• Published 24th Nov 2023
  • 523 Views, 23 Comments

One Piece: the lost kingdom - thebandit2000

After twilight gets saved she asks Luffy and his crew to help her save Equestria from a legendary pirate, who threatens the fate of her kingdom.

  • ...


Twilight put her hands on her chest and took a deep breath, "okay calm down, Twilight calm down." The new princess told herself trying to smooth out the elegant white and purple dress.

Her ears rose, and her wings began to sprout out from her back, Twilight gave the best elegant smile she could manage.

"I can't do this!" Twilight suddenly yelled.
"WhatifIscrewup,whatifsetoffawrongspell,andgetsenttomagickindergarten!?" The alicorn said all once beginning to hyper ventilate.

Twilight put her hands on her head in vain effort to put her thoughts in order, however her thoughts were interrupted by loud knock at the door.

"Twilight is everything ok?" A young voice called out behind the dressing room door.

Twilight sighed finally able to calm down.
"Yeah I'm fine Spike, you can come in."

The door slowly opened with a creak as a small dragon in simple T-shirt and jeans came into the room with a worried expression on his face.
"Are you ok?" the dragon asked again before continuing.
"The Princesses have been wondering where you are, and we can't start the gala without you."
Spike the dragon explained.

Twilight smiled as she walked towards her young assistant and knelt down, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine Spike really." Twilight said warmly, giving Spike a small smile.

Spike smiled back at her and gave a soft sigh.
"Okay if you say so." Spike said the worry beginning to melt away.
"Everypony else is here too, if you really have any issues we'll have your back."

Twilight lifted herself up from Spike.
"I know Spike... thank you." The purple alicorn said.

Twilight walk towards the door, beyond it laid her future, her mentor, and her friends.

Twilight took one last deep breath before finally opening the door and walking out to the hallway.

On the other side stood Princess Celestia giving twilight a warm smile, her multi colored mane and tail flowing from some unseen wind, she also wore a loose white dress. Beside her stood Princess Luna sharing the same expression as her sister, her blue starry mane was flowing as well, she was wearing an elegant black dress.

"Are you ready Twilight?" Celestia asked calmly giving Twilight a sense of comfort.

Twilight smiled back.
"Yes I'm ready."

Luna let out a sigh, "Thank goodness I thought we were going to cancel the ceremony."

Twilight laughed "no... I was just..."
Twilight struggled to find the right words.

Celestia put a hand on Twilight’s shoulder,
"It's okay to be nervous twilight." Celestia said gently.

Twilight looked at her feet nervously and bit her lip, she shook her head up and down absent mindlessly, her ears pressed against her head. Her tail laid flat against the white marble floor.

Twilight looked up to see the princess offering her hand while giving a motherly smile. "Come Twilight I believe your friends are waiting for you."

Twilight’s ears rose up and she smiled, finally taking Celestia's hand, began to walk beside her down the bright hallway with Luna not to far behind.

They walk passed the stain glass windows that archived all Twilight’s and her friends adventures in the past two years. From the defeat of Nightmare Moon and the return of princess Luna, to discord the spirit of chaos and disharmony, and of course her transformation into an alicorn.
Twilight smiled reminiscing on all of her adventures she had with her friends. All of the ups and downs, all of the smiles and tears had led her to this moment.

Finally they reached a large wooden doors with guards on each side. Their gold armor shining in the candle light, their spears raised high, and their short swords in their scabbards at the ready for any intruder. The two guards moved to the side, and put their hands on the door handles as the two (soon to be three) princess walked towards them.

Celestia nodded to the guards and they slowly opened the doors to reveal five ponies waiting for them on the other side.
One of the ponies was a unicorn, that had white fur and dark blue hair that was curled at the end, she wore an elegant sky blue dress and white fancy gloves.

"Darling where have you been?" Rarity asked bringing Twilight in for a hug. "We have been worried sick about you!"

"Heh... sorry girls... I guess I am just a little nervous." Twilight explained.

"There is nothing to be sorry about Twi." A pony with orange fur and a blonde hair that was in a pony tail,
she also wore a simple dark green dress with a short skirt, and black leggings.

"Thanks Applejack..." Twilight muttered.

"Yeah Twilight!" a pink pony with messy dark pink hair and bright pink fur shouted, she wore a black dress with a short skirt, and fish net gloves on her arms, she also had a top hat with a pink ribbon that went around the brim.
"Annnd we don't wanna miss the party after the ceremony." Pinkie Pie cried with a bit of worry in her voice.

Twilight laughed.
"Oh Pinkie..."

A Pegasus with long pink hair and yellow fur placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder, she wore a plain white dress and had some yellow flowers in her hair. She smiled at her friend warmly.
"We'll be here for you." Fluttershy said simply in a soft and sweet voice.

Twilight smiled back.

Loud crunching could be heard, as everypony turned their heads to the source of the sound, and traced it back to a Pegasus with a shaggy rainbow hair and sky blue fur, she was wearing a white collar shirt with a yellow tie, and black paints,
she was currently eating a candy bar.
She stopped what she was doing when she realized everypony was staring at her.

