlot Castle

“...Well, this is rather uncivilized.”

Moerman’s words had been useless to anyone but himself, as they were drowned out by the volume of what was happening before him and Constant. The moment the two soldiers of war entered the halls of the castle, it struck both of them as a combat zone.

Ponies were galloping in almost every direction, hooves full of folders, papers, and hardcover books as thick as their own heads. They dived and weaved in between the frankly dazzling architecture of Canterlot castle, as Moerman’s sunglasses and uniform both were adorned with the light of the sun, shimmering through the stained-glass windows.

The gray Captain did not share the Feathisian’s sense of humor, as the two soldiers pressed forward through the chaos. Though ponies briskly walked from one planning office to the other, each gave a brief pause to look in their direction.

“Are you a part of this meeting, Captain?”

“Officially, Mr. Moerman. The Equestrian War Committee is formed out of the essential leaders of the nation as a whole. Ponies of exceptional intelligence, sophistication, and standing.”

Moerman lifted an eyebrow. “...On paper?”

Constant actually laughed at that one, one of gallows humor that echoed across the walls of the castle. “Not all. The Princesses have gathered the finest minds of Equestria to help settle it. Not to mention the Elements of Harmony.” He smiled. “Those six ponies have saved us before. I am confident they can save us now.”

Dobbelsteen now walked to the side of Constant Vigilance. “Let’s hope you’re right.” Behind his sunglasses, Moerman glanced towards the offices as they walked deeper into the castle. “Hastily arranged, I assume.”

“They were built for parties…” Constant’s mood began to sour, as they now marched up a set of red-carpeted stairs in the center of the palace, light shining through a skylight and reflecting down upon their uniforms.

Moerman’s smile slightly faded as they walked. “...I’m sure you’ll have them again.”

Reaching the top of the staircase, palace guards stood beside heavy doors made from fogged glass. Lacking the usual grandiose designs of the many other doors in the palace, the doors before them were not made from gold. Unique not only in their translucent design but the thinness of these doors also allowed for some muffled conversation to bleed through. The guard's eyes widened and their posture straightened with crisp salutes at the approach of the two soldiers. Moerman stopped to give a small nod of thanks, then joined Constant at the handle of the door.

He knocked. “...Hope you’re ready, Mr. Moerman.”


June 30th 1010, 07:52

Canterlot Castle

Urgent War Committee

“Not to mention the steel of Olenia, the natural gas and oil deposits of the conquered polar bear communities…” Raven Inkwell adjusted her glasses as she stood at Princess Celestia’s side, her quiet voice helped by the echo of the room.

Perhaps the most important individuals on the continent of Equus were in this very room. General Officers in decorated uniforms stood huddled around one corner of the table, one unicorn with a blonde mane and white coat standing out in front of the rest. Yet, they were merely the lowest on this totem pole of power, as the other sides of this table were filled with the three princesses of Equestria, not to mention the six-element bearers, the gaps filled by ponies of widely different looks. Yet, their demeanor remained on the map of Equestria laid out upon the table, and the pieces that rested atop it.

“The conquered lands of the previous year have significantly added to the Industrial and military capacity of the United Changeling Hives.” Tempest Wind, a Thestral, said as her thin pupils cast their gaze to the northern sections of the map. “Organized resistance appeared behind the leadership of Queen Velvet of the Olenian Deer, Paw Wellington of the Polar Bear Communities, and a Changeling by the name of Thorax. Vesalipolis Office of Public Safety, V.O.P.S., rooted out all possibility of any action months ago.”

Fluttershy, standing side by side with Applejack and Pinkie Pie, looked up from the map. “Why didn’t we try to help them at all before?” Her eyes drifted from Tempest over to the three princesses. “Shouldn’t we have done something to prevent what is now happening to us?”

“Hardly our issue. So, foreign assistance is entirely out of the question.” Prince Blueblood’s posh royal voice easily drowned the ears of all in the room. “Seems quite typical.”

The general officers surrounding Prince Blueblood glanced between him and Fluttershy, as her eyes sank to the floor. “...Oh.” Though they nodded at his words, a choice glare from Applejack averted their gazes quickly elsewhere.

