• Published 6th Jun 2023
  • 1,282 Views, 13 Comments

Equestria Girls: Yo-kai Watch Chronicles - Blaze-saber

Yokai are all around us and are invisible to most others. But if you possess the gift and a special watch, your able to befriend these Yokai and become a Yokai Hero

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Birth of Yo-kai Detectives

Flash walks up in his bed after hearing his alarm clock go off. After hitting the snooze button, he gets out of bed and gets ready for the day. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth before putting on his clothes and going downstairs. As he made it to the living room, he passed by a couple of familiar Yokai having tea together. "Morning Flash." Kage greeted him.

"Morning Kage and Yuma." Flash responded as he walked into the kitchen before he did a double take and looked back at the two Yokai. "Kage? Yuma? What are you both doing in my house?!"

"We live here now." Yuma answered before taking a sip of tea.

"We figured since you and I are partners when you transform into a Yo-kai Hero, I figured we get to know each other more." Kage explained. "Plus I promised I would never leave Yuma again."

"Well, just be careful around here." Flash asked them. "My family would freak out if they knew ghosts live here now." He then heard footsteps coming down the stairs before he saw his little sister Scootaloo and his little brother First Base reaching the living room. "Hey you two."

"Hey big bro." Scootaloo responded. "Who were you talking to down here?"

"Oh uh…I was just thinking out loud is all." Flash told her as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Okay, but where were you the other day?" Base asked as they walked into the kitchen and made themselves some bowls of cereal.

"I was just hanging out with a couple of friends." Flash answered before he looked towards Kage with a smile. "Anyway, let's make sure we get ready for school on time." He got himself a bowl of cereal before he poured himself some milk into the bowl.

"By the way, where did you get that cool watch?" Scootaloo asked as she pointed towards Flash's Yo-kai Watch YSP model.

"It's just a little gift from a friend." Flash answered as they began to enjoy their breakfast. Kage and Yuma smiled at each other as they enjoyed their cups of tea.

Later, Flash drove them and himself straight to school as he drove into the school parking lot. Once they got out, he could already see Courage and Whisper standing by the entrance. "Hey Courage!" He called out as walked up to him.

"Hey Flash." Courage responded before he pulled out a golden medal with a picture of Kage and Bahamut faded black with Kage's Katana in the middle of them. "Did you get something like this when you woke up this morning too?"

"No, where did you get that?" Flash responded.

"Not sure, it just appeared when I woke up." Courage said before he pulled out three more medals. "Along with these command medals. These two are for you and this one is mine." He gave Flash the two medals with his Yo-kai Hero form doing special attacks.

"Perhaps after school, you both can give those medals a try." Whisper suggested.

"Yeah and we'll have to talk to Twilight during lunch." Flash added before they entered the school. The school day seemed to go well as Twilight was already getting used to her new school and everything. Flash however noticed that his friend, Sandalwood, looked a little uneasy. After the second period, Flash went up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey man, are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just that I had a near miss situation on my way to school." Sandalwood explained. "I was at an intersection when all of a sudden my legs moved on their own. I couldn't control myself and I finally stopped when a truck nearly hit me. I'm just glad it stopped in time."

"You think that's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you?" They both turned and saw their friend Micro coming up to them. "On my way to school, I walked by the Mini Mart when all of the sudden I felt hungry. I know I already had breakfast, but I suddenly had to have a sandwich from that Mini Mart and it was a footlong."

Flash raised a brow and wondered if a couple of Yokai were involved in these two situations. The school bell soon rang for the next period to start as the three of them went to class.

"So, how are you enjoying Canterlot High so far." Sunset asked Twilight as they were enjoying lunch with the rest of the Rainbooms.

"It's great so far," Twilight answered with a smile, "the classes here are better than the ones at Crystal Prep. And everyone here is kinder too."

"Glad you like it here, Twi." Applejack mentioned. "By the way, we were talking and we were thinking that you should join our band."


"Well yeah, it would be totally awesome if you join us!" Rainbow chimed in. "Although we need to find you an instrument and everything."

"I'll think about it, but thank you for the offer." Twilight told them before she got an alert on her phone. She took it out and saw that she got a text from Flash saying to meet him and Courage after school about a couple of Yokai.

