• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 785 Views, 34 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Genesis - Prince Dustin Hogan

A fanfic where an OC and the Main 7 get transported to the Digital World.

  • ...

Wolf Quest part 2







Digimon Analyzer

In the town hall, Thrill Ride was backed into a wall as Korikakumon and many other Digimon were glaring at him.

"I hope your proud of yourself!" Korikakumon stated with anger. "Because of you, the loves of every child are at stake here!"

"Hey, back off hairball!" Rainbow Dash declared as she and the other girls got between Korikakumon and Thrill Ride. "Don't bother to thank him because he save Kyubimon, you inconsiderate ass!

"Oh yes, how gallant!" A Rosemon shot back.

"That human is nothing but trouble!" A BlueMeramon interjected! "Ever since he came here, he's been a headache!"

"Up yours, human torch!" Rainbow Dash growled at the BlueMeramon.

"Alright, alright! That's quite enough!" Merukimon declared as he broke up the fight. "Now is no time to start a fight!"

"In any case we better prep up the sleds!" Korikakumon said when Hawkmon came in.

"Uh... about that..." Hawkmon spoke, clearly having bad news.


At the Brewer house, eveyone was shocked to see that every sled made was completely demolished.

"No! NO!" Korikakumon growled furiously.

"Kuzuhamon must have destroyed the sleds while nobody was looking!" Nohemon gasped in terror.

"So, that's it?!" A Togemon asked in dismay. "The children are going do die?!"

"Not all of them are trashed!"

Everyone looked to see Jijimon with the sled he built for Lucreciamon.

"But there's only one!" Korikakumon responded.

"Does it matter?" Thrill Ride asked. "As long as someone makes it to the finish line, the curse is broken!"

"He's right!" Merukimon said. "Now the question is who will volunteer?"

"I will!" Thrill Ride said, making everyone look to him.

"Absolutely not!" Korikakumon replied with a glare while pointing the tip of one of his axes to Thrill Ride's face. "You've caused enough damage as it is!"

"I caused this mess, and I'm going to fix it!" Thrill Ride shot back as he pushed the axe aside. "I don't give a shit if you are on board with this or not, I am volunteering!"

"No you are not!" Korikakumon rejected.

"You wanna argue, go right ahead!" Thrill Ride replied as he moved past Korikakumon.

"Frozen Arrowheads!" Korikakumon shouted as he launched his arrow-tipped braids at Thrill Ride.

"Dark Reflection!" Mercurymon declared as he used Korikakumon's reflection to send the attack right back at him, sending a Korikakumon back.

"I believe his mind is made!" Leomon said as he drew his sword out while Nohemon drew his arrow. "If you still disagree, then you'll have to deal with us!" Even the Main 7 were there to back Thrill Ride up.

"I'll allow it." Merukimon said, making Korikakumon groan in defeat.

"But it's not a race if there is only one racer!" A Swanmon chimed in.

"Luckily, I have two additional sleds in the back of my shop." Jijimon replied.

"In that case, me and Applejack here will also participate." Rainbow Dash spoke while motioning towards Applejack.

"You will?" Hawkmon asked with a mix of surprise and hope.

"You bet your feathered ass we will!" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Very well then." Merukimon spoke with a nod. "Now, all you need is a sled team."


Back out in the town square; Applejack and Rainbow Dash were in their own sleds, their on sled teams on the reigns.

Applejack's team was made up of entirely of Digimon that looked like Shisa with white bodies, long blue tails, and black markings on their faces. They each wore purple scarves, blue armor with purple trims and gold plates which have bonji on their shoulders and thighs, and purple beads around their neck. They also wore helmets adorned with three dark blue horns and gold eyebrows.

Rainbow Dash's sled team were composed of Digimon that resembled black dogs with three heads; one being the primary head in the middle, while each of their shoulders held the two remaining ones.

"Mean looking team there, AJ." Rainbow Dash commented, looking towards the Caturamon team.

