• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 1,471 Views, 109 Comments

Ben 10: Equestria Pony - MLPFan98

After Ben Tennyson and Rook Blonko are accidentally summoned by Twilight Sparkle. The two heroes will make new friends and get used to this newest world as famlair enemies plan to strike back.

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More Thoughts and Trouble in Manehattan

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, it's been pretty busy, and I had just gotten myself a new job and had to do lots and lots of onboarding stuff just to get in. My first official day starts tomorrow. Again, sorry for the delay, just trying to settle into the new job.

Also, if you didn't see. I did two new fics that I worked on this weekend, I hope you all enjoyed them :moustache:

Ponyville/Candy Shop

“Ok, here we go!” Four Arms said as he was lifting boxes in the candy shop. Today he decided to help out Bon Bon by carrying some stuff for her and being the helper he was, he felt it was necessary to do so. And Bon Bon could not be any happier.

“Thanks Ben,” She said with a smile. “That should be all the boxes I need stacking.” She said with a smile.

Four Arms smiled and pressed the dial, turning back into Ben. “My pleasure Bon.” He said with a smile. “So anything else you need help with?” He asked.

Bon Bon shook her head. “Nope, I need to be in one for today.” She said as Lyra used her magic to bring in more boxes, and Bon Bon looked. “Well…you think you can help stock some of the candy on the shelves?” She asked him, with Ben nodding his head.

“Sure, just tell me which goes where.” He said as Bon Bon brought him over to a cart of candies, the very sight was starting to make hsi mouth water up a bit.

“These candies go on the perspective shelves, I put sticky notes explaining what goes where.” She said to him with a smile. “Can you handle it?”

“Ben is on the job, Bon Bon!” Ben said with a salute as he then used his hooves to push the cart over to the shelves. He took a glance at them and began to put the candy right in the proper order of where they were. “Huh, so far so good.” He thought with amusement. “Maybe when I get back, I should get a job as a stocker.” He joked.

As he continued to stock, in his mind, he still couldn't help but feel dread. Paradox has not told him yet about Vilgax and Albedo, of course, Ben should see that as a good thing, as if he hasn’t heard of them, then they are under the radar for now…but that was the issue. What were Vilgax and Albedo doing hiding out? It didn't make any sense at all.

Ben sighed and looked up. “Soon.” He thought as he then wondered about his home. “I wonder how Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Gwen, and Kevin are doing…

“Ben,” His thoughts were stopped at the sound of voices and he turned to see Bon Bon and Lyra giving him confused looks. “Are you alright?” Lyra asked.

Ben saw the look of concern on their faces and he smiled. “Yeah, sorry, just got some stuff to think about.” He said.

Bon Bon shook her head. “Ben, why don't I take care of the rest, alright?” She said to him, She saw his looks of dread and she didn't feel like wasting his time or giving him any stress.

“What, no it's fine. I can do-”

“Ben, I can see you are feeling stressed about something.” Lyra said. “It’s fine, me and Bonny can handle the rest…ok?” she said with concern.

Ben looked at them and back at the shelves. “Ok…I understand. Thanks girls.” He said as he then backed up from the cart.

Bon Bon and Lyra looked at eachother with concern on their faces and thought of something. “Hey, why don't we all take a break and get something to eat.” Bon Bon suggested. “Ben, have you been to the Hay burger yet?”

Ben looked at her and thought about it. “I…don't think I have.” He said. “Is it good?” He asked.

Lyra smiled and nodded. “It is delicious, let's all go together, my treat!” she said with a smile, with bon Bon nodding her head. Ben shrugged his shoulders, anything to get his mind off of Vilgax and Albedo.

Café Hay

Rook was sitting at a cafe drinking some coffee. He took the time to look around to see the many ponies just going about their lives. This world was peaceful, and the creatures were very welcoming to both him and Ben, and he could not be happier.

“While I do wish to go back home,” Rook said. “I can not deny that this place is very peaceful.” He smiled as he took another sip of his coffee. But in his mind, similar to Ben, he still couldn't stop but felt dread at the thought of Vilgax and Albedo wandering somewhere, what sort of destruction could they cause? It filled him with dread, because these creatures did not deserve whatever Vilgax and Albedo had in store.

"Excuse me," Rook snapped out of his thoughts to look around, wondering.who called him. "Down here, Mr. Rook." He looked down to see the young colt, Pipsqueak. "Pipsqueak at your service." The young colt said.

Rook smiled and nodded. "Hello Pipsqueak, how are you today?" He asked.

"I'm good, I was wondering if I can ask you some questions." He said. "About those Plumbers."

