• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 677 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Mew - Kitsulestia

Five humans turned Mew must learn to adapt to life in a world they know nothing about

  • ...

Boast Busters

*Liko's POV*

After moving in with Twilight for the time being, I was relaxing in a patch of sunlight.

I think "{Great... I'm still a Floragato...}"

How did I become from human to pokemon?

Danyelle was resting on a pillow while grooming her little ones.

Danyelle spoke "I sense trouble coming."

I noticed Spike, who had a mustache, which... *Snicker* I couldn't help myself!

Redtail mewls a bit.

Danyelle snickers "Trying to impress Wendy, eh Spike?"

Spike spoke "*Stammers while blushing* I-I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

A pomf was heard since Wendy's wings had shot up on end from embarassment.

Danyelle laughs "Wendy's wings say otherwise!"

Spike spoke "Gyah! Twilight!"

Danyelle's left tail twitches, causing the mustache to vanish.

Wendy spoke "Aww..."

Four voices were heard, two of which were very familiar to Wendy while the other two weren't.

A yellow blonde female Mew with a sparkly blue tail spoke "Natsu, get your butt out of my face."

Natsu spoke "Well I would if the dusty blonde haired furball got off me!"

The dusty blonde Mew groans "I would if Shiki got off my back..."

Shiki spoke "Oh shut up Rebecca..."

Rebecca whacks Shiki.

Wendy spoke "Natsu! Lucy!"

The four Mews untangle themselves before Natsu and Lucy pounce on Wendy with a hug.

Natsu asks "*Realizes something* Wait a minute... Wendy, you're a dragon?"

Wendy spoke "Uh-huh."

Natsu spoke "*Gloom* How come Wendy gets to be a dragon and I don't...?"

Danyelle spoke "Sounds like someone's gonna need some Rawst berries for that burn!"

Natsu was drawing circles with his finger gloomily.

Lucy spoke "Cheer up Natsu, you're still as fierce as a dragon."

Danyelle spoke "Hold on, lemme see here."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer as she takes a closer look at the fur on Natsu's body, spotting scales underneath.

Danyelle spoke "Well I'll be a Mankey's uncle... You got dragon scales under your fur Natsu!"

Natsu asks "What?! Really?!"

Danyelle spoke "Keen eyes never lie and..."

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Smells like we have a visitor in town..."

Sunset spoke "40 bits says it's Trixie."

Danyelle asks "You know her?"

Sunset spoke "Not really, I've heard of her."

But then Danyelle snickered at a thought she had.

Shiki asks "What's so funny?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh, just wondering what would happen if this Trixie met a Galarian Slowking."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle, you're an idiot. Ponies and Pokemon are just not compatible."

Danyelle spoke "Like I said, it's only a thought. It's not like I'm expecting that to happen."

Twilight spoke "Regardless, we should go check things out."

Danyelle spoke "With your magic on the fritz? I don't think it's a good idea."

Twilight asks "Whaddya mean?"

Spike spoke "Twi, you have a foal on the way remember? The doctors would have a fit if you over worked your magic."

Twilight asks "Then what about Danyelle’s crazy metabolism?"

Danyelle growls "Don't make me ice you Sparkle Butt."

Natsu spoke "Come on! Let’s get going!"

Lucy spoke "Natsu... I feel funny..."

Natsu asks "Huh? What’re you talking about?"

Rebecca spoke "You as big a blockhead as Shiki is... What she's trying to say is that she's in heat."

Natsu asks "Huh? She needs some cool air or water?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh for the love of..."

Danyelle drags Natsu off somewhere to give him the talk.

Lucy spoke "My mom never had the chance to give me the talk."

Spike spoke "Wow, that Natsu’s real dense."

Rebecca spoke "Shiki's the same way."

Twilight spoke "I can say the same about Ash."

Sunset spoke "Trio of blockheads is what they are."

Spike spoke "Don’t forget about Lan."

Twilight spoke "He mellowed out though."

Spike spoke "He’s still dense sometimes though."

Lan spoke "I heard that Spike!"

Maylu giggles "But it's true, and you're my blockhead."

Twilight spoke "You think Celestia is is bad when it comes to cake..."

Lucy spoke "Erza is worse.... *shudder* I still remember this one time when Natsu started a fight which in turn pissed Gray off and also caused Erza to drop a plate of cheesecake on the floor... Next thing I knew, Elfman destroyed the cake and all hell broke loose."

Pinkie suddenly popped up. "Nah, it was a strawberry cake."

Lucy and Rebecca were both up on the ceiling with their fur fully fluffed out.

Rebecca spoke "QUIT DOING THAT!!!"

Lucy asks "How did you know it was a strawberry cake?"

Pinkie spoke "Just a hunch. *Smile with a "Squee!"*"

Lucy spoke "I never said what kind of cake it was!"

Pinkie spoke "You said cheesecake."

Danyelle soon returns.

Danyelle spoke "Pinkie, go bug Cheese Sandwich or something."

Pinkie asks "*Tilts head in confusion* Huh?"

Shiki suddenly teleported before reappearing with the pony in question.

The stallion spoke "Whoa, you weren't joking when you said you can teleport that far."

Shiki spoke "First time actually since I didn't know how to before."

Pinkie suddenly dashed off as Danyelle and Twilight snickered.

Shiki chuckles "That oughta teach her not to scare Rebecca."

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention, she's making a HUGE welcome and birthday party."

Zoey asks "Hey Renee, you seen Kiki anywhere?"

A yellow female Mew was sneaking up on Zoey from behind.

Kiki spoke "BOO!!!"

Zoey yowls "GYAH!"

Zoey zipped up and crashed against the ceiling.

Renee giggles "Wow Zoey, you NEVER act this way when Dren tried to prank you!"

Zoey spoke "*Blushes* Sh-Shut it!"

A dark emerald green Mew with bright gold eyes chuckles "Hey kitty cat."

Zoey mewed in surprise.

Dren chuckles "Did you miss me, pretty kitty?"

Zoey was babbling incoherently with a blush.

Bridget was also a stammering mess because of a purple Mew with indigo eyes.

Kiki laughs "Oh wow! Seems Zoey and Bridget are a stammering mess because of Dren and Sardon!"

Renee suddenly giggled at a thought.

Corina spoke "And it's bad enough that I really like you Renee but I don't think it'd work out since we're both female..."


Rebecca spoke "Gosh... she reminded me of Homura... Always speaking her thoughts..."

Danyelle asks "Who?"

Rebecca spoke "A friend of mine."

Corina floated off to be alone since she knew it just wouldn't work out between her and Renee.

Twilight spoke "Hmm…"

Danyelle spoke "I know that look Twilight, I don't think Cadence can help in this situation."

Natsu got dragged off by Lucy.

Twilight asks "Why? How can you be so sure?"

Danyelle spoke "Cadence doesn't know the Tokyo Five yet. Nor does she know Ash, Serena, Natsu, Lucy, Shiki or Rebecca."

Twilight comically fell onto her back at that.

Flash asks "You okay Twily?"

Twilight spoke "That didn’t cross my mind at all."

Twilight bolted to the washroom due to a sickly feeling in her throat.

Danyelle spoke "*sweatdrop* That was unexpected..."

Spike asks "So… are we gonna head out to see what’s going on?"

Danyelle spoke "I can't go since my little ones need me, Twilight's magic is unstable since she's pregnant, you DON'T want to know what Lucy and Natsu are doing..."

Wendy spoke "I'll go with you Spike."

I spoke "As will I."

Spike asks "Really?"

I spoke "I'd rather not get set on fire by a moody mare if you got hurt. Plus I'm weak to fire attacks."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, grass type and all that."

I spoke "You're one to talk Miss Four Type."

Danyelle spoke "Hey!"

I spoke "It's not my fault if you're an idiot."

Danyelle spoke "*gasp* You take that back!"

“Make me!” I hissed.

Spike spoke "Uh, girls? Now’s not the time."

I stick my tongue out at Danyelle as I head off with the two dragons.

Danyelle was definitely growling.

A male calico Mew chuckles "Easy fuzzball."

Danyelle froze at that.

Lan chuckles "You got her good cousin Ben!"

Danyelle stammers "Humminawha?"

The twin mittens giggle.

Lan hears a knock on the door.

Roll asks "Mega, could you get the door?"

