• Published 8th May 2023
  • 412 Views, 3 Comments

Like Father, Like Daughter - NovaAce75

When Stronghoof loses sight of his daughter, he rushes out to find her only to see a certain object has taken the fawn's interest.

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Like Father, Like Daughter (Complete)

“Velvet? Velvet! Now where did that fawn run off to?!”

It was a warm afternoon in Reine City, where the sun shone its brightest up in the sky. The deer folk made their way about their days, as snooty as ever and not much caring for the other ungulates in the process. Of course that was most deer, not all, but certainly most. However one deer seemed panicked, a strong buck by the name of Stronghoof. Two elegant antlers adorned his head, with a jeweled ring on both as well. A long mane of floof, the bottom of which had two braids that also contained jeweled rings at their ends. And a strong body, easily towering over most deer in the city. What could such a strong-minded and strong-bodied buck be so worried about?

Stronghoof would gallop, rushing around the paved roads of Reine, in search of a certain fawn. “Velvet?! Goodness gracious, I leave my eyes off of you for mere seconds and you dart off!” The jarl groaned in annoyance. Looking around in a panicked state he’d spot her finally. A fawn, barely that large, only a fair bit less than 2 feet tall. The fawn seemed mesmerized by something as she stood dead still in her tracks. Stronghoof breathed a sigh of relief, he stopped galloping and opted to trot towards the fawn. He was clearly not happy about the situation, but it’d be best to explain that to her rather than seem angry. After all, she was just a fawn, still young, still impressionable.

“Velvet, dear! Goodness knows you shouldn’t gallop off like that! You’re far too young to be off on your own!” Stronghoof explained, stopping just short of the doe. However, try as he may, it seemed his words went in one ear and out the other for the smaller deer. “Ahem… Velvet?” He’d clear his throat and demand her attention once more, to no avail. Now he was stumped. “Velvet are you-” He’d cut himself off, turning to face where Velvet herself was looking towards. Velvet was standing in front of a shop, specifically a jewelry store, and through the windows she was eyeing a beautiful necklace. A black lace was the base however it held a small pendant with an elegant sapphire resting inside it. “You’re… interested in the necklace?” Asked Stronghoof curiously.

Saying the word necklace seemed to snap Velvet out of her trance as she’d turn to face her father, giving him wide eyes and an eager smile. It seemed words weren’t necessary on this occasion. What she wanted was right in front of her, and she made her interest in such VERY clear.

Stronghoof on the other hoof didn’t seem as enthused as she did. A cold sweat ran down his face as he looked down at her. “...” A silence filled the air, the only sound being the wind as it breezed by. Stronghoof locked eyes with his daughter. A battle of wills took place, both of them giving it everything they had. Yet alas…


Velvet’s face of eagerness had turned to one of sadness. “Please!” She’d cry up to her father, rushing towards him. She’d jump up a bit, standing on her hind legs while her front legs hooked around her father’s. “Daddy it’s veautiful!” She’d cry out to her father.

Unfortunately for Velvet, she’d be met with yet another, “No.” As Stronghoof used his magic, crafting a small shield made of ice. He’d scoop it underneath Velvet, lifting her up and catching her off guard. Before she’d even get to respond, the shield lifted up before sliding her off and on top of Stronghoof, just before he turned around and walked away from the shop.

“Vhat?! Daddy noo!” She’d cry out to her father, digging her hooves in his neck floof, attempting to pull on it and get him to turn around, though of course being a young, and weak fawn, she’d be very unsuccessful. “Vut Daddy! The necklace!” She’d once more attempt to convince him to turn around and return to the shop, and for the third time in a row, she was met with; “No” from her father.

Velvet was forced to watch as the two made their way from the jewelry store, and the necklace came out of sight. That was the breaking point. Velvet’s eyes grew wide as they welled up, her cheeks puffed up and her face grew red with anger. Before Stronghoof could even see it, Velvet went on a tantrum. “BLEAAAAAAAAAAAAT!” She’d cry loudly, loud enough to get even the self-absorbed deer of Reine to turn their heads and tune in on what was happening. Stronghoof nearly stumbled as the piercingly loud scream from his daughter was practically right up against his ears.