"Thanks! Merukimon said these were the most physical capable." Applejack replied with a smile. "And Ah must say that those are some sick lookin' dogs of yers."

"I know right?" Rainbow Dash responded with a smirk. "Why not the strongest, they are pretty fast. And they look cool too!" Rainbow Dash looks around, noticing Thrill Ride isn't around. "Hey, where's Thrill at?"

"He said he had to take care if something first." Applejack replied.


At the infirmary, Garurumon and Kyubimon were both waiting outside with while Thrill Ride, Fluttershy, and Twilight were visiting Lucreciamon, whose condition had progressive worsened.

"Heya, kiddo." Thrill Ride, a soft smile visibly while his eyes watered a bit. "You doing ok?"

"Not really..." Lucreciamon spoke in a rather hoarse voice.

"Well, don't you worry princess. Me and my friends are gonna break that curse, and make Kuzuhamon pay." Thrill Ride said assuring.

"You promise?" Lucreciamon asked, holding up her pinke for a pinkie promise.

Thrill Ride sniffled, but held his pinkie and made contact with Lucreciamon's pinkie, commencing the promise.

"I swear on my life that it will be done. Even if I have to die trying." Thrill Ride exclaimed, and Lucreciamon hugged him. The damn in Thrill Ride ultimately bursts as tears ran down his face while he returned the embrace.

This earned a collective "aww" from the girls while Lilithmon X and Lilithmon Eden Mode shared a soft smile.

Thrill Ride and Lucreciamon released go of their hug and Thrill Ride wiped his tears away. "Well, I better get going."


Back at the town sure, Thrill Ride arrived with his sled and sled team. His team consists of Doggymon, Seasarmon, Dobermon, Fangmon, and at the lead were Kyubimon and Garurumon.

"Wait! The Garurumon is joining in?!" Korikakumon asked out of protest.

"Hes helping whether you like it or not!" Thrill Ride shot back. "Now do you wanna argue, or do you want to the kids to stay alive?!"

Korikakumon was still clearly against it, but he just kept his mouth shut.

"I can't believe the Garurumon is the leader here." Fangmon mutter with a scoff. "I should have been the lead dog."

"Well your not, so shut up and suck it up!" Kyubimon interjected.

"You about ready?" Rainbow Dahs asked her male friend.

"As I'll ever be!" Thrill Ride responded with nod and a look of determination. "Let's kick this bitch's ass!"

"Alright then!" Hawkmon said as he held a whistle. "Win or lose doesn't matter here. What matters is to make sure the kids don't die from Kuzuhamon's curse. Ready?"

The three mushers nodded, and Hawkmon blew the whistle, there by commencing the race. Many people cheered, praying that this curse would be broken before its too late.

"We're counting on you kids." Merukimon muttered with hope in his voice.


In a dark room, Kuzuhamon was observing the three racers through a handheld mirror.

"As I planned." Kuzuhamon spoke with a grin. "Those humans are competing to break my curse."

Kuzuhumon chuckled wicked as she had some ideas forming in her head

"But they won't get far." Kuzuhamon muttered as her free hand emits a feint violet glow.

Back with Rainbow, Applejack, and Thrill Ride, the three were sledding through a forested area.

"Alright, according to mah D-Gen, the check point is only about 20 miles ahead!" Applejack said as she looked on a map displayed on her D-Gen's screen.

"What time is it now?" Thrill Ride asked.

"About... 5:30 AM." Applejack replied. "If were lucky, we'll probably make it there by late evening!"

"Let's hope!" Rainbow chimed in "Many lives are at stake here!"

Suddenly, the three sled teams stopped running, their eats picking up and smelling the air.

"Guys?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What's up?"