"Did any of you hear about the news of the museum?" Rarity asked the others. "After the two night guards got attacked, the night after an artifact got stolen. Apparently it was a katana that belonged to a warrior long ago."

"I saw that sword and it did look cool." Pinkie Pie mentioned.

"I just hope whoever stole it won't harm anyone with it." Fluttershy said while Twilight had a small smile on their face.

"If only they knew." She thought to herself as they all enjoyed their lunch.

After school, Twilight made her way to her lab warehouse where Flash, Courage and Whisper were waiting for her. "Hey guys, I got your text Flash." She told him. "You said something about a couple of Yokai?"

"Yeah, a couple of friends of mine said that strange things happened to them on their way to school." Flash told them. "Sandalwood said that he couldn't control his legs at an intersection and had a near miss. Then Micro mentioned that he suddenly felt hungry on his way to school when he passed by a Mini Mart."

"Aren't a few of the posts on our website similar to those two?" Courage mentioned as he rubbed his chin.

"Let's find out." Whisper said before they went inside, where they saw Blizzaria wearing glasses as she was typing on the computer.

"Oh, you're back." Blizzaria said when she saw them come in. "A few more Yokai related incidents came up and I have a feeling you want to know about a couple of them."

"We do." Courage responded as they all took a seat. "We want to know if there's any related incidents involving a near miss at a crosswalk or anybody feeling hungry when they pass a Mini Mart." Blizzaria started typing on the computer before she found a few comments about what he asked.

"Yeah, they are." Blizzaria told them. "A little girl said that she and her dad were walking home when they came to an intersection not far from here. She said that her father suddenly started walking out when a truck was coming by. She even said that he was meowing like a cat all of the sudden before the truck nearly hit him. Plus very few people said that they suddenly feel hungry every time they pass by a Mini Mart."

"Did they mention which Mini Mart it is?" Flash asked as she shook her head in response.

"No, there's nothing about which one." Blizzaria said as she adjusted her glasses. "But I'm sure Little Charrmer might help out with that. Especially since Twilight gave her that Yokai radar." The day they met her and Little Charrmer, Twilight reconfigured her pendant that absorbed Equestria Magic and turned it into a Yokai radar.

"Yeah, we should ask her to fly near any mini marts for any Yokai energy." Courage said before he pulled out a walkie-talkie.

"I'm surprised that she's called a hero Yokai." Flash mentioned before Whisper floated over to him.

"Well, we Yokai do come in many shapes and sizes." He told him.

"Well until she rodeos in about which Mini Mart it is, we should check out that intersection." Twilight mentioned as they all nodded in agreement before they headed out.

They soon reached the intersection where all the near misses were happening. "You know, why do they call it a near miss when it should be called a near hit." Whisper mentioned. "It's just that, if a truck stops before it could hit the bystander, it should be called a near hit."

"Let's just try focusing on finding the Yokai causing all of it." Courage told him before he looked at Flash. "Let's use our watches and find this Yokai hiding in the shadows." Flash nodded before they both held up their watches and turned the ring so that the Y was pointing downwards and they turned on the search light.

"I don't see it." Flash said as they began to search for the Yokai.

"Keep searching, the Yokai won't reveal itself until it is hit directly by the light." Whisper explained before they moved the light around.

"What do you think that this Yokai will look like once we find it?" Twilight asked before Courage let out a yelp.

"I think we're about to find out, look!" They looked into the direction of where he's looking and saw that the light revealed some sort of shadow that looked menacing from across the street. They were just as startled as him as the shadow let out a growl.

"There it is, the vile monster!!" Whisper exclaimed before the shadow surrounding the Yokai vanished to reveal it's not so menacing, but cute.


All four of them stare at the cat Yokai as he scratches behind his ear before he lets out a yawn and lays on the ground. "That's the vile monster?" Twilight asked before Whisper took out his Yokai pad.

"It says here his name is Jibanyan." He read the information on the Yokai Wiki. Jibanyan let out a meow before he noticed a businessman coming up. He quickly jumped up onto the business man and vanished inside of him. Soon the businessman began to me out like a cat as they could see Jibanyan's tails. "He's inspirited! Whisper mentioned just as the businessman was being controlled by Jibanyan and walked right out into the streets.

