• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 454 Views, 36 Comments

Pokemon: Sunset's Insurgence - UnknownOrigin

A crossover between Equestria Girls and Pokemon Insurgence, Sunset is dragged into the Torren region and must travel the region in hopes of finding a way back to CHS, all the while uncovering the dark secrets the region has to offer.

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Chapter 3: Waking Up in Telnor Town

After the door closed shut behind them, Wyatt, Sunset, and Mew found themselves standing on top of a large rocky hill in the middle of the forest as the sun had now risen a little bit over the horizon. The two of them stood there for a bit before the both of them took in a massive breath of fresh air as they felt as though they had been holding their breath since the ritual ended. Wyatt a little more so as he was still a little shaken up at seeing three people die in front of him within such a short period of time. If he didn't realize it before, he now truly understood just how dangerous and evil the cults that Mew mentioned were, and that it felt like a pressure on his shoulders lifted now that both he and Sunset had gotten out without issue.

"Hey, Wyatt, are you doing ok?" Mew asked in an attempt to break the silence.

"With witnessing three people die just moments ago and leaving me somewhat shook, other than that I guess I'm fine." Wyatt said.

"Well, I guess that's good?" Mew said with uncertainty. "Oh, now that we're out you don't have to look like that anymore. So let me just quickly..." Mew held out its arm towards Wyatt again as its eyes began to glow white with its hand also beginning to glow. A white light surrounded Wyatt once again before it completely covered him and when it faded away, Wyatt was now back to normal.

"Thanks Mew." Wyatt said.

"You're welcome. Now let's get down from here and see if we can find a town or something." Mew said as it floated towards the side of the rocky mound they were by. Following Mew, Wyatt saw a few sets of stairs that led down the hill and went down them. After getting down the last staircase and now walking on grass, Wyatt went around the rocky hill and saw Mew waving to him and pointing at a path that led through the forest. Walking over to Mew, the three of them began heading down the path as Mew and Wyatt began talking.

"So, any idea where we might be?" Wyatt asked.

"Not necessarily, I've never really been anywhere in the eastern part of Torren so your guess is as good as mine." Mew said.

"Well, I guess that kinda answers my question. Where do you usually stay then?" Wyatt asked.

"Mostly around the north half of Torren. But, the thing is, I actually only came here recently. Roughly a month or two ago." Mew said.

"Really?" Wyatt asked.

"Yep. I mostly hang around the Kanto region and a little bit of Johto as well. I do know a few Mythicals that tend to hang around here sometimes, so I got curious one day and came here myself to see what's so interesting about this region." Mew said.

"What other Mythicals do you know?" Wyatt asked.

"Well, there's Celebi who's somewhat shy but is really kind. I know Shaymin hangs out in the southern half, they're somewhat energetic and I suppose the word sporty also best describes him as he is very playful. The only other one I know personally is Manaphy who is quite the matchmaker, always loving to put humans and Pokemon in imaginary relationships." Mew said with a giggle.

"Huh, I guess Torren is some sort of tourist spot for Mythicals I guess." Wyatt said.

"What about you? Do you have any memories of any friends or know anyone personally?" Mew asked. Wyatt tried to see if he could remember anyone, whether it be a close friend or an acquaintance, though he had no luck. What really worried him was the fact that he couldn't remember if he has any family members or not.

"Afraid not. I don't even know if I have any family members here in Torren or anywhere else." Wyatt said somewhat somberly.

"Oh, then I guess we'll just have to see if anyone knows who you are." Mew said before they noticed what appeared to be a trail post with signs on it. "Wyatt, check it out!"

Wyatt noticed the post and quickly made his way over to it with Mew right behind him. Looking at the sign he saw two arrows on it with one pointing down a split in the trail that went left that said "Telnor Town" while the other pointed pointed towards where the path continued and said "Telnor Cave".

"Looks like there's a town nearby. At least we're not out in the middle of nowhere." Wyatt said.

"Looks like it, and it doesn't seem to be to far." Mew said as it looked down split that went left and saw a clearing in he forest roughly half a mile out.

"Alright, then let's hurry. The sooner we can get to civilization, the better." Wyatt said.