“The past cannot be changed.” Princess Celestia’s voice, mellow and lacking its reassuring tone, was carried only by the absolute silence of everyone else in the room. “The Changelings have seized the city of Anchorage, the Featherfall airfields, and are now engaged in active combat outside Fairflanks.”

“General Swift Wing,” now spoke General Selenite, a bat pony, herself standing with Princess Luna, “Is regrouping as many of the border guards she can find to hold the city of Fairflanks. Not just for itself, but what lies to the south. Vanhoover.”

Selenite’s silver mane rested atop her head as her hoof pointed to the coastal city. “Close to one million ponies live in Vanhoover, and the frontline is approaching them fast. The mountain ranges in the region practically split the only available routes of evacuation into two. One through Salt Lick City, and another through Tall Tale. The rail lines are already over capacity.”

Princess Twilight spoke. “If we can hold the front for long enough, we should be able to evacuate civilians far away from the front and to safety before any shells reach them. How exactly we could do that, I haven’t the slightest idea…”

“Well we know that the big scary things the Changelings drive around in can be pierced by Artillery pieces, right?” Pinkie Pie said, turning around. “...Where did I put my party cannon?”

“You’re not wrong, Pinkie,” Selenite said with a smile, setting down a collection of photos of tanks reduced to fire and broken parts. “Cannons are able to reduce these tanks to smoldering heaps of junk with one well-placed shot.”

Applejack took one such photo into her hooves, with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie leaning to get a closer look as well as Selenite continued. “By outfitting our forces with artillery pieces of large enough calibers, the tanks of Chrysalis are sure to be halted by our overwhelming firepower.”

“That’s hardly a strategy for a war such as this.” modestly spoke Fizzlepop Berrytwist, leaning up from the table next to Princess Twilight and meeting the eyes of Selenite. “Engaged in singular combat Artillery could be used, but the mobility of the enemy over this broad of a front throws a wrench into such a strategy.”

Prince Blueblood spoke up, looking to the general officers at his side. “What does the former minion of a Yeti Warlord know about modern Artillery?”

“More than somepony who's never seen combat,” spoke Princess Twilight, casting a glare at Prince Blueblood. “The experience and perspective of Fizzlepop Berrytwist is invaluable to me, and this committee. I hope you come to understand that.” Twilight’s glare briefly turned to Celestia, who did her best to suppress a small smirk.

“I meant no disrespect, Princess.” Blueblood nodded. “I only wish to hear her perspective on how to halt this offensive, due to her invaluable experience in war, and invading foreign nations.”

Fizzlepop tensed, slowly ducking her head.

Moving on.” Spoke Princess Celestia, whose glare had certainly struck a tinge of fear in the eyes of her nephew Blueblood. “Our main concern lies with the city of Vanhoover, and our plan to evacuate the civilians that are rapidly being swept into danger.”

“General Selenite has assured me, dear sister,” spoke Princess Luna, “that she began to assemble forces of the Night Guard that are currently in transit to Salt Lick City.” Luna continued as her eyes briefly met that of her pupil, “Her forces are planning to advance north of Salt Lick City and pressure the enemy forces on their advance, forcing them to withdraw from the city of Fairflanks.”

Prince Blueblood narrowed his eyes. “Our war is defensive in nature, and cannot be approached with the fantasy that we are permanently on our backs for this fight. You wish to attack at a time like this?”

Selenite was a bit on the shorter side in comparison to all others in the room, especially that of an imposing figure as Blueblood was, but her voice met him in its tone. “The Night Guard hasn’t run from a fight before, and this won't be the first.”

“The advantage of the fight lies in those who seize the initiative,” said Fizzlepop Berrytwist, gesturing to the silver-maned pony. “The only way to stop the momentum of this assault is with one of our own.”

“With what troops?” Blueblood asked, turning to glance at the entire room. “General Soarin, how many troops are the Changelings expected to be fielding at this moment in time?”

Soarin replied, looking up from the table. “One and a half million, sir.”

“General Fast Clip,” He said, turning to the pony on his opposite side. “How many do we have?”

Fast Clip’s hooves, preoccupied with the examination of a manilla folder with who knows what kind of documentation inside, hadn’t looked up when he spoke with a sigh. “Five hundred thousand.”