They then saw a truck coming before Jibanyan jumped out of the businessman. "Take this stupid truck! Paws of Fury!!" He declared as he began to rapidly thrust his fists at the truck before said truck hit him and sent him flying. The truck driver then quickly slammed the brakes and nearly hit the businessman.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" The driver shouted at the businessman.

"My legs moved on their own!"

"It seems Jibanyan is responsible for all these near misses." Whisper theorized after witnessing what has transpired. "Inspiriting people and making them walk into traffic."

"So he inspirits those who come to the crosswalk when a truck is coming down the road." Twilight pieced it together. "But why is he attacking trucks in the first place?"

"We can ask him, because he's coming back down." Flash spoke up before they all looked up and saw Jibanyan coming down. They took a few steps back before he crashed into the ground. They all winced at that crash before they saw him get up from the ground and dust himself off.

He then started to walk away before he turned to see them. "Meow?"

"Meow to you." Whisper replied before Jibanyan continued to walk. He stopped and did a double take at them as he let out another meow. "Meow to you." Jibanyan then let out a meow in surprised before he looked at them.

"Can you guys really see me?!" He asked in complete shock.

"Well yeah, kind of…" Courage answered.

"But how's that possible?!" Jibanyan asked before he jumped onto Flash. "Do any of you know Little Ruby?!"

"Who?" Flash asked before Jibanyan jumped off him and held his head.

"No no no! I'm not really nyet!" Jibanyan cried before Whisper floated over to him.

"Help is available if you have problems whatsoever," he told jibanyan before he pointed towards the three teens, "from these guys!"

"Look Jibanyan, why are you inspiriting people and making them walk in the traffic whenever a truck comes by?" Courage asked.

"Meow…" Jibanyan let out before he looked down with a sad look. "When I was alive, my owner Ruby took care of me. My name is Jibanyan nyow, but back then I had another nyame."

"Well don't leave us in suspense, what was your name before you were a Yokai?" Flash asked him.

"It was perfectly Suited to my wonderful personality." Jibanyan mentioned.

"Mmhmm, and the name was…?" Whisper asked.

"I forgot!"

"You forgot your own name?!" Courage exclaimed.

"Well Kage and Yuma forgot their names too." Twilight reminded them before Jibanyan continued.

"We used to sleep in bed, on the couch, under the table. I was so happy back then."

"But all you did was sleep." Courage mentioned.

"Well he is a cat." Flash pointed out.

"Until one day when we went out for a walk, we came to this intersection and I guess I didn't look where I was going when that truck came out of nowhere and ran me over." Jibanyan added in a sad tone. "There was no pain, suddenly I was a Yokai. That's when I heard Ruby say…" He trailed off as he trembled with sadness.

"What, what did she say?" Courage asked before Jibanyan looked at them with tears in his eyes.

"She said, 'I can't believe you let yourself get hit by a truck, you… you… you lame cat'!" Jibanyan shouted, which caused all four of them to scream in shock.

"What a heartless monster!!" Whisper commented.

"NO, no she isn't!" Jibanyan argued. "Ruby loves me. She must have had a good reason to say that."

"Like what?" Twilight asked before Jibanyan hummed as he thought about it.

"I don't know but there's got to be something!"

"Seems extremely unlikely." Whisper doubted as he crossed his arms.

"Well there's one thing I know for sure, Ruby wouldn't have said that if I didn't get hit by a truck!" Jibanyan declared before he wiped the tears from his eyes. "That's why I train myself everyday to become a cat who can defeat any car out there!"

"But you can't go around inspiriting people, it's way too dangerous if they get hurt." Courage told him.

"Mmm, I never thought about that." Jibanyan said, which caused the three teens to stumble backwards a bit. "Then I'll just do it all by myself!" Jibanyan then ran out into the middle of the street as a truck was coming by. The moment he turned around to face it, the truck knocked him high into the sky with little to no effort.

"Car: one, Cat: Zero." Whisper commented before they saw Jibanyan coming back with a bump on his head.

"Okay, that didn't go as planned." He said before he started to stretch his arms. "I think I need to stretch first."

"It's important to stretch before getting hit by a car." Whisper mentioned.

"No it's not!" Twilight argued.