Suddenly, an army of small Digimon appeared from the trees. They were light blue goblin-like Digimon with blue eyes and pointy ears. They have two large teeth in their mouths, five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. Their left ears are pierced and they were each clad in a brown sleeveless jacket with light brown trim and pom-pom like buttons that have light brown leather adorned by metal orbs near its shoulders. They also wore black helmets with light brown trims and a spike on top. In their hand they carried wooden clubs with screws on them, and metallic ornaments under their hilts.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: SnowGoblimon
Level: Rookie
Type: Evil
Attribute: Virus

SnowGoblimon are nasty snow-dwelling is Digimon that are as cold as their snowy environment. Their Bolt Strike and Freezing Gobu Breath attacks will quite literally chill you to the bone.

"Looks like we've got company!" Applejack declared, but she and the others would soon find that the SnowGoblimon aren't alone.

With them came up to twenty larger Digimon that resembled blue ogres with long, unkempt white hair, pointed ears adored by earrings, a single horn on their heads and an icicle jutting from each of their shoulders. Their mouth were open with exaggerated lower jaws and have fang-like tusks on their upper jaw. They wore black loincloths with a belt, black belts on their right arms, blue bandages on their right legs, and black belts on their left legs. They each carried an icicle as a weapon, they bore a skull and crossbones on their left arms below their shoulder, metal studs on the knuckles of their left hands, and a scar on the back of their right hands.

"And it looks like their not alone, either!" Garurumon chimed as he and the other canines growled at the ogre-like Digimon.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Hyogamon
Level: Champion
Type: Icy
Attribute: Virus

Hyogamon are a species of Ogremon that inhabits cold places. They're territorial, and will attack in rage the moment anyone takes even a step into their territory. If it's horrendous looks doesn't deter you, than it's Ice Mace attack most certainly will.

"Attack!" One of the Hyogamon declared, allowing the army of SnowGoblimon to charge at the group.

"Just try it! Fox Tail Inferno!" Kyubimon then called out, causing the tips of her six tails to become consumed in blue flames that then shot off, breaking into smaller flames that then struck some of the SnowGoblimon.

"Emerald Blaze!" The Cerberusmon declared as each the fired blasts if green flames at more of the SnowGoblimon.

"All together, men!" One of the SnowGoblimon declared before he and his brothers in arms took in a deep breath.

"Freezing Gobu Breath!" The SnowGoblimon cried out, breathing out freezing cold air at our heroes.

"You little frostbitten punks burn me up!" Thrill Ride declared as he pulled out his D-Gen. "DIGIREMNANT SYNCHRONIZE, NEO EVOLUTION!" Thrill was enveloped in a bright red flash of light for a moment before he became, "FLAMEKNIGHTMON!" FlameKnightmon drew his sword and raised it upwards, the blade encased in flames. "Time to crank up the heat! Smoldering Slasher!" With a horizontal swing, FlameKnightmon sent a crescent of fire to counter the attack, resulting in a thick cloud of steam.

The steam was so thick that hardly anybody could see past their nose.

"Snipe Steal!" Fangmon said as he vanished in a blur, and all the clubs the SnowGoblimon vanished before Fangmon reappeared with the stolen weapons held in his maw.

"Howling Blaster!" Garurumon yelled as he shoots blue, high-temperature flames from his mouth, badly singing the SnowGoblimon.

The SnowGoblimon were struggling to stand, but Faamong then spat the clubs out at the SnowGoblimon. They each began seeing stars as a bump formed on their heads. Now the only ones that stood were the Hyogamon.

"Im...Impossible!" One of the Hyogamon exclaimed as he saw FlameKnightmon.

"Now then!" FlameKnightmon spoke, aiming his sword at the Hyogamon. "Unless you icy bastards don't want to end up getting third degree burns, then I suggest you back to the popsicle stand from whence you came."

The Hyogamon looked to one another, clearly afraid.

"Retreat!" The lead Hyogamon declared as he, the other Hyogamon, and the army of SnowGoblimon ran as fast as they could.

