• Published 27th Apr 2023
  • 1,015 Views, 15 Comments

Once Upon A New Home - APoeticHeart

Toby faces a new, more powerful enemy, King Sombra

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Chapter One: An Old Enemy's Warning

Chapter One: An Old Enemy’s Warning

Equestria: Canterlot Castle

As Princess Luna’s moon filled the evening sky of Equestria with a warm, glowing light Luna stood outside on the balcony of the castle, looking over the land. A smile crept across her muzzle Oh what a beautiful & quiet night tonight is. I hope my friends are sleeping peacefully, especially my precious little nephew, Toby. I still can’t believe it has been four years already since he’s been living here. I got to think of some….AH! A sudden, sharp pain shot through the Lunar Princess’ head.

What the? What is tha….AH! Another sudden sharp pain shot through Luna’s head as suddenly her environment turned pitch black. She looked around in all directions, seeing nothing but complete darkness. She furrowed her brows What is this plac….AAH! The sharp pain struck again, but this time her whole environment started to shake around her.

Hahaha…hello old friend! A loud cackling voice surrounded the mare as Luna’s maw trembled Oh are you surprised to hear from me dear? The eyes of Nightmare Moon suddenly appeared in front of Luna.

Nightmare Moon?! How? I thought I got rid of you for good! An angry growl escaped her maw as her horn lit up. She lowered her upper body in a fighting stance Now either begone from my presence forever or we will end you!

Whoa there old friend, don’t fret. For I am here not to fight you, although..haha.. We both know who would come out on top of that confrontation. No, I am here to offer you a warning..or two.

Princess Luna calmed her fighting stance but looked into the giant intimidating eyes of Nightmare Moon “What do you mean by warning?” Her brows furrowed with intrigue yet worry at the same time.

Well dear friend, I have been floating around transparently & silently throughout this wretched land of Equestria & I have discovered something intriguing being orchestrated by one of your & your sister’s most feared enemies. However, I am saddened to say that it isn’t me.

Who are you talking about then? We have defeated Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, &....No! It can’t be…not… King Sombra?!

Haha…how wise you indeed are, dear friend. Yes it is King Sombra, but he isn’t alone, he has Queen Chrysalis & Lord Tirek working with him. However, they are pale in comparison to the true Maestro of this whole hostile takeover…hahaha..

Cut it out with the games, what are you getting on about? I thought we finished of King Sombra for good as well. Also, how do you know all this stuff when you have be banished from my mind forever! Luna’s brow furrowed with frustration.

Oh poor, pitiful Luna, now you know you can never get rid of me. We are apart of each other, & as long as you live, so shall I…Hahaha! Anyways, while you have been living peacefully in this so-called wonderful life, I have been spiritually surveying the land that I once attempted to rule. During this time I have come across the rebirth of King Sombra you could say.

But how? I thought…. Luna’s brow furrowed with confusion & concern & looked at the eyes of Nightmare Moon What else do you know?

Well, like a fly on the wall I have decided to infiltrate where King Sombra was in Tartarus. When I would spy on the old, ashy former king, I would notice him in conversation with a crystal orb. I thought he was being crazy, until I heard a voice come from the orb.

Spit it out already you critton, who did the voice belong to & what is this all about?! It is very odd that you come to us to warn us about something terrible coming. Why would you want to help us?

Trust me, my dear friend, this is the farthest thing I would ever dream of doing is helping you & your pesky friends. However, I just thought I would warn you, because despite my hatred for you, Equestria is still my home as well.

Whatever, continue with what you were saying.

Well, anyways while Sombra was talking to this orb, it was the power of the voice that brought Sombra back to the land of the living. It was then that the voice told Sombra if he wanted to rule Equestria, he would have to help him, but of course we know Sombra can’t do anything on his own so he enlisted the help of Lord Tirek & Queen Chrysalis.

Oh no, this is not good. I will have to warn my sister & the others. It seems like Sombra & those other two are planning a war. Luna furrowed her brow with deep thought.

Oh, one more thing my dear one, before I take my leave from your mind, I do have one question. Are you ever going to tell your precious little nephew the truth?[/i]

What do you mean? What truth?

Oh such a naive mare you have become Luna. Don’t you remember the vision that you showed that precious little nephew of yours of his father running his mother off the side of the road, killing her? We both know that the whole vision was just an illusion to hide what really happened.

I…I…I couldn’t reveal the truth to Toby. If he found out what really happened with his mother, his little heart would be completely shattered & there is no telling how he would have reacted physically. Luna lowered her head feeling tears in her eyes.

Tsk..tsk..tsk… oh poor Luna, my old friend. That is the other warning I came to tell you about, because what King Sombra has planned with this new, powerful being involves that precious little one you call your nephew.

Luna gasped in shock Why would Toby be involved with anything that Sombra has planned? He has nothing to do with the banishment of Sombra, Lord Tirek, or Queen Chrysalis! Luna let out a low growl.

Oh Luna, I know he doesn’t, but he has something very valuable that is supposed to make Sombra's plan come to fruition. As I listened to Sombra’s conversations with this mystical voice, I understood to bring him back to life, he needs the blood of a soul pure & innocent, & that very blood belongs to your nephew.

No! I won’t let that happen to Toby! I will tell my sister, & everyone about this horrid plan & we will put a stop to it, trust me! Luna stomped her hoof.

Well, my old friend, we shall see about that…Hahaha..! For now, I’ll leave you to your thoughts. Oh one more thing dear Luna, if I may be honest, I believe this whole hostile takeover is a creation of the mind of someone much, much worse than any of us, even Sombra can fathom. Well…Tata.. For now!” Within a flash Luna ended back with the land of Equestria & the castle surrounding her.

She stepped to the balcony’s rail to look out at the land with tears flowing from her eyes. She looked up at her beautiful, warm, glowing moon Oh my precious little nephew, please forgive me for keeping this deep, dark secret from you. I wanted to just protect you from the terrifying truth, but I will explain it to you, my sister, & all of your family when I ask for you all to come to the castle. Luna let out a sniffle as she turned to trot back into her bedchambers & trotted over to her bed. She climbed onto her bed & laid her head upon her pillow.

Toby, please forgive me. She softly cried herself to sleep.

Author's Note:

:pinkiegasp: What could be the dark secret that Luna is keeping from Toby?:raritystarry: