• Published 17th May 2023
  • 1,660 Views, 115 Comments

The Lonely Prince - Caladis

Twilight Sparkle is asked to solve a Friendship Problem for Prince Blueblood, but doesn't know what she's getting into.

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Chapter 5 - Trials and Tribulations

Author's Note:

Profanity Tag added for one word in this chapter that might be considered offensive


Blueblood gathered his belongings. Packing for the trip was more like moving. He knew that he was moving in with Twilight in Ponyville to get more of a feel for how to interact with commoners. He only needed some clothes for important events and his Princely regalia for official duties. His Aunty had already been informed that she could contact him in Ponyville through the normal letters she sent to Twilight through Spike.

Twilight had packed lightly and was already ready to depart, having stayed in Canterlot a day longer than she had originally planned. She didn’t seem nervous when she got in the Chariot.

Blueblood looked her over. “Nervous?”

Twilight shook her head. “I used a Royal Air Chariot when I first arrived in Ponyville all those months ago. I do prefer taking the train though… at least I can read.”

He chuckled at that. “The chariot will have us in Ponyville in 20 minutes while the train would have taken 4 hours. You’ll have plenty of time to read in the comfort of your own home once we get settled in.”

Twilight leaned in for a kiss. “I guess I’ll have to settle for 20 minutes of cuddling instead.”

He happily gave her a kiss and was left waiting for the Pegasi Guards to finish getting ready to fly the Chariot to Ponyville when Twilight suddenly spoke up and asked a question.

“Beloved. You told me that you were going to marry a Countess that had a lot of commoner friends and that you wanted my help to learn how to interact with commoners to make it easier to propose to her. But then you accepted my proposal without hesitation and then earlier today informed both me and my parents that I am also considered a Countess. Do I even need to ask who the mare you were going to propose to was?”

Blueblood smiled warmly. “It was always you. The plan was to propose to you, but I needed to get to know you better first. That’s why I didn’t care about there being rumors about us because it wouldn’t matter when I finally proposed to you. The one thing I wasn’t counting on was my Aunty making the official announcement so quickly nor you stepping up and proposing to me. It worked better than I had hoped. I just hope that you don’t feel like I tricked you into proposing.”

Twilight’s eyes sparkled in the afternoon light. “It took some courage on my part, but I don’t regret it. In fact, I’m relieved that I didn’t accidently break up some other relationship that you were hoping for.”

He kissed her again. “No, like I said. I only have eyes for you…”

The chariot took off and 20 minutes later they landed in Ponyville, right outside the mayor’s office. He dismissed the chariot back to Canterlot and turned to Twilight.

“We need to order your wedding dress, order the rings, and start finalizing other plans. We have a lot to do still.”

Twilight frowned slightly. “What other plans do we need to discuss?”

Blueblood was decisive about naming everything, as if he had already given it a great deal of thought. “First of all, as a married couple, even if we weren’t royalty, we can’t live in the public library forever. There’s just no room for a dozen foals. We need to make plans to build or buy an estate either in Ponyville or Canterlot… or wherever else you’d like to live, if we don’t end up living in Canterlot Castle. Plus, as to the wedding itself, we need to decide if we want it in Ponyville or Canterlot or anywhere else and start finalizing a guest list. As to the wedding dress… I’m sure you want a dress made by your friend, Rarity, just like or better than the dress she made for Cadence. Having her make the dress should seal my apology to her, since it’ll cost me more than she normally earns in a year.”

Twilight blushed, very moved by his level of consideration. “We should start with the dress then. It’ll be the fastest errand given that all she’ll have to do is measure me and pick the fabric and colors. We can discuss the rest of the issues tonight.”

“Surprise!” A party cannon fired a volley of confetti at Blueblood and Twilight jumped out of her skin as Pinkie Pie appeared behind her.

“Welcome back to Ponyville, Twilight. Who’s your stallion?”

Twilight got her breathing back under control and introduced them. “Pinkie Pie… this is Prince Blueblood, Blueblood… this is the Element of Laugher, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie Pie got right up in his face, less than an inch away. “So… you’re the stallion that was a big meanie to Rarity at the Grand Galloping Gala. Whatcha doin in these parts, hmmm?”

Ever the diplomat, he held her gaze. “I’m doing many things, Pinkie. First, I’m trying to apologize to Rarity. Second, I have some things I need to work on with Twilight. And third, but not least important, I’d like to make some local friends. I’d like to throw a party so I can meet as many ponies at one time as possible… but I don’t have a party planner. Do you know one?”