They then took off down the split and towards where the clearing was. Along the way, Wyatt saw a few different Pokemon through the trees as the went down the path and he was surprised that he was actually able to recognize some of them. He recognized a large green caterpillar known as Caterpie as it climbed up a tree, he watched as a large yellow mouse with a lightning shaped tail known as a Pikachu run through some tall grass, and he even spotted purple gaseous orbs knows as Gastly hiding within the shade of the trees as it was trying to scare a large brown chipmunk known as a Patrat. It felt calming that Wyatt was able to remember so many different Pokemon with ease, a familiarity that brought him comfort.

Eventually, they reached the end of the trail and exited the woods where they found themselves in a small town where he could see two small ponds by the entrance he was at, a large red and white building nearby that Wyatt was also able to remember was called a Pokemon Center Pokemon trainers took their Pokemon to be healed and also served as shops where people could buy a variety of different things. Towards the left there was a somewhat large brown building with a domed roof, and further into the town there were various small houses where people lived. Lastly, towards the back of the town there was a gray building with a red chimney that had windows lining it.

"Well, looks like my job here is done, and, well, I need to get going." Mew said as they stood at the entrance.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Wyatt asked.

"Yeah, but don't worry. I have two last things I need to give you. First is this note." Mew said as a new note appeared in its hands.

"Um, could you read it. I kind of can't hold it at the moment." Wyatt said as he reminded Mew that he was still carrying Sunset.

"Whoops, sorry about that. Ahem, it reads:" Mew said as they began to read the letter.

This is the Quartz Flute which will let you call upon Mew when needed. All you need to do is play a few simple notes and Mew will be summoned to assist and help you anytime you wish. I'm afraid that this might be the final time you here from me, but just know that I wish for your safety and am watching over you.

Good Luck
-Your Benefactor

"A flute? What flute?" Wyatt asked.

"This one!" Mew said as a flute appeared in their hands. It was a crystal white flute with two white ribbons hanging off the bottom of it with five holes on it where Wyatt could place his fingers to play different notes. "And like the note says, all you need to do is play it and no matter where I am I will hear it and come right to you. You can use it if you need my help, or if you just want to talk to me."

"Thanks Mew." Wyatt said as Mew opened up his backpack and placed the flute inside alongside the three books Wyatt had taken. Now that he was out of the base, he planned on reading them sometime soon.

"Alright, I'll see you later Wyatt. Oh, one last thing. Don't tell anyone about me and that you can summon me, ok? Bye!" Mew said as it waved before the air around it began to distort and Mew disappeared as it teleported away. Wyatt smiled as he knew that he had someone, or in this case somemon, to easily call upon if he ever needed help. He then turned towards town to head into it, only to stop as he saw someone running towards him.

The person in question appeared to be a boy roughly Wyatt's age, maybe even a year younger. He had white skin, dark green eyes, and short platinum blond hair that at times appeared to be pure white when the morning light shone on it in a certain way. He wore a pale green hoodless jacket over a white shirt, red brown sweat pants, and black tennis shoes. As he approached Wyatt, he was rapidly looking around as though trying to find something before he turned to Wyatt.

"I could swear I just saw Mew here just now!" The boy said excitedly. "Did you see it? A tiny pink Pokemon? It was floating really close to you!"

Wyatt shook his head as he immediately did what Mew requested of him. "Sorry, I didn't see a Pokemon near me."

"Oh... I could swear I..." The boy said as he trailed off and looked around one more time before turning back to Wyatt. "Anyways, my name is Damian. I'm an aspiring Pokemon trainer! And you are...?" The boy now known as Damian asked.

"I'm Wyatt. It's nice to meet you." Wyatt said as he introduced himself.

"Wyatt? Ok, got it! Oh, who's that you're carrying?" Damian asked as he noticed Wyatt carrying Sunset

"I don't really know. Uhm, will you believe me if I tell you something?" Wyatt asked.

"Sure, I guess?" Damian said.

Wyatt then explained how he had escaped the Cult of Darkrai and managed to get Sunset out of there as well, how he had no memories to speak of, and that they had just gotten here. Making sure to slightly change the story here and there to make sure Mew wasn't included.

"You escaped from the Cult of Darkrai!" Damian exclaimed.

