• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 635 Views, 115 Comments

A Pegasus Horn - Ignimbrite

Hello. My name's Obsidian, and before you ask, no. I'm not an alicorn.

  • ...

Long Story Short


Reporters Muck Raker and Mud Slinger have confessed to having fabricated information for their reports regarding the supposed affair between the princesses and the reporters' former employer, Quartz Stone.

According to their confession, the report was an attempt at retaliation against their former employer for firing them. Quartz later testified that they were fired for their insistence on printing a conspiracy theory claiming that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza still is and has always been the changeling queen Chrysalis.

Legal charges against the two reporters include stalking, planting bugs without a warrant, and unauthorized access to records containing personally identifiable information. Their hearings scheduled for later this month.

For printing these stories, the Horse's Mouth wishes to formally apologize to the princesses Celestia and Luna and to the Stone family. We should have verified the nature of these stories for ourselves, especially considering their implications and the secondhoof nature of the claimed evidence. For our failure to do so, we are as much in the wrong as they were, and for this, we apologize.

They were grounded.

Oh, they were so grounded.

They were going to remain grounded for a long, long, long time.

It was fitting, in a way. Their punishment for running away from home was being no longer allowed to leave home, with the exception of going to school. Gneiss even followed them back and forth for the first few weeks to ensure that they went straight there and straight back.

There were a few concessions. Most notably, their mom had finally given up on trying to keep Feldspar and Obsidian off the roof, instead resorting to asking Quartz to put up a fence to at least keep them from falling off.

It was on this roof that they were playing another game of house-rules chess using a footstool perched on the crest as a makeshift table.

Obsidian moved an inverted rook into attack position using a rather lucky roll, and Feldspar countered with two aces and a queen.

Rats, that's the third time in a row she's countered my attacks.

As Feldspar was about to launch her own attack, a muffin with a note tied to it landed between them. They both looked over the edge of the fence to see Derpy walking past.

They waved at the mailmare, and she waved back before trotting off.

They went back to attacking each other for a while. Feldspar finally won by resurrecting a few pawns as zombies behind Obsidian's line. He'd forgotten to guard against that trick.

Just as they were resetting the board, a thump landed next to them.

"Hi kids. Would you mind giving these to your parents?"

Derpy Hooves dug a couple letters out of her saddlebag and handed them to Obsidian.

He and his sister looked at each other, then back at the mailmare, who was busy digging around in her other saddlebag.

"Oh and here, have a..." She looked down at the muffin sitting beside the board. "Did I already give you a muffin?"

The two looked at each other, unsure whether to nod or shake their heads.

"Oh well. Here, have an extra one." She tossed the muffin to Feldspar and flew off.

They looked at each other again, then opened up the note that had been tied to the first muffin.



They both looked down again to see Derpy Hooves looking back up at them, grinning.

Feldspar flipped the note over and wrote a reply on the back, and Obsidian folded it into an airplane and threw it down.


The mailmare caught the plane and unfolded it. Just as she looked up and stuck out her tongue, Masquerade approached.

"There you are. Let's go. You're still in trouble for sneaking off to Canterlot like that."

Obsidian noticed that Kind Face had somehow grown almost as tall as her aunt.

What did she use for that stunt, stilts?

As Obsidian tried to figure it out, Feldspar looked through the letters.

"Hey look! This one's for me!"

She held it up for him to see, then tore open the envelope and pulled out the paper inside.

We are sorry to say we do not have any recommendations for ways in which thou may pass the time. We spent most of our own time mapping out the rock formations and plotting revenge, the first of which is not useful where you are, and the second of which we most vehemently recommend against.

We also spent quite a bit of time drawing pictures and writing messages in the dust. It would be best to be thankful there are no telescopes in Equestria powerful enough to see any of it. Some time, I ought to remember to go back to erase those writings, but good opportunities to do so never seem to arrive.

Thank you for your letter. Reading it did make for a most welcome break from our usual duties.


Obsidian looked at his sister.