"Yeah, that's what I thought!" FlameKnightmon said withba smug grin before changing back to Thrill Ride. The canine Digimon were dumbstruck by what they've just saw.

"Incredible." One of the Caturamon in Applejack's team muttered in awe.

"Improbable!" One of the Cerrberusmon in Rainbow Dash's team spoke out in shock.

"So it's true." Kyubimon spoke as she and the others in Thrill Ride's team were just as dumbstruck as the other canines. "The chosen warriors have come."

"Look, we better get a move on, guys." Applejack reminded each of the canines. "We're burning daylight."

And with that, the three mushers then pressed onwards.

Back at Lupis Town, Lucreciamon was not doing any better, and neither were all the other young Digimon.

"Oh, poor dears." Rarity muttered, heartbroken upon seeing these poor ones suffer.

"That Kuzuhamon is truly heartless to do this to innocent little ones!" Fluttershy spoke out, her firsts tightening.

Meanwhile, Mercurymon and the others watching the footage of Thrill Ride, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash sledding on his right mirror shield.

"They've managed to ward off an army of SnowGoblimon am Hyogamon." Mercurymon said with an impressed smile. "But I highly doubt that's the only time something comes to halt their progress."

"Kuzuhumon's doing, no doubt!" Lilithmon X muttered with a scoff. "The no good bitch."

"I'm guessing she's trying to prevent them from breaking the curse she placed!" Twilight said while she was leaning her glasses.

"That's Kuzuhamon for ya, kid." Lilithmon X replied. "Once a cheater, always a cheater. She cheated back at Mayoral election seven years ago, and she's cheating now!"

"To think that one of them bears the power of the DigiPendents." Lilithmon Eden Mode muttered, still surprised upon seeing Thrill Ride Neo Evolved into FlameKnightmon. "I have always heard of the legend, but I never thought it would be true."

"Well, not just him, ma'am." Sunset replied with a smile. "Me, Pinkie, and Flutterhsy also Neo Evolve."

"What time is it now?" Leomon asked.

Nohenon pulled out a pocket watch, reading the time. "About 5:59 AM."

"Where is the checkpoint again?" Pinkie Pie asked while she was munching on a small tub of kettle corn.

Back at Kuzuhamon’s lair, she was giving the tongue of fury to the SnowGoblimon and Hyogamon, the snowy Digimon avoiding her gaze as she berated them.

"You frosty idiots! Why did you not stay and fight?!" Kuzuhamon growled at one of the Hyogamon, the one tasked as the leader. "There were ten of you, and three of those human twerps! So why in Goldramon's name did you run away with your tails between your legs?!"

"You saw what happened, my queen!" Hyogamon replied in his defense while making sure he doesn't step out of line. "Plus, the two girls both had Ultimate Level Digimon on their teams, we were out ranked."

"You could have sent some of the SnowGoblimon at them! You didn't have to worry about those flea bitten beasts of burden!" Kuzuhamon shot back with her patience already hanging by a thread. "I swear, it’s like I'm talking to a bunch of boulders!"

"Oh yeah, I don’t see you getting out there and fighting them!" One of the SnowGoblimon shot back, making the others gasp while Kuzuhamon slowly turns her head towards him.

"Did you just talk down to me, you miserable little runt?" Kuzuhamon asked, her voice in a dangerously low tone as the SnowGoblimon realized his mistake. "You know what happens to those who talk down to me!"

The head of Kuzuhamon's staff glowed a feint purple glow while the SnowGoblimon shivered in fear.

"Oh no! Please forgive me, lady Kuzuhamon!" The SnowGoblimon begged, getting on both of his knees and grumbling before Kuzuhamon. "I-It won't happen again! I promise!"

The head Kuzuhamon's staff ceased its glow while she still casts a glare to the goblin Digimon. "For your sake, it better not!" Kuzuhamon scoffed as she heads back to her throne. "Dismissed!"