"Okay, I think I got it this time!" Jibanyan declared as he ran back out in the middle of the road. "Eye of the Tiger!" He declared before another truck came by and knocked them away.

"Man, what's with all the trucks on this intersection?" Courage asked after seeing Jibanyan get sent flying again.

"What was he blabbering about before the truck creamed him?" Whisper asked before they saw Jibanyan with an arm cast coming back.

"Eye of the Tiger." He answered Whisper. "It's a well-known phrase in the near miss industry."

"There's an industry for that?" Flash asked Whisper.

"I don't think so." Whisper replied.

"Once more into the fray!" Jibanyan declared as he tossed away his arm cast and jumped back in as another truck was coming. "You will not defeat me! Paws of Fury!" They all watched as he began to thrust his fist at the truck and looked like he managed to keep it back. It looked like he was about to do it before he hurt his paw on one of his thrusts. The truck then sent him flying in the air as the three teens let out a sigh as Jibanyan walked over to them. "See, it doesn't work if I do it all by myself."

"Gee, I wonder why you can't stop trucks all by yourself." Whisper wondered.

"Because I'm too lonely." Jibanyan spoke up. "I'm so lonely all the time that when I'm with someone else I don't feel afraid. That's why I inspirit people. I'm sorry for being such a troublemaker!" He turned away from them as he started to cry. "I guess I'll be alone forever!" They then watched him run across the street as they felt bad for the cat Yokai.

"Wait Jibanyan!" Flash called out to halt him. "Maybe if you want to, we can help train." Jibanyan was shocked at what Flash suggested as he turned to look at him.

"Yeah, we can help you get stronger and you won't have to feel so alone anymore." Courage added.

"And maybe we can help you start with something small before you take on a truck." Twilight spoke up.

"Are you all sure about this?" Whisper asked the three of them.

"Why would you three do that?" Jibanyan asked.

"Because it's kind of cool that you're working so hard to win Ruby back." Flash answered with a bright smile.

"Yeah, you must really love her very very much if you're working this hard to win her back." Courage added. "So we'll do anything we can to help you." Jibanyan looked at them as he started to cry with tears of joy. "Let's hang out together and be friends."

"Meow!" Jibanyan cheered before his body glowed bright. Soon his medal appeared and floated over to them. After Flash took the medal, a beam of light shot out to jibanyan and vanished as soon as it appeared. "We're friends now! Friends forever!" Sheboygan then started to run towards them and just when he was bound to leap into their arms, a truck suddenly came by and sent him flying. "Eye of the Tiger!!"

"I'm not the only one who thinks he's hopeless right?" Courage asked the others as they looked at each other.

Meanwhile, Little Charrmer is seen flying while she holds the Yokai radar. "Who knew this town had more than one Mini Mart?" She asked herself before she landed on the roof of a Mini Mart. "Well this is my tenth one. Let's see if this is the one." She held up the radar and pressed the button on top. It then let out a beeping sound as it lit up and showed her where the energy source is coming from.

"Alright!" She cheered before she took out a walkie-talkie. "Guys, I think I found the Mini Mart you're looking for."

Soon the three teens and Whisper came to the location where Little Charrmer said where she found the Yokai energy signature. "So this is the Mini Mart where a Yokai is inspiriting people." Courage said as he got a good look at the place.

"I wonder what kind of Yokai is inspiring this place to make people feel hungry for food even after they have already eaten." Twilight wondered.

"Let's search for it and find out." Flash suggested before both him and Courage turned on their search lights on their watches.

"Such imagination." Whisper sighs with doubt. "I've been in the Yokai business for a long time. Don't you think if there was such a Yokai, I would be familiar with it?"

"Found it!" Flash called out which caused Whisper's eyes to bulge out of his head in shock. They can see the Yokai by the store's doors and it looked like an old man.


"I'm hungry…" This Yokai said to himself.

"So Whisper, who's that guy?" Courage asked before Whisper quickly took out his Yokai pad to search up any information on this Yokai.

"Oh right! No I remember, silly me." Whisper said as he acted like he knew this Yokai. "His name is Hungramps and he gives people the munchies and causes them to snack on whatever they find."

"So this Yokai inspirited Micro this morning and many other people as well." Flash pieced it together.

"So now the question is how do we deal with Hungramps?" Twilight asked.