"What!?" Rainbow Dash cried. "She'll be fine, it's not like some big super villain is going to come crashing in just because she has wings now." Rainbow pointed out.

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes, while Applejack just shook her head.

"Um are we forgetting about the 'storm king' incident." Rarity pointed out, remembering the adventure that happened a few months ago.

"That was a one time thing." Rainbow waved off.

"Damn it Dash that's not what Twilight is worried about! " Applejack cried angerly.

Rainbow raised a brow as she stuck the candy bar wrapper in her pocket.
"If she's worried about being a 'good princess' she'll be fine, she has us, and Celestia and Luna."


Everypony turned to see Princess Luna with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
"If we are done arguing we should really start the ceremony BEFORE our guests leave." Luna said impatiently, her foot tapping on the floor.

Princess Celestia just giggled to herself.
"Oh Lu Lu."

Twilight took in a breath, before looking to the Princesses.
"I'm ready!" Twilight said with some new found vigor.

"Good... let the gala begin!" Celestia cried opening the large doors to the throne room.

Behind it was a large crowed of ponies in different suits and dresses, looking towards the group that began to march towards the steps to the throne. Twilight breathed in and out as she walked past the crowd. Finally Twilight made it to the top of the stairs, while her friends waited at the bottom. Luna walked to the side as Princess Celestia got behind Twilight holding a crown.

"Twilight Sparkle!"

Celestia stated beginning the ceremony.

"By the power invested in us and in our Goddess we give the title of-"

Before she could finish her sentence an explosion rocked the entire castle, causing the ceiling to break apart.
The crowed began to scream and run to safety as panic set in. Twilight looked up and gasped, where there use to be a ceiling was a grey sky, and in that sky was a large airship that had banners on the side that displayed a skull biting a cloud.
Several figures jumped from the air ship and began to fall towards them. One of the figures that landed was a short chubby man in a cow onesie, he raised his hand and all at once dark circular holes blocked every exit available to the panicking guests.
Another figure landed, it was a woman in grey skintight outfit, she also wore a black cloak and plague doctors mask, with red lenses, she pointed a scoped rifle towards the crowd.

Rainbow looked around shocked.
"What is happening?" She asked spreading her wings.

"I don't know... but it don't look good." Applejack growled getting in a battle stance, just then a figure rolled up to them and pointed two sharp kitchen knives at the pair. He wore a tuxedo, he was also tall and balding, he also had a pencil mustache.

"Rainbow!" Pinkie shouted, but before she could get to them a figure landed right in front of her, it was a hammerhead shark, or at least a man that looked like one. He had fins on his arms and he wore a typical sailors uniform.

"Sorry girlie, but you're not going anywhere." The shark man growled in a deep voice.

"Fluttershy!?" Rarity called out amidst the panic.

"I'm over here!" Fluttershy cried out.
Rarity ran to her thankful that at least one thing has gone right so far, she grabbed her friend close.

"We need to leave, and find the eleme-" before Rarity could finish a very large figure jumped in front of them.
The large man wore some kind of armor that was made of wood and metal, he also seemed to have some large weapons on his back, his face was masked by the helmet he was wearing, it looked like a grate.

"Ello." The large man politely said.

Just as everyone was rounded up, a thick fog poured into the room, the room went silent as footsteps could be heard.
The figure walked out of the cloud of fog, that was slowly covering every inch of the room.
The man had long grey hair, a thick grey bread. He wore a black trench coat, a dark brown vest, a white collar shirt, and he wore a black wide brimmed hat, he also seemed to carrying a worn out book.

He slowly walked to Twilight, his boots echoing against the floor, the fog moving around him like tentacles.

"Is this... Equestria?" The man said in a hushed tone.

Two more figures came from behind the man.
One of them was a woman with red hair, with a black headband, she also wore a black shirt with the top opened showing some of her chest, she also wore gold earrings that dangled from her head, she also wore a black and red captain's coat with some buttons missing.
Her black boots echoed with the man she was following.

The other figure was man in a cowboy hat, he also had a short brown beard, he wore a plaid jacket that was zipped up.
He wielded what seemed to be chainsaws that spring out from a device on his arms, they were also covered in blood.

"Who dares invade us at a time like this!!!" Luna shouted in anger.

"I am Kate Jones, captain of the foggy pirates." The man named Jones explained.
"And once a Warlord Of The Sea."

Luna gritted her teeth before her horn lit up and a short slender sword with a moon emblem manifested in a burst of dark blue light.
"Whoever you are you have no right to invade our kingdom, even at a time like this.... Pirate." Luna spat grabbing the sword in midair and taking on a fighting stance.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight called however Princess Celestia pushed her to the back.

"Twilight...." Celestia whispered, Twilight's ears rose trying to listen to what her mentor had to say.
"If we are defeated.... I need you to run." Celestia explained.
The Princess lit up her horn and in a burst of fire a spear decorated in shining rubies appeared in her hand.