On paper.” Blueblood turned from his Generals over to Fizzlepop and Selenite. “The forces you’ve mobilized may be formidable, but they are severely outnumbered. Our only hope is a calculated retreat to save what we have.”

“And simply wait for things to get better?” Rainbow Dash asked. “With each passing day, the Changelings gain momentum, and you want to give them more runway to gain speed?”

“The doctrine I have adopted for my forces, as Field Marshal of the Royal Guard, is delaying the enemy at all costs to buy time for the recruitment of more soldiers. Our firepower, as it stands, is not up to par. Let alone our numbers. Running is our only option.”

“What about the ponies that are staying behind?” asked Applejack, tilting her head incredulously. “If we plan to retreat each and every engagement.” She said, turning to Twilight, “Since we all know that we won't be able to meet the Changelings on an even battlefield for months at a minimum, what happens to the ponies we send to delay?” She turned to Fluttershy. “Or worse yet, the creatures that live there?”

Blueblood stared at Applejack. “You can’t win a game of Chess without losing a few pieces.”

Princess Celestia lowered her head as the argument continued. Her sister Luna could notice she hadn’t gotten much sleep these past several days, let alone carry the energy to listen to hours more of this. Her eyes slowly closed as she wrinkled her forehead in thought if not sadness.

The sounds of the war committee had drowned out Luna’s senses as well, as she tuned out their words and only noted their pained expressions. No matter their positions at the table or places in the arguments, each had traces of sadness. Twilight, most of all, looked like she was about to collapse from trying to keep the war committee in order.


Broken out of her trance, Celestia perked up at the sudden sound and the silence that followed. All eyes in the committee turned to look at the vast double doors of the council room. Everypony turned to look at Celestia and Luna, whose previous look of solemn anguish had been replaced with that of intense curiosity.

“...Do you think it's more bad news?” muttered Fluttershy.

“Come now, darling,” Rarity whispered, leaning into her friend. “Defeatism is hardly your style.”

With a nod from Princess Celestia, the guards stepped forward to pull open the doors, and the dim lighting of the Council room was quickly pierced by the morning light that lit up the hallway. Though, as the doors shut and the illumination of the more open interior faded, the gleam yet rested upon the two soldiers who entered.

Their uniforms, in contrast to the glamor and gold of the Equestrian Officers that now turned around to face the pair, were fairly simplistic. The Griffons’ in particular, a simple dark green with small ribbons and insignias upon its shoulders.

Constant Vigilance gave a deep nod of respect to the princesses of Equestria at the opposite side of the table, speaking aloud. “Everypony, please welcome Major Dobbelsteen Moerman, Commander of the Feathisian Commandos, and sent on behalf of the Griffons.”

The room froze. Even as Dobbelsteen Moerman gave a deep nod of respect to the Princesses, confusion still rested upon their faces. The flag upon this Griffon’s uniform and his introduction prompted murmuring among the Generals around Blueblood, who leaned forward to get a better look at the officer.

The Elements of Harmony looked to each other, and then back to the officer. It seemed only Fluttershy was pleased among them, as General Selenite and Berrytwist shared similar looks of apprehension. Among those not in the loop, only Spitfire was welcoming. She adjusted sunglasses of her own with a smile.

Moerman glanced at Constant, and back to the table. His tail shifted. “...Well, you’re all early.”

Princess Twilight was the first to move, briskly moving around the table and its audience and stopping before the Feathisian Officer. “Mister Moer-Major Moerman, it is a privilege to welcome you into Equestria.” She turned from him, briefly giving a nod of thanks to Constant, and spoke to the other occupants. “Everypony, this is Major Dobbelsteen Moerman, I have requested his help as a tactical advisor to Equestria.” Her hoof raised, gesturing to each member of the Committee. “Moerman, these are the finest minds of Equestria.”

“The Elements of Harmony, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.” Each gave a smile and a nod to the newcomer. “Spitfire, Commander of the Equestrian Air Force, Prince Blueblood, Commander of the Equestrian Royal Guard, Princesses Luna and Celestia…” Her hoof dropped, seemingly exhausted. “And… others.”