Pinkie Pie backed off and took an impossibly large breath before speaking in an almost impossible to comprehend storm of words.

“Iamthetown’spartyplanner! Doyouwantthewholetowninvited? What’sthebudget? Whenistheparty!!!”

He grinned at her enthusiasm. “Yes, the whole town is invited. There is no budget, spend whatever it takes to put together the best party. And, if possible, I’d like the party tonight. I don’t want ponies being nervous about there being a Prince in town. Can you handle it, Pinkie?”

“Of course, I can handle it. I’m on it, boss.” She shot off like an arrow sprung from a bow and was out of sight within seconds.”

Twilight giggled. “Well. You made a friend for life by having her throw you a party, but they can be a bit much.”

He laughed. “I’ll take a bit much over boring. It’s clear that all of your friends either distrust me or flat out hate me for what happened to Rarity. It’ll take some work to win them over.”

Twilight winced at the truth but shrugged. “It’ll be easier on both of us if we win Rarity over first.”



She led Blueblood to the Carousel Boutique, and they entered the store. Rarity was hard at work at her sewing machine and didn’t bother to look up at all from her work.

“I’ll be with you in a moment darling.”

Twilight giggled. “Take your time. Once we get started, it’ll be a rest of the day thing.”

Rarity smiled but still didn’t look up. “Oh Twilight! You’re back from Canterlot. I was worried when you said you had to stay but then I remembered that Canterlot is your hometown. You visited your parents, yes?”

Twilight nodded and spoke up. “Yes, among other things. I had some old business to wrap up and I’m happy to say that my life is finally moving forward in a way that I had always hoped for yet also could never dream was possible. I will need your help for a few dresses if you’re up for it.”

Rarity nodded but looked at her work even more closely as something just didn’t seem right to her. “I’m always up for helping you, Twilight.”

Twilight looked at Blueblood and shrugged. She continued. “So… umm, did anything interesting happen while I was gone?”

Rarity laughed. “Yes! I got a letter from Prince Blueblood. Can you believe it?”

Twilight smiled smugly. “Oh? And what did it say?”

Rarity snorted. “Pish Posh, darling. I don’t know… I burned it without reading it.”

Twilight gasped and turned to Blueblood who seemed regretful but focused on making a point.

He cleared his throat. “Well, Ms. Rarity. That’s awfully generous of you to give me a real second chance. You certainly live up to your element.”

The sewing machine jammed up as Rarity leaped out of her seat to face Twilight, whom she was expecting, and Blueblood, whom she had not.

“Your Highness!” She went to bow but froze when she saw him wave her off.

Blueblood turned back to Twilight. “My lady… I believe my business here is done and there’s nothing for it. If you still want her to make your dress, I have no qualms about it, but I feel that she doesn’t deserve my bits.”

Twilight nodded at Blueblood and quipped. “Of course not beloved… your bits belong to me.”

Blueblood blushed at the insinuation but didn’t shy away from Twilight kissing him on the lips in front of Rarity, all the while Twilight managed to glare at her friend.

Twilight broke the kiss in due time. “You have my ring size already so feel free to do some shopping without me. I don’t know how long I’ll be.”

Blueblood smiled at her warmly. “Take all the time you need. You’ll probably find me at the library or wherever the party is going to be. I’ll see you tonight, my dearest.”

The door closed behind him, and Twilight turned her full attention to Rarity who was now hyperventilating into a paper bag. Twilight considered the situation fully.

Rarity is always trying to be posh. I think the best way to help her in this situation would be to firmly put her into her place, much like I did to Blueblood all those years ago. Rarity is stubborn though… I’m going to have to take this to extremes.

“Well… I’m guessing that you didn’t read my letter either. Or did you burn them together?”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “Twilight, It’s not like that! I’ve just been very busy with my new spring line-up of fashion, and I haven’t gotten around to it. As for Blueblood… maybe my actions were a bit hasty but apologizing by letter is considered a little cheap. A real apology is made face to face. You have no idea…”

Twilight cut her off. “Silence. I have plenty of knowledge about etiquette and I’ve heard enough of your excuses. I am Lady Twilight Sparkle, Countess of Canterlot, and its way past time you showed me some respect!”

Rarity shuddered at the full force of being out of the loop of something game-changingly important. “La.. Lad… LADY TWILIGHT! I had no idea!”

Twilight brought the full force of a Canterlot Noble’s glare upon Rarity, an effect that Rarity didn’t know that Twilight was capable of.

