• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 180 Views, 12 Comments

Heart Of The CHIMERA - discordjediknight

Over a year later after the events in blood of a chimera twilight question her past and future, untill she runs into two time travelers trying to stop the apocalypse.

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Chapter 8 The Changling...

As Junior returned to the bike, along with his backpack that only had a can of sprinkles and two bars of food, he called on his communicator to let his sister know. "Hay sis I got dinner, I even found sprinkles for dessert."

"That's good I got some water. It's filthy, but we can run it back over a filtration unit when we get back home. I'm on my way back now."

"Ok I'm at the bike," he said and hung up. He then looked out at the horizon and what little he could find that is. "Home huh." He whispered to himself thinking back.

A bright happy smile came to his mind.
He smiled a look of sadness as he finished his thoughts. "We're never going home, are we... Mom."

Just then he heard something behind him move making his eyes wide. He twitched his ears and scanned all directions with his eyes for any sign.

He then slowly blinked and when he reopened them his blue eyes were now a glowing yellow, with. Red slits. With his eyes this way he could see far better in the dark shadows of the city. Though he could make out more detail he could not see anything but he could smell it. It took a whiff of its stitch. It smelled like that of a carcass already. But with his smell heightened to its max, he could make out another sent. The sent of another creature.

He then quickly called his sister. "Hay sis we got a, ahhhh!"

The creature jumped out at him seemingly out of nowhere.

The pony literally flipped, the creature went flying off its back with his bag. He pulled out a rusty cleaver knife. It was not sharp but it was better than having no weapon at all

"Brother you alright!?"

The creature snarled at him, and he snarled back.

At the sound of both she grits her teeth showing her fangs. Her eyes began to glow and she took off on all fours running like a beast herself.

The creature was a strange slick black creature with green bug-like eyes. It had an exoskeleton and was very beatle-like, yet seemed to resemble that of a pony. Its hand sharp snarling fangs and it hissed at its prey.

The two creatures began circling one another looking for a good position to strike the other. Soon it was the pony who struck first but the creature dodged it and pushed it back.

Just then it was the other who jumped ahead about to join them. "Melody look out.' Yelled her brother.

Her eyes widen in shock and surprise. When...

The sound of a body hitting the ground spread through their ears.

"Pleasssss" the creature hissed. "I am sssssory, I am jusssst, ssssso hungry, feed me"

The twin chimeras looked at the strange beast. "REALLY, WHY WOULD WE DO THAT, YOU JUST ATTACKED ME!" shouted Junior. Uh can you believe this?!" he said as she turned to his sister, but she stood quiet, with a look of pity on her face, making her brother grow concerned for her.

"Pleasssssss," begged the creature on the ground. "It's been days since I've eaten anything."

"Where's your pack," asked Junior skeptic of the creature.

" My pack, abandoned me for being the weakesssst, food is ssssoooo sssscarce now," it said as its stomach began to growl.

"Ha, yeah, well your right about one thing," scoffed Junior. "Come on sis, we got to get back to the hideout."

But as Mells stared at the creature, as she remembered herself and her brother being attacked by a pack of them. The way she felt, her expression, pleading for someone to come and help. It was exactly the same as she stared down at her enemy.

"Mells," her brother said, snapping her out of her train of mind, and to reality.

"We can't leave him like this," she told her brother.

"What, yes we can, he's one of them, he's a-"

"And what of us, you and I were just like him once remember?"

Junior opened his mouth to retort but closed it as he realized his sister was right. He looked at the creature and then himself. He sighed an annoyed sound as he looked between his only source of food and the creature at hand. Junior then bites his claw with his own razor-sharp fang-like tooth, revealing a bright red liquid. He then took a flat rock and spread the blood over it placing it in front of the creature.

The creature looked between the blood on the rock and the bar of food for only a moment, before pouncing on the rock with blood, slurping and hissing as it drank its food source. As it did Junior grabbed his other bar and his backpack closing it tightly.

Finally, when the creature was done with its tiny meal, it let out a breath of exhaustion and satisfaction. "Thank you, my friend.

"That's all you're getting, and we're not friends," grumbled the chimera as he turned back into a pony. But his sister smiled slightly, proud of what his brother did. "Alright, that should at the very least give you some strength to find another meal, she told the creature before she turned away from him.

