• Published 20th Jul 2023
  • 180 Views, 0 Comments

Chasing Clouds - JustAnIntrovert

Two siblings spend a day together. Unbeknown to them, it's the last summer they will spend with each other.

  • ...

Chasing Clouds

"Nova! Get up!"

Hooves pressed against his body, pushing against him. The unicorn grunted in protest, turning to the other side and placing his pillow over his ears, in a futile attempt to ignore the voice.

"It's almost sunrise," the voice rang again.

He sighed. "Fine, fine! I am up," Nova said, peaking under his pillow. His sister, a filly quite a few years younger than him, glared at him, pressing her hooves against his side, trying to push him off the bed. "Sun's almost up," she said.

"I heard you," he replied. Getting up, Nova stretched, covering a loud yawn with his hoof. "We will be leaving shortly," he murmured, ruffling his sister's hair. "Go get something to eat if you haven't already. And wait for me downstairs."

The filly nodded. "Want me to prepare you something as well?" she asked.

"Nope. I am good."

Nova heard the door closing as he turned, searching through the small dresser on the other side of his room. His saddlebags, worn and damaged over time, were the first things that caught his attention. Inside were only a few things. A few leftover snacks from their last expedition, a small pouch of bits, a compass, a first aid kit, a knife, and most importantly of all, his hunting permit. After checking that everything was in order, he secured the saddlebags tightly around his torso. Approaching the door, he levitated the only thing that has been feeding them the past few months—his father's old shotgun.

Nova studied the weapon briefly, checking for any damages that he might not have noticed the night before. How the gun came to be in his family's possession, he wasn't sure. No one had ever told him and he had never asked. But now, he was glad to have it. Feeling satisfied with his inspection, he left the room. The stairs creaked as soon as he stepped on them, the unicorn feeling the wood ever so slightly bending under his weight, loudly protesting. Great...One more thing he would have to look at as soon as they were back.

"Sapphire," he called. "Are you ready to go?"

His sister came running from the kitchen, crumbs still around her mouth, nodding. Nova took a moment to bend down and brush the crumbs off.

"Where are we going today?" Sapphire asked.

"I was thinking maybe down the river. It's been a while since we've been there."

"Sounds good to me," Sapphire replied as her brother opened the door. "Do I get to shoot today?" she asked.

The stallion paused for a second, enjoying the early summer breeze. The sun had barely started peaking over the horizon. The sky was still painted black. Hopefully, it was going to be a good day. He smiled. "We will see."


It was indeed a nice day. And a warm one for that, even for this early in the morning. Nova tried to stay in the shade as much as possible, his ear perked and his senses alert. He looked back. Sapphire was following him carefully. "Lay low and wait here," he said. "And before you protest," he added seeing her opening her mouth to speak, "the grass is up your chin."

Sapphire scoffed, but nodded, opting to sit someplace visible for Nova. The stallion kept wandering around, stopping every couple of steps, observing his surroundings. He tried to recall what he had learned over the months. Hares prefer to move during the early morning hours and late evening. He looked at the sky. They had an hour or two still. Or at least he hoped. He turned his attention back to the fauna around him. Blackberries, blueberries, clover. Plants that hares or rabbits would be after. A flash of brown zoomed past him. Nova quickly lifted his shotgun, but lowered it soon after. He cursed under his breath, bashing himself for not paying enough attention.


He turned, looking for the source of the voice, confused.

"Up here."

Nova looked upwards. Sapphire had somehow managed to climb on a thick branch, on the tree behind him. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Sapphire pointed to a bush. Barely visible, hidden, and with its ears pressed against its skull was a rabbit. The unicorn carefully lifted his shotgun. He took a deep breath and...*BANG*


You would think that after these many months, one would get used to the stale, wet scent of the alleyways behind restaurants. Especially, when one visited said alleyways that often. It wasn't that easy.

"You two sure got a nice haul today."

Nova grimaced slightly as the dark blue griffon unloaded the last rabbits off his back. He took a cigarette out of a pouch, and lit it, trying to cover the stench of the back street.

"We got lucky," he responded. "How's work?"

"Couldn't be better. We get more griffons every day," he said handing the unicorn a leather pouch. "Your pay."

"You still get ponies to dine here?" Nova asked, levitating the pouch back to his saddlebags.

"Sometimes," the avian replied. "Most are still terrified of the prospect of meat but, what can you do? Hopefully, they will get used to it."

"I am sure they will," he said. Either way, have a nice day."

The unicorn quickly made his way out of the alleyway, squinting as the sun hit his eyes. Sapphire was waiting nearby like he had asked her to. Scents of fresh baked goods filled his nostrils. His stomach grumbled. Right. He had eaten nothing since last night.

"So...wanna grab something to eat?" Sapphire chuckled.


He was right. Today was good. With their stomachs full, both siblings found themselves lying on the soft grass on a hill near their home. Usually, Nova would insist to stay home and do the chores he had to, but it was too good of a day to waste. The sun was shining, and the warm wind was carrying all sorts of pleasant scents around. Sapphire was laying next to him, looking at the clouds that were traveling, smiling. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Remember when us, Mom, and Dad would spend hours here making stories with the clouds?"

Nova nodded. How could he forget?

"We should do that again sometime."


"Nova...we need to get going."

"...Yeah...we should..."

Nova carefully sat back up, feeling the warmth of the day fading away. The sun was now setting on the horizon, painting the surrounding sky crimson. His muscles felt sore as he moved. A soft wing brushed against his shoulder as his pegasus companion stood up, placing the helmet back on his head. "Don't forget your rifle. We got changeling heads to bash."

Nova looked up at the sky. A single cloud was traveling above them. It reminded him of nothing.

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