Dobbelsteen was not new to being under the watchful eye of those who held significantly more power than he did. Yet, something about the sudden shift in the room had a small flame rising in his face. The ‘Elements’, whatever that meant, were as friendly looking as anypony he’d seen, but all of the others looked at him with varying faces of confusion and dismissal. To make matters even worse, the military side of the table had significantly more shiny medals than he did.

He’d rather be in a trench right now.

“Twilight has spoken at length about you, Major.” Princess Celestia leaned forward with a reassuring smile, as both her and her sister breathed a slight sigh of relief along with Twilight. “She says you may bring much-needed insight in our struggle.”

“Uhm… well it certainly won’t be easy, your majesty.” Moerman stepped forward, the General Officers moving to make room as he peered down at the table, directly across from the Princesses.

As Moerman’s interruption caught the attention of everypony within the room, Constant Vigilance flowed like water on the edges of the room. Swiveling his gaze between all of its participants, His hooves stopped next to the elements of Harmony.

In hushed tones, Constant spoke. “How’re things?”

“Darling, we haven’t gotten anywhere.” Rarity said, squinting her eyes in quiet frustration. “The egos that fill this room make it impossible to breathe.”

Constant’s one good eye glanced at Prince Blueblood, and then back.

“If the creek don’t rise soon, the Changelings will end the meeting for us,” Applejack whispered with a sigh. “It’s a wonder the Princesses haven’t nearly collapsed at this rate.”

“You’re sent from the Griffonian Empire?” General Soarin asked, turning from Princess Twilight’s introduction to the Feathisian. “They’ve sent us help?”

Dobbelsteen smiled, adjusting his sunglasses. “I would feed you the idea that we’ve done this out of the goodness of our hearts and turning over a new leaf to harmony.” He turned to face Spitfire. “In truth, we ran out of wars to win, so they sent me to find a new one.”

“I’d assume you’ve had quite the experience in matters such as this.” Prince Blueblood said, adjusting his flashy uniform and comforted by the fact it looked significantly cooler than Moermans did. “The armored offensives employed by the Changelings are eerily similar to the periodic Griffonian wars, only on… much larger scales.”

Moerman turned to Twilight. “Where can I find a summary of your force composition?”

The Princess of Friendship blinked, before being briskly saved by Raven Inkwell, who flowed from her position at Celestia’s side and handed four manilla folders to the Griffon. “Thank you.” He smiled, quietly sifting through them.

As Moerman read, Constant Vigilance moved between Luna and Celestia, as the two looked down upon him with weary smiles, their conversation barely above a whisper.

“I see you’ve brought help,” Luna said.

“He’s… certainly not who I expected,” Constant admitted, turning to Celestia. “How are you holding up, Tia?”

Celestia couldn’t hide her smile of relief upon seeing her old friend, but still, she looked at her sister with a smirk. “Can you recall a time when he isn't worrying?”

Blueblood leaned forward, speaking less to Moerman and more to the whole room. “The Changeling armed forces are highly mobile, as you know. Relying extensively upon their strength of vehicles and hordes of tanks and other machines, they are able to advance at speeds and run circles around our Royal Guard.” He turned his gaze back to the Feathisian. “Classic doctrine of the Griffonian unification wars.”

“Not on its own.” Selenite contradicted. “Studying the history of the Griffonian wars, be it through the Falcorian or Aquelian wars, or the Revolution of 978, mobile forces were efficiently dispatched by the superior firepower of the forces of the Griffonian Empire in the form of cannons.” The silver-maned bat pony nodded. “Even Grover II’s own conquests of much of the continent, though lost after his death, were won with Artillery.”

“How fast are they advancing?”

The argument which threatened to rear its ugly head was pierced by the words of Moerman, who looked up from the folders provided by Inkwell. “I’ve been told these tanks move up to fifty kilometers an hour even on a bad day.”

Now, Rarity spoke. Boreas in heaven, Moerman was losing track of the ponies in this room. “The Changeling’s focus on speed has overrun any organized defense of the city of Anchorage, and now threatens to surround Fairflanks. After that, Vanhoover seems to be in their sights.”

“So they learned.” Dobbelsteen turned from Rarity over to the pony with the flowing silver mane. “General Selenite, was it?”

