• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 2: The Fault in Our Stars

I found myself floating through an endless void once more. Many voices echoing around me. Familiar conversations I’ve had that I could recognize. Hard to believe it’s been a month and four weeks since I’ve started this all. Things really do happen so quickly. And yet, it feels like the whole world was beginning to break. Being picked to be one of the seven power elements made me realize one thing.

Fate can be cruel. Even forced upon. As if we have been steered into a path we cannot avoid. Yet, a deeper part of me is calling that baloney. I had never thought about it until I came face to face with the World Serpent and announcing that me and Din would attain a greater power. Something clicked in that moment. I can’t quite put my hoof on it, but it’s there somewhere. A break in the path.

It all sounds ridiculous. But I won’t know until I can see it for myself. The echoing conversations turned into a chorus of my name being called out. Distant at first before escalating. There was a quick flash of static and I could swear I saw Table’s face. My eyes shot open and I found myself staring up into the ceiling of a hospital wing. I remained still, getting my bearings before trying to sit up.

My body refused to move, save for my head. I turned to the side groggily and groaned. Is this what it really felt like when Din would best the others? I have four creatures I need to apologize to when I see them. My brain suddenly went into panic at that thought. Remembering that Ouroboros had made it clear that it is me and Din against the whole world, I have a feeling seeing the others would lead to our elements duking it out on sight.

I was dreading the idea more and more. ‘Oh, Celestia, please don’t let me destroy anymore lives…’ I thought. I turned my head back to staring at the ceiling, only to be greeted by the cooing, curious look of a filly. Flurry Heart put a hoof against my cheek. Unable to move my body, I could only allow the child to rub my cheeks, blowing a raspberry and giggling. She was soon levitated away from me.

“Flurry, be nice.” The voice of Twilight said. I blinked and turned my head to see Twilight placing Flurry Heart onto her back, smiling. She then looked to me. “You’re awake. And a little worse for wear.” I said nothing in response, not having the energy to speak. Twilight continued. “How are you feeling?” Dammit, now I have to respond. I managed some strength to speak.

“Screaming.” I rasped weakly. Twilight gave an apologetic look.

“The chirurgeons gave you a remedy spell while patching you up. Din did quite a number on you.” Twilight sighed. “That was a close one too. Glad everypony is okay.” I blinked tiredly.

“Cadence?” I rasped.

“She’s okay. She’s currently quelling the panic of the crystal ponies. Starlight is okay as well. Only a sprained hoof from Din’s attack.” She replied. I sighed and turned to look back at the ceiling. My mind wandered off as I noticed Twilight glancing at me while she played with Flurry Heart. Eventually, she spoke. “I… I know it’s the best time to mention this, but… we need to talk about Hoofington.” I said nothing in response.

Taking my response carefully, she continued.

“It must be real hard for you right now. But you have to know the blame doesn’t fall on you.” She said. That’s where I shook my head tiredly.

“But it does.” I rasped. “Ponies know I’m the bearer of fire. They know of the feats Din and I made throughout the Nilneigh Isles. The battle of Red Canyon. Even off in the middle of the ocean. I’m sure ponies already vilified me for Hoofington.” I said. “I can’t expect everycreature in Equestria to know that Din is her own separate being from me. Anything she does is my responsibility too. Whether I like it or not.” Twilight gave a sad look.

“I… don’t know how Equestria is going to treat you from this point on, but I think it’ll be looked over as we are preparing for war.” I noticed she had covered Flurry’s ears, the filly playing with the teddy bear. I returned her sad look.

“War… we are really going to war against our neighbors…” I stated to myself, letting it sink in. Twilight nodded.

“I… I need your help. Now more than ever, Fie.” She met my look. “I want to stop the war from ever happening. Before it even reaches Equestria’s door step. If I can’t, then I need to at least borrow time so we can fully get ponies ready.” She sighed. “I know you have a lot on you already. And I wish I could do more on my end. But my friends and I are spread thin. We can only do so much.” I studied the princess.