"You have the usual choice: negotiation or confrontation." Whisper reminded them. They all looked at each other before they gave a nod and walked up to the Yokai.

"Excuse us sir, but can we talk for a minute?" Courage asked Hungramps.

"It's just that, it's really bad for people to feel hungry even though they already ate." Twilight told him.

"A friend of mine passed by here this morning and he's kind of getting sick from that little snack you made him get." Flash added before they noticed Hungramps was sleeping. This caused them to faceplant on the ground.

"This dude is asleep!" Courage exclaimed.

"Did he even listen to a word any of us has said?!" Flash shouted.

"Well he is an elderly Yokai." Whisper said as he was looking at his Yokai pad. They quickly heard Hungramps let out a yawn before they saw him waking up from his little nap.

"What were you youngsters saying?" He asked the three.

"Well, good for him." Whisper mentioned. "At least he powers naps."

"Look, we're just asking you to please stop inspiriting this storm." Courage told Hungramps.

"I'm sorry young man, but I can't do that." Hungramps replied.

"Why not?" Twilight asked.

"I have my reasons."

"What reasons?" Flash asked.

"I have to stay right here and nowhere else." Hungramps told them. "I'm truly sorry."

"Well, we love to hear your story if you'll share it with us." Courage told Hungramps. They all waited for him to speak but nothing came out.

"Hello?" Whisper called out before they hurt him snoring. This caused them to fall back in shock.

"He fell asleep again!" Flash complained.

"I have an idea!" Whisper told them. "What if you summon Tattletell and ask for her help?"

"Good thinking." Courage said before he took out Tattletell's medal. "She can help us figure out why Hungramps is inspiriting this place. "Come on out my friend! Calling Tattetell! Yo-kai Medal, do your thing!" He inserted the medal into his watch with one swift motion.

♪Come on, ghost!~♪
Summoning Mysterious!

Soon Tattetell appeared and landed in front of the three teens. "Tattetell, we need your help on figuring out why this Yokai won't leave this store." Twilight told her.

"Tell tell!" Tattetell responded before she jumped high in the air and looked like she was going to pounce on Hungramps. Just when she was getting close, he woke up and noticed her.

"Oh hello Tattetell." Hungramps greeted before she landed on the ground. "Just as tiny as always. You've been well I presume?"

"Tell tell." She responded before he pulled out a tea set.

"How about a cup of tea, old friend?"

"Tell tell." The group watched as the two Yokai were having a cup of tea.

"Are they seriously having a tea party right now?" Courage asked with disbelief.

"Why isn't she inspiriting him?" Flash asked.

"My hunch is that she is biting her time and waiting for the right moment." Whisper theorized before they saw Tattetell toss away her cup after finishing her tea and leaped onto Hungramps' face. She then inspirited him as her power flowed into him. "You have to admire her technique."

"You see, I have a granddaughter." Hungramps told them truthfully. "She's such an adorable girl. The apple of my eye as the saying goes. I used to bring her to this exact store every time when she was little."

"Really?" Twilight asked as they were intrigued by the story.

"Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday." He continued. "I even bought her a little stuffed bear here in this very store. She was such a sweet child and I loved her very much."

"That's so sweet." Flash commented.

"But those happy days were not meant to last long." Hungramps continued. "She soon started school and it was only a matter of time before she preferred to hang out with her friends instead of me. It was only natural I suppose, children grow up and that's how it goes. She was becoming such a big girl and I was happy for her. But I missed her company as well and one day I had to depart from this world, leaving everything behind. I wish I could see her one last time, I suppose that's why I ended up here. I don't really know for sure. But I wait here, hoping she will stop by one of these days. So that's why I'm here."

"That was so beautiful!" Whisper exclaimed as he had a tissue out to wipe the tears from his eyes. "And tragic at the same time!" Soon those streams of tears turned into a water fountain of tears. "All he wanted to do with his granddaughter again! That's not a crime, do you hear me?! Love is not a crime!!"

"But if all you want to do is see your granddaughter again, why do you keep giving people the munchies when they come by this store." Courage asked Hungramps.

"That's the problem, when I became a Yokai I lost my memory." He explained to them. "And I just can't remember what she looks like anymore." Whisper continued to cry as the others felt bad for him. "But I think I would recognize her if she was right in front of me."