The Thestral nodded, firmly standing next to Princess Luna. Now, the whole room’s attention was upon the words of the Feathisian, and the movement of his eyes behind his sunglasses.

“Such speed was never accomplished in the Griffonian wars, and such cannot be approached the same. The reason for this is how Equestria is built.” He leaned forward, his claw hovering over the map and room following his every move. “Anchorage first, then Featherfall airfields, now Fairflanks, and soon after Vanhoover.” He looked up. “Anygrif-...Uh, anypony notice a pattern?”

As the room followed along, General Fast Clip and General Soarin leaned away from their spots beside Prince Blueblood, getting a better look at Moerman.

“They’re targeting the cities and infrastructure one after another.” Princess Twilight said, looking down as her tone rose with newfound realization. “Entire sections of forest and plains are ignored, we only receive combat in industrialized areas.”

Moerman smiled, “The Princess is correct, and clearly the smartest among you.” He winked to Constant, who hardly held down his grin. “If the Changeling war machine relies so heavily upon its speed and shock, then it is confined only to the areas that will allow it to be operated.” He looked up at the silver-maned batpony. “You missed the trees for the forest, as they say. The Griffonian continent has entire regions which are untouched by civilization, mechanized forces work terribly in the forests of Angriver and the swamps of Feathisia. Equestria does not have the luxury of… well, being a terrible place to live.”

Prince Blueblood looked down at the map. “So, because their forces are built with vehicles as their core, their efforts will only be concentrated in areas where their heavy logistical needs can be supported.”

Moerman nodded. “I’m positive. With that in mind, we cannot underestimate the superiority these mobile units have over these urban environments. Such an army dispenses speed and firepower in such fluidity it's almost impossible to halt. It can only be beaten by an army of similar makeup.”

“The industry of Equestria is being mobilized by day, but it won't be able to catch up to the level of the Changelings for a year at minimum.” Raven Inkwell gestured to the papers given to Moerman.

“Let alone produce a tank army on par with that of the enemy,” Moerman added with a nod.

“So, how do we stop them, Major?” Princess Luna leaned forward.

The Feathisian officer sighed, before raising a wing to gesture to Selenite. “As the Mare said, artillery. As powerful as the enemy tanks are, mobile armored forces live in fear of support by fire elements that can be operated and dished out by any unit. I suggest you work on getting yourself a whole lot more of those, the twenty-five pounders.”

Selenite spoke. “Smaller guns will work far better for the job, Major.” She leaned forward, “They’re an excellent stopgap, but only in the traditional role of artillery. What you want is dispersed artillery that can be easily concealed and maneuvered by a light crew.”

Dobbelsteen Moerman stopped, looking up to Selenite. “...You… You have smaller guns?” He stuttered, faintly.

“Indeed, Major.”

“That can pierce the armor of these tanks?”

“Twice over, Major.”

Moerman blinked, looking at Princess Celestia, and then back to Selenite. “Wow. That’s uh,” He looked down at the papers on the table, and then backed up. “that’ll work perfectly, General Selenite.”

“So party cannons ARE authorized against the tanks?” asked Pinkie Pie, grin growing ever wider.

Rainbow Dash leaned over, shaking her head. “Confetti isn’t going to work, Pinkie.”

“It can fire high explosives!”

Meanwhile, Princess Luna gazed down at Selenite with a subdued smile on her face, prideful of her pupil. “Production of these smaller guns are far faster to start, and if they do perform well against the enemy tanks as you say they do, Inkwell and I will see to it that their production is exponentially increased to fulfill all of your needs and wants, General Selenite.”

“Thank you, Princess, but it will only work if we seize every advantage we can,” Selenite stated, looking over to both Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. “Artillery operates only when it is protected by a shield in the skies, emplacements are easy targets for enemy aircraft. We need absolute dominance in the air whenever possible.”

“Oh, don’t worry Selenite,” Spitfire said with a smirk. “We’ll give you that.”

“And the application of these forces?” the Noble unicorn turned to Moerman, giving a suspicious look at him. “How do you think is best to deploy our units?”

Moerman looked back to the map. “Committing them all to the front is a terrible mistake, and what the enemy strategy counts on. Breaches in the frontline must quickly be addressed with bountiful reserve units. Delaying the enemy is your only option until your forces can gather their strength.”