A look of guilt and regret clear on her expression. I said nothing, letting her decide for herself how she wants to tell me. When she finally gathered her thoughts, she faced me.

“I need you, Quiet Fire, as a special request from the Princess of Friendship, to seek an audience with the Kingdom of Fenice and Euclides.” I turned my head to her. “You’ll be a third party and messenger of Equestria. See if you can convince the rulers of Pony Land to change their minds about waging war on Equestria.” She bowed her head. “I know it’s a lot to ask of you. But we need your courage. We need your help. You are the only one I can rely on to aid us in this dire time.”

I remained quiet. I wasn’t sure how to properly respond to this.

It’s all your fault.

The words echoed through my head over and over again. Finally fed up with it, I managed to push myself painfully up from the bed, sitting up. I gave her a determined look.

“I’ll do my best.” I said. Princess Twilight took me by surprise as she hugged me tightly. I winced. “Owowow! Too tight!” I grimaced. Twilight pulled away, looking apologetic.

“Sorry… and… thank you, Fie. I’ll let you rest up. I think you’ll need it if you are going to look for your friends.” She said, picking up Flurry Heart. I nodded, rubbing the back of my head.

“Yeah. I will. Err… do you have any idea where they might be?” I asked. Twilight rubbed her chin.

“Cloudchaser and Flitter are in Cloudsdale. Last they said, they were going to provide their knowledge of what they know about the Triad’s weaponry. Scribble might be back in Manehatten. He said he needed to help out there with a string of missing hunters that have vanished suddenly. As for Thi… well…” I looked at her worriedly. “She left on her own accord. I bet she’s still looking for you, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she had been making trouble against the Triad any chance she’s got.

“I wish I could pinpoint exactly, but there hasn’t been any word of any err… noticeable interruptions.” She said. I couldn’t help but chuckle at that last one. I hope Thi really is okay. My mind then wandered to my family.

“What about my parents? My siblings?” I asked. Twilight rubbed her chin.

“I… can’t really tell you that. Everything happened so fast I was already out and racing to handle a disturbance in the Everfree. Last I saw was them showing up with your friends in Canterlot.” She nodded to me. “I think it’s safe to find out for yourself.” She then slumped and sighed, smiling softly as Flurry showed her the bear and began making “grr” sounds towards her. I rubbed the back of my head slowly, uncertain what I should say. I shook my head and with a grimace, I turned and stepped out of the bed, steadying myself a bit by using the side table as support.

Twilight looked up at me as I met her look with a determined smile.

“You did great against Din, Twilight. Probably even made Din think twice about messing with mortal affairs without a second thought.” I said with a smirk. Twilight blinked quizzically at me. I managed to stand up right this time. “Don’t beat yourself up over any of this. There is no telling what others are capable of. You’ve had your share of battles and come out on top in all of them. Never alone, of course, but you were picked for a reason, princess. And so far… you’ve been doing pretty well in my book.”

Twilight was quiet as I spoke. I winced, limping just a bit before holding out a hoof. “All you can do is be you, princess. And on my word, I will head to Pony Land and put a stop to the war. Then, we can focus on the actual threat to our realm.” Twilight smiled now, bumping my hoof with her’s.

“You’re right, Fie. I’m not doing anypony favors by moping about this. I’ll continue to manage what I can here. Rest up, Fie. And thanks.” She then levitated Flurry up and held her. “And you need a bath, young filly.” Flurry giggled and grred with the teddy bear, Twilight returning the grr as she turned to walk out of the room. I sighed and crawled back into the bed, laying down on my back and putting a foreleg over my head.

My mind began to wander again. Twilight Sparkle has been the one to always save Equestria with her friends. Nightmaremoon. Pre-reform Discord. Chrysalis. Tirek. Even Starlight Glimmer when she was the bad mare. And not to mention the Storm King himself. Is this really what a hero has to go through? Should I even consider myself one? No matter what any pony says, I’m not entirely heroic. I didn’t want any of this to happen to me.

