• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 319 Views, 5 Comments

Return - Void Streak

After being missing and presumed dead for 10 years Scootaloo returns home to the shock of all her friends.

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Chapter 1

I knocked on the door and was relieved to hear somepony to come and answer it. The door opened to reveal my sister, Rainbow Dash, looking shocked. I didn’t know what to say and neither did she. I then heard a stallion’s voice shout “Who is it?” Before a blue pegasus showed up at the door, I recognised him as Soarin Skies, another Wonderbolt.

Suddenly, I felt like I was imposing on somepony’s private life. I suddenly found an interesting spot on the floor. My son suddendly screamed in a fan-boy kind of way “OH MY GOSH, YOU’RE RAINBOW DASH AND SOARIN!” He shouted, letting out an excited squeal, that was reminiscent of when I used to fawn over Rainbow Dash.

Soarin then knelt down to Void and said “Yes I am, what is your name?”

Void suddenly got shy and hid behind my leg and whispered “Void Streak.”

While this was going on me and Dash continued to stare at each other until I decided to break this uncomfortable silence “Hi, long time no see.”

Rainbow whispered “You’re real,” touching my face before pulling me in for a hug amd crying softly “I missed you so much, I have so many questions.”

“Can we come inside? It’s a long story,” I said, relieved that she wasn’t angry about my unexplained disappearance.

“Yes, Soarin can you make us all some hot cocoa?” She then held the door open and gestured for us to come in. I looked around the house in shock and awe, I wasn’t expecting it to be so big. I’ve never been inside of Rainbow Dash’s house before.

Soarin answered “Sure can do, honey” he then turned to Void and asked “Do you want to come and help me make it and let the grown ups talk.”

Void turned his face towards me, before he could ask me if he could I simply nodded my head, he then followed Soarin to the kitchen.. Meanwhile me and Dash sat down in the sitting room, which had a huge, hearts warming tree in the corner. Looking around I noticed pictures of Rainbow Dash, Soarin and two colts, who appeared to be slightly younger than Void, along with a baby filly.

Sitting down I told Rainbow “Let me start from the beginning.”


I looked at the test in shock, I was pregnant. My stomach plummeted as I thought about what my friends would think. I was dreading telling my parents, I knew that my father would flip demanding to know, who got his ten year old daughter pregnant.

I suddenly vomitted into the toilet. As I decided to hide it. I threw the pregnancy test into the bin before finding a purple jacket that I would wear to hide my growing bump.

I knew that I would have to tell my coltfriend the news. Pulling my hood up, I didn’t want to be seen. I found him at our usual hang out spot, at the top of a hill underneath an aging oak tree. My coltfriend was a transfer student from Manehatten. He was slightly older than me, he was light blue with a black mane and light blue eyes. His name was Stormy Streak.

“Hey Scoots!” He greeted, pulling me into a hug, he then asked “Whats with the jacket?”

I didn’t answer him straight away instead I burst into tears. He cuddled me some more before saying “Hey what’s up?”

Sniffling, I explained “I’m pregnant.”

He was silent, but then he burst out “I’m going to be a father!”

But then his face frowned “I won’t be able to see my foal. I’m going back to Manehatten”

My heart broke, I didn’t want him to leave.

Suddenly he then told me “Come with me.”

“What,” not believing what he had just said.

“Come with me to Manehatten.”he repeated.

But I immediately shot the idea, thinking it was crazy “I can’t, what about my parents.”

“Don’t tell them, just come with me,” he insisted.

“No Stormy, I can’t.”

His face flashed with anger as he exclaimed “Fine” before bucking the tree and storming of, leaving me in tears.

I walked into my house to find my parents sat in the living room, waiting for me to arrive back home. My father was seething and my mother was disappointed.

“What is this?” My mother asked harshly, throwing the positive, pregnancy test onto the table.

I didn’t answer, my father asked angrily “Who is the father?”

I didn’t tell him, I knew that if I told him he would find Stormy and beat the living daylights out of him. My parents were both overprotective of me but my father had made it expressly clear, that I was not to have a coltfriend until I was eighteen.

When he realised that he wasn’t going to get an answer out of me, he then ordered me “Get an abortion.”

I shouted “NO!”

“I am not taking a no for an answer, you are getting abortion, or else!” He shouted back.

“Or else, what?” I sneered.

“Or else you are out of this family,” he threatened. I merely rolled my eyes, he had threatened me with this type of thing before and never went through with it.

“No, You can’t make me get an abortion,” I told him taking a stance against my father.

He then calmly said “you’re right I can’t force you. Get out!”

“What,” not believing what I had just heard.

“get out, get out of my house!”

“But Dad,” I started but he cut me of.

“I’m not your father. I don’t want to have a slut for a daughter. Now get out!” He roared in anger.

Tears rolling down my cheeks, I turned to my mother but she looked away from me. I held onto my father and begged “Please dad, don’t do this!”

However he just pushed me of him before storming upstairs into my room and grabbing my things, he then packed some of my clothes into my saddlebags and then chucked them out the window. He then grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to the door where he flunged me out of the house before slamming the door shut.

I stated at the front door in shock not believing that my own family had disowned me. Not wanting to face town I walked over to Stormy’s house where I knocked on the door. A kind mare answered the door and introduced herself as Stormy’s mother before shouting up the stairs “Stormy, your fillyfriend is here!”

I saw him run down the stairs where he noticed that I had been crying. He took me into his room and I explained to him “My parents kicked me out, I’ve got nowhere to go.”

“Let me take you to Manehatten with me?” he asked again but this time I agreed. He managed to convince his mother to let me come.


“After he took me to Manehatten, his mother rented out a house for us. At first it went okay but shortly after my son was born he became more possessive and controlling. And then the drinking started. We hardly seen him during the day because he was always either at the pub pr the casino. One time, he got me fired because he stormed into the place I worked at and demanded that I gave him money. When I refused he trashed the fast food place, where I worked at. Originally he took his anger out of furniture and the house, then he took it out on me before eventually on Void too. When he first hurt Void, I tried to leave but he told me that he had control of all the money and that he wouldn’t give any to us and if I tried to take him, he would take me to court and tell them that I was unfit to be a parent. It was horrible, watching him beat us up. To avoid suspicion he forced me to homeschool Void. He also refused to let me send any letters or to even leave the house. I was practically trapped in my own home!” I explained to Rainbow, who looked both shocked and angry.

Rainbow hugged me as I cried “There there let it all out, he’s not going to hurt you anymore”

“I can’t even get Void any hearts warming gifts because I spent my last remaining bits on the train ticket,” I told Dash.

“You and Void can stay in the guest bedroom,” she told me.

I sniffled as I asked “Are you sure, I don’t want to impose”

Rainbow merely waved her hoof through the air “I wouldn’t be the element of loyalty if I left you out on the streets.”

“Thank you so much!” I exclaimed.

“Eh, it’s no problem, I think it’s time that you went to bed anyway”

I nodded before shouting “Void! Come on, its time for bed now”

“Mummy you should see my hot chocolate, I put chocolate sprinkles on it and marshmallows” I smiled as he described his hot cocoa.

Rainbow showed us to a guest room that had its own private bathroom. Taking him in my arms, I climbed into bed with him. Rainbow muttered goodnight before switching the lights of. I quickly settled into the comfy cloud bed and went out like a light.

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