"You didn't..."

A few days ago...

Laughter echoed whether the halls of the palace. As it finally died down, Celestia wiped a tear from her eye.

"She actually wrote that?"

Luna smirked. "Verily she did" -she picked up the letter so her sister could see -"in crayon."

Author's Note:

I hope y'all enjoyed this. It was fun to put together.

Out of curiosity, if Obsidian and his brother did not become a chimera, what would his brother's name be, and would he be the pegasus or the unicorn?

Comments ( 26 )

Obsidian has a brother?

It's the dumbed-down explanation for chimerism, see a few chapters back when Obsidian was introducing himself to the class.

Still convinced Face is a changeling. 😇

Oh yeah that's right

Well, this has been quite an entertaining read. Thank you very much for this story, Ignimbrite!
I shall look for further adventures like this now from you! Here, have a moustache: :moustache:

Oh, and on the question that you posed in your AN, it is my opinion that Obsidian should be a pegasus, as that is how his unicorn magic side is through. Had his magic been through his unicorn nature, it would have been a bit more powerful. Is this the answer perhaps you seek? Comment or PM if you wish.
Brother's name? I guess that, based on the nomenclature you have been using for the Stone family, maybe Sandstone, or Sandy for short? I am not a geologist, so my knowledge of rock types is rather limited, and I do not wish to reuse what was used for the Pie family, either... :pinkiehappy:

I loved this tale. I hope to see Obsidian again!


The answer I seek is whatever y'all come up with and whatever explanation you have for why you came up with it. I like your explanation for why Obsidian would be a pegasus because it makes sense. To be honest, I never could decide which one he "originally" was, so I figured it would be fun to see what everyone else thought.

didn't read it yet

Most ponies are clearly one race, but occasionally, a pony is born into two at a time.

Obsidian Crystal, the horned pegasus, is one such pony.

It probably doesn't help that there happens to be another pony species that looks just like him.

It probably also doesn't help that the only known members of said species happen to be the rulers of Equestria.

this makes me thing of my O.C. Solid Ground

I went ahead and added the bio. Thanks for the link, by the way.

Also, don't worry about copying your OC and passing it off as my own... I copied someone else's. :pinkiehappy:


I went ahead and added the bio.

Just saw that

Thanks for the link, by the way.

you are welcome

Also, don't worry about copying your OC and passing it off as my own

That was a joke,
just because both of O.C. has:
1) a horn
2) wings
3) a Blue and Grreen eye
that doesn't mean that you copied it from me
p.s. also do you consider your O.C. to have Vitiligo

show us your

you did WHAT ?

Who's ?

I didn't copy someone else's. I was just kidding around about that too.

I never considered giving him vitiligo. I did consider giving two fur colors, but since a lot of the humor in the story is derived from him being mistaken for an alicorn, I ended up limiting that part to just giving him differently colored wings. I figured a dual-color coat would tip ponies off that he has a medical condition that might have resulted in him being a pegacorn.

p.s. I somewhat did that as well
SharkPuncher is inspiered by this

was made after this chat

Helsa and Sleipnir
basted on the Norse mythology
and I added a H to Elsa

is basted on the ideal of, what is AppleJack was an Alicorn

is basted on StarDust
welll... a chat I had about him, and was sergested to go do my onw

Pixie Dream
I heard that word, and made her rite away

basted on Professor Iris, and the ideal of a unicorn with a horn that detashed and could change into anything

Soft Spark
my best friend's O.C. / PonySona

always serposed to have one eye, but after hearing the song OneEyeOneHornPurple... I made her a unicorn, be purple and be the Music teacher

MLP-D&D character, her backstory is to explain why she's a wizard when unicorns are around

needed a bad pony

an old story where a fish swims up a WaterFall, and becomes a dragon
she's a Mermare that did the same, and become a Alicorn

BubbleGum.s LOVES
the basted ideal was from this story

EEquestrian Princess- Three Thirds
The Cutie Mark Crusaders, after succesfully helping Diamond Tiara understand herself and the value of friendship, suddenlly find themselves in a strange void... And is that Princess Celestia?
Kind of Brony · 15k words  ·  450  23 · 7.9k views

but are completely their own thing

any Questions about my O.C.s or anything else ?