"Yeah. I'm also kind of hoping if anyone here recognizes me as I don't know who I was or if there was anyone I knew that could help me." Wyatt said.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid I don't recognize you. But escaping a cult is still a major deal. There have been reports of members of the Cult of Darkrai being seen in Shade Forest, but people have been shrugging them off as rumors." Damian said, though it was at this moment both Wyatt and Damian's stomachs gave off a loud growl and interrupted their conversation.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Though I guess you also haven't as well. How about you come over to my house? I'm sure my dad and mom would be willing to let you eat with us!" Damian said.

"Are you sure?" Wyatt asked.

"Definitely, and she can rest on the couch until she wakes up and we can learn who she is." Damian said.

"Ok then. I guess lead the way then." Wyatt said.

Damian led the three of them into town as they passed by the Pokemon Center and the building with the dome roof. Passing by through what appeared to be the heart of the town, Wyatt saw various streamers and banners hung up between light posts and trees. Some of the banners featured the face of someone with white skin, yellow hair, and green eyes. They eventually reached a house towards the edge of the town, said house seemed to be a simple two-story house with brown wooden walls and a yellow roof, windows could also be seen on the first and second floors and had curtains covering them. Damian opened the door and went inside with Wyatt and Sunset following closely behind him. They found themselves in a large room that acted as the first floor of the house, where everything was sectioned off and acted as its own "room". To the left was a tv on top of a cabinet with a large couch sat in front of it. To the right was a table with six chairs surrounding it as there was a small vase holding a couple of flowers. The back right corner of the room had a variety of kitchen appliances such as an oven, stove, fridge, and microwave as multiple cabinets lined the wall. Finally, a staircase leading to the second floor could be seen in the back left corner, supposedly leading to where the bedrooms were. Standing in the kitchen were two people. The first was a man white white skin, green eyes, and brown hair that was balding a little bit. He wore a long sleeve white button up shirt, brown kaki pants, and was wearing brown loafers. The other woman had white skin, brown eyes, and long blond hair. She wore a purple short sleeve shirt, a short pink skirt around her waist with black shorts as well, and wore pink high heels.

"Dad, Mom, I'm home! And we have guests!" Damian called out as they entered the house.

"Guests?" The man who was Damian's father asked as he looked over at his son and Wyatt carrying Sunset.

"Damian, what have we said about inviting strangers into our home?" The woman who was Damian's mother asked.

"Um, well you see..." Damian nervously said.

"Now honey, I'm sure Damian had good intentions with inviting these two into our home. Speaking of, is she ok?" Damian's father asked as he noticed Wyatt carrying Sunset.

"That's the thing, Wyatt and this girl escaped from the Cult of Darkrai and just got to town. Also, Wyatt says he doesn't have any memories so he doesn't know if there is anyone he can go to and he also says that the girl hasn't woke up ever since he recued her." Damian explained.

"WHAT?!" Damian's mother shouted. "No, we are not having people who were captured by a cult in our home!"

"Honey, you need to calm down." Damian's father said.

"Don't you see?! By letting these people into our home a cult may come barging down that door threatening us to tell them where they went!" Damian's mother continued.

"Honey, why would a cult visit a simple boring town like ours?" Damian's father said to try and comfort his wife.

"But-" Damian's mother protested.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. Anyways, I am sorry that you lost your memories... Wyatt, was it? Anyways, both you and the girl are free to be here." Damian's father said.

"Thank you, sir." Wyatt said before his stomach started to growl.

"Well, I guess I'm not the only one who was starting to get hungry. You can set her down on that couch and join us for breakfast, we decided to make Damian's favorite this morning." Damian's father said.

"You made Razz Berry pancakes?! Yes!" Damian happily shouted and went over to the kitchen to grab a plate.

Wyatt went over to the couch and set Sunset down on it, though took off her backpack and set it beside the couch so she could comfortable lay on her back. He himself also went to the kitchen and grabbed a plate as Damian and his parents began to take a seat at the table. The pancakes that had been made were golden brown and looked very soft and fluffy. On the side was a small bowl containing numerous berries that were red in color and had had small bumps on it. Putting a pancake on his plate and placing a Razz Berry on it, he went over to the table and sat by Damian who was already beginning to eat his pancakes, though not before taking his backpack off and setting it by his seat. Taking a fork and knife that had been set out, Wyatt cut off a bit of the pancake while making sure a Razz Berry was also on the bit he cut off. When he ate it, he was amazed at how sweet and delicious it was.