Rook motioned the colt to come to the table and he got on the other chair facing Rook, who smiled. "So, what do you want to know?”

Pipsqueak smiled. “How do you and Ben first meet?”

Rook chuckled a bit. “Well, it was after I graduated from the Plumber Academy and joined the ranks, where I heard of his exploits. His grandfather sent me to Earth as his new partner after his old team disbanded.”

Wow, what was it like working with him for the first time?” Pipsqueak asked.

Rook smiled again. “Well, we did not exactly get along right away, as we were more like colleagues.” But he then sighed as he took a sip of his drink. “But the more and more assignments we went on, the closer we became.”

Pipsqueak smiled. “That’s so cool. Can you tell me more about your adventures?” He asked as Rook spent the rest of his time discussing things with Pipsqueak.

Hay Burger

The three ponies finally arrived at their destination. To Ben, it didn't seem any different from Burger Shack, excpt there was no meat, so he was curious to try it. “Ben, since you helped us, we can pay for you.” Lyra said.

“Are you sure? I don't want-”

“We insist.” Bon Bon said with a smile. “Only thing we can do to make up for your help.” She said, “So what do you want?”

Ben then looked over the menu to think it over. He figured that these burgers didn't have meat, but hay instead, like what regular horses back in his world eat. Since he was a pony, he wondered if he could somehow get a taste of hay…he hoped.

“I guess get me two Hay burgers, Horseshoe fries, and a large soda, please.” He said to the counter clerk, who smiled and nodded his head, and Lyra and Bon Bon put their orders in as well.

5 minutes later…

Like a normal fast food join, they got their food super quick. Ben looked at the burger in front of him to inspect it, and he was right, there was definitely hay in place of a meat patty. Now all he had to do was try to figure out how to pick it up. He didn’t want to use the Omnitrix for something as simple as this. He then noticed Lyra and Bon Bon simply pressing their faces into the burgers and eating them like that.

Ben looked back at his food and shrugged. “Well, when in Rome.” He said as he then pressed his face and took a bite of his burger. After taking a few chews, his eyes widened to find that it was actually not that bad. The hay was seasoned perfectly, and the ketchup and lettuce and tomato complimented everything as well. “Ok…I could actually get used to this.” He thought as he then took some bites of his fries too, which tasted like any normal french fry, only horseshoe-shaped.

Lyra and Bon Bon looked up to see Ben really digging in there, with ketchup getting on his cheeks, and the two giggled. “Enjoying the food?” Bon Bon asked.

Ben then looked up at them, and turned to see some other ponies somewhat gawking at him and he blushed embarrassingly. “Um…well.” He then got a napkin to wipe his face clean. “It’s pretty good, thanks girls.” He said with a smile.

Lyra then looked at Ben. “Hey Ben, you know these Plumbers you speak a lot about kinda sound like Bon Bon-” but her mouth was soon closed by a hoof, belonging to a nervous-looking Bon Bon, who looked around.

“Lyra, not so loud!” Bon Bon whispered urgently.

Ben looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “What?” He asked.

Bon Bon looked around to see if anyone was listening in, and they weren't. But she didn't feel safe. “I’ll tell you later. Let's just eat.” she said, while giving Lyra an angry glare, the unicorn blushing nervously.

King Charlatan’s Kingdom

Edgar was in his room, bored out of his mind. Because his father was the king, he was often left alone by the other penguin children. Many of them teased him for being the king's son..so he didn't really have any friends at all.

And for that very reason, Edgar wanted to do nothing more but to have friends. But how was he going to get a friend if he was stuck here in the kingdom? That was often the main thing with him…he often wondered what lies beyond the kingdom. What sort of creatures were there in Equestria? What were their customs?

Edgar had been warned by his father to never leave, as Equestria wasn't that good of a place. But Edgar, being as young as he was, was just oh so curious…so today he thought of something to snap him out of his boredom. “I wonder if maybe...just maybe, I can get out and see Equestria for myself.” He thought as he thought it over.

Yea! Why not? Of course, he wouldn't be gone long…and his father would never even know. All he had to do was figure out how though…how could he get out of here? As he pondered how to get out, he saw a small little crack in his ice wall and he went over to inspect it. “Huh, I should get the guards to come get the crack fixed.” Edgar said as he then went back to ponder on how to-wait a minute! Edgar then looked at the crack once again and smirked to himself. “I know how to get out of here! He said as he then began to make plans to get himself some tools for the job.


“Man, I don't think I can eat another bite.” Ben complained as he was walking alongside Lyra and Bon Bon, who were gigging at him.