But then… would this all still happen if it was anypony else? Who else would have taken my place? I had a thought back to when Din possessed me fully for the first time. She did mention that Thi would have been a likely choice had I not had the blood of a primal. Which, the news still doesn’t sit right with me. Equulie and Starswirl? This is too far-fetched. None of it made sense. How can I be a child of a primal and Starswirl if I’m the youngest child out of two others?

And I know my grandparents on both sides too. I don’t see any resemblance to Starswirl at all. I was starting to have the stark suspicion Ouroboros told Twilight and I that as a way to keep us on our hooves. I thought about it more and more and despite being caught up in moments, I don’t believe a single thing Ouroboros says. The word of a Primal is just entertainment for them on mortals.

I snorted in disgust. Ouroboros will get what’s coming to him. And who knows, the answers may be given to me later down the line. I sighed.

“No point in dwelling on it right now.” I told myself, getting up and feeling rested enough. I walked with a slight limp out of the room and made my way to the main foyer of the castle. I nearly bumped into Trixie as I tripped a bit onto my limp leg. Trixie looked ready to fight somepony before realizing it was me.

“Oh, it’s you.” She said with less surprise. I tilted my head.

“Were you expecting any pony else?” I asked amusedly. Trixie shrugged.

“Just a little on edge after having my life threatened a third time.” She said matter-of-factly. I felt a rush of guilt.

“I…” I began. Trixie waved a hoof to dismiss anything else I was going to say.

“You don’t need to explain anything. I know it wasn’t you in control. But I’m not going to show relief anytime soon.” She replied.

“Trixie.” A stern voice said. We looked to see Starlight walk towards us. Trixie sighed.

“Fine. Even though you have a power obsessed godly being inside of you doesn’t mean I shouldn’t treat you any better.” She said rather uninterestedly. I sighed and nodded.

“Fair…” I said. Starlight frowned before looking to me.

“How are you feeling?” She asked with concern. I sat on my haunches and sighed.

“Wish I could say great. But about as usual.” I replied.

“And Din? Has she been giving you a bit of trouble since?” She asked. I shook my head.

“Usually when we best a power element, they grow quiet for a while. Din likes to conserve her own energy, so she’s more likely to have tuckered herself out.” I said, hating myself for even trying to reason about anything with Din. Starlight sighed.

“Then we at least borrowed enough time. So… what are you going to do?” She asked. I rubbed the back of my head.

“Well… my next destination is Pony Land. But first… I need to find my friends.” Starlight smiled.

“Pony Land, huh? You know, aside from the claimed war and all, I wonder what it is like over there.” She said. I shook my head slightly.

“Beats me. Thi Billet would know more.” I replied. Trixie crossed her forelegs.

“Wait a minute. You are going to walk into the very nation that declared war on us? Don’t tell me you are going to go crazy mode and burn the place down like Hoofington.” Trixie narrowed her eyes. “Is Princess Twilight making a play already against Pony Land?” Starlight frowned at Trixie.

“Trixie, knock it off! I don’t believe Twilight wants to make any move against Pony Land! She’s sending Fie as a third party!” Starlight said. Trixie shook her head.

“No. This stinks already. If there is one thing I know of our goodie-two shoed princess, she is more than capable of besting her opponents through cunning. That and she’s a surprisingly capable spell slinger…” I tilted my head at Trixie. There was a sense of deep venom buried in those words. Starlight shook her head.

“Trixie, Twilight only ever has the best intentions for others. I thought you’ve already accepted that considering the second… err… third chance she’s given you.” Starlight argued. Trixie returned Starlight’s frown.

I think that Twilight is sending Fie over to Pony Land to keep them in check. She wants to prevent the war from starting! So, what better way to do so than to send a… a… monster that we can only stall!” Trixie shot back. I arched a brow as Starlight pointed at Trixie.

“Fie isn’t a monster! How could you say such a thing?!” Trixie didn’t skip a beat.