The grouos of SnowGoblimon and Hyogamon bowed before leaving, and Kuzuhamon was watching the three mushers through her handheld mirror.

"Perhaps the Hyogamon and SnowGoblimon were too easy for them." Kuzuhamon muttered before noticing the place they're arriving at. Kuzuhamon had a wicked grin on her face.

Thrill Ride, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were sledding across what appeared to be a frozen river, the canines were surprisingly able to avoid slipping as they ran.

"A frozen river?" Thrill Ride asked as he examined his surrounding. "Looks like this ice will hold, hopefully."

"Relax." Kyubimon replied. "During this time of year, the ice is roughly 20 feet thick. It'll hold."

"Assuming nothing bursts out from below!" One of the Cerberusmon in Rainbow Dash team interjected.

As soon as the Cerberusmon said that, a series of white tentacles bursts from the ice. The three mushers stop to see a new Digimon emerge.

It resembled a white version of the European squid with grey markings on the front of its mantle, metal tubes wrapping around its mantles and jaws where its mantle meets the arms. Its tentacle pads have three claws.

And it want the only one either, for twelve more of the monstrous cephalopods had emerged from ice.

"Way to jinx it!" Doggymon muttered, shivering in fear.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Gesomon
Level: Champion
Type: Mollusk
Attribute: Virus

Going for a swim? You may want to reconsider that less you want a run in with Gesomon. His Coral Crusher attack will definitely make you want to avoid any body of water for life.

"Oh great!" Garurumon groaned in frustration. "What next?"

"Terror Spiral!"

Suddenly, a series of water tornadoes emerged from the ice, breaking the ice into various sheets. The three mushers struggled to stay on the small sheer of ice they were on.

"Now what?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as new Digimon emerge from the water in the ice cracks. They each resembled white shark-like creatures with blue striped and blue armor covering their heads.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Tylomon
Level: Armor
Type: Sea Animal
Attribute: Free, Vaccine

Tylomon, one of the fastest aquatic Digimon to ever exist. With a title like "Jet Plane of the Deep", you can guarantee its anything but slow. Its Torpedo Attack is definitely its most lethal move in its arsenal.

"Oh come one!" Rainbow Dash groaned out.


Mercurymon and the others were terrified upon seeing this unfold.

"Oh no!" Sunset muttered in terror and worry for her friends.


"Oh yes!" Kuzuhamon said with a malicious chuckle while watching the scene from her handheld mirror.

Thrill Ride pulled out his D-Gen and was about to Neo Evolve.

"Not this time, kid!" One of the Gesomon said as he extended his tentacle towards Thrill Ride, snatching the digivice from him.

"Give that back!" Thrill Ride exclaimed in rage.

"Come and get it then! Deadly Shade!" The lead Gesomon declared, spewing a powerful stream of squid ink at Thrill Ride, the ink leading on his face while blinding him.

"ACK! OH GOD!" Thrill Ride gasped in shock as he struggled to wipe the ink off, but one of the Tylomon swam near him.

"Chow time!" The Tylomon said as he jumped put of the water and lunged at him.

"Thrill Ride, look out!" Rainbow Dash called out as she ran out of her sled and pushed her male friend out if the way, the Tylemon biting down onto her instead before dragging her into the water.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Applejack cried out into terror.


"Yes!" Kuzuhamon erupted in wicked glee. "One down, two more to go!"


"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy cried out in terror while the others were horrified.


Underwater, Rarity was punching at the Tylomon, but the aquatic Digimon did not let up and bit down harder, making Rainbow Dash cry out in pain as blood seeped from her wound.

A bunch of other Tylomon were swimming around her, and she was starting to lose breath.

But as this happened, something big was coming from bathwater them. Something big.

"Damn you!" The lead Cerberusmon growled furiously. "Let 'em have it, boys!"

"Emerald Blaze!" The Cerberusmon cried out before they each fired a blast of green flame at the Gesomon, but the cephalopod Digimon dodged.