"I really feel bad for him." Twilight whispered to the boys. "He just wants to see his granddaughter again but he can't remember what she looks like."

"Yeah, but that's no excuse to make people eat unhealthy." Courage pointed out.

"So then let's make him see that." Flash suggested.

"We all feel sympathetic to your situation, but you can't go around making people sick to their stomachs!" Whisper shouted at Hungramps and shocked the three teens.

"Wow, he sure didn't sugarcoat that one bit." Twilight commented before Whisper got into Hungramps' face.

"There is no guarantee that you'll recognize your granddaughter if you see her again!"

"Whisper, you're making things awkward! Courage shouted.

"You may be right." Hungramps mentioned. "Thanks for giving it to me straight. I guess it was a sign to meet three kids who can see me. It's time for me to put an end to all this nonsense." He got up from where he was sitting and started to walk away. As he was leaving, he passed by two high school students as one of them spoke.

"Hey, you never told us why you still have that old thing." A high school girl told her friend.

"What, this?" Her friend asked as she pulled out of a familiar toy bear. "My grandfather bought this for me at this very store." Hungramps suddenly stopped when he heard her say that. My grandfather was my best friend when I was little. When I started going to school, I didn't have much time to play with him." Hungramps turned to see a little toy bear he bought for his granddaughter long ago with that teen girl.

"Could it be?" Whisper asked as Flash, Twilight and Courage let out a gasp in surprise.

"The funny thing is, in my heart I wanted to spend more time with him." The teen girl continued as she looked at the store. "I miss him every day." Hungramps then recognized this teen girl as his granddaughter as tears started to run down from his eyes.

As the two girls continued on their way, Courage walked up to Hungramps with a warm smile on his face. "It looks like you got your wish and finally saw your granddaughter again." He said in a warm tone.

"Thank you." Hungramps said before his body glowed and his medal appeared. It soon landed in Courage's hand as they are now friends.

Later, they came back to their HQ and as they promised, they called Jibanyan to help with his training. They summoned Dragysuu and Kage to help with it as Kage helped him with his stamina and agility while Dragysuu helped him with power and accuracy. The three teens, Whisper, Blizzaria and Little Charrmer watched as every time Jibanyan charges at Dragysuu and Kage, he ends up getting knocked back and crashed into some barrels.

"Ow! That's gonna leave a mark." Little Charrmer commented before Jibanyan got back up and charged in again.

"But you do have to admire his determination." Blizzaria mentioned as she took a sip of tea. As this was happening, Flash noticed Twilight looked a little uneasy as she was looking at her phone.

"Are you okay?" He asked to get her attention.

"Oh I was just trying to figure out what to say to the girls." She explained. "They offered me to join their band and I don't know what to do. I mean I want to join their band but what if this whole Yokai thing gets in the way and I end up failing them?"

"Hey, there's no way you'll be able to disappoint them." Flash told her with a small smile. "Besides, I'm sure that they will understand if you're late to any rehearsals."

"He's right, Twi." Courage spoke up. "Even though Yokai have entered my life, I didn't let that get in the way of my normal life. So you have nothing to fear about it." Twilight looked at them both before she had a smile on her face.

"Thanks for the advice." She mentioned before she sent a text to the Rainbooms, telling them that she is in. It seems like this was a perfect end to a perfect day for them.

Later that night, Sunny Flare was out for a jog as she passed by an old mansion before she suddenly heard ghostly moans coming from it. She stopped for a moment as she looked in the direction where she heard the moans. She could have sworn she saw wisp of flames in one of the windows before they quickly moved to the second floor windows.

She wondered what was going on in the windows before the front door to the mansion suddenly opened. She squinted her eyes a bit as she could have sworn she saw someone standing in the doorway before the figure turned into a skeleton and roared at her. She screamed in fear as she took off running before that skeleton could do anything else.

"Don't leave me, Sonia!" It moaned out before the door closed on its own.

Author's Note:

If all of you are wondering 'when will Sci-Twi get her own Yo-kai Watch YSP model?' She'll get it when I get to the part of the camp everfree part of the story.

Comments ( 3 )

I just want to say I’m a big fan of a bunch of your stories keep up the good work

Thanks for your support

i do hope this story will get an update.

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