I'm curious about Farmer. Why does he prefer living an earth pony's lifestyle?

That's how he is, he's not into those fansy magic or flying around,
he prefers to just walk and smell the flowers that he planted
he preferst to do it by hoof then by magic
if you fly over things, you can't see the little beauty

p.s. I think I just made your Card-Dice-Chess game Real



That's how he is, he's not into those fansy magic or flying around,
he prefers to just walk and smell the flowers that he planted
he preferst to do it by hoof then by magic
if you fly over things, you can't see the little beauty

That's a nice way to live.

On the other part, I can't believe you defictionalized the house-rules chess game. Considering it was very loosely modeled off Double Cranko from MASH, that's impressive.

any Questions about any other O.C. ?

edit: what do you mean other part ?

I don't know what Double Cranko from MASH is
can you please show me ?

p.s. it's not like it was that hard
they already have Dice and Card versions of Chess (look at the videos that I sent you)

Plus, I make Games on my Free time
Nic's BoardGame ideals

p.s. any Changes that you want to make ?
any Questions about anything about the game ?
if I sell it for Billions, or do you want your name on it as well ?

Join the Group

Here's what Double Cranko is:

The big difference is that Double Cranko is explicitly stated to not have any rules, while house-rules chess does have rules. (That said, I asked what the rules were, and Obsidian and Feldspar laughed in my face claiming it was a "Stone Family secret.")

The Card-Dice Chess game does look cool. One thing I'm wondering though is about the color layouts. Are they two alternatives, or is it deliberately asymmetric so that the players would have to strategize around the differences? Either way, it looks like a neat concept.

Aa... games that we wish were real
Top 10 Fictional Games We Wish Were Real

while house-rules chess does have rules.

Did you make your own Rules ?

2 Different Layouts
you start by placing them in any way that you want on your 2 first Row
Should I have a standard ?

how would you place your "piece " ?

p.s. which one should "Slide" and each should "Jump"
F.Y.I. the Knight jumps over the other "piece "
while others "Slides" and get stopped by other "piece "

I made up just barely enough to imply that they are playing by a set of rules, but not enough to actually play a game of it. What I had at the time of writing was that attacking used dice and defending used cards, although I never came up with how those get used. Similarly, turning a rook upside-down grants it new ways to move, but costs a turn and prevents it from moving the way a normal rook would. I have no idea how the zombie pawn mechanic from the last chapter works at all; that one was completely random. At best, it is most likely similar to dropping pieces like in crazyhouse chess.

Regarding the real game, perhaps a beginner version could have a set standard while a more advanced version allows players to place pieces any way they want on those rows. That way, one version could be used to become accustomed to movement strategies, and the other could be used to practice using the initial placement as a strategy in and of itself.

Personally, I like the current combination of slides and jumps that are listed for the different cards, mainly because it's similar to conventional chess piece movements, which means the person doesn't have to try to focus as much on remembering unconventional movements and can focus on the strategy itself instead.

How about...
you Attack with Spades, the Number on the Card plus what you roll with a 3d6 ?

you Defend Hearts the Number on the Card plus what you roll with a 2d6 ?

you Move with Diamonds, the Number on the Card plus what you roll with a 1d6 ?
(edit: then divided by 2, rounded down)

and you use Clubs to... are wild but with OUT any Dice ?

p.s. Jacks, Queen and Kings = 10

P.S. and now this make me think of the game
Future Move

Mhm... How about...
While, Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue While, Black
on both rows to start with

I was thinking of that to
and allso trying to somewhat baleens the Cards out

anything to Add or Change ?

any Questions ?

Should we go on in P.M.s ?

That would make sense. I forgot that that was an option.


ok, let me know if any one wants to know about the rest

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