"No pleassss, pleassssse take me with you, the creature jumped at her legs, only for her brother to kick him off her.
" No, we helped you enough, now get going.

But no one can ssssurvie out here alone, it hissed. Pleasss, perhapssss I could be usssssefull to you.

Useful, yeah that's all we need, we already have enough mouths to feed, we don't need-

Alright said Mells interrupting her brother.

"What! Mells have you lost your mind, if we bring one of them back to our hideout, do you know what our aunt is going to do to us, or hell the commander?! No, no there is no way were-" he stopped when she looked at him with a look of sadness in her eyes. " He breathed in and sighed in defeat of his sister as he looked back at the pitiful creature behind her. " When this goes south, this was your idea, he pointed his claw at her.

"Oh thank you thank you sssssoooo much, I promissssss you ill do my bessssst.' it replied.

"Yeah well, three of us riding on this bike is not gonna be easy," Junior commented, already not liking the idea.

"So, got a name," asked Mells.

"When I was a pony, I was called, Thor Axe, now I guess I'm Thoraxe, haha ya get it? He chuckled at his own joke.

Mells smiled a small smile at that but otherwise didn't respond, her brother could care less and wanted just for the day to be over. With all three of them on the bike, thorax barely holding on. Mells was about to turn the key when she heard a snarling sound and looked up just in time to see eight other bug eyes, black creares jumped out around them. Her brother wasted no time turning back into his chimera form and clawed one away. " I thought you said you didn't have a pack!"

They kicked me out, I promissssss you I didn't know." thorax yelled out.

"Hahahahahhahaha, laughed one of them, well, look at what we have hear. At least the weak has found a food source."
"hmmm let's kill them both," said another. "Just shut up I'm starving," a voice said from the back. They laughed at them. Luckily Junior was quick on his feet, he was able to swing his tail at them, whipping them away, while Mells tried to start the bike. "Any time now!" her brother called out. It's not staring, were trapped!' she announced as another jumped out at her, Mells quickly through a hoof in its face defending herself. Just then as one of them went for a bite on Juniors' leg, thorax hissed and clawed that away. The sudden appearance of seeing that thing trying to save him brought a look of shock to Junior's face. Only it was short-lived as another came close for an attack. As the three were starting to panic, defending themselves Suddenly the sound of another engine roared over the surroundings. Those attacking looked up to see a Violet pony blazing through on a four-wheeler. Another pony, a sky blue one, standing up on the four-wheeler, pulled out a large baster and began shooting at the creatures.

The bullets however only bounced off their exo skeletons and they ran after the four-wheeler, in hopes of grabbing some more lunch.

The driver swerved the vehicle to the side giving her companion a better shot. However, the blue pony leaped up into the air kicking one of the creatures in the face. She then pulled out a knife and began beating the others, a strand of rainbow hair fell out from under a bandana. She wore a scar apawn her eye. One of the creatures bit down onto her left arm, but she smirked as it was revealed it was a medal prosthetic. She pulled a gun from her waist and shot at point-blake range finally killing the creature. She then took the knife and plunged it into another ripping through its guts, as its blood spilled out.

The violet pony wasted no time, grabbing the other gun and blowing the heads off another creature. With in seconds, the battle was over.

A good look at the two revealed their own battle damage. The purpole pony had an eye patch, crazy unsolved hair that stuck up in the air, and a scar a pawn her cheek. Her companion had a piece of her ear missing along with a scar over her own eye and the prosthetic limb. "Everyone ok," asked the violet pony.

"Aunt Twilight," shouted the twins as they ran up to her.

"When you didn't call in I figured something was a miss, so we decided to have a look, good thing two it seems." Their aunt smiled.

"We were ambushed," Junior shouted as he hugged his aunt. Despite the size difference, it was clear he was still young compared to Twilight who already had a few grey hairs in her wild mane. She smiled softly at the sight of her niece and nephew, only for the sound of Mells to catch her attention.

"No, no, stop," the teenager called out.

The blue peguases had a gun pointing at Thorax's head. The last of them. She squinted her eyes furiously as she came close to pulling the trigger, but before she could Mells stepped in her way. "GET OUT OF MY WAY," the blur pony barked.