"So, how do you like it?" Damian asked.

"It's amazing." Wyatt said.

"Great. Man, I can't wait for how amazing today is going to be." Damian said.

"Why's that." Wyatt asked.

"The Augur- the greatest man in the world, of course- is coming today!" Damian said excitingly.

"The, Augur? Who's that?" Wyatt asked.

"You don't know who the Augur is? Have you been living under a rock?" Damian asked, only to see Wyatt's unamused expression. "Oh, right, no memories. Sorry. Essentially, the Augur is the guy who protects the whole region! He's my biggest hero!"

"The guy who protects the region?" Wyatt questioned as he took another bite of his pancake.

"Pretty much. He helps protect the region and its inhabitants from the actions of the cults. Though he hasn't really lived up to the title when it comes to actually dealing with the cults compared to the previous Augur." Damian's father said.

"Previous Augur? What do you mean by that." Wyatt asked.

"To put it simply, the current Augur is the second one Torren has ever seen. His predecessor, the first Augur, was a powerful trainer and was well liked throughout the whole region. You know about how bad the cult situation is, right?" Damian's father asked.

"Kinda. The only one I kinda know about is the Cult of Darkrai." Wyatt said.

"To put it simply, today 5 major cults plague the Torren region, with the Cult of Darkrai only being quite small compared to the others. Back in the day, there existed even more cults that were all feared for various reasons. The first Augur disbanded over half of them, and some of them disbanded on their own after witnessing what the Augur was capable of. He was an amazing man and was everyone's hero. However, about one year ago, the Augur disappeared without a trace with some people saying that he went missing trying to disband a cult. No one knows which one. Jaern, the current Augur, stepped up and claimed the position of Augur in his stead, saying that he doesn't believe the first Augur is dead and is acting as Augur in his stead. That's why I don't think Jaern has lived up to the title yet, but I'm fine with Damian seeing him as a hero. Who knows, maybe he will do something about the cults in a way that will make me happy." Damian's father explained, though throughout the explanation he had a look on his face as though he was yearning about the past.

"He sounded amazing, and I hope he shows up someday soon." Wyatt said.

"He was. Anyways, yes, the current Augur is visiting Telnor Town as a way of showing that he wants to make sure everyone is safe and happy. We've been putting together decorations for his arrival, you might have seem them in town on the way here. Anyways, I think we're pretty much finished it decorating. As long as everyone has their gift for the Augur ready, we're pretty much done with everything. Speaking of, you do have your gift, right Damian?" Damian's father said as e turned towards Damian.

"Oh..." Damian said as he began to visibly panic. "Well... Um... I may have, forgotten."

"Of course you have..." Damian's mother said as she gave an annoyed sigh.

"Now honey, it's fine. Damian, I've heard that you can find a Rare Stone in Telnor Cave within Shade Forest. Of course, you'd need a Pokemon to go safely..." Damian's father said.

This seemed to set something off within Damian's mother. "No, absolutely not! Not a chance! Damian is not ready to get a Pokemon! He's still just a child!"

"Mom, please. Almost all of the others in town have already gotten their and left!" Damian pleaded.

"And you're not going to follow them! You'll get yourself killed!" Damian's mother said, though it was at this moment that Damian became extremely annoyed and said something that made Wyatt's jaw drop.

"Why do you care? It's not like you're my real mother or anything..." Damian said.

"I've raised you since birth! You're not capable of raising a plant, let alone a Pokemon! You're irresponsible, antisocial, and you can't even-"

"That's ENOUGH out of you two!" Damian's father shouted as he interrupted both of them. "You're embarrassing us in front of our guests."

Damian and his now revealed stepmother looked away from eachother, though while his stepmother still had an annoyed expression, Damian's was that of sadness and embarrassment. Wyatt couldn't help but feel bad for him and gave him a light pat on the shoulder to show he was here for him.

"Anyways, Wyatt? Do you at least have any experience with handling a Pokemon?" Damian's father asked.

"None that I can remember, but I do know how Pokemon battles and everything involving them work." Wyatt said.

"I suppose that's good enough. We'll lend one to both you and Damian. Would you be willing to help him through Shade Forest and to Telnor Cave to help him find a gift for the Augur?" Damian's father asked.