“Hay Burger can be pretty filling.” Lyra said, with Bon Bon nodding her head in agreement. “Hey Ben,” He turned to her and she gave a smile. “Thank you for the help today…we appreciate it.” She ended with a slight blush on her face.

“Yeah, you didn't have to help us.” Bon Bon said with a familiar blush on her face as well.

Ben smiled. “Well, I wanted to, anything to earn my keep around here. And besides, anything to help pretty mares such as yourselves.” He said, with a slight blush as well.

Those words made Lyra and Bon Bon blush even more and turn their heads away. “T-thank you.” Bon Bon said. “Say, we need to get back now..going to try a new candy recipe.” She said as she then began to trot away, with Lyra following close suit.

“Are you sure you don't need any more help?” Ben asked them.

“We’re all good.” Lyra shouted to him as the two mares left, and as they did, their faces were red as the same thoughts rang in their heads. “He is such a perfect stallion!” They thought in unison as their faces still had their blush.

Ben watched them leave with a smile on his face. “I really need to hang out with more of the townsfolk here rather than Twilight and the other girls, and build some friendships.” He said. And as his mind went to Lyra and Bon Bon, his face began blushing. “Oh jeez, here I go again.” He said as he rubbed his face with his left hoof. “I seriously need to figure out these feelings and other thoughts.” As Ben was left to ponder, he heard someone call his name.

“BEN, BEN!” He turned around to see Spike running up to him with a scroll in his hands, as Spike painted a bit, Ben looked worried.

“Spike, you alright dude?” He asked.

Spike nodded as he took some more breaths. “Sorry, just Princess Celestia sent a scroll for you.” He said as he opened up the scroll to take a read-through,

Ben, there is some trouble going on in Manehattan, something about a bunch of snow creatures running around. I would normally call for Twilight, but I was hoping you could figure out this situation if you can. Thank you.

Princess Celestia.

After he read through it, Ben was at first confused at the mention of snow creatures, but even so, he adopted a determined look. “Snow monsters? Nothing too tough for me to deal with.” Ben said with a smirk, and then he looked at Spike. “Hey Spike, I feel like helping me take care of a snow situation?” He asked.

Spike's eyes gleamed with joy. “You bet I do!” He said as the two then made plans. Now they didn't want to worry Twilight about it, so they came up with a lie. “Spike, you get to the castle and tell Twilight that you and I Are going to hang out today, I’m going to let Rook know.” He said.

“Aye, sir!” Spike said with a salute as he took off for the castle, and Ben went to go find Rook. As he continued to trot, he began to think about what sort of snow creatures Celestia was talking about, what were these monsters? Yetis? He would possibly know it all once he got there.

5 Minutes Later….

It took Ben five minutes to find Rook, who was talking to Pipsqueak but luckily he found him just in time. “Rook!” Calling him caused the Revonnahgander to stop drinking his coffee and look over at him with concern.

“Ben, what is wrong?” He asked.

“Something about a snow monster attack in Manehattan!” He said. “We gotta go!” He said as Rook put his coffee down and tuned to Pipsqueak.

"Pipsqueak, we will talk some more some other time, but me and Ben have to get going now." He said as Pipsqueak saluted them both as the two began to run for it.

Ben faced Rook with a determined look. “We gotta wait for Spike, he is going to help us with the issue.”

Rook looked at his partner with some confusion. Are you sure that is wise?“ He asked. “I mean, will Twilight approve?”

Ben snorted. “The little dragon can handle himself, and plus, we are both there so if anything happens to him, then we can protect him.” He said, but Rook was still a bit unsure. But Ben gave him a determined look. “Rook, Spike will be fine, believe me.” He said to him,

Castle of Friendship

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked Spike who was telling her that Ben told him.

“Yeah, I mean I know we hung out earlier, but would it be alright if I went with him to Manehatten?” He asked. But twilight was still a bit unsure of it, but then he tried to give her the puppy dog eyes. “Pretty please?” He asked, his eyes quivering.

But Twilight smirked at him. “Spike, you know the puppy dog eyes don't work on me.” She said with a smug look.

“Dang..” Spike said with his arms crossed.

“But-” Spike then looked at her with eagerness, and she sighed and gave a small smile. “Alright then, but you better not give Ben any trouble, you got it?” She said to him,

“No problem at all Twi.” Spike said as he happily ran off. “Alright, time to go kick some snow monster butt!” He thought with eagerness as Twilight saw him off.

“I wonder why he still wishes to go through…well, no matter.” She said as she went to the bookshelf, back to reorganization.” She said happily.

