• Published 12th Jun 2023
  • 491 Views, 98 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Cold, Cold Heart - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a Deputy who found his destiny... just not the way he expected.

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A large machine floated in front of me. It was tall, and quite notable for being bipedal in its stature. This was surprising, as if this was a pony built machine the designer would presumably have gone for a quadrapetal stance, which it did not. This in turn gave some clues about who had built it.

It was painted grey, and had two legs that were articulated forwards, rather like those of a human. The feet were big blocks of metal, and the chest section was narrow. Both arms had weapons attached to them, which looked like some sort of energy rifle and a rotating cannot respectively. Above it was a head, mounted on a neck joint between the shoulders. This head had a single eye in the middle, which was presumably used by the pilot to see where the machine was going.

The pilot then repeated his statement. "Well, it looks as though the meddlers got here before me!"

I had no idea what this being was talking about, so I tried to regain my breath as best as I could before the subject on the opposite end of the machine started gloating again. "Well, that brings an end to my easy domination, as that meddling pony is constantly getting in my way!"

He didn't even seem to have noticed I was there, based on how he was constantly rambling on. At least, I thought it was a he based on the voice. "But no matter. I have more than enough firepower to handle this particular little problem. A pathetic little pony won't be a match for my weapons!"

I decided to get a quip in. "I think you'll find I'm average height!"

"For a weakling, yes," the figure gloated, as the chest partially retracted to reveal a person sitting there. I couldn't see there face, but what stood out to me was the fact they seemingly had a striped item of clothing on, which was a bit odd. "But this machine is the ultimate in what can be designed! Prepare to be blown away!" The chest closed again. "I'd say it's been nice knowing Sprout... but it really hasn't."

Just then, the machine floated back into the air, and swung its arms about. The weapons moved into position, and I quickly dashed out of the way as it opened fire. Energy blasts rocketed forward and blew up the place I had been standing as I ran about.

"Clearly some sort of targeting defect," the pilot said. "Still, no matter. Sustain fire!"

The large machine continued firing away at the terrain, as I simply tried to keep moving. I began to sprint in the direction of the lighthouse- not because I intended for it to get blown up, but because there was a line of trees that I knew would protect me.

I rolled behind a boulder as a storm of missiles rocketed from the machine, slamming into the ground and blowing some other things up. I thought I would be safe behind this lot.

Unfortunately, I was very wrong. I heard a loud hum, and there the machine was above me. "Hello there," the pilot said. "Hide and seek won't save you this time."

I cursed and sprinted off as he began firing again. It seemed that machine had access to a lot of firepower, but either that it wasn't very accurate or the pilot was simply dreadful at aiming. That was no excuse to get cocky on my end, though. If I wasn't careful of where I went, I knew I would probably be reduced to a messy paste on the landscape. I rolled and dodged as more firepower roared my way, and this soon led me onto a barren patch of ground with little on it.

I did notice a nice unicorn trap to hide in, so I jumped on that to trigger it. These traps were virtually indestructible! There was no chance of that machine getting me in here! I was safe!

Or so I thought. There was a loud sound, like the tearing of metal, and the machine simply pulled the lid off the trap and looked at me.

"Shoddy earth pony engineering," the pilot mocked. "Like everything in this world, second rate and rubbish. You should really consider appearing in a better generation."

I ran again as the ground was once again filled with fire, and I only just escaped when something weird happened during the run. I know, calling something weird after all the existing strangeness. But please bear with me.

I soon found myself slipping and sliding, and the ground collapsed below me just as more firepower flew my way. I was now seemingly in some sort of dark chamber, with a door at one end and the sky visible through the hole I had just created.

The pilot of that thing gloated as I stayed down here. He was clearly convinced that he had won the battle, but I was certain I could turn the tide.

I turned around, and saw something behind me that amazed me. Sitting there in this chamber was a large red machine that looked like a red pony, with treads where the hooves would be, and a large cabin where the head would be. Not only that, it kinda resembled me.

Of course, I then recognized it. It was the very same machine that I had found at the bottom of Crater Lake, where this whole sorry episode had started. Whilst on the one hoof mightily convenient, on the other hoof I now had a means of fighting back against that monster and emerging on top. This would truly be a great day in the history of Maretime Bay!

I just had to get it started. I hopped into the cab and checked the controls. It had power and brake pedals, as well as a manual gearbox and other displays. The digital readout at the front contained a spot for a speedometer, an oil pressure light, and even a radio.

I noticed the fuel gauge stated there was fuel in the tank, so I turned the key. At that moment, the starter circuit ignited, and with a cough four diesel engines roared into life, with smoke plumes pouring from the back of the machine. Other systems came online, and I flicked through the options. I hit LOAD AMMO, and then set off out of the tunnel and faced the robot.

"Time for a fair fight!" I said, as I hit a few more switches. Two weapons deployed on the side and began to spool up.

The pilot of the other machine looked unimpressed. "That little toy?" he said. "I could blow that up in my sleep!"

"Do your worst!" I replied, as the weapons- a pair of splatapault batteries- opened fire, the balls flying through the air and exploding on all sorts of everything. "Get stuck on things!"

The machine fired on the ground and tried to blow my robot up, but I was driving very fast. I noticed that each tread was controlled separately, so I could drive sideways to maintain the target in my sights. Although that thing was fast, it was no match for my driving.

And the weight of ammunition that was flying through the air soon had a useful effect on the enemy. Several splatapault balls exploded against the machine, which soon got stuck on the ground and struggled to move, even with engines roaring at full power.

It was time to blindside them. One last splatapault barrage blocked up the sensor systems and caused a ball to explode over the machines' visual sensor. The pilot was blind as well as deaf, which made him functionally unable to continue the fight against me.

The machine finally broke free. "Vision impaired! I cannot see!" The robot roared upwards into the air, unable to figure out where the enemy was. "This won't be the last you will see of me! I shall return some day in the near future and finish what I started! The others shall be easier to take down!"

As it flew away, I sat there, panting with the exertion of the battle. I had done it. I had driven that robot off and minimized damage to the local area. I had won.

But that encounter left me with more questions than answers. Who was that figure who had attacked me and Maretime Bay? What did he want with us? What had he meant by 'another generation'?

And most importantly of all, what had he meant by 'the others'? Was he alluding to Sunny and Hitch? Or somepony else? This was a confusing matter, to say the least, and I would need to investigate.

I began to drive the machine back towards Maretime Bay. I needed to find out what could be done to prepare us for that thing's return.

But before that I had to deal with the thing they never show in crime procedurals. The paperwork. And this incident would have so much paperwork.

Author's Note:

Not much to say.... but.... indeed.. quite the Bulletstorm it was. ^^