"Of course. I want to help repay you all for allowing me to eat with you and Damian for helping me and her out." Wyatt said.

"Wonderful! I'm very grateful. So it's settled then..." Damian's father said as Damian and his stepmother looked at him, one with happiness while the other with annoyance. "Wyatt will help Damian to get a gift for the Augur, and if Daman shows responsibility, perhaps he can keep the Pokemon afterwards. How does that sound, you two?"

"Amazing! Thank you Dad!" Damian exclaimed.

"Fine. He won't, though." Damian's mother said. "But, we're not giving him one of ours to use. They can both get an Eevee from Professor Sylvan."

"I suppose that's ok. She does have a bunch of Eevee from her days as a trainer, so I suppose she wouldn't mind giving away some of them." Damian's father said.

"Hey, Wyatt." Damian whispered so only Wyatt could hear. "Thanks for agreeing to do this with me. I just hope I don't mess this up."

"You're welcome, and I'm sure you'll do fine." Wyatt whispered back.


Everyone froze as they heard someone groaning, and after looking around to see who it was, Wyatt and Damian realized that Sunset was finally starting to wake up and rushed over to her.

Sunset felt as though her entire body was rebelling against her at her attempts to try and wake up. Every single part of her body felt numb, and her mind felt extremely foggy which made it a struggle to try and think properly. However, the fog within her mind began to clear away as her senses slowly began to return to her. She felt like she was laying down on something soft and that she couldn't feel her backpack on her back. She let out a quiet groan as she began to open her eyes. which were greeted by her looking up at a ceiling. Looking around a little more, she found that she was laying down on a couch as the screen of a tv faced her. She noticed her backpack on the floor beside herself, and with one last groan, began to adjust her position so that she would be able to sit. As she did, she heard footsteps coming over to her as Wyatt and Damian approached her.

"She's waking up!" Damian exclaimed.

"Yeah, maybe we can learn why she was in the Cult of Darkrai's base." Wyatt said hopefully.

Hearing their voices, Sunset turned and looked at the two boys standing next to the couch with both of them looking to be around her age.

"Where... Who..." Sunset began saying as she was starting to fully wake up.

"Hey, it's ok. You're in Telnor Town, away from the Cult of Darkrai." Damian said.

"Telnor Town? Cult of Darkrai? What is-" Sunset's froze as everything that happened to her came rushing back. Her leaving her apartment and heading to Canterlot High, her trying to go through the portal only for her arm to start feeling as though it was being crushed, that face within the surface of the portal, and her passing out after being dragged through it by shadowy tendrils that shot out of it. She shot up out of her seat and stood up.

"Woah, hey! Are you ok." Wyatt asked.

"I remember, that weird shadow, the portal to Equestria acting weird, me being dragged through it..." Sunset began rambling in a state of panic.

"What are you talking about?" Wyatt asked.

"Uhm..." Sunset panicked as she realized she had been thinking aloud and accidentally mentioned the portal to Equestria. She also noticed how both Wyatt and Damian were human and how she still was one, so she thought that maybe she had been taking somewhere else within the alternate version of Equestria. "Nothing. Where, am I?"

"Like I said, you're in Telnor Town. Wyatt got you out of the Cult of Darkrai's base and then the two of you got here where I took you here to my house." Damian said.

"Yeah, we were wondering what you were doing locked up in that cell." Wyatt said.

"Wait, hold on. I was trapped in a cell by a cult? I don't remember that." Sunset said.

"So were you asleep the asleep even before the cult locked you up?" Wyatt asked.

"I don't know. All I remember is walking to CHS and passing out." Sunset said as she wanted to try and prevent talking about the portal.

"CHS, what's that?" Damian asked.

"Canterlot High School. Speaking of, do you guys know the way back to Canterlot because from what you said, I'm apparently not there anymore?" Sunset asked.

"I'm probably not the person to ask that question." Wyatt said. "Damian, is there anyplace called Canterlot?"

"I've never heard of a place called Canterlot here in Torren. Maybe its in another region? But even then the name doesn't sound familiar." Damian said.

"Wait, Torren? What's Torren?" Sunset asked.