“Oh, pardon me. The Great and Powerful Trixie has had her life threatened not once, not twice, but thrice times! I’m not sorry for calling out this whole idea. Princess Twilight might not have the best concern for others right now, especially for Fie!” She said. I blinked quizzically. Starlight crossed her own forelegs.

“What are you even on about??” She asked. Trixie motioned to me.

“Fie is being sent away to a nation declaring war on us after the whole incident of Hoofington. Not only that, but we’ve also been told that there maybe a power element flaunting power over there. And considering the clashes these power elements had and the fact it pissed Fie’s element off to the point of nuking a place, then you’ll forgive me for thinking that Twilight may not only be banishing Fie from being near Equestria, but wiping out Pony Land if they cross the line!” She explained. Starlight shook her head.

“That’s ridiculous and you know it. Twilight doesn’t want anymore bloodshed. No pony does. If she thinks Fie is capable of stopping Pony Land from continuing their war efforts, then who better to send then somepony who can take action and befriend Pony Land?” Starlight motioned. “She’s the Princess of Friendship. Not the Princess of War.” Trixie scoffed before turning to me.

“We’ll see about that when we begin to hear news of Pony Land in turmoil because x amount of power elements got too carried away. What do you think, Fie?” She asked.

I bowed my head. It really has been nipping at me.

“I… I don’t know…” I replied. “I mean… on one hoof, I agree with you, Trixie.” Trixie smiled victoriously and nodded to Starlight before realizing what I was saying entirely, causing her to look worriedly at me. I sighed. “I wasn’t… me when that whole thing happened. Din took complete control again, but there was a brief moment where I was lucid in it. I ended up freaking out and tried to stop her, but I ended up causing more damage…” I rubbed my foreleg. “Spending four weeks inside of a frozen castle… left me to think a lot. Way more than it is healthier too. And it got to the point if… I should even stay around Equestria anymore…”

Starlight had the same worried look as Trixie.

“Fie, I-“ I held up a hoof to stop Starlight from continuing.

“Yes, at the request of Twilight Sparkle, I am heading to Pony Land to stop the war from breaking out. And I won’t guarantee that a power struggle will not ensue between Din and Lux. Or Shiva. Or Tenebres.” I sighed. “Or maybe the other power elements we’ve found. I told the others we would meet come springtime. But… I’m worried that the power elements are attack on sight order by Ouroboros. I… I can’t see them like that.” I closed my eyes, trying to think of a better way to handle all this.

“I… I know I’m sounding selfish about this, but…” I looked to them, bracing for the answer. “Would you… meet with the others if I do manage to stop the war over there but don’t make it back in time? Or if something else happens that requires me to put attention elsewhere?” Starlight and Trixie looked at each other. Their expressions doing the talking for them. Starlight then smiled and got up, walking over to me and putting a reassuring hoof on my back.

“We’ll try. Honestly, we have something else to attend to at the behest of Twilight. One that’s going to put us out of home for a while.” She said. I looked sadly at her. Trixie sighed and motioned with a shake of her head.

“We get the crummy jobs and Fie gets landed with the worst one of all. Star, you really need to ensure Twilight doesn’t get too ahead of herself.” She said. Starlight rolled her eyes.

“Everything is fine, Trixie. She’s just under a lot of stress. There hasn’t been a war in ages and everything her and her friends have been building up to is currently threatened by it all.” She stated. I looked up and tilted my head slightly. Trixie rolled her hoof matter-of-factly.

“She wants to build a school to teach creatures the magic of friendship.” She said. I found my jaw dropping a bit. A school? To teach friendship to creatures from all over? That’s… very ambitious. But I couldn’t help but smile.

“Then… it’s all the more reason to head to Pony Land.” I said. The two looked at me as I stood up and nodded determinedly. “It took Twilight and the others a while to make allies with the other creatures. And with tensions still uncertain, I need to ensure that I don’t screw up over there.” Starlight looked to Trixie and made a motion. Trixie rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Fine. If you want to go on with your suicide mission, we can’t stop you. It might take more than a giant suite of armor this time.” She said. I blinked blankly at her.