Megaman spoke "Sure thing."

Volt and Jazz pounce on their dad, tickling him.

A groggy Twilight spoke "I got it..."

Twilight trotted over to the door before opening it, revealing a pink alicorn mare.

Twilight spoke "Cadence!!"

Cadence giggles "Hey, Twily."

After giving Cadence a hug, Twilight spoke "If I wasn't so sick to my stomach, I'd do our special hoofshake."

Cadence asks "Hmm? *Realizes something before smirking teasingly* What did you do, Twily?"

Twilight spoke "Before my brother says anything, this foal was caused by magic but that's not why I need your help. It's about Corina and Renee."

Cadence asks "Hmm?"

Bridget explained everything she had heard to Cadence.

Cadence spoke "Whoa, that’s quite the complication."

Danyelle spoke "Well yeah, I don't think it would work out between the two females... And then there's Chaud... Two females are both interested in him but herd laws don't work for Pokemon."

Cadence asks "*Bead of sweat* I really have my work cut out for me this time, huh?"

Sunset spoke "I already told you Danyelle, I chose to back off from Chaud since it's obvious he likes Anetta more than me."

Cadence asks "Did you know or did you assume that?|

Sunset spoke "Anetta told me."

Cadence teases "Did Chaud tell you?"

That caught Sunset off guard.

Sunset spoke "And before Twilight says anything, I'm NOT interested in that popsicle."

Natsu soon returned.

Natsu snickers "Maybe I should use that insult on Gray the next time I see that stripper."

Sunset asks "Huh?"

Natsu spoke "That droopy eyed idiot uses ice magic whereas I use fire magic. Basically, fire and ice don't mix."

*Meanwhile with the two dragons and I*

I spoke "I got a bad feeling about this you two."

Spike asks "Whaddya mean?"

I spoke "There have been odd weather patterns but the Pegasi... I don't think they're even aware of it. Almost as there's some sort of fiery heat but it's not caused by the bacon haired Mew or the salmon pink Mew..."

But then the ground shook.

Leaving her kits in Sunset's care, Danyelle shot out of the library with Roll and Maylu following.

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me a pair of morons woke up an Ursa."

Roll spoke "We have to soothe it!"

But then something flew by before landing with a small mic. It looked like a…

The pokemon spoke "Jigglypuff!"

Ash gasps "*Shocked and horrified gasp* Is it THAT Jigglypuff?!"

Pikachu spoke "Uh-oh!"

Serena asks "Uh Ash? You know that Pokemon?"

Ash spoke "This is bad news!"

Pikachu spoke "If it sings, you’ll fall asleep!"

The Jigglypuff started singing when all of a sudden I started feeling tired and my eyes were getting droopy. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep, along with everyone else in Ponyville and the Ursa Minor outside.


*YAWN!* Man, what was that all about?

Twilight had noise cancelling headphones on her head, thanks to Starlight.

Twilight spoke "I didn't hear any singing though."

Twilight then before shock before covering her mouth, as if trying to keep herself from laughing.

Maylu spoke "Unless you want a Fairy Wind to the face Twilight, quit laughing."

Twilight snickers "S-Sorry. It’s just… you have something on your faces."

Ash gasps "*Bursts up awake* Oh no! Does that mean…?"

Yai had a damp towel in her paws as she washed the ink off before throwing the towel to Tory.

Tory spoke "Thanks."

Wiping the ink off her face, Danyelle spoke "I hate that darn Jigglypuff..."

Pikachu spoke "Hey, it just wants to be payed attention to."

Delphox spoke "It can't help but sing yet those around it fall asleep."

Lan spoke "Oh god... I just realized something! My parents don't know that Megaman is a living being now and not one of data!"

Maylu, Megaman and Roll comically fell at that.

Lan asks "Was it something I said?"

Dex spoke "Oh yeah. I totally spaced."

Danyelle teleported across dimensions before appearing above a lab.

Danyelle thinks "That has to be where Lan's dad works..."

After using transform to take on a human form yet the blue hair remained, Danyelle walked into the lab before being spotted by Lan's dad.

Danyelle spoke "Whoa! Talk about timing!"

But all Yuchiro heard was meowing due to the language barrier.