"Commander, this one is different, he's not a threat."

"Yeah, in fact, he saved me, or at least tried to," her brother called out as he ran over to his sister. Mells looked at him surprised by the notion, but proud of her brother.

"Probably to eat you itself, now get out of my way," snarled the commander.

"Hay! What's going on!" Shouted their aunt.

"Aunty please," This one tried to defend us after we helped it.

"HELPED IT!" Yelled the commander. "That's a damn changeling, not some little puppy on the street, they're dangerous, now move aside," the commander order her and pushed Mells away raising her gun at the frightened thorax.

"STAND DOWN DASH!" Yelled their aunt. Dash stood gun pointing at the beast, she grits her teeth lowering her eyebrow! "I said, stand down, commander dash," Twilight repeated as she stepped closer to her.

Dash turned her gaze to twilight but never lowered her weapon. "Twilight, these changelings are dangerous. It's because of them that we lost so many," she said in a frightening calm voice, yet you could hear the intensity of her anger just below the surface.

"And it is not their fault, you forget Dash, that at one point, all changlings were normal creatures like you and I. Ponies dogs, lizards, they were all turned into this, it wasn't their choice. Now lower your weapon." Twilight warned as she clenched her hoof.

Dash slowly blinked at her, "yes sir leader, Sparkle," she replied coldly, and reholstered her gun, before walking away.

Twilight watched as her friend left, and only when she was a safe distance away did Twilight finally bring her attention to the changling and the twins. "Compassion, kindness, having a simple heart... These are traits long gone from this world. Now it's eat or be eaten, survival of the fittest. She spat. Friendship... I'm glad to see you two still have what your mother had, the both of you." She smiled at her nease and nephew. "Especially you Mellody. She chuckled "You're so much like your father I often forget you're related to her as well." Twilight told her as she placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

Mells, looked down away from her a bit shyly before turning her gaze cautiously in the direction of the commander.

"Don't worry about the commander. She's just trying to keep everyone safe," Twilight encouraged, before stepping over to the changling. "Got a name?"

"Tha, thorax," muttered the scared changling.

"Well, thorax, I'm Twilight Sparkle, your friend's aunt. Thank you for at least trying to save them."

"It was my fault, my pack followed me."

"Why were you alone in the first place?"

"My pack abandoned me because I have become the weakesssst among ussss. I've just been sssso hungry."

"Well thorax, seems your pretty strong to me," smiled Twilight wisely.

"Thank you, leader. Please take me with you, feed me, and I promise you I'll guard you."


"SILENCE!" Commanded Twilight, stopping Dash's rant. Dash quieted down but glared at the changeling. Twilight sighed at the tough decision she would have to make.

Seeing her hesitation, Thorax shrunk instinctually in fear for his life.

"Aunty please," begged Junior surprising Mellody, but she also stood pleading for the creature's life.

She let out another breath as she straightened her back. "Well take you in-" The three of them smiled, as Dash began to grow furious. "-As a prisoner," finished Twilight surprising the twins. Seeing their expression, Twilight shook her head. "I'm sorry but it is far too risky to have you be a member of what little we have left. If you can prove yourself worthy however maybe in time I'll allow more freedom, but right now that is your only choice, that or death. You won't find food out here, so in Mursey, I'll let Dash finish you off, or-"

"No no I," the changling lowered his head. "I understand," he bowed. "Thank you," he said placing his hooves upward. Twilight nodded and turned around to grab some rope from her four-wheeler.

"You're making a mistake trusting that thing." Growled Dash.

"I don't trust him..." Twilight called back and returned with the rope. "I trust my niece," she said placing the rope in Melody's hooves. With the weight of it in her hooves, she looked at it a bit shaken. Her brother was in awe of her expression. He never saw her act like this before. "Well mellody," asked her aunt with a kind smile, but a stern look in the eye. Knowing full well it was a heavy request, Junior walked over and picked up part of the rope, taking some of the load off from his sister. She was startled at first by the rope growing lighter, but when she turned to him, she silently thanked him as they both tied up Thorax, the changeling.

Author's Note:

I hope you all liked this chapter, and guess what, we have two more in this time period!!! So look forward to that.