“Nothing! A figure of speech.” Trixie replied quickly with a small motion of her hoof. I arched a brow and Starlight stepped forward.

“Err… what Trixie really means to say is, good luck on the journey.” She said with a nervous smile. I sighed and nodded. To be honest, I’m not even sure where to start. Four weeks went by and a lot has seemed to happen. There was a clearing of a throat and all three of us turned to see Sunburst with Shining Armor next to him.

“Quiet Fire? Shining would like a word with you, in private.” He said. Starlight arched a brow. Sunburst adjusted his glasses. “Did I say something wrong?” Trixie nodded.

“Yeah. Couldn’t Shining have stated that himself?” She asked. Shining smiled.

“I could, but Sunburst needs a little push to engage in conversation. Being the Royal Crystaller and all.” He said with a playful nudge against the stallion. Sunburst looked uneasy but adjusted his glasses once more.

“Err, well, since we are here on different matters, I just thought I’d clear the air. Starlight and Trixie. Princess Twilight is wondering if you both are ready. We’ll be heading out soon.” He said. Trixie snorted.

“Not like we have any other choice right now.” She said. Starlight looked worriedly at Trixie then to me. I only shrugged in response. Trixie had every right to be annoyed by everything going on. I’m certain if it was anypony else in her place, it’d be the same complaints. As they began to walk away, I noticed Trixie glancing back at me before Shining stepped forward. I stood up and faced the ex-Royal Captain of the Canterlot Guard. He grinned.

“Heard Cloud Fire is causing a stir in Canterlot. A buddy of mine over there made several complaints, but that just means it’s working.” He said. I remained stoic as I was uncertain how to proceed. He then motioned with a hoof as he turned. “Walk with me.” I tilted my head before trotting after him.

I once again found myself in awe at how massive the interior of the Crystal Castle is despite how it looks on the outside. It was as if there was a certain magic that added rooms to the place no matter which way you turned. We soon found ourselves up on one of the balconies overlooking the crystal city. The surprisingly spring like wind blew through my mane. Shining Armor put one hoof on the railing and suddenly looked older.

“That’s better.” He said. I looked at the stallion with concern.

“Everything alright?” I asked. Shining shook his head.

“I’m afraid not. The whole world is crying out in suffering and it just feels like we are hopeless. The gods up there are toying with us and war is on the horizon. I want to do what I can, but Twilight only wants us as the last bastion Equestria has. If Canterlot falls and her and her friends fail along with the princesses, it’s up to us to carry on the legacy. In short, we are just sidelined for now.” He explained. This only raised more questions for me. I tapped my chin in thought.

“So… do you… want to do something more than being sidelined?” I asked. The answer was obvious, however, Shining looked over his shoulder to me.

“I want to do what I can for Twilight. She completely has taken on the responsibility of war duties and she has no clue how to properly manage her help.” He said. I looked at him stunned.

“W-wait. Are you actually saying Twilight isn’t prepared to use our resources? Or… whatever we have?” I asked. Shining nodded.

“I know. As crazy as it sounds, the reality is that Twilight is only leading by example of old textbook strategies. I even heard her ask Princess Celestia several things that even made her worry greatly.” He said. “As her big brother, I have to step in one way or another.” He sighed. “I’m still mulling it over, but it looks to be the worst-case scenario. Quiet Fire… just be careful on your journey.” I furrowed my look. Is he trying to get something off his chest?

He did appear to be struggling heavily with something and I’ve noticed his posture slumped. I darted my eyes in thought.

Be your better self.

I walked over to Shining and looked out the balcony. The ecotone border expanding far with snow as the eye can see.

“You’re that worried about Twilight?” I started. Shining said nothing. “You’re not the only one. Somepony else already stated their concerns. But… Twilight is a hero to Equestria. One of the six elements. Doesn’t that mean we should have some faith in her decisions?” I asked, curious as to what the stallion’s answer is. Shining shook his head.