"Torren is the region we're in! Since there isn't anywhere named Canterlot here in Torren, maybe there's one in another region! Maybe it's in Unova? Or Tandor? Hey it might be someplace in the Eldiw region!" Damian said.

Sunset had trouble processing what Damian had said. She had taken a few history and geography classes during her time at CHS, but she's never heard of any regions or countries named Torren or any of the other ones Damian had listed. She then came upon the realization that maybe she hadn't been taken somewhere else in the parallel version of Equestria, but to another world that while similar, was completely different. This caused her to begin feeling a little light headed as she began to panic.

"I... I need to get some fresh air." Sunset said as she walked towards the front door of the house and exited.

"You two should probably go check on her. She looked like she was about to pass out." Damian's father said.

"Yeah. Let's go follow her, and then we can go get a Pokemon from Professor Sylvan!" Damian said as he rushed out the door. However, Wyatt took a little bit longer as he went to put back on his backpack and, noticing that Sunset had left hers, grabbed it and followed Damian.

Outside, Sunset began to simply walk around Telnor Town as she tried her best to calm down. It felt as though she was back at the moment of going through the portal to the alternate version of Equestria and was scared as she didn't know where she was. And while she was still in a form she was familiar with, what was unfamiliar was the new world she was in.

"Ok, calm down and just go over what you have just learned. You were dragged through the portal to Equestria after something happened to it and are now in a new world. You are still a human and you are able to understand them as they appear to speak english. The only real difference so far is that the regions that boy listed are places you have never heard of. Is there anything else- Oh! Sorry about that..." Sunset trailed off as she had accidentally bumped into something small while walking and when she looked down to see what it was, she found herself staring at a Pikachu who was also looking back up at her. "What the..."

"Pika!" The Pikachu said as it looked up at her.

"Ahh!" Sunset fell down and backed away from the Pikachu as it looked at her in confusion, though it noticed someone behind her and ran off.

"There you are. You don't look like you're doing to good. Is everything ok?" Damian asked.

"What, what was that?" Sunset asked.

"A, Pikachu? Seriously are you ok? You acted as though you've never seen a Pokemon in your life." Wyatt asked.

"A Pokemon. What's a Pokemon?" Sunset asked. this prompted Wyatt and Damian to exchange worried glances.

"You mean you've never heard of or seen a Pokemon? Maybe she's like you and lost her memories as well, maybe the Cult of Darkrai did something to you both!" Damian exclaimed.

"No. I can know what a Pokemon is and almost everything about them. All I can't remember is anything personal or even my past. If they did the same thing to her as they did to me, then she wouldn't have asked about this Canterlot place." Wyatt said.

"I guess I really am in another world." Sunset said as she accepted her situation and stood up.

"Wait, hold on. What do you mean by other world?" Wyatt asked as he listened to Sunset.

"Well, um..." Sunset said as she had thought out loud again. Seeing how they had both heard her and that she couldn't deny what she had said, Sunset decided to tell them about the alternate Equestria. "The thing is, I'm not from this world."

"You're from another world! That's so cool! How did you get here?" Damian asked with excitement.

"Wait, didn't you say something about a portal after you woke up." Wyatt asked as he remembered what she had said.

"Yeah. The thing is, there's a portal back in my world that allows me to visit another one, and I was hoping to ask a friend from that world for some help regarding some things happening at Canterlot High. But when I tried to go through it, something weird happened." Sunset said.

"Weird how?" Damian asked.

"Well, the portal is a part of a statue and all I need to go through it is just walk through the statue. But when I tried to, Zit felt as though my arm was being crushed. When I pulled it back out, the statue began to start getting darker. The I saw something looking at me through the surface of the portal, and the next thing I knew these weird tendrils shot out of the portal and dragged me through. The was the last thing I remember before I passed out while being dragged by whatever those tendrils were attached to. I just woke up earlier as it felt like my body wasn't responding to me." Sunset explained.

"I guess that's why you were passed out when I got you out of that cell. The Cult of Darkrai probably found you after you got here and just put you in there." Wyatt said.

"You keep mentioning this 'Cult of Darkrai'. Who are they." Sunset asked.

"They're one of the 5 different cults here in the Torren region who worship Legendary and Mythical Pokemon! They're known for being responsible for some of the bad things that happen here, but people like the Augur are fighting against them!" Damian explained.