Velvet continued to bleat loudly in frustration, angered with her father and making it very known, especially to the deer of Reine. Stronghoof gulped, not good. Of course, the buck was quite well known in Reine, the Jarl of Reine in fact! He had quite the reputation as a strong battler in Reine and even had his own fanbase. But deer in Reine seeing him as a poor father figure didn’t strike a chord with him. Stronghoof shook his head, and once again used his ice magic, crafting a shield once again and bringing it to scoop Velvet off of his back and bring her to his front, allowing him to face her. “Velvet please, you’re making a scene!” He’d huff, narrowing his eyes at her.

Velvet however wasn’t one to stand down. She’d narrow her eyes back at Stronghoof, and continue as before, bleating loudly once again. Stronghoof was going to need to get some ear protection at this rate, however, even over the deafening screams of his daughter, he could still hear the bits of chatter of other Reine citizens as they watched. Whispering to each other, what Stronghoof knew couldn’t be great things. He’d gulp once more, backed into a corner at this point.

“Ack… L-Listen Velvet!” Stronghoof attempted to shut up the deer.

Velvet stopped, sniffling as she stared angrily back at him. He had her attention at the moment, though he’d have to work fast if he wanted to keep it.

“I’ll buy you the necklace-”

Velvet’s face visibly lit up.

“But only if you stop this bleating nonsense!” Stronghoof finished, narrowing his eyes down at her.

Velvet was quiet for a moment, staring up at him. Once again, a silence. However, this one was broken quickly as Velvet wiped away her tears and looked up at him. “Okay, Daddy.” She’d respond. Her face wasn’t as eager as before, though this was her actively attempting to hide her excitement.

Stronghoof sighed, shaking his head. “Alright, time to get the necklace.” He’d roll his eyes, and once more, bringing his shield back up and dropping Velvet onto his back. He’d turn himself around and take himself back towards the jewelry store. Velvet could barely hold in her excitement as they did.

Moments later they were inside the store, with Velvet still on her father’s back, admiring everything from inside the store while her father spoke to the jeweler. Velvet tuned out for most of their conversation as they spoke, she could barely hear her father practically shout at the price of thousands of salt. Though regardless, the purchase was made, and the jeweler retrieved the necklace from its display case, even setting it down in a lovely black box before handing it off to Stronghoof. “To think such a small necklace is worth so much…” He’d groan in dismay before holding it up to Velvet.

Velvet however didn’t take it. She was distracted by something else. Stronghoof paused, turning to look back at her in curiosity. Watching as she had her eyes on something else now. A silver tiara, one with a diamond embedded in its center. Stronghoof saw the tiara and immediately recoiled at the price tag labeled next to it. Too much.

Stronghoof was quick to look up at Velvet, and Velvet was already looking down at her father, with the same pleading eyes. “No. Absolutely not.” Stronghoof stated firmly. Turning towards the door.

“Vut Daddy!” Velvet cried.

“Velvet!” Stronghoof raised his voice temporarily before stopping himself. He’d shake his head, mentally scolding himself for raising his voice at her, fearing she may start another tantrum. That seemed to be the case as well, with Velvet’s eyes watering over once again. This time, Stronghoof was quicker on the draw though, scooping her off of his back for the second time and holding her in front of him with his magic shield. “Sweetheart, listen.”

“I’ll buy you the tiara-”

Just like before, Velvet’s face visibly lit up.

“But you’ll have to earn it.” He stated firmly. “You aren’t getting it today. You just got your necklace. But… Maybe if you behave yourself… and actively train with me I’ll buy you that tiara. Does that seem like something we can come to an agreement on?” Stronghoof asked, giving her a softer look, almost pleading for her not to start crying again.

Silence filled the room. Even the jeweler had stopped to watch with bated breath.

“Okay, Daddy.” She’d say happily, smiling wide up at Stronghoof.

Stronghoof mentally sighed, though smiled back at his daughter. “Thank you, sweetheart. Now, let’s go home, your mother is waiting for our arrival.” He’d state softly, and now, with her attention, he’d hold her necklace out for her.