“She maybe a hero to the creatures of Equestria. She maybe being trained by the princesses to rule Equestria at some point. But she’s still a pony. She still has trouble trusting others to manage things that isn’t in her supervision, despite saying and acting like she does.” Shining met my look. “Twilight is still learning herself. War is new territory and war isn’t kind. This is more than a friendship problem. I think she’s starting to realize that over the weeks when she got the letter.” I gave him a concerned look.

“What happened to her in the four weeks I was missing?” I asked, now being more curious than ever. Shining sighed and leaned over the railing.

“Uncertainty and self-doubt. She’s trying to put on a brave face, but I can tell. She misses her friends. And… I think this is just me being a bit too worried, but I think she’s starting to slip up as she’s losing her friends.” He bowed his head. “I know you have your own fight to handle. But Twilight can’t handle her’s. I already have a plan set in motion, just in case anything happens.” I was honestly stunned about this.

Twilight unable to handle her battles? Despite everything she’s done, including outsmarting Ouroboros, it only takes a declaration of war to have her start doubting herself? Hasn’t she prevented wars herself?

Not alone she didn’t.

I widened my eyes in realization. That’s right… no wonder. I have to give Trixie credit. I then put a reassuring hoof on Shining’s shoulder and smiled.

“If there is anypony that can look out for her, it’s you. Whatever plan you have will be on hold when I finish up in Pony Land. I’ll make sure the only thing we have to worry about is the Summer Solstice.” I said. Shining smiled softly.

“Tough words for one pony taking on the world. Thanks, Fie. Have a safe trip.” He replied. I nodded before turning around and walking back into the castle. I made a quick glance over my shoulder, seeing Shining looking back out to the balcony. His look in contemplation.

I adjusted my newly bought saddle bag (thanks to Princess Cadence) and was ready to tackle the trip back to Canterlot. Princess Cadance and Flurry Heart were the only ones to see me off. Which felt awkward as we were getting looks from the tourists rather than the locals. Cadence was making silly faces at Flurry Heart, who was mimicking it in return, giggling as her mother nuzzled her snout against her cheek.

She then saw me shift uncomfortably; my expression clear to her.

“I know you’ve been through a lot already, Fie. Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked. I nodded softly.

“No maniacal alicorn activity. I should be relieved but it’s Din. She isn’t a one and done thing. I… I’m sorry the Empire was threatened by her.” I said pathetically. Princess Cadence bounced Flurry in her foreleg as she replied.

“You shouldn’t be sorry about that. It wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle. We finished just in time to put this one down for bed." she said, tickling Flurry. I looked at the toddler filly. To think, this kid is going to be a princess in the future. An entire Empire under her rule. Unlike Twilight who wasn’t born into royalty, but earned it through her own blood, sweat and tears.

I shook my head at the thought. We have to do better for the future. We heard the train pull up and stop with a hiss in front of us. The doors opened and ponies began filing in and out of the carts. I rubbed the back of my head, noticing something about this.

“Despite the declaration of war, I’m surprised ponies still want to visit the Crystal Empire.” I said. Cadence chuckled.

“We are keeping the Empire open to the public in order to distract ponies who need it. It’s better to ensure we at least remain calm to some degree.” She said. I couldn’t help but smile and nod.

“Clever girl.” I adjusted my saddle bag once more and waved to Princess Cadence. “Time to set off. Take care.” I said. Princess Cadence waved along with Flurry Heart.

“Don’t be a stranger.” She said. I stepped into the train and found a seat in the very back of the middle cart. I sighed and laid my head against the window, looking out at it. The Frozen North glistened in a sunny day. The snowcapped mountains in the distance a mystical wonderment of what lies beyond the borders of the Empire. My mind wandered to what had all happened to me before the destruction of Hoofington.