"Wh-what!?" Twilight almost screamed.

"You heard me.... use your teleportation spell to go as far away from here as possible." Celestia explained calmly, almost slowly.

Celestia stood beside her sister, aiming her weapon at the enemy.

Jones let a bored sigh.
"Is this really what you want?" Jones asked calmly.

"DDDDDIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Luna roared diving into Jones and stabbing him in the heart.
Luna smiled in victory, however it was short lived as Luna looked to the edge of her sword and realized, she didn't stab him... the sword went through him, where blood should be pouring out from instead came short wisps of fog.
Luna then slashed him to the side, his body was sliced in half... but instead of blood and guts, all there was a cloudy fog that came from the disconnected body parts.

Jones smiled as one half of his body had cloudy tendrils that came out from the top half of his diced body and connected to the bottom half, it then reattached itself together as if Luna never attacked him at all.

Luna stood still, completely dumbstruck.
"B-b-but, I d-don't, how!?" Luna stammered out.

Kate Jones smiled.
"You ever heard of Devil Fruits?" The pirate asked gleefully.
"It's how I can have a power like that." Jones calmly explained, almost mocking the Princess of the night.

Twilight listened in both interest and horror.
Princess Celestia held her spear closer to her chest, nervous on what might happen next.

"And in fact." Jones snapped his fingers and the red haired woman leapt in front of a shocked Luna.
Before Luna could react the woman grabbed her arm, knocking her sword away from her.
Luna felt a strange sensation come from her hand, and began to realize the fur and skin on her hand began to harden and turn grey.
"My first mate possess one too." Jones said giving her a toothy smile.

Luna tried to push the woman away from her, but it only sped up the terrifying process as the hard grey color spread down her arm and all over her body, all expect her dress.
Luna tried to let out a scream but was silenced as her body stiffened and finally froze in place.

"TWILIGHT RUN!!!" Celestia screamed.

Twilight stood still and her ears pressed against her head, completely frozen in fear.

"Leave her alone!" A raspy voice called out.

Twilight turned her head, it was Rainbow Dash, her shirt was buttoned down to her chest, and her tie was missing.

Rainbow let out a war cry as she lifted off from were she was standing.

However the man in the cow outfit leapt in front of her and opened a dark hole in front of her.
Before Rainbow could react she fell through the hole and disappeared.

Jones looked over to where the other girls were.
Rarity and fluttershy were being held the man in the armor.
The half shark half man held Pinkie Pie by her hair, she was knocked out bruised and bloody.
Applejack was gaged by an Carmel apple and was tied up with thick rope.

"Hmm... Paulie" Kate Jones called over to the man in the cow onesie.

The man looked over to his captain.

"Scatter them." Jones ordered.

The man smiled and held out his hands and dark holes appeared before the four ponies.
The man in the armor dropped both Rarity and Fluttershy down the same hole, they screamed as they disappeared.
The shark chucked Pinkie down as if she was a baseball.
The man in the tux simply kicked Applejack down the hole.

Jones smiled before turning to Celestia and Twilight.

"TWILIGHT FOR THE LAST TIME RUN!!!!" Celetstia screamed at Twilight.

However a cloudy tentacle wrapped around the Princess.
Celestia tried to struggle but it was of little use.
Kate Jones walked up to the captured alicorn, the tentacle coming out of his back.

"Now now I still have some use for you." Jones said lifting his arm, his hand turned into a mess of grey tendrils then forced their way down Celesita's mouth and nose. The Princess then went limb, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Finally Jones turned his hand back to normal as the last of the mist went down her mouth.

"Princess!?" Twilight cried horrified at what just transpired.

"Don't worry little one she is alive, but...."

Princess Celestia slowly got up with a blank stare.

Twilight walked backed afraid.

"Princess.... grab her." Jones ordered pointing to Twilight.

"Yes... master...." Celestia said slowly, pointing her spear towards Twilight.

"Princess?..." Twilight asked with tears in her eyes.

Celestia gridded her teeth before taking a swipe at her.

Twilight ducked the blade a few inches from her head.

Twilight looked back at her mentor, she was turning around her spear pulled back getting ready for another attack.

Twilight closed her eyes, tears beginning to run down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry" she whispered before lighting her horn, it began to glow a bright purple as she charge her teleportation spell, taking her mentor's advise she decide she needed to go as far away form here as possible, Twilight never used the spell for long distance understanding the dangers that could happen, one unicorn that tried it lost her entire skeleton from useing the spell for long distance.

Celestia charged but before she could connect Twilight disappeared in a flash of light only leaving behind the dress she was wearing.
Celestia stabbed through the dress just as Twilight disappeared.

Jones raised a brow upon looking at the now torn up dress.

"Should we go after her?" The red haired woman asked.

"No..." Jones said. "We have what we need to find it."
Jones walked towards the empty throne with a frozen Princess Luna beside it.

The Warlord then dusted it off before sitting on what used to be Princess Celestia's throne.