"Yeah, that's definitely something that wouldn't happen in my world. Well, I guess a lot of the stuff here is different than my world." Sunset said.

"What's your world like?' Wyatt asked.

"I guess similar to this one. The technology looks about the same. Though, you said those creatures are called Pokemon? Right?" Sunset asked which Wyatt nodded his head answering yes. "Pokemon don't really exist in my world. All we have are just simple animals like birds, dogs, and rabbits."

"I can't imagine a world without Pokemon. We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for their help." Damian said.

"I guess." Sunset said before a somber expression appeared on her face. "I just hope I can figure out how to get home. The girls are probably worrying about me. And probably Twilight as well as I didn't show up." Sunset said, though that last part she whispered so the other's couldn't hear her.

"I know! Maybe you can come with us to see Professor Sylvan!" Damian suggested.

"Professor Sylvan? Who are they?" Sunset asked.

"She's the Torren region's Pokemon Professor! She mostly researches things about Pokemon, but maybe she might know something that can help! We were on our way over anyway so we can get a Pokemon so we can go to Telnor Cave so you can come with us!" Damian requested.

Sunset thought this over, she was pretty much stranded in this new world and there was the chance that this Professor Sylvan could know someway to help get her back home. Besides, she didn't really have a lot to lose by asking, she just had to make sure she didn't mention Equestria and she would be fine.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt. I'll come with you then." Sunset said as she accepted the offer.

"Awesome! Wait, we never introduced ourselves! I'm Damian, and I'm hoping to become a great Pokemon trainer by showing my parents that I can be one!" Damian said as he held his hand out for Sunset to shake, which she did.

"I guess I'm next. My name's Wyatt, and I can't really remember much else than a few things because I've lost my memories, though I guess the Cult of Darkrai is because of that." Wyatt said as he also held out his hand to shake which Sunset did.

"I'm sorry you lost your memories and I hope you are able to get them back." Sunset said.

"Thanks. And what's your name?" Wyatt asked.

"Sunset Shimmer, and thanks for helping me with, you know, apparently getting me out of a cult's base." Sunset said as she introduced herself.

"You have no idea." Wyatt said as he mentally shivered as he remembered what he had witnessed while trying to escape.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, let's go see Professor Sylvan!" Damian said before he began walking towards the other end of town.

"Is he always like this?" Sunset asked.

"I guess. But he was kind enough to help us out when we got here." Wyatt said as he offered Sunset her bag.

Sunset smiled and after thanking Wyatt for grabbing it, the two of them followed Damian to where Professor Sylvan's lab was located, both for Wyatt and Damian to get a Pokemon to help them reach Telnor cave, and hopefully asking if she knew anything about how Sunset can get back to the parallel version of Equestria.

Author's Note:

With this chapter all said and done, we are now introduced to one of the rivals of the game and story: Damian. Also, Sunset has finally woken up and has realized that she isn't in either any of the worlds she is familiar with. I kind of struggled a bit if I wanted Sunset to tell Wyatt and Damian that she was from another world, but I eventually decided to go for it in the end and just have it be where she doesn't mention Equestria.

Also, we have our first two references within this chapter. I kind of want to see if you guys can find them as I will be revealing what the references are in the next chapter, so good luck with finding them!

One other thing, locations within Torren will have their actual in game location shown as to help piece together what the location looks like. They will also have a theme included along with them as well and I will try my best to include the actual theme used for it. If I can't, I'll do my best to find and pick another theme that would suit the location well. In this instance, I couldn't find Telnor Town's actual theme anywhere so I chose Nuvema Town's.

Anyways, the next chapter will see the introduction of two major characters of the story, as well as some new characters who are important in their own way. See you all then!

P.S.: Also at the end of these I will include small little bios about locations and an image displaying an actual map of Torren showing where it is. This is purely for fun and is just my way of doing worldbuilding without having to pause the story at an awkward moment. Here you go!

Telnor Town

Theme Used: Nuvema Town (Pokemon Black and White)

A small town located in the south-eastern corner of Torren. This small town is where the region's Pokemon Professor, Professor Sylvan, stays and is where her lab is located. She often gives out Eevees to aspiring trainers who wish to go and explore the region and compete in the Gym Challenge.