Suddenly, a large blast of water erupted from behind the Gesomon, making them turn look in surprise to see Rainbow crying out in surprise before she was sent flying towards Applejack and Thrill Ride.

Kyubimon gasped before she removed herself from the reigns and managed to catch Rainbow Dash.

"What was that!" Applejack asked out of surprise.

"Jet Arrow!"

Another jet of water was shot beneath then Gesomon, sending them upwards. Everyone watched in surprise, but the surprises kept coming when a large red sea serpent with a white underbelly and a golden helmet decorated with a jagged blade emerged.

"Thunder Javelin!" The sea serpent roared out as it fired a powerful lightning strike from the blade at the Gesomon. The squid-like Digimon erupted in pained yells before they each turned gray and vanished, their DigiEggs taking off into the sky and hovering off somewhere.


"WOO-HOO!" Pinkie erupted in glee while the others cheered.

"Yay!" Fluttershy cheered, albeit in her usual quiet tone.


"What?! NO!" Kuzuhamon exclaimed in rage. "Where did he come from?!"


"Uh oh!" One of the Tylomon exclaimed in terror before he and all of the other Tylomon were shot up by another waters blast.

And the source of the water blast revealed itself. It was a blue sperm whale-like Digimon that has a brown shell on its head and back with visible spinal cord and ribs. Its has no visible eyes and has cables in place of them. It has three pairs of fins with the pectoral fins being the largest.

"Thunder Javelin!" The sea serpent fired another lightning blast at the Tylomon, making them roar out in agony before turning gray and facing as their DigiEggs materialized and took off.

"Yeah, baby!" Thrill Ride cheered when he Fangmon walk to him.

"I believe this this yours." Fangmon said as he opened his mouth, reveling Thrill Ride's D-Gen.

"Thanks." Thrill Ride said as he grabbed the device, a bit grossed out that it was coated in Fangmon's saliva.


Thrill Ride looks to see Applejack helping Rainbow Dash up, the cyan skinned girl clutching her side in pain as blood seeped from between her fingers.

"Oh crap!" Thrill Ride gasped in referrer as he ran to help. "How bad is it."

"Ugh... quite bad." Rainbow Dash hissed in pain as she clutched her side.

"Oh dear. The whale-like Digimon said in concern. "We better take you back to Lupis town."

"Yeah, probably a good idea." Rainbow Dash said, looking to Applejack and Thrill Ride. "Guys, it's up to you now."

"Well help out." One of the Cerberusmon said as he hoisted Rainbow Dash on to his back. He then looks to Applejack and Thrill Ride "Take Aquilla Pass, you'll get to the checkpoint faster."

"Thanks." Applejack thanked as the sea serpent lifted the ice sheet the two remaining mushers and their sled teams were on and brought them to dry land as the Whale Digimon hoisted Rainbow Dash and her sled team on it's head.

"Good luck, guys." Rainbow Dash called out as the whale Digimon swam off.

With a "thank you" to the sea serpent, the serpentine Digimon dove into the water. Now it was up to Applejack and Thrill Ride.

"Alright. Let's get a move on." Applejack said, looking to one of her Caturamon. "Y’all know where Aquila Pass is?"

"Sure do." The Caturamon nodded. And with that, the two were off.

In her lair, Kuzuhamon was was furious upon seeing another failed attempt at preventing the humans from breaking her curse.

"No! No! NOOOOOOO!!!!" Kuzuhamon roared in a blind rage, tossing the hand mirror to a wall and breaking it. "AM I SURROUNDED BY INCOMPETENTS?!"

Kuzuhamon was so mad that steam could erupt from her ears at any moment.

"If you want so something done right, you'd have to do it yourself!" Kuzuhamon said before looking off to a dark cormer, a pair of glowing red eyes seen while Kuzuhamon smirked wickedly.

To be continued...