When Spike got outside, he saw Ben and Rook coming up to him. “Guys! Are you ready?”

Ben smirked. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” He said as he then slammed on the Omnitrix dial and in a green flash, he instantly transformed into XLR8 and motioned for Rook and Spike to get on him. “Alright, you guys, off to Manehattan we go!” He said as in great speed, he took off, with Rook and Spike with him.

King Charlatan’s Kingdom

King Charlatan was on his throne as his guard was talking to him. “So the first monsters are in Manehattan?” He asked as the guard nodded his head. Charlatan gave a smirk. “Good, and that is just the start-up.” He said as he slammed his staff to the ground.

Edgar, who was looking around the castle for tools, peeked into his father's throne room and was wondering what he was talking about. but then he saw a hologram image up top and looked interested.

"Edgar, come in here my boy." Charlatan exclaimed with a smile on his face. Edgar like da a bit confused, was his father happy? This was rare because his father was never that happy..sorta, so wah was the occasion?

"What's going on, Pop?" He asked as he walked right tup to sit alongside him. Charlatan patted his son on the head and looked at the screen with a grin.

"Our victory.


Meanwhile, in the city of Manehattan, there was a female unicorn with a light pale grayish pink coat with her mane and tail being moderately purple-colored with lighter purple and pale grayish aquamarine highlights. Her Cutie Mark was a purple and white star with two two-toned blue glimmering streams. This is Starlight Glimmer, and she was walking amongst the streets with a smile.

There was once a time when Starlight was an enemy to Twilight Sparkle and the other girls, her goal was to try to create a utopia where all ponies could be equal without the use of their cutie marks. But after Twilight defeated her the first time, she grew bitter and attempted to destroy her as well as her friendship with the other girls. But she was thwarted again.

But Twilight and the others had forgiven her, and now she was considered their close friend as well. Starlight has been trying to atone for her crimes and learn more about friendship, going under Twilight’s tutelage. Now she was coming back from her old village after meeting her childhood friend Sunburst.

“Can’t wait till I get back to Ponyville.” She said as she got excited. “I can’t wait to meet these Ben Tennyosn and Rook Blonko fellows I have been hearing from.” Twilight has been sending Starlight letters about Ben and Rook, and she couldn't be any more excited at the prospect of meeting visitors from other worlds.

Starlight was even more excited to see the transformations of Ben, but a part of her was a bit nervous, since she was once an enemy of Twilight, what if Ben and Rook didn't like her at all? What if they tried to do something?

But she knew that if it came to that, Twilight and Spike could step in and explain…she hoped.


Starlight then turned her head to see many ponies running away from something, much to her surprise. “What the?” She said as her eyes winded at why the ponies were trotting away, for there were a bunch of large snow monsters roaring loudly and trudging all over the place.

A part of her was a bit nervous, but she wasn't about to back down out of a fight, especially when these townsfolk didn't deserve this at all. She glared at the snow monsters and was about ready to fight until..


A light shot from the left side and fired at one of the snow monsters, firing off some of its head, and causing it to roar loudly in pain, Starlight looked confused. “What was that?” She asked.

“Starlight!” She turned to see Spike and two figures she didn’t recognize, and she smiled.

“Spike!” She said as the three males ran up to her, and Spike and Starlight gave each other a big hug. “What are you doing here?” She asked.

Spike smiled. “Well, Celestia asked us to come to solve the Snow Monster issue here, and I brought along Ben and Rook too.” He said.

Starlight then eyes the two heroes and her eye winded. “Wait…this is Ben and Rook? The Ben and Rook Twilight has been messaging me about?” She asked in shock and excitement, and Spike nodded. “Wow…!” She said.

XLR8 smiled pressed on the dial, and turned back to Ben. “So you heard about us huh? I know, we’re pretty awesome.” He said with a smirk, “Names Ben Tennyson.” He said as he extended his hoof and she pounded it.

“Rook Blonko, nice to meet you.” Rook said as he held out his hand, and while Starlight was confused, she smiled and her hoof went into Rooks as he grabbed it and shook it. “So who are you?”

Starlight smiled. “I’m Starlight Glimmer and-”


They all turned to see more snow monsters glaring hard at them, and gave mighty roars, their icy roars blowing right at them. The icy breath gave the heroes the chills.

“Woo,” Ben said as he waved his hoof in front of him. “Hey snowheads, two words for ya. Breath Mints!”

“Yea, really badly.” Spike said with a cocky smirk. “So Starlight, you want to help us get rid of these creeps?” He asked.

Starlight smirked. “Oh yea!” she said with excitement as the heroes all face the large snow monsters together and got ready to rumble.