“No idea? Indeed, I don’t often introduce myself by my title, but I do have one. You knew I was the Personal Student of Princess Celestia and a member of her court. As deep as you are into making connections with the rich and powerful, how could you not know that I was a Countess? For that matter… I expect that you’ll now also claim not to know that my Father is the head of House Sparkle and is the current Duke of Canterlot and was recently appointed as Minister of Education. Or more importantly… claim to not know that my mother is the Princess of Unicornia!”

Twilight’s rage was half real, while the rest was exaggerated. Okay… that’s not entirely fair… my parents have only had those titles for a day. I don’t care… Rarity would have used this information against somepony else in the exact same way, given the chance.

Rarity was as frozen as a statue, so Twilight continued. “I remember when I had that plus one ticket to the Gala and you begged me for it so you could ‘meet your true love’. Except that the true love in your mind was Prince Blueblood. No other noble or aristocrat would do. You had to have the best. You never considered my feelings. You never considered that I already knew Blueblood. That I had attended classes with him. That we studied together. That we cuddled together! That we might be secretly engaged!!! I sent those tickets back because I didn’t want to embarrass him and Celestia went ahead and sent me seven tickets anyways so all of you could attend. The entire Gala ended in disaster. I know that I looked excited to get the tickets, but it wasn’t my first Gala!

I’ll clue you in on a little secret. Blueblood doesn’t like fake. Fake ponies. Fake art. Fake anything. Your Canterlot accent is thicker than mine and I was raised there! He could tell you were fake and was just trying to use him. So, he treated you poorly, hoping you’d lose interest in him and then you ended up disgracing yourself when you blew up at him in front of everypony and then had the audacity to blame him!

If you had read my letter, you would know that me and Blueblood are now engaged to be married and that I wanted you to accept his apology. If you had read his letter, you would have found a real apology meant to put the past behind us so we could move forward but you’re too focused on yourself. Perhaps a face-to-face apology would have been better, as you said, but would you have even listened to him? It’s clear to me that you’re still holding a grudge.

As to why I came here specifically today… I had intended to get a wedding dress from you that was better than what Cadence wore to her wedding recently. A year or more worth of your normal income from a single commission but you had to throw it away on being too proud to admit that you might have been wrong! Forgiveness can be generous, and you failed.”

The silence dragged on and Rarity had to force herself to breathe. Finally, she spoke. “I’ll admit that at least some of what you’ve said has merit, but the rest is too idealist. Noble or not, you were very sheltered as a filly. And engaged or not, I can’t believe that you’re taking his side on this. Sisters before Misters, right?”

Nervous giggles poured from Rarity following the weak argument and tapered off as Twilight’s expression deadened, and she prepared to be the most unkind she had ever been.

Twilight’s voice was ominously low. “Husbands before Hoes.”

Rarity winced as if physically stuck and her jaw hit the floor, completely unable to retort.

Twilight sniffled. “I’d tell you to plant a garden, but your tears might salt the earth. I would have never expected our friendship to end so badly or so abruptly. You need to find yourself and figure out what you want before you end up alone for the rest of your life. You’re not getting any younger.”

Rarity trembled. “This… seems like it came out of nowhere, darling. I had no idea you felt this way… Have you been upset with me for long?”

Twilight shrugged, secretly happy to be completely honest about at least one thing without having to act or exaggerate.

“It’s comes and goes. You’ll do something nice but then you ruin it with something mean. You’ll have Spike running errands all over town for you just so you don’t have to do it yourself because you know he likes you… but you never plan to return any actual affection for him. You’re using him. Spike is practically my brother… I helped raise him for pony’s sake. Blueblood may give him a pony noble title after we wed. You’ve been as great as you are rotten. If this keeps up, I won’t be able to even invite you to the wedding, let alone allow you to design my dress. You made this bed, now lay in it. Or cry. I’m not sure I care anymore.”

Twilight turned to leave with an uncharacteristic ‘HMPF’ that Rarity herself had been known to use when walking away from somepony at the end of an argument. And this time, it was clear that Rarity had lost.

Rarity broke her own shock and cried out… “WAIT! I’m sorry! Please tell me what I need to do! I’ll do anything…”

Twilight stopped and looked back at Rarity. “Pinkie Pie is throwing a party for Blueblood so he can meet the ponies of the town as an icebreaker. You are invited to attend. You may apologize for your behavior if you wish. Otherwise, just stay away from my fiancé.”

Rarity nodded with tear filled eyes. “I’ll be there.”

Twilight left without another word.