I could see it clearly. I had just watched General Lilac escape via a steam air ship, her grin challenging me. I looked back to see the sun turn red and Din hovering in the air with a massive sphere of magic growing bigger overhead. Borrowing the rays and magic of the sun, her maniacal expression laughed as she threw the megaspell down onto the tower. I could see the unfortunate ponies that were still afflicted with the paralyzing liquid they had earlier and could only watch as their fate descended upon them.

Everything went blank after that. Except for the brief moment I tried to stop Din. I’m glad my friends weren’t caught in it along with my family. I will find my friends, but I need to head back to Canterlot to check up on my siblings and folks. I wonder what they had been doing in the past four weeks I was indisposed of. After a bit of time passed, I felt the train jerk and we began to move. The ride on the train wasn’t eventful. I was dozing off in and out of sleep most of the ride over.

Before I knew it, the announcement over the PA stated we would be arriving in Canterlot in five minutes. I rubbed my muzzle tiredly and watched the mountain valley scenery pass by. I don’t know why, but I was expecting Canterlot to be digging trenches or whatever else you do in wars. Yet at the same time, I was relieved that nothing has completely changed. Save for the sudden tingly feeling I had when we went through a security barrier that I hadn’t noticed.

I blinked in realization. Canterlot was already on high alert. What I also noticed was Discord humming quietly to himself as he looked out the window in the seat across from me. He looked at me without turning his head.

“The mare of the hour! Finally home and ready to engage the enemy. The hero to creatures one and all!” He said. I blinked a bit, opening my mouth to say something, only for Discord to continue, filing his claw. “Yes, yes. Ask away. We have allll the time in the world.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What is it, Discord?” I asked. Discord has been around Ponyville for as long as I can remember. In fact, I arrived several days after Discord’s little chaos bubble in Ponyville. It was strange to hear one day that he would begin reformation, much to everypony’s fear. Yet, it was Fluttershy to save the day. Discord eyed me, waiting patiently at me despite me asking what he wanted. I sighed.

“How’s Fluttershy?” I asked, hoping to get something out of him. Discord seemed to smile at the mention.

“A bit tired from all the running around. But to say the least she’s doing well enough.” He said in a gesticulate manner. I then saw on his claw wrist a strange scarring. I tilted my head and Discord seemed to read my mind. He held up his claw arm. “Oh, this thing? Well, I only use the finest of scale polish to keep it gleaming brightly and make ponies think; ‘Wow, who is that handsome draconequus with the shimmering scales?’ And I’ll be the talk of the day!” He then waved the claw at me. “Though, nothing compared to your reputation. Quite the infamy you gathered.”

I found myself slumping.

“The mark on your claw? Was it from Ouroboros at the Manehatten hospital?” I asked. Discord’s mood shifted at the mention and he rubbed the scar.

“It’s nothing to worry about. What should really matter is what you plan to do when you get to Pony Land.” He said with an uncaring expression. I blinked blankly.

“How do you-?” I began, only for Discord to stroke his goatee.

“If there is one thing the Princess of Friendship is is predictable. And somewhat easily insecure about her responsibilities.” He said. I furrowed my look in understanding. That was a little too on the bullseye. My thoughts went back to the scar. It’s no secret that Discord is heavily resistant to most magic in Equestria. Yet, from what I’ve dealt with, ancient magic is more effective. The Raptorians flashed into my mind. Turning back into glass as collateral to an angry local god.

They weren’t god like beings. But the point was clear. I then had a compulsive thought enter my mind.

“Does it hurt?” I asked. Discord looked at me quizzically before realizing I was mentioning his wrist again. He once again rubbed it and shrugged.

“Your concern is duly noted. I’m still kicking.” He said. I then frowned.

“So, what is it that you want?” I asked. The train came to a jerk as it slowed. Discord stood up and stretched.

“Just checking up on our lone hero. Eagerly awaiting to see what she will do when the breaking point happens.” He said with a smirk. I stood up and pointed at him.

“Enough with the circling, Discord. I haven’t been born yesterday. Is there something you want to ask of me?” I stated. Discord sighed and rolled his neck.