Velvet practically squealed in response, taking the necklace and wasting no time taking it from its box and putting it on herself. Although… it was a bit too big for her. The pendant part of the necklace dropped to just before her ankles. It seemed she’d have to grow into it a bit. Stronghoof watched her put it on, resisting the urge to laugh a bit at the way her pendant fell so low. “Don’t worry sweetie, it’ll fit just right eventually.”

Thankfully, Velvet didn’t seem to mind, just content to have the jewelry in the first place. “Okay!~” She’d speak cheerily, now admiring the necklace. For the final time, Stronghoof dropped her onto his back with a relieved sigh as they left the store.

And on their way back home, Velvet would hug her father, nuzzling lightly against the back of his head as thanks. Stronghoof smiled back at her, at least it wasn’t COMPLETELY for nothing~

Years Later

Velvet sighed happily, her silver carriage stopping just before her home. A large, inviting home, fitting for the most flamboyant deer in all of Reine, and however more importantly, the new Champion of the Tundra! Velvet would trot lightly out of her carriage, looking as confident as ever as she made it to her home. It was time to tell her dear father the good news.

Velvet stopped just short of the door as if she couldn’t even be bothered to open it herself. And thankfully she’d not even need to open it, as someone else did before her. Not one of her sprites, but rather her father’s sprite, Vetr! “Ah, zanks Vetr~ What would I ever do vithout you?~” Velvet hummed her praises, just before stepping inside past him, while he shut the door behind her. And just in time as Stronghoof stepped into their living room from the hallways. “Ah, hello Daddy!~ You von’t velive what-” Velvet stopped, cutting herself off as she watched her father’s shield come out from behind him, floating over mystically before her. However, it was overturned, face down with an item placed inside of it.

A silver tiara, one with a diamond embedded in its center. It was the same one from years ago. Velvet stared at it in shock, the memories of that day flooding back to her. She stood there motionless for a few seconds before looking up to face Stronghoof. “It’s yours Velvet. You’ve earned it. You’ve more than earned it.” He spoke softly to her, in fact, it looked as if the buck was holding back tears as he spoke. “Words cannot describe how proud I am of you, my dear daughter.”

“Daddy…” Velvet’s voice had grown softer all the same. She’d continue staring up at him before then back down at the tiara. She’d sit down and grab the tiara, just before placing it on her head and aligning it perfectly along her horns. She’d pause for a moment, she was overwhelmed with joy, her own eyes watering profusely as tears leaked from her eyes, staining her cheeks. “V…Vell? Vhat do you zink?” She’d ask her father, smiling up at him, while tears streamed down her face.

“I think you look beautiful, sweetheart… You always have~” He’d reply softly. Seeing her like this just reminded him of the young foal he once despised for embarrassing him so often. But no longer… she embarrassed him no longer, no he was proud to be her father. Those years of waiting paid off in the end, she was proof of that.

Velvet couldn’t sit still anymore. She’d lunge forward, legs spread out, as she’d hug her father as tightly as she could muster. “Oh, Daddy…” She’d whimper lightly as her face fell against his floof, hiding her crying face from him. She didn’t want to let go.

Stronghoof couldn’t help but chuckle, as she charged at him to hug him. Stronghoof sat himself down and wrapped a leg around her, hugging her as well. “There there… I love you Velvet.”

“I love you too Daddy…” She’d say softly against his floof. The two held their position for the next few minutes, the best few minutes either of them had in a long while. This beat winning the tournament for Velvet… this was better than being the Champion of the Tundra.

Author's Note:

Inspired to write this fic on a whim, don't look too far into it lol.

And no, don't expect that because I wrote this fic means I'll be returning to my other ones. While that may be a possibility that's not guaranteed. Please respect my choice not to go back to my older fics made on the sight.

Also yes, I'm considering making more Them's Fightin' Herds fics in the future if I come around to it, but this could also be the last one as well, so don't get your hopes up!

Regardless, thanks for reading this relatively short fic. if it helps boost the number of Them's Fightin' Herds fics on this site then I don't really mind it being too short xD.

Comments ( 3 )

A fellow TFH enjoyer I see. :twilightblush:

Comment posted by salmawisoky1 deleted May 10th, 2023

I love how you portrayed Velvet here and her relationship with her father, it's so wholesome and cute!! ^u^

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