Blueblood smirked, turning to the rest of the room. “Those were my thoughts exactly. We have our long-term strategy of war in mind, but as for now, in the short term, we must commit ourselves to a series of tactical withdrawals to delay the enemy without losing our forces. Would I be correct, Mister Moerman?”

Moerman briefly took off his sunglasses, his blue eyes making contact with Constant Vigilance. They both glanced at Blueblood and then back to each other. They shared a nod. He put the sunglasses back on.

“Indeed, you would be.”

“And what of the ponies still in the city of Vanhoover?” asked Applejack, gazing directly into the soul of Moerman. “If we retreat now, you’re leaving close to hundreds of thousands of ponies to be captured by the invaders!”

Moerman actually recoiled from the sudden glare. “I-, I didn’t say that, Ma’am.”

Blueblood narrowed his eyes. “Our evacuation is going at its maximum capacity as it is.” He nearly let out a laugh with his sarcastic smirk, “What more do you ask, that the soldiers instead will stand to catch the bullets for them?”

Dobbelsteen quickly turned. “That’s exactly what we do.”

Leaning back from the Griffon, Blueblood and the whole room blinked at the sudden shift in tone from Moerman, his gaze turning from the Field Marshal over to Applejack. “You’re correct, Miss Applejack. Though I certainly support Marshal Blueblood’s strategy of defensive, calculated retreats, it will not be at the expense of the ponies of Equestria. I am certain you all possess the ability to evacuate these ponies out of harm's way.”

Blueblood’s jaw tightened.

Twilight, a smile growing on her face, turned to look at Princess Celestia, who was practically ecstatic with relief. Celestia leaned forward with the rest of the committee, jumping on the words of Moerman. “You’re certain, Major? You can get my ponies to safety?”

Dobbelsteen, now under the hopeful eyes of the Princesses, shifted out of slight unease. “Well…Not from here. The disconnect between here and the frontline is too great for me to give a true assessment, let alone firmly expect you to adopt any kind of long-term wear strategy.” Major Moerman flattened his uniform. “Through Fairflanks, the enemy could not only threaten Vanhoover but move towards Salt Lick City and cut off that evacuation route. Who commands the defense of this city?”

Princess Celestia looked down at the map. “General Swift Wing volunteered for it. She is currently on the frontlines delaying their advance as much as possible. ”

It was no secret as to why Celestia had remained as silent as she did throughout this meeting, with how her words now shook faintly. Princess Luna leaned into her sister to comfort her. The aspects of war manifested in the minds of each individual differently, but none had such a personal attachment to the populace of Equestria, as its leader.

“Suppose that’s where I’m headed.”

Major Moerman adjusted his sunglasses, even as the gaze of the room locked firmly upon him in surprise. Blueblood and his entourage of generals looked on in disbelief, Constant Vigilance across from them squinted in confusion. The eyes of the Princesses had gone wide, and Selenite tilted her head.

Only Rainbow Dash appreciated it, nodding her head in approval. “We’re scraping together as many pilots as we can to assist in the fight. We’re outnumbered, but we’re not out skilled.”

Moerman nodded. “In every sense, you’ll be a lifesaver.”

Twilight stammered, “Y-You’re going there? To the front?” She looked to the other Princesses, and then back to Dobbelsteen. “Mr. Moerman, you aren’t expected to-”

“I will not trust my own analysis of the situation, let alone suggest you believe it and put your nation's strategy entirely within it, without first doing my due diligence to not only confirm my thoughts but see this to the end. I’ll send reports to the frontline at every chance, so you can adjust your strategy if necessary.” Major Moerman flattened his uniform, taking a last look at the map, and then looking up to meet the eyes of Celestia.

If Constant Vigilance wasn’t surprised by the Griffon in the room before, he certainly showed it now.

Major Moerman flattened his uniform, taking a last look at the map, and then looking up to meet the eyes of Celestia. “By the orders given to me by Gerlach Weijermar and Gabriela Eagleclaw of the Griffonian Empire, regents of Emperor Grover, Sixth of his name. If the evacuation of Vanhoover is your order, Princess, it will be done.”