“You’re no fun. Wanted to see if you were up for a game of O&O. But seeing as you are a mare on a busy schedule, I’ll just take my leave.” He said, raising his paw. I balked and lunged at him, holding onto his paw arm and preventing him from snapping.

“Are you crazy?! Didn’t Ouroboros say not to use your magic or else risk blowing Equestria up??” I exclaimed, catching the attention of several other ponies who were in the cart. Discord yawned boredly with his paw, having comically popped it off from his body as if it was a fake prop. I panicked a little and dropped the fake paw arm.

“Yes, yes. Discord, the god of chaos, unable to make no sense of the situation for fun. Is what Ouroboros would have you believe.” He said. I was about to protest when I paused and looked at him knowingly.

“Hold on… you think so too?” I asked. Discord chuckled and grinned.

“It would have taken Twilight longer to understand me. Bravo, hero. Which means you can do me a favor.” He said. I shrunk back a bit, eyeing him suspiciously. Discord looked bored again. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. I’ll at least hold up my end of the bargain, if your answer provides the agreement.” I frowned.

“I’m listening…” I replied. Discord crossed his arms, pleased with my answer as he continued.

“What I want to ask of you is not what I want. But what I need to have happen. There is a special type of magic that can only be found in Pony Land. I’ve heard the tales and quite honestly find them amusing enough to believe in them. You are familiar with Rainbow Power, correct?” He explained. I sat on my haunches and crossed my forelegs over my chest.

“It’s been mentioned in my travels, yes. Isn’t it also the very thing the princesses used on you before? Same thing with Twilight and her friends?” I replied. Discord clicked his tongue and made gun like motions with his paw and claw.

“The very same. What if I told that with the power of light, casts a sinister shadow? The traditional black and white of a coin?” He held up his paw and a small rainbow formed. “Negative energy that gathered in the power of rainbow can reverse the effects of such. Turning it into a darker variant. A Dark Rainbow.” The rainbow in his paw began to blacken and the colors began to change into disgusting opposites of themselves. I arched a brow.

“A Dark Rainbow? That can be on par with Rainbow Power?” I asked, finding myself a little intrigued. Discord nodded before closing his paw, crushing the rainbow.

“Precisely. I’ve only ever heard of it being used once ages ago. However, the power was supposedly snuffed out as the power of light reverted it back, making Rainbow Power stronger than ever.” He held up his paw and gave the fingers a wiggle, showing that the rainbow was gone. I frowned at him.

“You’re asking me to find this Dark Rainbow so you could use it for… revenge against Ouroboros? Or for your own selfish gain? Fluttershy wouldn’t be happy at all about that, you know.” I said sternly. Discord looked hurt.

“Oh, heavens no! Perish the thought of me using such sickening power! I already have chaotic magic. I do not need to handicap myself further.” He said. I shook my head.

“You’re not making sense here.” I said. Discord smiled and floated in the air, curling his body around me.

“What fun is there in making sense?” He replied with a mischievous grin. I frowned at him and rolled my eyes.

“Alright, Discord. What do you want me to do with this ‘Dark Rainbow’?” I asked, beginning to be really annoyed. Discord nodded.

“Think of it as a gift from me to you. When you get to Pony Land, send me a post card, will you? Oh, and a souvenir if you can!” He said, having suddenly dressed in tourist attire. My eyes widened and looked around in panic. Surprisingly, the world wasn’t burning down yet. Discord chuckled and examined his claw. “The serpent made it clear I cannot use anything to aid in the stability of the realm. The law of the world I’m afraid, but I can still partake in self-indulgence. Just as much as the other gods can.”

The realization hit me like a truck. I always had an inkling, but Discord confirmed the suspicion. Discord waved his claw in a shooing manner. “Better get going while the iron is hot, hero. I’ll be keeping an eye on you for the time being. Toodles!” He snapped his claw and popped into glitter, making me cough and exit the train, shaking myself off.

I looked up and braced myself. The alabaster castle of Canterlot towered over me.

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