• Member Since 4th Apr, 2023
  • offline last seen May 30th


Comments ( 21 )

wow, I enjoy that I can't wait for the next chapter for this... I'm excited. The story is pretty interesting for the beginning and it makes me want to see this continue even more... Keep up the good work.

Having read Inferno I have to say, your blending and incorporation of mlp characters into the story feel solid and fresh. The beginning is intriguing and I really like how Sunset acts almost as an antithesis to Dante; instead of accepting the Heaven/Hell binary, Sunset's (very in character) point about everyone having the capacity of redemption, provides additional nuance to the story that the original Inferno doesn't really have. I look forward to reading more, nice job!

A good start.

Literary tip: if you want to echo The Inferno, end each chapter with a reference to the stars, just as Dante did:

“…down into the dark abyss, away from the stars.”

It’s not necessary, but anyone familiar with the original work will get the Easter egg. Nice adaptation so far!

Good point. Didn’t notice that detail before. Will make sure to include reference to the stars at tge end of each chapter from now on.

I’m an English graduate and a Dante nerd so I think of these things. 😆

This is really well done; Inferno is not something easily adapted to other genres.

Intriguing. Cozy's backstory is probably going to hurt her as she goes deeper huh. Oh boy, this is gonna be good.
Not that I want to see cozy suffering (strangely enough). I am more curious about how she will see things after her journey. Will Cozy still believe she was innocent and powerless, entirely at fault, or some other Sunset-esqu point of view? Either could happen really, depending on how she processes it all. I just hope her hope doesn't extinguish when things start getting ugly.

New Quest: Make friends, Free Lucifer. I like where this is going, it's so reminiscent of MLP, but you know... in hell. Nice work!

WOW. I’m very appreciative of how much work you’re putting into this; I’ve studied Dante Alighieri’s work for decades.

You probably do know a bit more than I do then, so you can tell me if there is anything obvious I am missing. I am a pretty big fan of classical literature like the Divine Comedy myself though and I did study theology at University level for a few years, so most of my knowledge come from that and my personal research. I do especially like how Dante blended Christian theology with Greek mythology, it's pretty obvious to me that the Greek Underworld and Hell as Dante depicts it are one and the same.

The funny thing is that I actually do really like Cozy Glow as a character and I still put her through hell (literally in this case.) I guess catching the attention of an author is kind of a double edge sword like that.

In any case, I am glad you enjoy my work. 🙂

You're hitting all the right notes, and yes, the Greek additions are spot on. I'm particularly endeared to Sunset being Hope; I love my Baconmane.

I've noted your addition of the stars at the end as well, and it's subtle and very well interwoven without being blatant. I have NO complaints so far. Bravo, my friend.

Full fathom five Minos lies
These are the pearls that were his eyes

Interesting acquisition. I wonder if they’ll be important later.

It probably will.

Sorry for the slow upload rate lately, have been suffering from some medical issues that has slowed down my writing.

I still stand amazed at the amount of sheer research you’ve done and put into this. Respect. :rainbowderp:

The blend of mythos behind this is definitely interesting as it plays out within the story.

Also, we are reminded that we see things through Cozy’s view, which is not objective.

Just a light suggestion change and this is no way negative:

“Still trying to relax on the ferry, I looked up at the skies above, although they still shed their unlight, the ghost-lights above almost looked like stars.”

Just dropping the single stars line at the end gives it more power. I have no other suggestions right now, this was incredibly intense and amazing.

Good point, I was originally planned on just ending it with the ghost-lights line, the other reference to stars kinda cropped in when I was trying to establish the context around the final line. It was one of those situations where I came up with the line in advance and wrote it down so I wouldn't forget. Thanks


Any relationship with the Norse goddess of the afterlife?

Huh, didn't even think of that connection. I would tell you the significance of the name Helel, but it is kinda a spoiler for later in the story. But it has a pretty major significance in the old testament. If you don't mind being spoiled a later reveal you could look up the meaning of the name Helel in hebrew and it will all become clear.

Still lurking with this on my watchlist! I'm becoming more and more confident this will get finished! Looking foward to it.

Sorry it took a while, can only blame illness and the fact that the 8th circle has quite alot of subsections, which made it take a while. I am very close to the end now, so I can guarantee that it will be finished, and hopefully soon.

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